Like pretty much everyone – I think it is probably literally everyone who is forced to buy car insurance – the cost of what I’m forced to buy just went up 20 percent, for no reason having to do with anything I did to justify it. It went up by 20 percent because I’m forced to buy insurance – just like everyone else who owns a car – because we are not legally allowed to refuse to pay. On account of this nervous ninny idea that owning a car means we might cause damage/harm to others with the car.
Not will – but might.
The two are taken as synonymous.
Imagine if it were assumed that when a man takes a woman out on a date, he is going to impose himself on her. Not might – but will. In other words, imagine if every man were treated as if he actually were a rapist. That is a good way to understand the basis of mandatory car insurance.
Also the late “masking” business – when everyone was presumed to be sick and causing harm if they did not wear a “mask.”
We get what we accept as legitimate.
It is also important to understand that because it has been accepted as legitimate to force people who own a car to buy insurance because they might cause harm to others or their property while driving, there really aren’t any logical grounds for arguing against the idea of forcing people who own guns – or dogs or any other thing that might lead to harms caused – to buy insurance to “cover” the potential costs arising from owning those things, either.
The only thing preventing such from being forced at the moment is the fact that it hasn’t been pushed-for just yet. But when the pushing begins, how will it be opposed given it has already been accepted as legitimate with regard to car insurance? A gun is certainly at least as potentially dangerous as a car in the hands of an irresponsible or criminal person. And so is a large-breed dog such as a German Shepherd. That we are not yet forced to buy gun (and dog) insurance is only because they haven’t gotten around to forcing us just yet. Not because the underlying idea is considered effronterous by (apparently) the majority, since they go along with being forced to buy car insurance .
All it will take is a few “concerned” moms to get the ball rolling . . .
But that is not the reason I’ve written this addendum to the story about what I (and probably you, too) am forced to pay these mobsters. It is about what is going to happen, I think, as these mobsters continue to hold us up for more and more money with each “renewal offer” even when we have done nothing to justify these exorbitant increases, such as wrecking our car or even getting so much as a seatbelt ticket.
As you may have read, almost everyone has recently had their car insurance jacked up by more than 20 percent for no reason having anything to do with their driving. This is a trajectory that cannot be sustained because there are limits to what most people are able (let alone willing) to pay. Eventually – probably soon – people will have to choose whether to pay or to eat. Or pay the rent.
After I got my “renewal offer” I decided to try shopping around, which is an impotent expedient because you can’t say NO to insurance and the insurance mobsters know it. Maybe you can “choose” (sic) to not hand over money to this family. But you will inevitably have to hand over money to one of the other families. There is no not handing over the money – assuming you don’t want to deal with Luca Brasi.
Anyhow, I tried this shopping around.
I thought – just maybe – I could at least find another family that would “only” charge me what I had been paying rather than 20 percent more than that. After all, if anyone ought to be paying less rather more it ought to be me given decades of accident-free driving, zero claims filed and plus points on my DMV rap sheet. But none of the other families made me an “offer” that was any better than the one made by the family I am currently forced to do business with.
So I sent them the money – because if I didn’t, they’d sic Luca Brasi (the government) on me. Not because I caused any harm to anyone. But because I did not hand over the money to the mafia. In other words, because I defended myself against being harmed.
But this may be the last time I do so – and that is what this article’s about.
What will happen next year? Will the “offer” be another 20 percent higher – based on the 20 percent higher sum I was just forced to pay? What was $235 last year has become $295 this year. Will it be $360 next year? $500 the next?
What would prevent it from being jacked-up to that?
Just one thing. Me refusing to pay it. This is the course of last resort and I predict many people will be resorting to it soon because it is becoming more than merely annoying to have to cut a check you would not of your own free will have signed were it not for the thuggery of the mafia and its Luca Brasi enforcer, the government. It is becoming a matter of whether you will buy food or some other necessity or hand over money to a for-profit, privately owned mafia backed by the government. To go without something you need so that some scumbag “C suite” executive can get another million dollar check.
The mafia is driving responsible people to do what I am giving serious thought to doing and I suspect many others are, too. That being to say to Hell with it and not pay the mafia anymore.
Come and get me, bastards.
If it is not enough to be responsible, to pay one’s debts and not cause harm to others to be kept out of jail – so be it. Let them take us to jail for the “crime” of not handing over constantly increasing sums of money to these mafias in return for nothing except a depleted checking account and empty refrigerator.
Let them suspend our driver’s licenses. A point approaches of not giving a damn anymore – when playing by the rules is clearly for suckers.
I think we’re getting close to that point and may even have just passed it.
. . .
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Insurance rates going up because of huge lithium fire bomb battery fires….MGUY
Melbourne warehouse fire “FUELLED by lithium ion batteries” …it took 25 fire trucks to put out the fire….
China is telling their slaves to turn in lithium battery powered bikes for lead acid battery bikes…too many fires….
This proves the lithium fire bomb battery fires….is a fact….
but….they export their lithium battery powered bikes to other countries still…
UK Fire Chiefs issue STARK warning on EVs
MGUY thinks….the combination of EV fires and insurance claims will kill off EV’s……
Or….$2000 per month to insure your EV…coming soon?……..
Or increase all car insurance…including safe ice vehicles by 800%… to cover the EV risks….
Which attains the slave owner’s goal…zero slave mobility……
As the MGUY says….the masters say…..CO2…plant food….. is bad…but toxic smoke from lithium fire bomb batteries is no problem….
We will beat you continuously until it feels like you’ve been beaten more than ever.
It is all still your fault!
For real!
Three grand each year to insure automobiles is 30,000 dollars after 10 years of paying premiums.
You drive a 12 year old vehicle.
The Judas Goat insurance agent buys a new RAM. 1000 clients makes it a done deal.
You are the sheep getting the BOHICA treatment.
A new slaughter every day.
I drive without insurance. Three steps I follow. #1. Delay paying insurance (you’ll have it for a short while before they cancel). #2. Deny driving without insurance (longshot but maybe the cop will give you a break especially if you falsify documents). #3. Defend your right to freely travel in the US (Sovereign Citizen) as a last resort. Often this is accompanied by claiming diplomatic immunity (I claimed to be a Nigerian ambassador.)
Unfortunately this did not work for me and my license was suspended in addition to some jail time but I also won a $6 million settlement because the cop said he didn’t believe I was Nigerian “due to the color of my skin”.
LOL, there is no such thing as a “sovereign citizen”. The 2 terms are diametrically opposed, and the powers that be KNOW this fact.
If you are a “citizen”, you have given up being “sovereign”.
If you are a “sovereign”, then you cannot be a “citizen”.
Is there a better term I should use the next time I get pulled over? I heard some people escape having to pay property taxes by declaring all their houses “temples”. Maybe I can declare my car a temple?
I believe “state national” is the correct term.
How about “The Living Man”?
Yes that one is good, too.
I wonder if one could simply claim “Child of Israel”…
Except …the AGW…..they are sovereign citizens……
Hi Henry,
I have been thinking about “diplomatic immunity.” My mother was Swiss and so I have a Swiss passport. I could prolly get an International Driver’s License and just ride on that. Fish heads, served cold – to all of them!
That would be awesome if you could get it! Makes we wonder if there isn’t some workaround way for everyone to get IDLs. That would certainly that make the insurance companies starve at least for awhile until their lobbyists kick into high gear.
An International Driving Licenses do not work for you. You must have a valid Driving License issued from a Government Agency – be it a Country or State in that Country. If you go to CH, you must show your Virginia License and your International License will reflect this.
Well, damn it…there goes that idea!
I have been driving on a International UN Permit for over 25 years….
Tell that to the Sovereign Citizen in Florida who got AGW’d. I’d nix step 3
“I badly need to replace my computer but can’t afford to because (a) I have to send the insurance mafia several hundred (just now) and (b) I just received a notice from the other mafia…” -Eric Peters
Anyone want to help chip-in so our man here can continue his works of literary rebellion?
The inflation has/is running 15-20% yearly and has been for the last 50 years or more. Anyone believing their 2-3% deserves what they get. One good indicator is the cost of a US Postal stamp. Up to $0.73 centavos. The value of the money is so low now I’m surprised anyone can afford anything!
Surprise,,, surprise,,, surprise. Corpgovs been lying to us.
Once again, thanks for the reminder about Marvel Mystery Oil.
In 1968 the price of a first class stamp increased to five cents.
1/15th of the new and improved first class stamp that costs an arm and a leg.
I’m going to buy insurance to protect me from insurance that rips off everybody.
Brian Thompson sleeps with the fishes.
I visited Ripoff Report dot Com and every single insurance company was listed at the website for fraud and theft. jk
Maybe not, though.
Everything’s agin me it’s got me down
If I jumped in the river, I would surely drown
No matter how I struggle and strive
I’ll never get out of this world alive – Hank Williams, Sr.
I’ve mentioned this before and I think it’s a factor in all this, the amount of law firm ads on the teevee have boobus americanus convinced that any mishap is like a winning lottery ticket. Just call Dewey, Cheatham, & Howe and soon you’ll be rich.
Formerly referred to as “winning the ghetto lottery”.
A Mafioso Gets His
‘Robert Menendez is the first US senator convicted of acting as an agent of a foreign government.
“For someone who spent his entire life in public service, every day I’m awake is a punishment,” the former lawmaker told the court.’ — RT
Andrew Anglin, commenting at unz dot com:
Things just got a lot worse for Menendez, because I just filed a lawsuit for copyright infringement for him using my slogan “every day I’m awake is a punishment.”
I will not stand by idle while my copyrighted slogans are flagrantly abused by perverts.
Along with gold bars, Menendez also demanded that he be paid in crates of unadulterated Hostess treats.
The court found that he was specifically amenable to large bribes of Ding-Dongs, with the judge scolding him: “human beings in the Sudan were starving while you scarfed down Ding-Dongs like there was no tomorrow.”
ah HA HA HA … suck on this, Bob.
‘Robert Menendez is the first US senator convicted of acting as an agent of a foreign government.’ Now if we could only convict the rest of “our” government for acting as agents of the foreign government of Israhell the world would be a much better place.
There should be NO DUAL CITIZENSHIP ALLOWED in ANY high level of our ‘government’.
I’m thinking we ALL have people in our lives..
That deserve to hear this. 😉
“No society can exist unless the laws are respected to a certain degree. The safest way to make laws respected is to make them respectable. When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law. These two evils are of equal consequence, and it would be difficult for a person to choose between them.”
Frédéric Bastiat in his seminal work, The Law, called “legalized plunder.”
We have reached this point. Washington State has legislation pending forcing gun owners to carry gun ownership insurance. Why not make the citizen buy Islamic terrorism insurance…it could happen, and you want to be in good hands… for any other government failure.
“When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law”
I think this is part of what is driving the widespread immorality that is referred to in my response to Eric and AMC.
Once we have become immoral by say, safely traveling at 50 mph on a road posted at 35 mph, we find ourselves in the situation you describe.
One thing leads to another and soon it is all just relative. My perceived immortality (as a speeder) is not as bad as the next guy (an insurance fraudster vs the counterfeiters at the FED.
Under modern laws and regulations, miles of red tape.. business’s have to blatantly ‘rip off’ every customer just to support this fiat system! Business owners get used to ripping folks off, become themselves morally bankrupt and corrupted.
Once you are eased in to being corrupt yourself (in pursuit of fake currency no less) ..who are you to call out the counterfeiters? Or any criminal?
See.. it’s cooked right into the system. Make everyone corrupt.
This is the reason people like Eric and I do not have any money. Compared to a lot of folks we’s poor people. Rich in other areas.
We refused to sell out our moral values. It’s called integrity.
That’s my boat and at 74, it’s baked in now. I’m too retarded to become a “usefully” corrupt old guy. Oh well, I’m covered in the “here after”, that’s useful to me.
This is just a symptom of the REAL problem.
The HUGE elephant in the room is the counterfeit worthless ‘Fake & Gay’ currency we have allowed the Rothschild family to control and print at will.
They print all they want.. then spend it on the people & things needed to create their anti population new world order.
So while we sit crying and whining about such matters as our insurance rates and other symptoms.. the REAL PROBLEM in our world continues to go unnoticed and unchallenged.
Counterfeiting money is insufferably unfair, and should be made illegal once again.
I notice most people instinctively turn their heads and shy away from this issue.
It is because of this (not addressing the REAL problem) that we suffer and will continue suffering for the foreseeable future.
These bankers think that our population is made up of complete and utter morons.
…and they are right.
Wake me up when everyone is actually ready to face the REAL disease in our society.
I don’t know that I’m ready to pin it all on the Rothschilds exclusively but you definitely have a valid point.
Fiat is counterfeiting
Hi Burn,
Just simply following the money and history, Rothschild is the head of the snake.
The thing is; let’s assume Rothschild is the head.
There is always evil in the world to some degree.
I’m actually more concerned with all those that are so easily recruited and manipulated to do evil by whom ever the head of the snake is.
Arguably there was a point in time in Merrican’ history where there was more good than evil? I’d like to think so.
But as it currently see it, the majority has at some point willingly, and fully embraced the evil.
There is some reason that the Rothschild’s (or whomever) has been able to pull this off on such a global scale.
Just all the more reason..
Counterfeiting money should be made illegal once again.
I’m in – let’s do it 😉
I suggest reading the Bible.
Even God’s perfect creation is susceptible to corruption.
I’m with AMC. The HEAD of the snake must be cut off FIRST.
To say, “Oh, but the people drinking all the poisoned water are getting sick, so we have to go after the sick people.” is…well…ridiculous.
Epstein Island is a prime example of this. If it wasn’t for Epstein the Jew, there wouldn’t have been hundreds of politicians and celebrities diddling kids.
If a well is poisoned, blame the person poisoning the well, not the people drinking the water. Stop poisoning the well, and people will stop getting sick.
As fiat is counterfit, usery is theft.
“Our fight is with the Global Elite. Not your government, an international organization or anyone else.”
The Geopolitics of Elite Insanity. “Transforming the Entire World into A Planetary Technocracy”. Robert J. Burrowes
Imagine if you had to keep $500K sitting in a bank account “just in case.” You would be earning interest of some sort of course, which would in theory keep up with inflation. Then if you did cause an accident it would be up to you to pay out whatever the lawyers agreed to. This is really no different than today except that the insurance man is in the middle of it.
This is a reality for many businesses with large fleets. They have insurance, in that someone handles all the paperwork for them, but they pay an annual management fee, not a premium. They hold cash in an escrow account for payouts.
Problem for us is inflation (obviously), and the courts awarding unlimited payouts that would bankrupt just about any individual person (which is another trick the rich do, set up LLCs for their property that lets them keep assets separated). Every so often someone proposes limited tort and reform, but it never seems to work out in favor of actually fixing the problem.
Nietzsche said we killed God. When we did that the lawyers concluded that means there are no Acts of God, at least not when individuals are involved (Gavin Newscum gets a pass). I suppose someday some lawyer will win a case by arguing that the defendant was born, setting off a series of events that led to his guilt. Original sin 2.0. Will we someday have a new savior? Perhaps an immigrant named Jesus will win our redemption for us.
At least with the Corleone’s, the person on the receiving end of the threat got something. Hell, Sonny threw a couple C notes to the photographer whose camera he destroyed…
20 years ago, I got hit by a young girl who was driving without insurance. You think she gave a shit? My rates went up of course. She suffered no consequences.
Also, I wonder if the fact that a good number of people (me included) pay by auto draft so it’s out of sight, out of mind & the insurance mafia figures they can get away with it?
Amen, Mike –
I’m damned near done with this. I badly need to replace my computer but can’t afford to because (a) I have to send the insurance mafia several hundred (just now) and (b) I just received a notice from the other mafia – the government – that my “assessment” on the home I thought I owned is about to increase by another several hundred so there goes what I need.
Because I exist to pay for what others demand.
What kind of computer do you have now? Specs? Laptop or desktop?
Hi Let,
An ancient Mac iMac desktop. It’s circa 2015 and getting very slow and lately doe weird things like give me a “spinning ball” for 30 seconds when I try to open a simple text file or do any other thing. Hulk smash!
Ahh, the Mac devil. Does it have an SSD or a “regular” hard drive?
If you’re on the original hard drive and it’s the “old school” type, chances are it’s getting close to tanking.
Good advice: BACK UP NOW.
If you’re on an old magneto-mechanical hard drive, I’m sure I can find the means to help you upgrade that to something a bit newer and a lot faster.
Also, when was the last time you opened it up and cleaned it out? Dust bunnies build up on CPU fans and heatsinks and in the power supply (if it’s a desktop). Getting hot can REALLY slow them down when they start to “thermal throttle”.
I earned my “A+ Computer Certification” a long time ago, lol. My first computer was an 8088, if that dates me at all. Been building them and working on them for quite a while.
Hi Let me,
Is it even possible to open up an Imac? I have no clue….
They’re rather fond of magnets and cam-lock screws, as I recall. I’ve worked on hundreds of PC’s. But only a handful of Macs. I know that for a bulk of their years (including yours), the Mac was just an IBM-compatible computer under the hood, with standard Intel processors, the only difference between the Mac and the PC being the OS (operating system), with the Mac running some variant of OS-X which is itself based on a Unix/Linux platform, and the PC running Microsoft Windows, obviously. You can run either one on Ubuntu, Mint, or any other ‘flavor’ of Linux.
2 things I know for a fact. 1, they get dirty and dusty inside, and MUST be cleaned out periodically. I do so at least once a year, being the dedicated PC tech that I am. And that will eventually hamper performance as heat builds up. And 2, mechanical hard drives always fail, so if that’s what you have, I highly recommend replacing it.
The best wtg is to hit YouTube and find what particular model you have, and ask “How to open 2015 X model Mac”. Figure that part out and all you have to do is hit everything with your air nozzle on your compressor. You’ll be shocked at how much crap is in there if you’ve never done it before.
If you’re willing to go to Windows 11, this link below is a damn good, inexpensive computer. Boot up time is literally 10 seconds.
I just bought and set one up for a family member. Since you’re a mac user, you’ll need peripherals like a monitor and keyboard. The key to setting up a new windows machine is to initially do it offline, otherwise it will make you create a new Microsoft account with email address (which will demand 2FA using your cell phone number). If you do it offline at first, you can bypass all of that.
I have a Beelink i3 mini pc and it’s so far been pretty good. I use it for my “bill pay” computer, as I run Linux on it for security…I just wiped the original Windows install when I got it. It’s been a solid little computer.
Hi Mister,
The embarrassing truth is I know butkis about computers, which is why I use a Mac. It allows me to just work without having to know how a computer works. Everything is tied to the Mac way of doing things, including the site/background area. So long as it holds up another few months I should be able to replace it…
Might I ask, what exactly do you DO with your computer? The main difference between a PC and a Mac is about $500 and what the desktop looks like. If you like the Mac OS style interface, why not build a PC catered to your needs, and save a ton of money? Run Ubuntu or Mint Linux on it, so you don’t have to pay for an OS.
If you’re just checking email, updating the web site, and the like, a really simple and inexpensive computer will meet your needs, rather than spending thousands on a Mac.
If you ever want to check out Ubuntu, this will show you how to make a bootable USB drive, which will allow you to boot from the USB and try Ubuntu linux (at the slightly diminished performance of a thumb drive vs a hard drive, obviously)…
Here’s one for Mint:
What kind of computer you need depends on what you do with it. If you do video editing or gaming, it would require more power than a “basic” pc.
Very simple to use. I assume you might only use a browser (chrome, opera, brave, etc.), a word processor and maybe a calendar. All of those can be downloaded for free in about 10 minutes. One of my favorites is Apache Open Office, which is a free open source suite similar to Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. OneCalendar is also excellent and free.
You really don’t need to know anything about computers to operate it. It’s $159. You’d need a monitor ($90 for a large 27″) and $20 for a keyboard. It has built in wifi and bluetooth, but can be connected with an Ethernet cable.
We can blame the insurance companies all we want but maybe . . . Just maybe. . . We need to consider the possibility that the majority of the population no longer values freedom, free markets, and individual responsibility.
That is to say the majority favors communism, socialism, fascism, and oligarch rule. Anything but a free republic where they have to be held accountable for their own decisions and behaviors.
Should you choose to believe in individual freedoms, you’ve already hoisted the black flag. Act and live accordingly.
I agree, BID –
But until recently, it was been possible to live without being an outlaw. That time is coming to an end, I think. I have no desire to do anything other than mind my own business and pay my bills and leave other alone. But they are making it – effectively – criminal to just want to be left alone.
It takes a village…
That Hillary is such a sensible woman. Hard to believe that wasn’t a winning strategy. Lol.
You misspelled pillage.
You have been an outlaw for a long time.
Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.
Failed to obey posted decrees by the side of the road?
Improper farm tag use.
Failure to register motorcycles while they sit in your garage.
Need I go on?
Welcome to the club.
‘Improper farm tag use.’ — Burn It Down
That mocking bale of hay in his pickup bed is when Eric crossed the line to taunting the authorities.
Sheriff: ‘Show me your horse, son, or I’ll show you the crime.’
“I have no desire to do anything other than mind my own business and pay my bills and leave other alone. But they are making it – effectively – criminal to just want to be left alone.”
Just this.
But make no mistake. The Powers do not like individualism. They don’t like independent thought. Leaving others alone is as inconceivable to them as agriculture is to your typical helminth.
The problem is, “the majority favors communism” is completely unaware that communism means Jewish rule. They think it’s some “worker’s paradise” where the rich aren’t rich and everyone has an equal share.
They have no idea the REAL history or origins of communism. Marx even goes on to attack Judaism in his rambling diatribe, perhaps to deflect from it. But that never excuses the fact he WAS a Jew by RACE, and a Talmudic rabbinical Jew at that. If any of these “communist children” had spent 5 minutes at the Holodomor, in a Russian Gulag, at the Weimar republic, being executed by Mao for wearing glasses, or as a reactionary shot on the beaches of Cuba, they’d denounce communism AND Jews for the horror they both are.
The first thing the Jews did after seizing power after the so-called “Russian Revolution” was to pass “anti-Semitism laws”, punishable by imprisonment or death. Fact. If we want to get rid of communism and its filthy corruption, we need to get rid of those from which it originates. Whether this is done figuratively or literally, I really don’t care which.
The best thing for communists; is that their dream never arrives. The promotors of communism have no intention of keeping the promises that they make to their supporters. When the day arrives; they’ll find themselves on one-way trip to the GULAG as enemies of the people.
Really? It didn’t work out so well in Russia…
Or Germany…
Or Weimar…
Or Cuba…
Or China…
The big problem is 2 fold: 1, people have mistaken a bunch of Satanic impostor Jews for “Biblical Israel”, which it most obviously is not. 2, through control of information, Jews have hidden the fact that THEY are the wellspring from which communism flows. So, on one hand, people have no idea who they are, believing them to be the ones God has blessed, when it’s actually the 100% polar opposite (the Jews are the people God has CURSED and HATES), and on the other hand even if they DID know this, they still don’t know about communism’s Talmudic rabbinical roots.
The day will never arrive unless all races, all people, unite against their common enemy. So long as it’s “Muslim vs Christian”, “black vs white”, “this vs that”, the true enemy of humanity (and the wellspring of communism) remains free to rampage its destruction and debauchery across the face of the earth. Via communism, globalism, feminism, atheism, altruism, usury, and the LGBTQ agenda.
Do you realize you said that in your “out loud” text. I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to do that…cause Al Gore rhythms, AI n’ sheeeit. LISTS! That’s it, watch out for the LISTS!
Oh, I’m already on a list. The FBI has already been here talking about “chemicals I own” and somehow according to the FBI I’m a huge threat to “Jack Dorsey”. They seemed very interested in him for some reason.
Eric, I believe they are raising car rates to cover losses in other areas. The unexpected death of many young people has caused losses in life policies and they are trying to cover those losses.
Hi Rik,
They’re not covering their losses – and even if that were so, it’s still not my problem. That is the problem with forced insurance. Why ought I (or you or anyone) have to pay (more) because of losses incurred by others? How about people who incur costs pay more – and those of us who don’t pay less?
But – back to the point – these mafia scumbags aren’t losing a cent. They are bleeding us white – so that (as per my article) some douchebag “executive” can take home a multi-million pay package; so that they can barrage us with TEEEVeee ads for their forced “services.” So they can pay small armies of lobbyists to push for more laws that will make them more money. And then screw people over when they file a claim – even after decades of just paying.
Luigi was Right.
“Why ought I (or you or anyone) have to pay (more) because of losses incurred by others?”
Eric, Let me play devils advocate.
This is the essence of insurance. Insurance is a pooling of risk. Everyone is paying something into the pool that they perceive to be less than what they stand to gain from the pool if they suffer an insured loss.
As long as more people are paying in than the insurance pool pays out, it’s all fine and the actuary’s can assess the risk to write the insurance policy. This of course depends on two things; the policy can price for risk, and people are honest with the claims they submit.
Part of the reason your premium rises despite the lack of claims by you is because the aggregate pool is submitting too many claims. And they are submitting increasingly expensive claims due to inflation.
Where it really begins to fail is when people begin to submit bogus claims en masse. In the most extreme – this is outright insurance fraud. Like burning your house down to collect a claim or a fake car accident injury.
Where it gets muddy is when the majority of the population has no morals and begins to see insurance as a means to get all their minor damages covered. Broken glass – insurance claim. Someone keyed your car (wink, wink) because you want a new paint job insurance claim. Minor fender bender resulting in a stiff neck – insurance claim. After all they “deserve” a payout because they have been “paying in”. We all know this is happening.
It gets very difficult to insure an immoral population and especially so when the industry is “regulated” as to what they can do with rate setting.
Don’t get me wrong – the fact that the insurance industry has successfully lobbied the Givernment to mandate their product isn’t helping and in the end hurts all of us since more people submit claims just to try to claw back a part of what they were forced to give up. It becomes somewhat of a viscous circle. More claims, higher rates, more mandated coverage, even higher and more expensive claims . . . Around we go.
I still think the mandated insurance mafia is evil and wrong but there are always other details to be considered. The morals of the insurance pool are reflected in the rates.
Not to mention the immoral behavior of insisting people have insurance because of what might happen.
My end point being the immoral behavior of society that has become accepted and normalized has downstream effects that have to be acknowledged.
I don’t think the “immoral behavior” is centered around simply being “immoral”, as you claim, but is rather born out of necessity.
You spoke of keyed cars. Remember in 1984 when Earl Scheib would “paint any car, any color, for $99.95!” ?
Today, if your car gets keyed, $99.95 might cover the body shop’s charge for masking tape and paper. You won’t get away from a body shop for a good key job for less than $1000.
Would I eat the cost if it was $99.95? You betcha.
Make that 10x? And boy, we’re filing a claim.
I don’t think people WANT to rip off the insurance companies. I think they’ve by their own mechanism created a system of NECESSITY. It becomes a self-fulfilling cycle.
In the case of Capo Gecko, he’s raising rates to take on Buc-ee’s.
You will provide the capital in the form of “float”.
To me there are battles where one takes a stand and there are battles not worthy of a fight. The premiums I pay for my cars isn’t one I am ready to hoist the black flag for. Now, if said insurance company demanded I put a tracker inside my car so they can “observe” my driving…game on. Then again I am the same woman who pays an extra $10 a month so Dominion Electric can send a meter reader out because I refuse to allow them to put a “smart” meter on my property. Some people may think it is crazy to pay $120 extra a year for this. I realize Dominion has to pay someone to come out to the property to read the meter, they have to provide him a truck, fuel, insurance, taxes, etc. I can rationalize this and accept the extra cost.
I realize we all have a breaking point (or a price point) to which it is no longer acceptable. But, to create change a significant minority will have to put their foot down. I don’t believe we are there yet. I still see families struggle to come up with their monthly healthcare premiums of $1600. Why? Because insurance is based on fear. The fear of injury, damage, or death. Without the embrace of fear the entire system crumbles, but it is near impossible to rationalize this to the majority, because sometimes bad things do happen.
The Pacific Palisades, Eaton, and Hughes fires out in California will be interesting to observe, because I believe the majority of people either a) did not have insurance, b) were underinsured , or c) the insurance company will not pay out. Just as more and more Americans are waking up to the dangers of big Pharma and our food supply I believe the insurance company will also suffer from a consumer revolt.
I don’t think we had a choice about smart meters from Oncor, the company that runs the grid in Texas’ deregulated energy market.
I repeatedly refused a “smart” thermostat when we replaced our upstairs HVAC system last year. And, oh, how the AC contractors push those, to the point that I had to tell the installation crew *three times* in the space of two hours to leave the existing thermostat in place.
They get a rebate from Oncor for installing those.
BTW, @Eric, by a strange coincidence, the last time Oncor went up for sale, Capo Gecko made a very serious bid to the point that most people in Texas believe he owns the company.
The Gecko has been very aggressive in using the float from his insurance operations in attempting to buy significant control of the Texas energy market.
‘I repeatedly refused a “smart” thermostat when we replaced our upstairs HVAC system last year.’ — Roscoe
Nearby neighbors returned from the Barrett Jackson auction in Scottsdale last week to find the inside of their house frozen. Cause: a Nest smart thermostat installed a couple of years ago failed. Thanks, evil Google!
Meanwhile, my forty-year-old, bimetallic-strip Honeywell mercury-switch thermostat soldiers on. They’ll peel it out of my cold, dead hands.
A mercury switch is such an elegant solution.
Yes, but those mercury switches can be cannibalized to make “devices” which will prove to our overlords who’s really in charge.
Hi RG,
A big shoe is going to drop soon – on people who are forced to buy homeowner’s insurance. Many are going to be faced with the choice of keeping their homes or paying for the insurance. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.
[Many are going to be faced with the choice of keeping their homes or paying for the insurance]
They’ll lose their house. ((I don’t call it a home any longer,,, Today their treated as a commodity)) The bank will put insurance on the house at twice the rate. The “owner” (lol) will likely default.
There will be no choice. This is all set up to hand over these houses to the BlackRock types which is how they can say “You will own nothing and be happy”.
Banks repo’ed (stole) many houses and farms during the last “depression”. It’ll be far worse this time.
I saw a video yesterday where sparks from a power line likely caused the Eaton fire. Gee, I hope PG&E has insurance but maybe not. PG&E caused the Paradice fire several years ago so maybe their rates went up and they self-insured? Are there laws forcing utility companies to buy insurance? So, PG&E’s excuse is they were diverting investments to *clean* energy and not replacing and maintaining older functioning equipment. Too bad people died. PG&E was doing the political bidding of Lord Gavin. Since they are a monopoly, they get to raise rates just like the insurance mafia does. Nice little state you have there, sure would be a shame if something happened to it.
[I saw a video yesterday where sparks from a power line likely caused the Eaton fire. Gee, I hope PG&E has insurance…. ]
This happens all the time, same as fires caused by lightening. The fault lies with the entity that is not controlling the under brush. That is usually federal or state corpgov.
Not controlling grass and under brush is begging on hands and knees for major fires.
These particular fires are questionable to begin with. Palm Trees, Bushes in the middle of >=2000 degree fires that don’t burn? Things painted blue unharmed? Cement melting? Aluminum melting? Limited water to fight the fires. These are NOT your normie run of the mill fires. Definitely high tech- caused. The arsonists ‘caught’ are likely misdirection. Same for Lahaina in Hawaii. Paradise in Ca. BlackRock has already picked up some of these properties for pennies on the dollar.
War by every means possible is being waged upon the populations by the billionaire class and purchased politicians. Ridiculous insurance costs and high taxes are just two of those.
I don’t think this is any comfort, but in the Godfather’s home country, it is mandatory to have insurance for every car or motorcycle you own. Although, evidently, you can’t drive more than one at a time!
It’s the same here, Matteo –
I have to buy “coverage” for my truck plus the four motorcycles and my antique car. But I can only drive (or ride) one at any given time and other than the truck, the other vehicles are mostly just sitting. In the case of the bikes, for 4-5 months out of the year due to winter. But I must pay even though there is literally zero risk that I will have an “accident” (other than bumping into one of them as I walk around the garage).
Insurance is the scummiest scam ever.
What is to stop the “authorities” from simply seizing (aka, stealing) any vehicle that does not have insurance on it? What better way to get gas guzzlers off the road by simply stealing them because of no insurance, even if you are not even driving said vehicle, or do not want insurance on said vehicle? Increase insurance premiums to the point that people cannot afford the insurance, even if what you own is not paid for. Like property tax, you end up being a perpetual renter, and when stuff breaks down, YOU are the ones paying for the up keep, not the government to which you paid rent to. It truly is the best of both worlds if you are the government. Not so much for the serf who thinks voting makes any difference.
In Germany, one can license and insure his Vehicle for between 2 and 12 months each year, My cars are registered for the months April through September and May through September. If my garage burns down or there is a theft, I am covered for this.
Eric, you’ve no doubt articulated something that untold numbers of Americans are thinking–myself included (a lifetime “square” who would normally never entertain such a thought). The insurance mafia is completely out of control, and while it’s slightly off topic, they’re the main reason why medical costs are so high in this country. I’ve never understood why more people don’t attack Big Insurance instead of the myriad other industries that are nowhere near as damaging as them. With the retail price inflation in this country so out of hand, one has to think something will give out–and fairly soon.
Same reason why they don’t revolt against the health “care” industry: They’re all in it.
I see those “rapid claims vehicles” all over the place. Progressive, Gieco, off-brands… always off somewhere to do something. Now think about all the adjusters and estimators that aren’t driving logo’ed vehicles. And the body shops, mechanics and dealers that benefit from insurance payouts.
Everyone gets a piece of the action.
Except those of us who don’t file claims – or cause them to be filed.
Enough people do to keep the adjusters busy.
Ahh…The FIRE Economy (or is that E-Con O’Me?)
What was once a nation built on building and creating items of value and wealth we are shifting money around in a Finance, Insurance and Real Estate con game. In the early 80’s I was told we were in a New Era, The Information Age, in which computers would gather information and make us all rich. I asked one proponent of this scam how we could all get rich selling each other insurance. His blank stare was his reply.
Well, now we’re here and the music is about to stop on this game of financial musical chairs. What comes hence? Perhaps a spark of Liberty will remain and The Remnant can build upon that. But, if the non-producers get their way we will only sink deeper in a world run by Shylocks.
Back in the 90’s I asked a neighbor how this “service economy” idea worked and his explanation was that you hire me to mow your lawn and with the money I make I hire you to trim my hedge. He thought it was bullshit and we were all just going to be a lot poorer; it looks like he was right.
One downside of not having insurance demanded by the lender on what you purchased will result in the repossession or foreclosure on the item in question no matter how small the amount. Fun times.