The Mafia Strikes Again


I just got a Sicilian Message in the mail – from the insurance mafia – in the form of what’s styled a “renewal offer.” One I can’t refuse, of course – because the mafia can (and will) sic the government on me if I fail to hand over the money.

Which is why, of course, my “offer” has just been increased by about 20 percent- from $235 last year (for a full year) to $295 dollar for the new year.

But why?

I have not filed a claim. I have not had a claim filed against me. I have not been issued a traffic “ticket,” as that iteration of extortion is styled. I have a driving record sans any accidents or moving violations. My DMV “driving record” – as if the thing had anything to do with my driving – shows five”plus” points, which is the maximum number of “plus” points one can accrue. Each “plus point” reflecting a year without moving violations.

“Maximum” is emphasized to highlight the curious fact that you can drive without incident for decades and never accrue more than five “plus” points. So as to assure you’ll never have more than a few “plus” points to defray the demerit points you’ll inevitably get when you are “ticketed” for some trumped-up offense such as “speeding,” which typically gets you three or four demerit points. Thus assuring the mafia has an excuse to frame you as a “risky”  driver – even if you have not filed a claim or had one filed against you in decades, like me.

They haven’t even got that on me, though.

I’m also a middle aged guy with good credit and no teenagers in the house. I am – in other words – the kind of guy who ought to be seeing what  I am forced to pay go down. Or at least not go up – as I have given no legitimate reason for it to go up.

Of course, that would assume we’re talking about a legitimate business rather than a mafia. One whose offer I could refuse.

But since we can’t, they can make such “offers” – and that’s why insurance is a mafia. It is also why everyone’s “offer” has gone up by, on average, 25 percent.

Some reading this may say I ought to consider myself lucky because $295 for a a year’s “coverage” – as this extortion” is styled – is only about 20 percent and so I am paying out less than average! I got a “discount,” some might say. And of course the sum I am expected to pay may not seem like a lot to people who are forced to pay several times as much. But it is not the amount that’s objectionable.

It is the being forced to pay it that is.

And because of what that portends.

Consider: If a “policy holder” – as us victims of this legalized extortion are styled – who has done nothing to legitimately justify a 20 percent increase is hit nonetheless with a 20 percent increase, what is to prevent another 20 percent increase next year? And then again, the year after that?

The answer is, of course – nothing.

Two such increases over the coming two years would have me paying – that, being forced to pay – close to $500 a year or nearly twice what I was forced to pay last year. That is not small change, especially relative to what my old truck – the “covered” vehicle – is worth. That being maybe $4,500 if I did a really good job cleaning it up. I have already paid these mobsters a sum equivalent to about half the current market value of my 2002 Nissan Frontier over the past ten years. And for that, I’m not even “covered,” as my liability-only “policy” (cough) only pays out if I damage someone else’s vehicle.

Because I might damage them – even if I never have. Even if I never do.

More finely, I am paying out to pay for other people’s EeeeeeeVeeeees (which are more expensive to repair and replaced than vehicles that are not devices) as well as the choices others have made to buy $70,000 SUVs and pickups that cost several times’ the value of my truck to repair if they are damaged.

That is why your “premium” has gone up, too.

Someone (else) has got to pay for this, you see. And that’s you – and me!

The really great part is that I must also pay out of pocket for any damages I inflict upon my vehicle – assuming I do inflict them and assuming I have any money left to pay for the repairs, after having had to hand over so much money to the mafia.

I do not complain about paying for such damages, of course – assuming I do cause them – because how could I? If I smash into a tree or hit a deer then I smashed into a tree or a hit a deer and that’s on me. But I deeply resent being forced to pay for nothing – the non-harms and no damages I haven’t caused anyone else – because the government greasily says I might cause them and so I must pay the mafia whatever the mafia says I “owe.”

If this isn’t a shakedown, I’d love to know what is!

Maybe – as the saying goes – there ought to be a law. If the law says we must hand over money to these mercenary scumbags – and that is being much too kind – then perhaps the law also ought to say they may not legally/summarily jack up what we’re forced to pay, so they can pay their executives double digit millions in salary each year and accost us with endless annoying ads on TeeVee that portray these mafias as legitimate businesses offering a service.

As opposed to being the state-sanctioned racket they are.

. . .

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  1. There are intelligent and talented people on this planet.

    Then there are those who are not, Bibi is one of them.

    Too bad there are those who subject you to other inconveniences such as usury and oppressive coercive action causing unnecessary misery.

    The Hopi medicine man would feed Jimson weed to unruly uncontrollable Hopi braves, the Jimson weed tamed the brave to a stupor. The Hopi medicine man knew what to do.

    Bibi needs a good dollop of Jimson weed.

    The Jimson weed will tame the will animal that Bibi is.

    A Hopi medicine man probably trumps the insurance mafia.

    Drugs from Plants, it’s a book by Trevor Williams, where you will learn about how Hopi medicine men handled human problems using Jimson weed.

    Trump could use a good dose of Jimson weed, it’ll help his partially addled mind that is between a rock and a hard place.

    Plenty of beer works too.

  2. The fact is, even if United Health’s CEO death was a fake, it gave them so much fear that they wanted to charge Mangione for terrorism and twice in different states (illegal).

    Also read that following an interview with one of them, Peter Thiel:

    Peter Thiel Reveals How Scared Oligarchs Are Of The People

    True of false flag doesn’t matter, the main goal was achieved: they are scared.

    • Anytime I see the words “they are scared”, my first instinct is to ask, “Says who?”
      There’s a big difference between fluffing feathers, strutting cocks, and declaring the other side is scared, and the OTHER SIDE declaring they’re scared.

      So far, I haven’t seen any of the Rothschilds going on camera saying, “Please, ok, we get it, you don’t want the one world government thing! Just please stop!”

      Haven’t seen that. Haven’t seen fear in any one of them. All I saw was some BS on the tell lie vision. But, by all means, if there are quotes out there, videos posted of their admittance, we’d love to see them.

      In my eyes, they’re only scared when the noose slips round their neck and the torches light up the night sky.

    • Hi Clay.

      They are scum.I hope they are scared. They deserve to be scared. Predators ought to feel that way. Whether a given thing is legal or illegal means nothing to me. Right – and wrong – are the only things that matter to me. The Czechs who took care of Heydrich committed a “crime” but were they in the wrong?

  3. As you might know, this is a global agenda and the insurance mafia is of course part of it.

    They met in Davos this week again to think about how they will enslave us and ruin us a bit more this year.

    The goal, and it’s them saying it, is for us to have nothing by 2030, and ‘be happy about it’ (the only way one can be happy about it is by being lobotomized which i suppose is also part of the plan with their big pharma buddies).

    Apart from that, car insurance has gone up in all western countries (up to 40% in some countries) and the excuse they serve is “because of insurance fraud”. The alibi is so pathetic that you want to slap the insurance salesman in the face.

    But it’s not only car insurance that got a hike, health insurances too and the excuse there is because “more claims” (well with the covid deathvax, no wonder), but still 20% increase?

    Not so long ago, a hero with a a mafioso name, Luigi Mangione avenged the millions of victims of the insurance mafia by putting two well deserved bullets in the head of “united healthmafia” scumbag CEO…

    even if it won’t decrease the prices, it will make them think and realize that they have reached a limit that can mean death for them.

    And this is a good thing.

    I pray more Luigi will come and serve justice to these criminals.

    In Brazil, car insurance is not mandatory.

    And, getting lower quotes from other insurers is what can get you lower prices.

    • You don’t actually believe what you see on TV, do you?
      That “assassination” was an obvious fake like everything else.

      • Morning, Let –

        I don’t know whether the assassination attempt was faked – how could anyone who doesn’t actually know know that? But I do wonder about a few things. One of them being the million-to-one odds of his ear being nicked rather than his head blown off. Another being the fact that the SS allowed him to stand exposed and fist pump. Watch the Hinckley attempt on Reagan. The SS shielded RR wit their bodies and pushed him into the car to get him out of there. The way the SS conducted things in PA was at the very least incompetent. How could they have known it was safe for Trump to show himself and fist pump? How could they have allowed it?

        It just seems a little fishy to me.

        • I believe he was talking about the assassination of the bigwig insurance guy. I can’t help but smile a bit when bad guys are taken out. Live by the sword, die by the sword. People who ignore their ingrained morality to make sums of money deserve a boot in the ass by karma. Although, I’d rather see the dude change his ways before such boots arrive.

    • Hi Viva,

      I don’t disagree with your points – including the sentiments as regards the head of the United Healthcare Mafia. The average person is being pushed and squeezed and bled white by corporations allied with government and such responses become inevitable. If the same were to happen to Fauci, I’d shed no tears. Were the Czech people sad when SS Obergruppenfuhrer und Reichsprotecktor Reinhard Heydrich met his end in the streets of Prague?

  4. Eric,

    I forget where I read this (IIRC a newspaper or news magazine), as it was long ago, but here goes. I read that, if a driver goes a certain number of years without an accident or violation, that the insurance companies will increase your premium. Why? The justification they use is that, because it’s been so long since you had an accident or violation, it’s only a matter of time before that changes; they’ll say that the Law of Averages dictates that your number will come up, as it were, and that you’ll cost them money. Hence, they’ll preemptively raise your premiums to cover what they say is a likely, future loss.

    • “…they’ll say that the Law of Averages dictates that your number will come up…” That’s like playing the lottery a hundred times and losing every time, and then betting the farm because you’re “due” for a win. It doesn’t sound like the actuaries came up with that explanation (unless standards for actuaries have gone down in recent years).

  5. “Insurance” of any kind is the ONLY thing I would like the government…wait… someone….to control. It’s a ripoff and always has been. I have a second home and I have never paid a nickel for “insurance” and I figure that I have saved 30K plus on the whole thing. In short, yes, insurance is a racket.

    • Here’s the thing…if it was OPTIONAL, I think it’s safe to say the price would come down, as they don’t have you by the short hairs anymore, and they’d have to COMPETE for your business, rather than being able to simply presume they’re going to get x percent of the market.

      • I date myself, but I recall a day when my 1969 RS/SS Camaro cost 60 bucks every 3 months. My, how things have changed! Then again, I only made a few bucks per hour working at the car wash. Still, here I am 45 years later paying through the nose for what? Uninsured motorists? Personal Injury Protection? LOL. Whatever. It has to stop. The estimate is 30% of the drivers in my state have an insurance policy that is no longer in force.

        • Exactly. And the only REAL reason is the outrageous prices. If it were in any way reasonable, people would gladly pay for the protection it offers.

        • Hi Teacher –

          I think it will stop. When people are forced to choose between obeying the law – and paying the mafia – or paying the power bill. That day is almost here if it has not already arrived. In my case, $300 is a month’s food. I need to eat. I do not need “coverage.” And I say this with factual support. I am a very safe driver – no air fingers quotes – as established by the fact that I do not have accidents. A long record of that ought to be the only record that matters as regards “coverage.”

          I am damn near the point of telling these mobsters to screw off. The only reasonI don’t – for now – is because I would probably not be able to test drive new cars anymore even though the manufacturers “cover” me while I drive their cars.

          • Eric,

            Does VA require you to show proof of insurance to register vehicle or renew its registration? Mine does, so I need to at least have liability coverage on my car.

            • At least on the day you do registration. If you cancel and there is no fascist partnership, problem solved. Many of my fleet/collection are driven seasonally and rarely so I often cancel after paying the vig. Also, collector plates avoid this reportage by avoiding annual registration.

            • It’s much worse, Mark –

              If I were to cancel my policy, the mafia would rat me out to the government immediately. Whereupon I’d get a nasty letter from the government telling me I now “owed’ a huge sum of money and my license would be suspended until I proved I had bought coverage.

          • You have an excellent rate as you deserve. It went up because all those billions to Ukraine caused inflation, including car repairs. Soin the unlikely event you DO get into an accident, it will cost more.

            It seems fair to require drivers to be able to pay for damages they cause. But I have always been poor, driving a $500 jalopy (well, about $1500 now). I have to protect $25 000 of the other guy’s car, but he has only $1500 at risk for me.

  6. Fake petition inbound to make sure RFK isn’t confirmed by congress funded by Bill Gates.

    Future fake news alert.

    I signed up as dr. Bullshite. Which it is if I can just say I’m a doctor.

  7. If I’m “mandated” to carry car insurance, then my “mandate” is law enforcement and the justice (ha!) system take out the trouble makers. Repeat DUIs that cause the carnage start there. No, making the limit .05 from .08 won’t fix squat. Lock ‘em up Danno. Favorite pastime of our imports from south of the border get totally wasted then drive the wrong way on the interstate.

    • Honestly I think cell phone drivers are a bigger threat than drunks.
      At least drunks are generally watching the road. Even if it does seem to be moving around a bit, at least they SEE it. Cell phone narcissists that are clearly more important than any of US don’t even watch the road.

    • I think less tyranny and mandates are the solution, not more. Before I was born, you weren’t automatically a murderer for going out and having a couple drinks. The illegals should never even been here to cause problems, and need to get cleaned out. Lovely how government creates problems, then when it’s FUBAR they clamp down on all of us.

      Hows about tossing the mandate for insurance, must present victim other than “the states authoritah” in order to be charged with a crime. Go to the social services building and get court-appointed civil lawyers to sue on your behalf, like to deal with uninsured motorists, and it’s loser pays the legal fees. That’s my take on libertarian minded insurance mandates.

      It’s a shame we can’t do anything but jerk eachother off on the internet about these things.

      Speaking of insurance, way to go Trump at the LA press conference at the fire house.

      What we need is an injection of common sense straight into the vein of the country!

      • Hi Steve,

        Yup – in re alcohol, specifically. I am old enough to remember when you had to be actually drunk – and your driving showed it – to get pulled over for drunk driving. This was before it became a crime to have a drink – and drive. We now live under a dumbed-down regime that was created by hysterics (mostly “moms”) and scumbag lawyers and politicians that says you are “drunk” if you have any alcohol in your system. You can be convicted of “drunk” driving if found to have as little .05 BAC if you are over 21 and any at all if you are under 21. Id does not matter that your driving gave no reason for concern. All that matters is you “blew” whatever the arbitrary BAC threshold is now.

        It is absurd – and vicious.

      • The catch with “victimless” crimes like driving drunk is that you DID put others at risk. All others on the road are forced by the drunk to play Russian roulette. If they lose, they’re dead or badly injured. If not, “no foul, no crime.” You do NOT have my permission to risk my life, or even my property.

        • It is impossible to not put others at some risk. If this is your standard, there is no standard. The only reasonable way is to address crimes and damages after the fact, if you were drunk and caused a wreck, then you are responsible. If I have a couple glasses of wine or beer in a restaurant and drive home without incident I have done nothing wrong. Ditto if I get in a wreck because someone ran a light and hit me even if I had a drink.

        • “I deserve to feel safe, no matter the cost to others.”

          This is where we are now as a civilization? I was born in the wrong time.

  8. I moved from Alabama to Florida for a new job a few years ago. My car insurance went from $55 a month in 2021 to $131 now for the same coverage. I’ve been driving for almost 26 years, and have had no accidents or tickets. I was thinking of purchasing a second less expensive commuter car, but the quote on that was double the price in Alabama. Double!

  9. The “mafia” increases don’t occur in a vacuum. Biden’s inflation has made EVERYTHING more expensive, from car parts (shipped from China) to groceries. Some items have more than doubled; you’re getting off light if your insurance only went up 20%. Food has gone up as much as 18.8%–and you have to pay those increases weekly or monthly when you buy food, instead of yearly, like the mafia’s payments. You pay far more for food after the increases than you do insurance.

    • Biden who again?
      Only the federal reserve lending us money as NOTES (ie instruments of debt) causes the devaluation of your dollar.
      There is no other factor. Not even whatever little puppet president is in office.

    • I understand that, RIA –

      But my take-home point is that I am being forced to pay for nothing – literally. Yes, the cost of parts and so on has increased. But I have not cost the mafia a cent because I have not filed a claim. Nor has one been filed against me. Ergo, I am being made to pay for the claims filed by others – for harms they caused. This is effronterous. Of a piece with a healthy person being forced to pay because some fat bastard incurred a huge bill for skin reduction surgery. I am not my brother’s keeper. And he is not mine.

      • Here’s a question nobody’s asked yet…
        They say we have to have insurance, right?
        Who says where that “insurance” has to come from?
        What about staring “insurance clubs”?

  10. What grinds my gears @ liability insurance in some states is that you cant post a bond yourself, i.e. self-insure. I think the term is sureity bond. Or get some combo of sureity bond plus gap insurance. Virginia doesnt allow this, but other states do.

    • Hi tom,

      Virginia does allow surety bonds for business licenses and permits, but I am afraid that still isn’t going to make too many people happy. Why? Because, there is a cost for surety bonds.

      Example, a $10k surety bond usually runs between $100-250 annually. Let’s meet in the middle and says it costs $175 for every $10K one wants to insure. If I have a car valued at $40K that is going to cost me about $700 per year. At that point, my full coverage through my auto insurer is cheaper at $543 per year.

      I understand the point you are trying to make, but the problem is not auto insurance vs a surety bond, but that there is a costs to it. Gut tells me that if everyone received auto insurance for $0 costs very few, if any, would have any complaints. So it isn’t the crux of forced insurance, it is the price of forced insurance.

      Just my thoughts. 🙂

      • Hi RG,

        As recently as two years ago, the mafia was hitting me up for less than $200 annually and while I resented paying even that – because I resent being forced to piss away money – at least it wasn’t much money. It is getting to be more and more money every damn year – and I begin to resent it bigly. I reject the idea that anyone must pay money because someone else is afraid that if that person isn’t “covered” they’ll impose costs on others. Because other people’s fears ought not to justify me or anyone else having to hand over money for harms we’ve not caused, because someone else worries we might. That is not just obnoxious as such, it establishes a dangerous precedent. No one can logically say – as an example – that if it is legitimate for the government to force car owners to pay for insurance because we might cause damage to others with our car, then it is not legitimate to force people who owns guns to also buy insurance on the same basis. And how about people who own dogs? Or any other thing that might end up causing harm?

        Screw that – and the mentality behind it!

        • Hi Eric,

          Except that is the point of I am trying to make. It isn’t the handcuffs that one objects to, but the costs of the having our hands cuffed. The objection should be on mandated insurance, not the price of mandated insurance. If you only had to pay $50 a year for mandated insurance…is that better? I hope it wouldn’t be. Because, the anger should be toward anything that is mandated or enforced, not the cost of it.

  11. According to ‘our leadership team’ consists of seventeen people. The CEO makes upwards of twenty five million bucks. along with the compensation to the rest of their ‘leadership team’ I cant imagine they spend less than two hundred million on senior compensation. Another couple hundred million for LeeeeBrooon Jamez and the other celebrity endorsements, god knows how much on product placement, hundreds of million? Billions? [notice their logo is everywhere] and pretty soon you are talking real money.

    No problem if they are providing a service people want, and freely purchase. But these guys produce nothing. Mark my words, they, or some other big insurers will be slithering along this year to beg for a bailout. We should be prepared and make it so horribly uncomfortable for our ‘elected’ government to even consider, that they finally learn the word, NO.

    It wouldn’t be so bad if we had a choice in the matter. And please, people, stop eating from the apologist slop bucket. I’m sick and tired of being told that I have a choice. I can chose to bundle, multi car discount, shop around, and… other blahblahblah. Choosing the type of chains I’m shackled with is not a choice. If I chose liberty [no insurance] then I’m effectively choosing losing my property and or, my freedom of movement if I get caught. I guess its what we get for allowing the banksters to grow up around us unchecked and hijack the government.

    • It’s all a scam. It seems as if you already know that, though. These money sucking parasites gotta go. How, is the question?

      • The only way to remove ourselves from all currently held contracts…
        is to abolish, IN ENTIRETY, the current “government”.
        And here is what the “voters” just don’t get about “contract law”.
        So long as any form of the current government exists? All of the existing contracts will continue to bind it in totality.
        As soon as the current government is abolished in totality?

        This is what I really want people to understand. Especially Eric.

      • More than one way to skin a cat. Don’t really want to give personal preferences here as my imagination is to active for my own good. Don’t want the censorship complex bearing down harder on Eric. We can always go with ‘one bite at a time’ as the default.

  12. The truck I just purchased is like new.. but is actually 25 years old! Spending a bunch right now upgrading it to a toy 4×4 just like one I used to have back in the day. Lift kit, roll bar big mud tires and all the other neat accessories that made me so happy back in the 80’s.
    This 2000 Nissan looks the part! The real bonus is these type of things tend to make me feel like a kid again.. a very happy kid who just got a new lifted 4×4 😀
    To me that’s priceless.

    It’s the little things.

    Really will only have about $10k invested (plus my labor) but when someone damages it, it’s my loss! Book value is just under $1500. So I pay pay pay for insurance all these years, but I am on my own when I get hit.

    See I refuse to buy a new vehicle of any type. Not paying the huge sales tax or large yearly extortion tax. Not risking $50k plus when I get hit.. cause I ain’t paying stupid money for collision insurance either.

    How can anyone be free and have real piece of mind when our criminal government forces us to pay pay and pay.. at gun point!

    The answer is simple, we are ‘debt slaves’.. or living under a bridge somewhere.

      • Me too, AMC Guy!

        I just now finished the last part of the heater core job – the reinstallation of the AC/evaporator core box and ductwork. All that’s left to do now is install the glov box and go to my buddy’s shop to get the AC charged!

        Doing this job is never any fun but on the old Frontier, it’s not that involved. If you ever have to do it, you’ll be able to.

      • The insurance on your 4×4 is MUCH higher than 2wd trucks, because insurance assumes you will take it off-road and therefore are more likely to damage it. Look up insurance costs for any vehicle you’re interested in, then get the one with the cheapest insurance. Or you can get the toy from your childhood, knowing you will pay for insurance out the wazoo.

        • Hi ria500, We keep basic liability coverage, just enough required by the AGW’s to not get mugged, kidnapped or shot for not paying up. I don’t remember liability going up on our different 4×4’s over the years but it sure wouldn’t surprise me either.

    • Nice! Happy for you that you are able to do that. One of my toys is getting a new power plant and I’m losing sleep waiting for it to be done.

  13. I keep asking my insurance agent why I can’t get the illegal migrant deal.
    The illegals seem to be the ones experiencing true freedom in America.
    No licenses, no insurance, free medical/dental care, free cell phones & data plans.
    No tax returns, everything strictly cash.
    And free NGO-sponsored legal representation if any problems arise.
    I want their deal!

    • Careful there, Mr. Bill. It seems ‘they’ got you to wanting Socialism in your quest for Freedom.

      The politics of Envy?

      [Prolly sarcasm, though.]

  14. Come on, your insurance rate has nothing to do with your clean record. O’Biden did this with the creation of increasing inflation. Dumb azz democrats did this by demanding useless add on regulations and benefits. The government is the enemy to your prosperity.

  15. In Arizona, back in the 80’s, the phone number for the state Insurance Commission was the same number as the state’s Gambling Commission. Let that sink in for a minute.

  16. It is winter, time to look at the coin collection to see if there are any numismatics in the coin stash.

    At Ebay, one cent coins, pennies, are priced at 1000 dollars each.

    If I collect four pennies per day all year long, there will be some 1500 pennies each year, after 30 years of collecting all 95 percent copper pennies, that is 45,000 pennies in the collection.

    At a grand each, the collection is worth 45,000,000 dollars.

    Yeah, right.

    For 50 pennies, I can buy a new 50,000 dollar automobile.

    Don’t have to insure a thing, the pennies will pay any losses that I might incur.

    Pennies from heaven are a real thing.

    Insure the autos and home, you can sleep at night.

  17. This is the USA. Unlimited Scam America. Most high paying yobs now overseas. Only way for Americans to make money is to scam other Americans. Insurance is/was a huge scam. Lawyers, Banks, Government, You name it,,, all scams today. If you want to know how reputable they are just watch how fast they leave Los Angeles. Didn’t take’em long to leave Floriduh. While we are FORCED to pay them, they are not REQUIRED to insure us. They just take their ball and leave.

    The rates are going up due to the shoddy built EVs and the killer covid shots causing people to die or go comatose. Of course they’ll never admit any of that. Right now dumbshit Americans are shooting up their children and elderly parents with that poison. With “their man” in office new types of MRNA killer vaxxines are already on their way.

  18. NH seems to have an interesting system where if you prove financial responsibility – and show you can be responsible for damages you may cause – you don’t need to carry auto insurance.

    I agree that insurance should be optional.
    But the problem remains of what happens when an uninsured, Altima pilot with a credit score of 300 and already has 10 judgements & liens against them blows a red light and wipes out your truck and breaks your back and both your legs?
    Are you ready to take on a massive medical bill for a year long recovery?
    Because don’t forget that the health insurance racket EXCLUDES injuries caused by a motor vehicle accident.

    • Hi Flip,

      Yes – because we’re already taking on that risk – aren’t we? Has mandatory insurance prevented the Altima pilot you described from blowing lights and hitting people without coverage?

      I am willing to take (and accept) the risk to myself that someone may hit me – and leave me holding the bag. It is better in my sight than the certainty of paying these mafia thugs thousands of dollars over the years for harms I never caused.

      Some fear that if a guy like me were allowed to drive without coverage that I might leave them holding the bag. Well, sorry – those fears do not count as facts. And I would point out that if we’re going to force people to pay for car insurance because they might cause damage while driving, then how could we argue against forcing gun owners to carry insurance also – on the same basis?

      Bet your bippie some “safety” geek will push for that – and worse.

      Freedom entails risk. Tyranny assures the certainty of tyranny.

      • The insurance industry funds on fear.

        On average in essentially all cases you lose when you buy insurance, it’s baked into the cake.

        Sometimes it might make sense, where you trade a guaranteed loss you can afford, to insulate against a potential catastrophic loss that would ruin you…but these situations are rare.

        Ol’ Pinko was right about one thing, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself…if COVID taught us one thing (it didn’t but I digress) it was to be extremely cautious of all fearmongers. The greater the fear they peddle, the bigger the scam is.

      • You are correct that there are almost no penalties for those anti-social types who act recklessly and cause damage with impunity, leaving us with this conundrum.
        So once again, the responsible are forced to subsize the irresponsible.
        The uninsured scumbag with no assets, causing damage to other needs to be stopped, but that involves separating or removing these dirtbags from polite society.
        Government probably is not the solution.
        Debtors prison? Permanent deportation to an island in the South Pacific? Vigilante justice? I’m open to ideas.

        And the mandatory gun owners insurance has already been proposed in NY;
        It’ll probably get ultimately passed – but surely cops will be exempted.

        Right on about freedom.
        The Civil Rights Lawyer (John Bryan) on YouTube has it right when he finishes his videos with “Freedom is scary…deal with it.”

      • [And I would point out that if we’re going to force people to pay for car insurance because they might cause damage while driving, then how could we argue against forcing gun owners to carry insurance also – on the same basis? ] Eric

        Already proposed in Washington State…

        “This bill will require gun owners who live in Washington and own or possess a firearm to carry gun liability insurance to cover the losses or damages resulting from any accidental use of a firearm,” Kuderer said during testimony.,333724

    • Hi Flip: The answer is that if you are not comfortable with the risk of an uninsured driver causing you damage, you can get an uninsured motorist policy.

      While I understand shit does happen, it’s been my experience that an attentive drive can avoid just about every collision. I learned and developed this skill by riding a motorcycle. The trick is to just assume that everybody is going to hit you. An example is that you may have a green light, but you need to be aware of those that might run the red against you. Keep your eyes open and assess their speed as they approach. Always leave yourself a way out to avoid (or at least minimize) the collision.

      • I dunno, RE: “The trick is to just assume that everybody is going to hit you.”

        I had a passenger with that outlook in the front seat next to me as I drove down a highway & when a kindof fast moving vehicle would get near an intersecting stop sign the passenger would grab my arm and almost yell, “Watch Out!” …Freaked me out a bit as I had no idea what to be watching out for.
        Just seems like a more middle ground is called for, or sumthin’?

  19. Homeowners insurance the next extraction coming. Near me in WA up in the forest lands long time homeowners are getting slammed with huge increases due to claimed “wildfire risk”. The one I heard a retired couple was paying around $1500 a year jumped to $10,000. Since they don’t have a mortgage they can go without and take the risk. Then the question – is it really a plan to remove the oldsters to allow the developers access to more property? Suncadia, Tumble Creek, and now another 900 home development on the ridge above town. These are not for the average folks many properties in Tumble Creek $2 million plus. Ahh the Golden Rule “he who has the gold makes the rules”. Here’s an example! Woo hoo, HOA only $512 A MONTH!

    So far my increases have been annoying but manageable like Eric’s bill. I’m not in the trees just scrub lands but that fire risk map can always be expanded.

    • Hi Sparkey,

      I think push is going to come to shove. I think people are getting (rightly) sick and tired of being squeezed by these god-damned mobsters – and are going to just stop paying. When enough of us decide to do that, it becomes unenforceable. That’s a goal worth working toward.

      • Its the ONLY actual soution to the ripoff grift. All this bullshit proposed or entrenched already totally depends on mass COMPLIANCE.

        A herd of trained cattle lives to COMPLY at any cost.

        Watch ’em head up n move out at dawn any Monday.

        Unfortunately we humans are now a dying breed. Best enjoy the next couple decades as after that only psychopath will laugh at the misery its brought.

        Sorry, no sky brother Gibb to the rescue either.

        Get out the vote.

  20. ‘Because I might damage them – even if I never have. Even if I never do.’ — eric

    At age 16, the facts of life were spelled out to me by my dad: our family’s auto insurance bill was going up drastically, because I was a newly-licensed teenaged driver. Also because the insurer regarded my 400 c.i., 4-speed GTO as fast and dangerous.

    Insurance companies employ actuaries. They run numbers showing that certain bins of drivers, with certain demographic characteristics, generate more claims than others. Individual merit is not and cannot be assessed.

    We live in a litigious society. Vehicles are becoming more costly, and aren’t designed to be repaired. A decade of ADAS (Automated Driver Assistance Systems) hasn’t even made a dent. Gomer Pyle voice: Well, surPRISE, surPRISE, surPRISE!!

    What to do? Beats the hell outta me. Any reform likely will originate in the states, not the braindead US fedgov. According to, 1,061 new bills have been filed in the 119th Clowngress since it convened three weeks ago. One is H.R.24 by Thomas Massie, to audit the Federal Reserve. That’s a good one. But it leaves 1,060 more, most of which are ludicrous dreck.

    This broken status quo isn’t going to unf*ck itself. We need a plan. Any ideas?

  21. Yep, it sucks when they raise your rates through no fault of your own. One question you should ask Eric is what will they pay you if someone takes out your Frontier? Sure it’s old but since it’s in good condition it might be worth your while to see what’s involved to have it listed at a higher value.

    • Hi Landru,

      The answer is – nothing. Because this “policy” is liability only. I am literally paying for nothing. Which is why I despise the insurance mafia.

  22. Since forcing people to buy insurance became the law of the land via Auto and then Obamacare, the Marxist state of Washington has a house bill pending that will force gun owners to buy $25,000.00 insurance policies to continue to own a gun. At this point, no insurance company even sells such insurance so how it is determined for cost is unknown. And…if you decide to personally bond in lieu of insurance…it is $25,000.00 per gun!!! I own (4) so do I have a spare $100,000 to give to the state of Washington for the privilege of owning my own guns.

    From my cold dead hands.

  23. While mandatory anything is absolutely unacceptable, a 20% increase is completely in line with inflation. I have 3 bikes and 13 cars, I carry high deductible liability insurance on the 4 I’m using. What frosts me is that I can’t buy driver’s liability insurance, or self insure.

    Risks are mine to take. All insurance does is make sure the lawyers and bureaucrats get paid. There is little point in suing a self or un-insured person, especially when they are already making good on your losses if they cause you harm. But with a half a million in potential liability insurance in the pot, it is a quick and easy raid for a lawyer to shake down 25k for his “injured” client and 75k for himself.

    Shakespeare was right, first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.

    • Amen, John –

      And it’s a fact. I would hav no problem with insurance, the concept or the business, were it free of coercion. But it ain’t. So it is.

  24. blackjack insurance is bet to insure against the dealer having a blackjack and is available in most variations of blackjack…

    Insurance in blackjack is available when the dealer shows an ace upcard. The dealer asks players if they would then like to take insurance. This wager is also available when playing online blackjack.

    Players making the bet place their chips on the insurance line located in front of the dealer and running around the table. The dealer will then “peak” at the down card to see if it’s a 10-value card for a blackjack.

    If the dealer doesn’t have a blackjack, he will collect the losing insurance bets. If he does have blackjack, the players who made the wager win and the blackjack insurance payout is 2 to 1 – equal to the losing original wager. However, if the player also had a blackjack, that bet would be a push and the player would at least profit on the insurance bet.

    You can have as much insurance as you want, but remember the house always wins.

  25. Hi Eric,

    That bill looks familiar. Yours is on par with my “liability only” coverages. Mine is a tad bit less because I have a multiple car discount. There are a few things you can do. One, I would try getting insurance prices from both Virginia Farm Bureau and Travelers. See if they are a bit cheaper. The other thing you can do is increase the deductible if you can afford to do so. I am assuming your deductible is around $500. Does the bill decrease if you up it to $1k or $2500?

    • Thanks, RG –

      It’s liability only, so I don’t think the deductible is a factor. I’m going to try talking with them today. A 20 percent increase for no legit reason is just obnoxious.

      • Good luck. We went and talked to our mafia boss last year. Result: a temporary decrease of 20%, followed by an increase of 25% the next year. It only goes one way. Theirs.

  26. Is your “coverage for a year or 6 months? I think you said per year. I’ve never had a claim EVER in my lifetime, and haven’t had any payin’ paper in a generation, but I get a bill for about 3 times that amount (per year) for a liability only policy.

    If you’ve got the time, drop ’em and get another company. If nothing else, it’ll be a data point on their algorithm that “demand” (well, coerced demand any) is price elastic.

    For those not familiar with price elasticity, here’s a brief outline:

    Price Elasticity of Demand: This measures how the quantity demanded of a good responds to a change in the price of that good. If the elasticity is greater than 1, demand is considered elastic, meaning a small change in price leads to a larger change in quantity demanded. If it is less than 1, demand is inelastic, indicating a smaller change in quantity demanded for a given change in price.

  27. If I must pay the insurance tribute to the Don, at least find a gang with a crime family, I mean insurer, that doesn’t litter the world with ads and pay its executives zillions.

  28. I am the most boring person on the planet. Don’t drink, don’t use tobacco, don’t use illegal drugs, don’t go to bars, don’t go to strip clubs, and I don’t drive recklessly.

    I am over 60 and in better shape than most 20-year-olds. No “tickets”, no accidents, no spouse, no teens. Yet all insurance rates rose considerably –auto, home, life, and health.

  29. I recently came across an article about the fires in LA and it praised the modern day concept of “insurance”. That is, it is a glorious thing that gathering people to “pool risk”, I believe that phrase was, is such a wonderful thing.

    That may be.


    When you are forced into the pool, at gunpoint if necessary, it’s hardly a wonderful thing.

    And, while we’re at it, if it’s The Law that everyone on the road have said “insurance” why must we pay for the privilege of having coverage against “uninsured motorists”? Shouldn’t that be like being insured against damage from a Unicorn?

    • I saw that one, it was in the Wall St Journal and it gushed over what a great gift insurance is from the finance racket. I got nauseous and angry about 2 paragraphs in.

      • Hi Ernie,
        “ what a great gift insurance is from the finance racket” – WSJ. they left out the r in grift. All my policies have also gone up by about 20% as well. Isn’t it great how govco gets the serfs to subsidize the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

  30. The mafia and government get their cuts for sure, but auto insurance is one of the ways how the wealthy subsidize their lifestyle, always has been and always will be. As rates and vehicle prices go up, so will the amount of uninsured and under-insured drivers and standard 50k property coverage will have to become 100k just to cover a 2 vehicle collision in the future. Inflation runs through everything and we haven’t even gotten to the interesting part yet.


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