Is the Orange Man good – or bad? One way to tell is by what he does – and so far, so good. He has corrected the injustices done to people who were imprisoned for years for what amounted to trespassing and disorderly conduct and also (just now) the complete injustice that was done to people who protested outside of what are styled “reproductive health care” (rather than abortion) clinics by issuing pardons to them all.
That thing Joe Biden used the pardon power to prevent justice being served to the likes of Dr. Fauci, Mark Miley and his own cretinous family.
The distinction matters.
Trump has also called federal workers back to work – as opposed to sitting at a home and collecting a paycheck. He has cut the WHO loose and also called out the manufactured hysteria that says the “climate” is “changing” in some apocalyptic way because we’re driving vehicles rather than devices and because cattle are “emitting” gasses, too.
He summarily ended racist policies going back to the ’60s that were imposed in the name of fighting racism but which codified federal hiring practices that gave preference to certain people on account of the color of their skin. Trump rightly called that out as racist, because it is.
He has done a great deal of good in less than a week so far.
It makes one wonder – about something that has epochal implications. It is that Trump is not just the Orange Man. He is the Binary Man – and not in the DEI sense.
Let’s go back to the events of last summer. In particular, to the event that played out in Butler, PA last summer. On that bright sunny summer day, Trump was delivering a speech at an open-air campaign stop. As everyone knows, at precisely the moment in his speech when he turned his head to the side, the .223 round fired by a would-be assassin nicked his ear rather than ended his life.
It is either miraculous – in the divine intervention sense. Or it is something else and very devilish.
What are the odds that Trump would turn his head at just that precise moment? They are probably a million to one. It suggests something more than just chance. In both a good – and a very bad – way.
If it was not a setup – if Trump didn’t turn his head as planned and on cue drop to the floor and smack a pack of ketchup against his head, emerging defiantly seconds later with “blood” tearing down the side of his head – then it is hard not to see the hand of providence in it. Which of course is exactly what would be wanted if it were a setup. Trump emerges as a fist-pumping hero with implications of divine anointing. Exactly the sort of thing that would summon both awe and righteous devotion to this servant of divine providence.
A man who narrowly escapes having his head blown off who stands up defiantly pumping his fist seconds after almost having his head blown off and when he could not possibly have known for sure whether another bullet might be headed his way is certainly heroic. It is fair to say many people would have stayed down and even pee’d themselves in similar circumstances, which is why Trump’s standing up so defiantly became so instantly iconic. If what we saw was what actually happened, then Trump is at least a heroic as Washington crossing the icy Delaware to have a go at the Hessians – an event memorialized in the famous painting accompanying this article.
If it is all true, there will be – and ought to be – paintings of this event, passed down to posterity. This man – this presidency – could prove to be more historically significant than the first presidency. It is not going too far to suggest this – given what has already happened.
Assuming, of course, that’s how it actually happened.
What if it wasn’t divine intervention but rather a choreographed kayfabe? Trump is a fan of professional wrestling, remember. He is friends with Vince McMahon, the guy who pretty much made wrestling into what it has become.
If it was that, it is very bad.
We’ll soon see which it was – for good or bad.
As the late and very great Hunter Thompson used to say: We bought the ticket – and now it’s time to take the ride.
. . .
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[…] (Article by Eric republished from […]
[…] (Article by Eric republished from […]
Latest. So Columbia collapsed in a matter of hours and agreed to take Juan Valdez back after just the threat of tariffs.
Me gusta!
Ben Carson tells the story of the “Bulletproof President” (George Washington)
Social discourse is much cruder these days I imagine, but just picture G.W. posing next to a sign with the text FAFO.
I used to have a buddy who was military, and pre-covid would always criticize Trump for not respecting the office of the presidency, having no class, ect. I have to imagine him eating his shoes when Biden came around.
Sorry to disappoint but trump being a real estate salesman just showed his audience the witness apartment, then when the audience looked satisfied and happy, he unrolled the real stuff:
Trump froze all USAID ( foreign aid and regime change fake NGO’s) for 90 days… No money for the puppet Zelensky, good, except for Israel and Egypt!
Trump allows Israel to use ‘heavy bombs’ – media
The lifting of the restriction on weapons shipments was reportedly tied to ceasefire negotiations
US President Donald Trump has approved the delivery of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel, overturning a suspension imposed by the administration of former President Joe Biden last year, Axios and Reuters reported on Saturday, citing people familiar with the matter.
That’s why:
Trump Floats Controversial Plan to Expel Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan
He needs them to accept something they don’t want, so carrot…
Meet the REAL TRUMP, not the false savior pleasing the crowd by doing what they want from him, but the zionist lackey who was bribed 100 millions by ultra-zionist Myriam Adelson in order he allows Israel to annex the West bank (which they are doing right now).
– Remember the covid scam and the mRNA poison posing as vaccines?
– Who launched operation ‘warp-speed’?
– Who bragged about the death vax as one of his creations?
Orange Man is back with more mRNA shit and dystopian nightmare in the form of Ai with ‘Stargate”, featuring Oracle’s Ellison, Altman and Bill Gates Microsoft for more mRNA injections even for cancer! (sic)
DOGE & Project StarGate
Looks like private cryptos , Stargate data centers, mRNA shots, immigration IDs, and biometrics aren’t about freedom at all—they’re just a rebranded CBDC and social credit system, privatized and infinitely more dangerous. What are the odds DOGE is just a…
The real Trump, pleasing the crowd on day one and releasing his full program afterwards when they are still under hypnosis.
A.k.a., the long con.
[…] Guest Post by Eric Peters […]
The beginning and end of the “Was Trump actually shot in the ear?” question was accurately diagnosed by Yukon Jack earlier in this thread. He called attention to the lack of scarring on Trump’s ear. That’s all that needs to be said. Is it reasonable to assume a man of 78 years would heal from a traumatic wound in just two short weeks with no evident signs of scarring?
Exactly. Plus we analyzed every photo available for the wound on Trump’s ear. Nothing we could find. Then Trump lied about it, which is a sure sign of a false flag. Trump said in his RNC acceptance speech that his hands were covered in blood.
Here is the transcript of that speech:
“I said to myself, wow, what was that? It can only be a bullet and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. My hand was covered with blood. Just absolutely blood all over the place.”
That statement is a bald faced lie.
What did the photographic evidence show? Immediately after the bullet nicked his ear, he touched it with his hand, withdrew his hand and no blood. The blood was added after he was pinned to the ground. Then Trump stood up and shook his fist with some blood on his face.
The SS would never allow him to stand up so a sniper could get another shot – that would violate all their training. Dr. Kevin Barrett concluded, in articles on Unz and substack, that it was all a Hollywood movie – and I agreed in my comments. That moment was when Trump cinched the election.
Hard to understand how so many are certain the attempt on Trump was a fake because the kid was so inept as to crawl around in public with a rifle. What they should wonder is why it took until after shots were fired to take him out.
Ever wonder if Oswald saw Tippert and said “Shit, a cop!” or if he said “Shit, there’s Tippert. That bastard is here to take me out!”
RFK. Jr. is pretty certain his father’s assassination was done by another party as Sirhan Sirhan was set up to be the Oswald in that event.
I have seen many respected opinions that James Earl Ray was the Oswald in the MLK murder.
It could just be that The Donald was just a hair luckier than JFK, RFK, and MLK and the real force behind the attempt walked away while The Patsy got wasted. Just thinkin’…….
GW2.0 Yea
Fake&Gay Nay
Yea. I’m going with Yea. Despite the disapproval some would have.
BTW Eric,
Did you ever get the $20 in the nilla envelope with the printed Christmas card? I was hoping for a magnet sent back for the ass of the YJ, in case I forgot to mark that.
You know, I have seen that iconic painting of George Washington purportedly crossing the Delaware since I was little, several decades ago. Hasn’t everyone?
OK, but unlike most of those decades of my life, I now live about 1.5 hours away from Delaware. I have been to PA and seen the mighty Susquehanna River… in the dead of winter.
Maybe I’m not looking right. Maybe I would need to get in a wooden johnboat and cross one of those rivers in the dead of winter to know.
I have never once seen any icebergs in the rivers anywhere in PA, VA, MD, DE, DC. I mean the rivers never really stop right? I’ve never seen any of the nearby rivers be as calm as that picture, not the Potomac, not the Patuxent, not the Susquehanna.
And it looks like they have all of 4 oars in the water. Meanwhile ol’ George himself is standing there like he wants to fall off a small boat. Never mind one in a large river with fucken icebergs.
I get that they want such paintings to be flattering, but do they have to be supernatural as well? Come on, man.
Maybe I misinterpreted some of what you say, but the crossing was at Washington Crossing, Pa/NJ, on the Delaware River. I grew up just a couple miles away and back in the day you would see lots of ice on the Delaware. Even at that late date (’40s ’50s) we would have snow cover for much of the winter.
I am currently in Alabama. I have seen photos of cars driving across Lake Guntersville in north Alabama in the ’40s.
Sure, there is artistic liberty in the painting, but not every embellishment of history is all bullshit. The weather was brutal that night and it took real men to do what had to be done. It was a stroke of genus, mixed with brass balls (they also took some lead balls for the muskets). Many of the Continental troops didn’t even have shoes. Ever marched 8 miles in the snow with just your socks on?
“There will always be those who doubt the moon landings, the assassination attempt on Trump, and that the earth is round”
Gheesh Eric, reading thru the comments lately it sure looks like you have attracted some of the finest internet agents that shekels can buy. It’s like attempted physiological warfare conducted by elementary kids.. from mommy’s basement lol. 😀
But hey.. when you’re taking flak, you’re probably over the target.
Methinks you misinterpreted the target of that remark. And overlooked its accuracy.
Yes, I am circumcised, but baptized in an Episcopal church to parents of English and Polish stock a couple days later. I would attach a photo of how adorable I was in the family Christening Gown, but the site won’t allow it..
Try again. (Oh, yeah, I am 85.)
I saw Trump on the LA news station the other day. He was there in response to the LA fires. He comported himself quite well. I am glad Trump enacted the executive actions especially an “end DEI initiatives and “immediately return to non-discriminatory, merit-based hiring.” Also revoking a 2021 executive order signed by his predecessor Joe Biden that sought to ensure half of all new vehicles sold in the United States by 2030 were electric and called for ending a waiver for states to adopt zero emission vehicle rules by 2035 and said his administration would consider ending EV tax credits. He said that Americans can now buy the cars that they want. I’m just glad he won and not the Coalition of AntiFA, BLM, environmentalists and LGBTQ crowd that labels itself as the Democratic party.
“He said that Americans can now buy the cars that they want.” -Trump
Good on him regarding EVs, but a bit of an exaggeration for sure.
No doubt. The “assassination attempt” was staged.
PROOF is in the map of the grounds, and the video.
The claimed shooter was on an angle IN FRONT of Trump. At the time of the supposed shot (while Trump protectors were shooting, probably blanks, to make the noise), Trump was referring to a huge graphic on a screen behind him to his right. Trump’s head was turned parallel with the front of the stage throughout that time of “the shot.”
Physically impossible for a shot from an angle in front to hit Trump’s right ear, which was facing to the rear.
All other details are explainable. Meanwhile, very many aspects of the official story are ludicrous. But BELIEVERS will believe, and we who require verifiable facts are ever in the minority.
The link is to my first video on the subject. It’s enough. But in a subsequent video, I finished nailing the coffin.
Then if what you say is true, the shooter took one for the kid. He must have been super MAGA.
I once investigated a shooting about one block from my house. It was on the news. A man had been shot on the sidewalk in front of a restaurant. I took a walk and sure enough there was still blood on the sidewalk. I didn’t actually see the shooting. I did actually witness at least two shootings. The first one was in a school playground area where two Puerto Ricans were fist fighting. I was about 12 and the others were about 15, 16 or so. Some one in the crowd pulled out a gun and shot one of the fighters. Everyone scrambled and ran and disappeared. I was about 20 feet away. The other shooting happened when a security guard shot a twenty something who was arguing with his girlfriend in front of a bank. I don’t comment on shootings unless I actually witness the events.
I meant “the shooter took one for the MAGA team”.
Thanks for your reply. You are BELIEVING the report, and perhaps the staged photos, that “the shooter” was killed.
I wonder if you BELIEVE people were killed at the “Boston Marathon Bombing. It was all fake. Fully analyzed and proved in various videos by good researchers.
I wonder if you BELIEVE children were killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary “mass shooting.” It was all fake. That school wasn’t even open; it had been closed for at least a year. Fully analyzed and proved by good researchers. I, myself, found through online real estate info that it’s a jew community. Another researcher found that many of them got their houses instantly paid off — one of the ways the local residents were rewarded for their loyalty to their race against us.
I give you these examples, in case you need them, because they are easily searchable for the videos exposing the truth.
Okay I’ll check it out. I’m not going to drive out there but do some online sleuthing.
Here’s another good thing President Trump did this week…..
Hi John,
That is good news, but I don’t like the push toward crypto currency. I realize many on here believe that that crypto is an arm’s length transaction and Uncle Sam is never going to get his dirty paws on it.
I don’t believe it. I work in accounting. The IRS started putting regs on crypto and digital assets in 2014. 2014?!?! Did anyone know what crypto was back then? The line of forms and tracking coming down the pike is downright frightening. Beginning this year cost basis and sales price will now be required on a 1099-DA form. Who is reporting this? How are they able to access this information?
If we don’t know who established it how do we know if we can trust it? I am hesitant about the whole thing. Throw out CBDC, but enforce crypto. I smell a rat. A very big Deep State rat.
The answer to this is simple.
All “crypto” transactions have to use THEIR INFRASTRUCTURE.
There are only THEIR cell towers.
There is only THEIR internet backbone.
You want to make a crypto transaction that’s fine.
Good luck doing it without THEIR internet.
Hi RG,
I’m not sure about crypto myself. I don’t even know who started the whole crypto currency thing. What little I do know is that mining it uses a lot of energy.
Me too RG.
I think it was fake. I thought so even before I read Miles Mathis’s take on it.
Go read it, makes some good points. Scroll down, you’ll find it.
Staged? Yeah the people shot behind him REALLY think it was staged
Fuck that
Do you know one of the people shot behind him PERSONALLY?
Look more happy news!
Good, RG. In the first place, why these cock-asses get taxpayer-funded security when they’ve retired is beyond me.
It’ll be nice to see the good doctor have to dip into his prodigious personal pile of shekels. May they flow through his fingers like water, preferably at ludicrous speed.
Every person in the country harmed by his reckless disregard of sanity should learn to file a federal lawsuit. Not that hard, not that expensive. Maybe a few hundred bucks. Pay the filing fee and bury him defending hundreds of thousands of lawsuits in federal court
Why on earth would a true healing doctor need secret service protection after he retired?
I agree that things are going well so far.
But in regards to this:
“Trump has also called federal workers back to work – as opposed to sitting at a home and collecting a paycheck.”
Now, government workers are often not likely to be up to any good whether they are in the office or not, but as a strategy to coax some to quit, it is lazy, and I think rooted in an elitist mindset and aided by jealousy.
At-home work was one of the few beneficial facets of the pandemic response. It has allowed me to live off-grid. There was no reason I couldn’t have done my job this way the entire time, but 2020 allowed me to prove it. No more did I have to go to work at 8:00 and stand there like a dumb shit for hours, pretending to do something when there was nothing for me to do. Then, sometimes I’d work late to accomplish what I actually needed to do. Because it was “fair” and “uniform”. Oh, I eventually would use that down time to continue my education and I would try to help out anyway I could, whether it was in my job description or not, but all in all, it was a waste and miserably inefficient.
For many jobs these days, being in the office is unnecessary. At-home workers can accomplish more in their own lives while still getting their work done as well as it would be done in the office setting, and they tend to be happier and sometimes even more productive. Their employers can save in overhead and retain these employees for longer, resulting in less turnover.
Musk and Ramaswamy conjured this idea of forcing government workers back into the office not just because they were trying to get these people to quit, but because they think that working at home is a “pandemic-era privilege”.
Oh yeah, are flying around in your private jet, hanging out with the President and dictating what people get to say rich-cunt privileges?
Vivek and Elon came out as entitled assholes when they advertised for DOGE workers, saying they need people who would work 80 hours per week and not get paid. Yes, they wanted slaves. Excellent PR move.
Now, soon I will have a lab building, and I will have brought the “office” to me. Perhaps then, eventually, I will be working from home and at the office simultaneously. Working for myself. And that will be a new era of gods and monsters.
Hi BaDnOn,
I absolutely agree – as regards people like you and I who work at home to earn a living no one is forced to pay us. But I take great delight in knowing that federal make workers now have to commute into DC to their make-work again. I wish we could just stop paying them – and that they went out and eaned a living rather than took it (using the force of the government). But this will do for the moment.
Hey Eric,
I wish that, too! Furthermore, however, I wish the DOGE (or whatever fatuous “agency”) would perform the requisite inquisition and find which positions are “make-work” and which might have value (if any). That way, the job titles themselves are abolished, one-by-one, never to return. Maybe they still will do so. I just don’t care for the work-at-home phenomenon to be needlessly demonized. It represents workers having more power over their own lives and also the attenuation of the “convenience” business model, which has been making people sicker and poorer for decades. But that is another story…
“I just don’t care for the work-at-home phenomenon to be needlessly demonized.”
Right on BaDnOn
Work from home was MORE productive. No commute. No non-sense walk up time wasting conversations by those without enough to do that wander the office looking for time to suck. Take the water cooler talk elsewhere Bucko!
Like you, my job largely consisted of commuting to an office to sit on WebEx conference calls all day.
Tell me again why a WebEx call from the office is more productive than a WebEx call from my home?
Tired of clueless people commenting about work from home that clearly don’t have a clue.
This is Not good, “I take great delight in knowing that federal make workers now have to commute into DC”
This is growing government, not shrinking it. It makes it harder to shrink government in the future & makes government influence over people increase. Office supplies, furniture & service contracts will be increased, not shrunk. More office buildings will be built, not fewer.
Senators will find it easier to resist & defend the closure of physical buildings full of staff, & thus economic loss to their State vs. downsizing a de-centralized workforce of individuals.
Ya been bamboozled by the D.O.G.G.I.E. 1984-style into thinking growth of government is shrinking government. Sigh.
Not to mention that I’d be more than happy to pay all of Fed Gov to stay home and do absolutely nothing.
Please take the money . . . Just don’t do anything, go fishing, go to the beach. Just stop making useless laws and regulations. Don’t call anyone. don’t attend any meetings.
It would be the best money we ever spent.
The last thing I want in the world is these Government people at their desks “working” to make more laws and regulations.
While Donald Trump did some good during his first week back in the White House, so far probably the most concerning thing I’ve seen is this push from Big Tech types such as Larry Ellison for AI/ mRNA cancer vaccines. Considering that mRNA COVID jabs have been such a disaster, what are the odds that mRNA cancer vaccines will be just as disastrous if not more so? And will there be efforts to mandate them like the Biden Thing once tried to do with COVID vaxxes?
Seems like ‘they’ won’t have to mandate anything, the monsters spread all on their own:
“the COVID vaccines shed in a consistent and replicable manner”…
There will always be those who doubt the moon landings, the assassination attempt on Trump, and that the earth is round.
In America we are free to believe most anything.
Eric: “Assuming, of course, that’s how it actually happened.”
Indeed, thanks for the great article which allows us naysayers to comment on. I would like to point out the evidence of the moon landing is still being contested, as will Trump’s assassination attempt. With modern television, the ability to fake the public has taken on new dimensions:
This 34 second clip may change your mind, only place it survives is on Odysee platform, see see the famous first step on the moon being faked in a studio:
That’s One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap For….
Dr. Kevin Barrett took on the Trump attempted assassination with several articles published on Unz. He concluded it was faked, for one unlikely reason, that the Secret Service allowed Trump to stand up and shake his fist, making a perfect studio mimic of the Iwo Jima marine flag raising. The SS is trained to NOT allow the POTUS to be exposed to another shot. They would collectively NOT allow him to stand up, that would go against all their training, and make them legally culpable if he did stand up and get killed.
Someone will surely write The Good, Bad, and Ugly scorecard of Trump’s 2nd term. I would give Trump and A (already down from AAA+++) thus far – his loyalty to Zionism will surely taint his overall score, we will witness the real ugliness of his loyalty to Israel. You can not serve two masters, and Trump does, Binary Orange Man is destined to sabotage his own presidency.
Trump is fully onboard with the Israeli genocide, and it will continue, and is continuing right now, and Trump will go along with it – when he, the POTUS, can stop it – by simply withholding money and weapons. Israel can not exist without our money, the tail doe NOT have to wave the dog.
But Trump is the lapdog of Netanyahu, or not, which is it? Who is the real Donald Trump?
I do not want to have the $USD replaced with the Amero, North American Mexico, Canada union, nor do I want total surveillance, Ai vaccines, or any of this other shit which all of a sudden is being shoved up our assholes after he got sworn in. I especially do not want either war in Ukraine or Israel, I want the money flow to stop, right now, which would stop the slaughter. I do not want nuclear war, or regular war with Russia. A sane person would END war with Russia because Russia has the ability to end us.
Do you want to know the truth about the moon landing? As I’m sure you (should) already know, there is usually an “Answer C” when we’re given an A or B choice. It’s just that the A and B choices are usually the ones given to us, and we have to find “C” for ourselves.
The moon landing has 2 acceptable belief systems:
A: We went to the moon, everything was exactly as they describe it, and other side is a bunch of “conspiracy theorists”.
B: The moon landing was produced on a “Hollywood-style” (if not actually IN Hollywood itself, because that would be hard to keep a lid on) movie studio and is the most advanced special effects we could produce at the time. It was all a hoax.
Those are the 2 ACCEPTED beliefs. Now, let’s take a look at “C”.
We DID go to the moon. AND…
We DID fake the moon landing in a film studio.
Here’s the real story. Nothing is ever as it seems, and we didn’t go to the moon to drive a moon car and play golf for the folks on Tell Lie Vision back home.
We went to the moon for reasons that BEGIN with our moon’s mathematical impossibility. It’s 1/4 our size. No other natural satellite shows such a size ratio with its parent planet. It is tidally locked. No other satellite ANYWHERE displays this phenomenon. So there is a lot of “underground” talk that the moon is an artificial phenomenon. Or was, at one time, inhabited.
So we went to the moon to look for things that they’ll never tell us if they exist or not.
So when the astronauts had to go investigate things they didn’t want people to see, that’s when they cut to the live in-studio footage running concurrently with the actual moon landings. When they needed to re-sync the actors with the astronauts, there would be a ‘signal interruption’ “Oh we’ll probably have that back in a few minutes…” then back the live feed would go. They even built-in the distortion purposefully to make the in-studio and moon footage indistinguishable to the TV viewer.
And here is why the tapes were destroyed. Because future examinations would reveal 2 different sets of footage, with much of it being highly classified. Any people new to the program would be a leak risk, so it was easier to just “lose the tapes”.
We did go to the moon. And we did fake it in a movie studio. And you’ll never know what they actually FOUND on the moon during those cutaway scenes until we start killing people and taking over highly secure installations that don’t even have names and aren’t on any maps.
how did they get past the van allen radiation belt?
maup: “how did they get past the van allen radiation belt?”
X-ray set to the wrong number in a chest x-ray results in a dead patient. X-ray set to .01 millisecond results in a nice picture. Ever wondered how a dosimeter works? Probably not.
speed of the spacecraft? this radiation belt is supposed to several 10000 miles wide. i don’t think your .01 millisecond calculation is relevant! i don’t know how dosimeter works but not relevant here.
Wow! Missing on 5 cylinders…….
The fix: Buy a dictionary; Buy a Physics book.
How, exactly, do you even KNOW about the “Van Allen belt”?
Who told you?
Here’s where it falls apart…ready?
What is the actual radiation exposure in the belt?
Because to know if something is lethal, you need to know these numbers.
Guess what it means if those numbers simply don’t exist.
Go on. Guess.
There are gamma rays.
Where do you think they originate?
Above ground testing of nuclear devices detonated create a nuclear fallout in the atmosphere.
From that fallout, there is evidence of the nuclear fallout causing malignant tumors. Gliomas, for instance.
Yes, it’s true, radiation is always there.
Radon gas seeps from the lithosphere, it does, there are radon gas detectors.
Interestingly enough, radon does not seep from the lithosphere where there are accumulated units of oil, therefore one can detect oil pools where radon gas doesn’t escape from the soil.
This is a post-modern super-civilization that has more knowledge than it can shake a stick at.
It is what we have, no other choice.
The Nuclear Age, not the Stone Age, is where it’s all at.
The Wright Brothers saved LA.
The idea that radioactivity is a lie to protect the people who own all the uranium and plutonium. If it’s dangerous, nobody would want to steal it.
Here’s the truth about that. Those “underground waste storage facilities”?
House more bodies than waste.
The idea that radioactivity is extremely dangerous is a lie…
Believe it or not I am well aware of the third possiblity, that they went to the moon and also faked it in the studio. Two main reasons why they did the studio, in addition to your ideas.
1. If the moon mission failed, they did not want people to look up at the moon and say, oh yeah the dead astronauts are still orbiting the moon. I read that in Bill Kaysings Moon buster book We Never Went to the Moon.
2. The moon is full of alien artifacts, and the national security state (which was created after the Roswell crash) goes through extraordinary lengths to acquire it, UFO crash retrieval, antarctic ice missions, and moon landing.
3. David Icke – the hollow moon is artificial, towed into place, the guard shack for prison planet earth. The moon is currently occupied as numerous amateur telescopes capture UFO coming out of moon craters.
Don’t forget the Russian Mars mission, they photographed the cylinder shadow before the probe was disable.
” Phobos ll arrived in January 1989 and entered an orbit around Mars as the first phase towards its real destination, a small Martian moon called Phobos.
The mission was flawless until the craft aligned itself with the moon.
On March 28, 1989 an elliptical object was detected moving towards the satellite seconds before it failed. “
what is going on is that earth is quarantined galactic prison, human bodies are the prison cell for unwanted souls, and everything out there is being kept from the public. No disclosure is ever coming.
Nothing to see here, Frank Drevin:
You know, I never really looked into the Phobos missions. It’s something I intend to explore now, thanks for that.
They didn’t “tow” the moon, if it is, indeed, artificial.
It’s possible to use gyroscopic forces for propulsion, I do believe. I’ve actually designed a gyro-drive engine that works by the “left hand rule”, providing unidirectional travel with no external force application, such as “rocket thrust”. I got the idea from an experiment done by Eric Laithwaite in the 1970’s and 1980’s. The problem with Laithwaite’s discovery about the anti-gravity effect of gyroscopes is that he didn’t quite understand that a single gyroscope can only push against 1 “axis” of space-time, and that to push through linear space, you need 3 gyroscopes oriented in a “left hand rule” on 3 different axis.
I just need to figure out a way to actually build it in real life…if anyone knows someone with a machine shop and some free time, do let me know.
Although I didn’t vote, and so do not recognize Trump’s asserted authority over my life, I do appreciate some of the steps he has taken this time around. As an outside observer, I look forward to see how this whole thing plays out. He’s no Javier Milei or Ron Paul.
Was the assassination attempt a production? Possible, but not likely. If it was, it was a setup by the deep state, and not by Trump. I believe they wanted to kill him, but their kook missed. Bet they’re pissed off about that one.
The image of him defiantly pumping his fist afterwards almost influenced me to vote for the first time. Almost.
The persistence of thinking Javier Milei is on a Ron Paul level is quite bizarre.
“In Milei’s first six months in office, public debt grew from $370 billion to $442 billion, a staggering increase of 19.4%. Borrowing $72 billion in 6 months can make any economic statistics look good, but the problem of course is in the long-term consequences.” …
“Argentina was recently added to the Ukraine Defence Contact Group (UDCG), a 54-nation alliance that coordinates humanitarian and military aid to Kiev.” – buenosairesherald
“Military aid”.
Psft. War pig.
Argentina is a player in Antarctica. Every ancient radar I overhauled for its AF C-130s was expected to leave our lab with its 8130 showing a NEW full 100kw output magnetron.
Made me wonder. . .
Why is Antarctica off limits to all but players with the biggest guns?
Picture a bright blue ball just spinnin spinnin free. Call it home for you and me. . .
How do we know Antarctica is “off limits”?
Last time I checked, I could book a trip there right now.
Is there some place where a sign is posted? Does Antarctica have an “ official website” forbidding entry?
How do you KNOW it’s off limits?
Did you go personally and was turned away?
Or you read it on a Facebook post?
Congratulations Rain…
You gave me a “Double Whammy”… story to shoehorn in amongst all youse guys high faluting palaver…..
Antartica is fairly open (circa 2001)…..last of my “Big Seven Island ” checklist .
Anyhow, Get to Puerto Mont Chile, inquire about the location of the next resupply flight by C-130 to the Chilean weather station..(Ice Station Antipode Zero?)…..
Dude says they have passenger availability, however it doesn’t leave for 10 days…..F… that…..Not worth hanging out for ….(Shit Kick Seafood Plate deals in the area notwithstanding )……So never got to “yellow snow” mark my territory..on Big Number 7……No Biggie … (ANT is Big , but Barron) ….
Onward thru the fog
“The image of him defiantly pumping his fist afterwards almost influenced me to vote for the first time. Almost.”
Likewise I was also EMOTIONALLY MOVED, but did not vote, never have, never will. So there are at least two of us.
Be aware that the political class are experts in emotionally moving the public to achieve their agenda, like the kike FDR allowing Pearl to be attacked – because he had made a deal to bring the USA into the war on the side of ZOGUK.
So Trump is saving the republic, but is he? Trump is saving the system. Trump is the selected hero when the owners determine the people need a hero. Two steps forward, one step back is how they advance the agenda. The owners, who issue the fake money, who own us and the Fed do not want their apple cart overturned.
Voters do not see and self realize how they are being played. Trump will eject the illegals and do other good stuff but at the expense of other parts of the enslavement agenda. If Kamala had won, the union would probably have been busted and the Federal Government abandoned. That is one main thing the Jewish owners do not want, they created the all powerful Federal State.
RE: “What matters is what the Orange man does now.” – John Galt
“Trump has also called federal workers back to work – as opposed to sitting at a home and collecting a paycheck.” – Eric.
Via Yahoo News: “Requiring federal employees to come to the office five days a week would result in a wave of voluntary terminations that we welcome,” – Elon & Vivek.
Yahoo quotes a poll: “six in 10 exclusively remote employees say they are extremely likely to search for employment elsewhere if they are not allowed remote flexibility.”
The ‘IT’ departments will likely see the highest quits.
So, rather than closing all the mostly empty Federal office buildings & saving money that way, pockets of the Federal goobermint will become even more inept & less efficient than before? On a 3rd World level?
A welcome development for sure, from a Freedomista perspective, however; will things be better if FedZilla is more corrupt because all that’s left working there are those who are inept etc? I mean, imagine a TeeVee show like, ‘The Office’ only, without any of the smart characters around.
Or, a real life, ‘Idiocracy’ for everyone’s .gov encounters?
“What matters is what the Orange man does now.” … Turns FedZilla into Zimbabwe-like competence? Idk. Idk.
Hi helot,
I have to applaud Musk and Trump on this strategy. This is a great way to cut costs and deplete the bloat of federal bureaucracy without having to offer severance pay due to layoffs.
The inept will be the ones that are quitting. Surprise, surprise on them, I guarantee their new private sector employer will require them to report to the office. The private sector is hurting for employees. If we can get them off the government dole (which produces, services, and manufactures nothing) and get them behind a desk, a counter, or in a factory in the private sector it is a huge win for everyone.
As for strained services at the government level many remote employees were already not answering phones, processing paperwork, or responding to correspondence…so is it any true loss?
Hi RG,
I think the inept ones quitting are in for a rude awakening when they discover private companies will expect them to actually do some competent work.
RE: “companies will expect them to actually do some competent work”.
Does micromanaging employees in a centralized location result in greater competency?
Or, does greater competency entirely depend upon the individual?
Or, does greater independence in a de-centralized system result in greater competency?
Which is better, a trip to the D.M.V., or a trip to an online auto parts supplier?
Which has higher unnecessary overhead costs?
Maybe, a better acronym for D.O.G.E. is really, D.O.G.G.I.E.?
Department of Goobermint Grift & In-Efficiencies?
Cogent points, Helot. Thank you.
Big h,
You got it man… the “missing link” …OVERHEAD COSTS!!!
I have yet to meet an individual who understands the leech that sucks you dry…”Asset Carrying Costs”…(aka fixed overhead, debt) recurring charges…..
Bro, take it from me , you can end up in DEEP SHIT quick if you do not incorporate this variable into your business calculations….
Toodles, off to try my new prescription….Dragon Fire Stout 10% abv ..brewed in Jamaica.
Dragon Fire Stout? Sounds intriguing. I imagine it to have Dragon’s Blood in it.
A ‘crunchy’ blend of fun & good health.
RE: “The inept will be the ones that are quitting.”
Quite the opposite, I suspect.
“Please wait while our IT Dept led by Dwight corrects the system, then his brother Dwight will be right with you to get you that important form/approval you’ve been waiting on,… within 4yrs, maybe 3? Meanwhile, press 3 for our non-native English speaking HB1 Visa other brother of Dwight”
“Although 6.5 percent of workers in the private business sector worked primarily from home in 2019, the pandemic was the start of a massive experiment in full-time remote work for most workers and firms. Among 61 industries, 10 had increases in remote work of 20 percentage points or more.”
Think that % has gone up since then?
If you’re a smart go-getter in IT at FedZilla & you enjoy working from home, you’re the most likely type to find a way to do so. The idgits are just fine with 2hr. coffee breaks in The Office where they can just complain & do nothing.
And, hmmm, is FedGov saving more money by centralizing the workforce as opposed to closing the offices & cancelling utility & maintenance contracts? Idk, seems unlikely.
RE: “I guarantee their new private sector employer will require them to report to the office. The private sector is hurting for employees.”
One thing, is not like the other.
For sure, The Best way for companies to entice new employees is to offer them something they don’t want.
My thoughts exactly, Helot! Regarding the office overhead as well.
Numbers don’t lie — within a day of Trump’s inauguration, migrant encounters dropped to 3 percent of the previous two year’s average. Chart:
Like the ten million votes that disappeared from “Biden’s” electoral total in 2024, the ‘migrant crisis’ was a four-year-long kayfabe which — as we now see — can be switched off overnight.
HIAS ringer ‘Mayorkas’ wasn’t pardoned. The new DOJ should prosecute him on 11 million criminal counts — one for each migrant — assuming he hasn’t fled to Israel, leaving a greasy slime trail and a cloud of fleas behind him.
Hi Jim. Perhaps the reason millions of voters disappeared is that the Rapture occurred and they all went to Heaven, just as likely they were all VAXXED and went to Hell.
If Trump had won in 2020, I believe he would have had a mediocre second term being foiled at every step by the Marxist-Democrats and defamed by the media. The fact he lost… and lost is such an overt cheat to *the* most uninspiring political fool that somehow got more votes that Saint Obama, then Brandon went on a tyrannical long 4-years of the night of the long knives… we ended up with a new Trump. This Trump does not trust the deep state and knows they are all out to get him. A wiser better version of Trump with no worry of re-election is the best outcome we could have hoped for. I really hope he doesn’t blow this once and last opportunity to restore America.
pretty much, and if that is not enough, getting shot at, if real, would have someone go on the warpath and certainly change perspective.
“He has corrected the injustices done to people who were imprisoned for years for what amounted to trespassing and disorderly conduct”
Don’t forget the handful who chose to commit actual violence.
They got to walk as well.
Though most of them already had convictions for prior violent acts.
And will probably continue to do so.
That’s true, Bill –
But four years in prison is more than most muggers receive.
“Don’t forget the handful who chose to commit actual violence.”
Oh, you mean the embedded feds?
From the embedded feds to the anttifa and blm folks who were observed on video changing in to MAGA shirts and hats, the whole J6 thing was designed to entrap honest Americans–warning them that “this will happen to you” (in future events), if you choose to participate in legal protest.
Thankfully, almost all of the J6ers were released from jail or prison.
The Constitution was shredded with the actions of the weaponized “justice” (actually “just us”) department, headed by jew merrick garfinkle. This tactic is what is occurring in the West Bank and Gaza. Palestinians are “picked up” without cause or lack of criminal behavior, just because (((they))) can.
From the lack of speedy trials to being targeted for “just being there”, without any evidence of wrongdoing, the whole thing stinks.
I don’t care if a few “troublemakers” got released. None of them should have been charged in the first place. We will see how the new Republican administration handles the whole J6 fraud’s congressional types who should be tried and convicted of treason.
How do we know there were any “J6 prisoners” even IN prison?
Who here knows one personally?
One should always be skeptical of narratives, but your comment appears to be a display of nihilism.
What a stupid way to deflect.
The past 2 decades have led me to QUESTION EVERYTHING! I doubt Trump would try to set up his own assassination attempt to score political points. But I do believe that a big part of fedzilla would love to scrub him out because he is a major threat to them. What Trump has shown that there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between the Bush’s, Clinton’s and Obama’s. That bunch has taken us all a ride!
What about the guy that got killed behind Trump. How do you set that up?
Did you know him?
Were you a family friend?
At the funeral?
Or did you see it on the “News”?
A few years ago Nasir and I got into a discussion on here about The WEF, 2030, and what the future holds. We both agreed that there would be obstacles that the 2030 plan would not take place. I believed 2025 would start a Great Awakening, not just in the US, but worldwide.
I can’t speak for Nasir, but I believe this is still true. The world was not going to remain in lockstep after the Plandemic. I believe the election of Javier Milei in Argentina was the first nail in the coffin to The Great Reset. Trump being elected added a few more. In the next 6 to 12 months we are going to see Europe follow. The average citizen is angry, really angry. One, they feel they were lied to and coerced under “COVID”. Two, as illegal migrants/invaders descended upon their countries and towns they saw their government blame them (the citizens) for the increase in crime and the explosion of new taxes and fees. People no longer felt their own government cared for them, but were actually trying to destroy them and the ideals that they hold dear. There are three things that piss off every person: hunger, abuse, and being played for a fool.
The Rockefeller Foundation’s own playbook spells out what is going to happen. Are they seers? Is this just an eerie coincidence? Are we being toyed with? The outcome is simple. The system implodes onto itself. Technology such as AI, digital currency, and constant surveillance will self destruct because there are not enough natural resources to move this forward. The amount of water, oil, and infrastructure cannot hold it up. Will civilization end? Nope, history shows mankind always rebuilds. Will be living like it is 1880? Probably.
Just my thoughts.
“…they feel they were lied to and coerced under “COVID”.“
They don’t feel it, they know it.
And yes, the communists who want to rule the world are going to lose. But the fight is far from over and there will be much more pain and suffering.
Digital currency will never work because it isn’t money. It isn’t durable, and not being anonymous, it isn’t really fungible, and being under external control it is emphatically NOT a store of value. It is the ultimate plantation scrip, where the poor slave that’s been obedient and profitable get to choose cheap clothes and trinkets from the masters store.
Excellent: “Digital currency will never work because it isn’t money. It isn’t durable, and not being anonymous, it isn’t really fungible, and being under external control it is emphatically NOT a store of value. It is the ultimate plantation scrip,…”
Yes digital money is the ultimate plantation scrip. If you have wrongthink, or wrongvote, or wrongauto you can be electronically wage limited, credit canceled, auto fined, or even deleted.
“Will civilization end? Nope, history shows mankind always rebuilds. Will be living like it is 1880? Probably.”
Trump could be overwhelmed by a great implosion as that Oklahoma preacher Brandon Biggs has said, immediately after taking office the USA economy collapses worse than the great depression.
Emperor Trump now says he wants lower interest rates. How does that work, the Fed is independent, and the Fed does not control long term rates? Trump wants cheap money, because every president in charge of this deficit mess wants to grow out of the debt crisis. At what point does the debt take control of the rates? When you are 36 trillion in debt, and you are bleeding another trillion every 90 days, when does the market supersede what the politicians want?
I think the USA is ripe for one huge debt crisis. I think the secular trend for long rates is up, and that the interest on this debt will continue to balloon, especially as deficit spending will never be curtailed with spendthrifts like Trump. Rising rates could real cause a real real estate crisis, it is already wavering, and the Fed does not control long term rates or the 30 year mortgage rate. 8% is the magic threshold.
I have no idea if preacher Biggs prophecies are real or imagined, but he predicted the bullet going by Trump’s ear, either he was told or he tapped into something. I think what to look for as an early sign of collapse would be a plunging stock market, which does not even seem possible, because they have a plunge protection team, and the stock market is only allowed to trade higher – because those in charge know what would happen if it crashed.
1880 for most, 2080 for the usual suspects. So they can actually live out their Jerusalem phantasy history.
Right after the attempt a video was up on Youtube that attempted to recreate the shot, using the same rifle, scope, angle, etc. First off, the scope wasn’t capable of lining up a proper head shot at that distance. So it took several tries to even hit the melon. This demonstration was on a static target under highly controlled conditions and the “sniper” still had problems. They also tried with a scope designed for those distances and he hit first try. So there’s that. Can’t find the link right now, maybe it was pulled.
Second, Trump is a fairly animated speaker. He moves around, sweeps the crowd, notices movements and faces. In other words, he bobs and weaves. Enough that by the time you pull the trigger he’s likely somewhere else.
Third, everyone knows you don’t aim for the head. If you really want to take out a target, you aim for the body. Especially fatty Trump. Much bigger target than the head.
Remember there were live rounds fired at the stage. There were people killed. No way would a set piece allow for live rounds to be used. Look at the mess made after the Alec Baldwin shooting, and that was supposedly an accident. Only a true fool would agree to a plan where live rounds would be used anywhere near him. Trump may have an outsized optimism, but he ain’t that stupid.
I think it was staged, see my comment and link below. The (fake) assassination attempt is when many concluded that he was the selected chosen one for 2024. Soon after, two prominent tech billionaires, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg turned coattail on the Libtards and joined the Trump train.
Eric writes: “It is either miraculous – in the divine intervention sense. Or it is something else and very devilish. What are the odds that Trump would turn his head at just that precise moment? They are probably a million to one. It suggest something more than just chance. In both a good – and a very bad – way.”
When the odds are a million to one, that tells you it was staged. If some deep state actors set Trump up to be killed, they would not have missed. They shot JFK while he was moving, perfectly. Later, Trump LIED at the RNC about his hands being covered in blood when photographic evidence showed otherwise.
100% staged.
Didn’t obummer sign the act that made it “legal” to run propaganda on the news again?
Yes, Obongo made their tricks and lies, LEGAL. they have been doing it all along, but now their lies are legal, to avoid future prosecution. CYA
The assassin was a kook. He took advantage of circumstances (disorganized and compromised protection detail) and complacency to get in place.
You don’t aim at the body of a hard target because it’s wearing armor. Or if you do, you use a caliber up to defeating body armor. The kook didn’t.
If you are stupid and crazy enough to try such a murder you should know you’re not going to get away with it, if you’re shooting a semi auto you can get off a bunch of shots in the close general direction of your target in the few seconds you have.
I don’t think it was a set up, except that the kook was allowed to try. And the kook actually got close enough to draw blood.
At 130-150 yards, I can hit a target with iron sights, so this strikes me as very odd: “First off, the scope wasn’t capable of lining up a proper head shot at that distance.”
Hi Bill, I can hit a target at that sort of range but even a cheap hunting scope would have increased his odds of success and as the one he reputedly used has a MSRP of $470.58 he could have gotten a reasonable quality scope for that price.
I hope to live long enough know the truth about these attempts but at my age I don’t think I ever will.
First of all, I’m pretty experienced with rifles, shotguns, ect. While it’s POSSIBLE to reliably hit a “target” at 130-150 yards, maybe with a really good range-adjustable visual sight like an M1 might have. But what kind of grouping are you realistically going to have at 150 yards? And are you going to trust iron-sight accuracy at 150 yards for making a “world-changing shot”? I don’t think so.
Personally, I’m hand-loading my own ammo and replicating the same exact shot, using the same exact ranges and elevation changes for a few weeks. I’m not popping in a mag and going plinking ffs. The whole story is just so ridiculous as to be impossible.
I have some experience with rifles. In the Army basic training class consisting of about 800 recruits I had the highest shooting score, a 91 out of 100. This was using iron sights with an M16 which is basically a AR15. I have used sights but I don’t like to because I posit that urban warfare will be the standard activity should shit happen. Using a high quality scope a hit would have been guaranteed if not for the movement of the subject.
I really don’t care about weapons that much because physical fitness is my area of interest. I was only 4th in the physical fitness section and that was partly due to a mile run of only six and a half minutes. I don’t consider myself a physical prodigy by any means but this shows you the low level of achievement that our young people had. It may be even worse these days with our current young people. I encourage all to take up physical fitness training especially using a weightlifting set.
I believe in maintaining physical fitness, but because it makes it easier to carry a rifle. 😀
Hi RK. Apparently the assassin was using a Holosun AEMS red dot sight. It appears to not have any magnification. At the roughly 140 yard distance that’s a pretty small sight picture.
People have also pointed out that President Trump was probably wearing body armor, maybe so but based on the profile done on the assassin I believe the main reason for taking the shot that way was the psychological impact on his supporters.
As for Yukon’s contention that it was a setup; it might have been but by the Feds.
One of my uncles shot a deer right through the head, the deer’s eyeballs popped out of the deer’s head immediately. Deader than a duck, one shot, deer sausage. You buy half of a pig, grind it up with the deer meat, season it, you have some good sausage with your cabbage. It is called survival.
Bibi wouldn’t have the manhood to even shoot a deer.
He would order some other fool to fall for the shtick.
Fortunately, the idiot marksman missed the target by millimeters.
Apprehend Bibi, execute him, game over.
The real culprit in this internecine battle that has begun. Where the blame belongs.
Blinken would be shaking in his loafers, another damned dumb fool, if there ever was one.
Just a better world after that.
We really shouldn’t eat pork, you know. The Bible warns specifically about it. It’s a disgusting animal that wallows in and eats its own feces and doesn’t sweat to expel toxins. Want to boost your risk for cancer? Eat lots of nice, toxic pork.
Tell that to the Asians up and down the western Pacific.
In 1970, it was estimated that 16 percent of the world’s population was afflicted with trichinosis, a tiny parasite that worms its way into your micelles.
You will lose 40 percent of your strength if you are infected with trichinosis.
You cure the ham with brine, salt, the trichinosis organisms in the pig meat will be dead.
Some smoked, brined and sugar-cured ham is what the Deutsch call das Schinken.
Are you a Jew?
See, what kind of stupid shit like “Are you a Jew?” is this?
IT’S IN THE BIBLE. People seriously wonder why I call people names. If you had any brains AT ALL, you’d READ that book.
Also if you had any brains, you’d know it’s not JUST “Christianity” that forbids eating pork. “Judaism”, “Islam”, and “Christianity” ALL denounce pork.
You aren’t too awfully educated to ask questions merely for the point of jabbing someone with your juvenile stick rather than contributing meaningfully to the conversation or even heaven forbid to your own education.
I can see right through your stupid dumbfuckery, which is okay.
From now on, leave me alone.
“You’re right, letmepicyou, I called you the most vile of slurs, and I did so completely out of ignorance. I’m apologize.”
Was what all the civilized people were imagining there, I think. See, my original response to your original post was quite civil. I pointed out what scripture said, and did so quite flatly. That’s simply what the book says.
This guy? Comes back with “Are you a Jew?” Just takes it right down to the next level of vile. And now I’m to leave YOU alone?
Pfft. Now we see what’s real and what’s not. Thanks to you. *drops the mic*
Talking nonsense about “Ask the Asians”, nah I’ll ask GOD, thanks.
You are such an ass, Little Agent Man. You didn’t mic drop anyone.
Drumphish, did nothing different than what you have done to pretty much every person on this site for the last two weeks. But, you are outraged! Pot meet kettle.
Hasbara Sayanim Kiker Girl, the real people here can see the difference between someone pointing out what the Bible says, whish is what I did, and the shit I call out Jews for.
Like I said. The REAL people.
How’s the security at the ADL?
Never underestimate the ignorance of humans, there is no limit.
Captain Cook seeded hogs in New Zealand and Hawaii so there was something to eat when anchoring and making way to shore on the return trip.
Captain Cookers is what one New Zealand woman said to me one day. Sheep was her forte here way back when.
Even in Virginia, there are Virginia cured hams.
It’s the real deal.
I hope she’s okay.
Do you know why they took hogs?
Because they would eat the crew’s and other animal’s shit.
You’re a classy fellah.
I’m not saying for the record that I NEVER eat pork…talking maybe once or twice a year. But there is a VERY GOOD REASON why all 3 religions frown on pork.
“But there is a VERY GOOD REASON why all 3 religions frown on pork”
Abiding by the rules of stone age superstitious peoples is not a way to live in the modern world. There were good reasons why pork was bad to eat thousands of years ago but we live in a new age. Shit they’re even doing heart and liver transplants. There are these things called computers and it has been discovered that the world is not flat.
A world without bacon! That is a world I do not want to live in. Sure, Porky is cute, but he is also damn delicious.
Second that, RG!
I have been eating (and loving) bacon my whole life and I see no evidence I’m parasite laden or “weak” because I did.
Yeah, except modern studies confirm that pork increases cancer risk.
But yeah, sit in a cave and throw rocks at approaching intellectuals. Just say they’re listening to stoneage primatives or something.
[Yeah, except modern studies confirm that pork increases cancer risk.]
Modern Science said the shot was safe and effective…..
Well then let’s just go back to what God says.
God says, it’s bad for ya.
So take your pick.
Hebrew Roots?
The Old Covenant, ain’t The New one.
…But, nobody is convincing anybody, about anything, anyway.
“They also said artificial sweeteners were safe, WMDs were in eye-rack, and Anna Nichole married for love., The moment you got it figured, your’e wrong!”
said in best Levon Helm voice.
“Lemme show ya somethin”
‘Trump is at least as heroic as Washington crossing the icy Delaware to have a go at the Hessians.’ — eric
For the past 80 years, WE’VE been the Hessians — having ‘forgotten’ to demobilize from WW II. During his first term, Trump hammered the other 31 NATO members to pay for a higher share of America’s global protection racket.
If nations such as Germany, Japan, Italy and South Korea paid full freight to billet US occupation troops, it would make clear that America’s global military empire is just another mafia shakedown — except that dug-in yankee troops refuse to leave, even if the bill goes unpaid.
Hired-gun Hessians seem to have been held in special contempt by revolutionary-era Americans, even more so than British regulars. How did we morph into those guys, with hundreds of bases all over the world, fighting shadowy rebels from Tajikistan to Timbuktu?
Yet Clowngress is fully bought-in to NATO’s grift. They are compensated in various ways to do so. The ‘intel community’ keeps the receipts, the photos, the bar bills and call girl logs. And the system self-perpetuates until gradually, then suddenly, it collapses under its own weight. Sic transit gloria americana.
Why write this? Who blew this crap in your ear, Eric?
You think this will expose a conspiracy?
60+ years and we are still waiting to hear about JFK.
What matters is what the Orange man does now.
I doubt he’ll ever do as much as I think should be done (that is, just arrest everyone connected to DC and apply interrogation to force them to tell the truth about the past 60 years of tyranny), but I’m willing to give him a year to do what can be done.
The DC scum will expose their evil repeatedly by trying to stop the truth.
Hopefully that process will expose Trump’s agenda.
Hi John,
No one blew it in my ear; I just thought it was interesting stuff to discuss. Also – I am judging OM by what he does – and I do not say that it was kayfabe or real – because who knows?
Is Trump a despicable enough of a character who would fake his own assassination attempt to cinch his re-election bid? Uh … yes. During his RNC acceptance speech he LIED about his hands being covered in blood. That is some evidence to consider about Trump’ honesty on such an important event.
AFTER Trump won, all of a sudden, all this chatter about annexing Canada, Mexico, and Greenland, which was NEVER mentioned in the campaign. It just so happens that such a union of those 3 nations-states was a long term diabolical plan of the Club of Rome.
The outspoken James Perloff wrote and excellent piece about this Trump subterfuge:
LOL like it would be “Trump” doing it.
Trump would be TOLD “We’re going to fake an assassination attempt on you.”
Trump says “Yes, Rabbi Goldshekelstein. Whatever you say.”
Audio interview of Perloff on Trump NWO
“I know what you’re thinkin’, did he fire six shots, or only five? Truth is in all the excitement, I kind of lost track myself. But being this is a 44 magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question. “Do I feel lucky?” Well do ya punk?” Dirty Harry.
To convince everyone that the bullets were real and the event not staged, Trump would have to have gotten his head blown clean off. With all the lies and gaslighting, no one can be sure of anything anymore and with AI, things are only going get worse.
This. Unless you fully appreciate the existence of AI and the deep fake, you would be well advised to avoid media entirely. None of it can be trusted.
The Soviets had it easier, don’t believe it until the powers deny it, then treat it as confirmed fact.
LOL here’s the “blowing in the ear” right here.
Disguised as the opposite.
The day Trump got shot, I bought a Trump flag and flew it. It was my Foxtrot Uniform to the world. I wasn’t a diehard supporter, but that bullet pissed me off and his reaction inspired me.
Be aware a whole lot of people, including me, have carefully looked at the evidence of the Trump attempted assassination and concluded it was staged. There is much evidence to consider for the truth seeker, like the lack of a bullet wound on his ear, Trump lying about his hands being covered in blood, the shooter allowed to continue even with people yelling for cops to intercede, and that the Secret Service allowed him to stand up again and shout fight, fight, fight, all captured perfectly on film like Iwo Jima,
Dr. Kevin Barrett, published several articles back when it happened on The Unz Review when it happened. Here is the best one:
Oh man, spread that frosting.
Spread it THICK.
Why don’t you lay down in it and do “frosting angels” ffs?
I’ve heard of people saying the assassination attempt was faked but it begs the question would President Trump have been OK with that knowing someone else in the stands might well be killed as the bullet continued its trajectory? Someone else did die and two other people were injured.
I know we all hope that it was a real assassination attempt but the stories saying otherwise will persist. Either way things would have been a lot worse if Kamala was now the President.
“I’ve heard of people saying the assassination attempt was faked but it begs the question would President Trump have been OK with that knowing someone else in the stands might well be killed as the bullet continued its trajectory? Someone else did die and two other people were injured.”
That is one of the big questions that came out of the Trump assassination investigation. I have a definitive answer and you may not want to hear it. Trump is ok with Palestinians being slaughtered by Israel, and just gave Bibi the green like to wipe them out in Jenin and the West Bank.
As many Trump observers have wrote in the past, Trump is a patriotic enigma, wrapped up in a Zionist mystery. Pay no attention to what he says, only what he does.
You don’t know how Hollywood works at ALL, do you?
Special effects?
They even made a movie called “FX” to show you how fake everything is, and how easy it is to stage.
That whole stage is filled with EXTRAS. Never heard of “extras”? NPC’s?
The one paid to get shot goes down on cue. I could produce myself, it’s so ridiculously simple.