Welcome, NMA!


We have a new advertiser! The National Motorists Association (NMA). These guys are the antipodal opposite of AAA – which has become a nexus of Cloverism while the NMA does all it can to fight the spread of it. They are the outfit to join if you hate automated (and for-profit) traffic enforcement, dumbed-down traffic laws and love cars, driving and the freedom both enable. NMA members can also get valuable expert help fighting traffic tickets.

Check them out (here).

I’ll also have the audio of my latest radio interview up soon – hopefully, today. I’m trying to do as many of these as I can, as often as I can. There is also a transcript available (here) of a recent interview I did with Laissez Faire Today.

Other stuff: I am thinking about using the space on the left side of the main page currently devoted to Clover videos for other things, such as news snippets from around the country. I am not sure people – that’s you – are particularly into the Clover vids; we haven’t had many submissions.

Any thoughts?

Also, I’d like to thank everyone for a good month – especially those (you know who you are) who really stepped up. That’s two good months in a row, now.

Fingers crossed for three.

If you value independent media, please support independent media. We depend on you to keep the wheels turning!

Our donate button is here.

 If you prefer to avoid PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079

PS: EPautos stickers are free to those who sign up for a $5 or more monthly recurring donation to support EPautos, or for a one-time donation of $10 or more. (Please be sure to tell us you want a sticker – and also, provide an address, so we know where to mail the thing!)EPautoslogo








  1. I have been associated with them for years. As their Texas State Chapter Coordinator from 1988-1991, I had the pleasure of attending their members meetings and also organizing the second Civil Obedience Drive in the Dallas Fort Worth Megaplex.

    I heavily promoted the drive with local newspapers, TV and radio stations. It even got national attention from USA Today. It may have had an influence on their change in editorial position from favoring a national speed limit to favoring states setting their own by 1995.

    My purpose in that organization is to ensure that speed limits are raised and NEVER lowered on a national level again. Speeding tickets are still the likeliest way that we will encounter a heavily militarized law enforcement community and the subsequent aftermath of a ticket to include increased car insurance rates and drivers license points. My single minded goal has been to be involved enough to keep those to a minimum. The NMA is continuously refining its strategy to make sure that speed limits are increased to keep roadside contacts at a minimum.

    With 70 and 75 mph speed limits, that goal has largely been achieved as I knew almost 30 years ago, on joining the NMA, that it would if we achieved our goals.

    The NMA has been instrumental in getting the facts out concerning automated enforcement and remains the only dedicated, effective drivers rights organization in the country. I am proud that the organization does so much with so little. We are meeting the new challenges to motorists rights such as roadblocks, automated enforcement, a torrent of federal rulemaking, convoluted traffic laws across the country, and an alarmingly decaying and overused infrastructure. There are no shortage of challenges motorists face today.

    With the NMA’s presence, no state has lowered their speed limit since we embarked on the journey of increasing speed limits in 1982. The nation’s only drivers rights organization needs to grow to meet the challenges. Back in 1986 when I joined the NMA, my colleagues and peers said that I was an idiot. With 4 states posting an 80 mph speed limit and several others possibly raising theirs, we proved them wrong. Long term, barring a natural or man made disaster, we will win.

    Please join us.

    Henry B. Stowe
    Texas Activist
    National Motorists Association

  2. NMA is a really good outfit. I subscribe to them even though I live in Australia, because many of their issues apply here. And I’ve even gotten return comments by their President. Maybe Mr. Walker could run for US president one day. I’d vote for him in a heartbeat. I suppose though he doesn’t want to end up like LIncoln and Kennedy, assassinated for going by the nonaggression principle.

    • They are! (NMA)

      I’ve had a loose association with them for many years; met/interviewed former president Jim Baxter several times. Gail Morrison (DC lobbyist – worked to overturn the 55 MPH speed limit in the ’90s) was a good friend.

      I encourage everyone who cares about driving freedoms (and freedom, generally) to support them. And now, you’ll be supporting EPautos, too!

    • Thanks for the vote of confidence to5. I don’t think I would make a good politician because I do NOT suffer fools gladly. Like most NMA members, I want decisions made with common sense, unbiased data, proper research, and realistic approaches to problems for the motorists. I have driven in the Land of Oz and the approaches used by the car haters in your country are outrageous to me. Money drives the enforcement system, not safety, and that is 100% wrong 100% of the time.

      James C. Walker, Life Member – National Motorists Association

    • “Lincoln and Kennedy, assassinated for going by the non-aggression principle”.??!! Lincoln: one of the most insidiously statist, Big-Brother-centralizing, konstitution-shredding, collectivist, Negro-hating, murdering, thieving, gun-controlling, conscripting, Marxian, mentally-unbalanced, crony-mercantilist loons in world history?! Kennedy: creature of one helluva phony PR job, member of the notorious Kennedy crime family, and aspirant to the largest militarized colonialist State-Empire since the Roman Empire??!! Good hell, dude! Go to lewrockwell.com, and do your homework!!

      • Lincoln, worst president ever – committed treason according to the Constitution he claimed to love, and destroyed the (formerly voluntary) union he claimed to save.
        Kennedy – well, he was bucking the MIC regarding Viet Nam, and fighting the Federal Reserve. But it was probably his efforts to dehorn the CIA that got him done in. Not to mention that the thug LBJ was waiting in the wings.

  3. The National Motorists Association (NMA) is a grassroots organization whose revenue is membership- and donation-driven. Created in 1982 “to represent and protect the interests of North American motorists”, and to advocate for a “Motorist Bill of Rights”.

    Originally called the Citizens Coalition for Rational Traffic Laws (CCRTL), it advocated against the 55 mph National Maximum Speed Law, as their chief cause until its successful repeal in 1995. The National Motorists Association name was adopted in the late 1980s.

    Traffic Justice Program. The NMA encourages motorists to challenge all traffic tickets in court. To promote this, the NMA offers to pay the fines for customers who challenge their speeding tickets in court and are subsequently found guilty. This offer is limited to US$300, once per subscription year.

    The NMA also provides an audio program called “Guerrilla Ticket Fighter” and other web resources to its customers.

    Civil Obedience Days
    In the 1980s and ’90s, the NMA would advertise a “Civil Obedience Day” where some drivers would travel in a caravan at the posted speed limit on a few local highways.

    The purpose being to illustrate how unreasonably low the current speed limit was. By purposely leaving the far left lane open for cars to pass, the volume of cars passing the caravan and the large amount of cars behind it both served to prove its point.

    Other efforts
    In cooperation with GetMADD.com, the NMA offered a $20,000 reward to anyone who could substantiate the NHTSA and MADD’s statistics on impaired-driver fatalities.

    The NMA operates a speedtrap registry and a roadblock registry where people can post the locations of known speed traps and road blocks. It opposes the installation of red light cameras.

    Corporate status
    The National Motorists Association Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization was founded in 1999 and based in Waunakee, Wisconsin, for the purposes of carrying out research, education and litigation that advances and enhances individual mobility.

    Current NMA Foundation report.


    Assets: $202,092
    Income: $176,515
    Expenses: $117,305

    Total Revenue: 2012 (990)
    Contributions $160,349
    Program Service Revenue $16,166
    Total $176,515

    Program Service Expenses $115,468
    Administration $1,837
    Total $117,305

    2012 Net Gain in Assets $59,210

  4. Good deal with the NMA. When placing orders with Amazon, I use their “Smile” feature and have then donate a small % to the NMA.

    • Randy, thanks. I didn’t realize that. I just ordered a couple things from Amazon and missed it. I’ll look next time. We’re so remote and when we do reach a retail store, even of a major chain, it will be a sham of most of their stores. When we buy something, it’s nearly always Amazon, eBay and occasionally Home Depot.

  5. AAA is far from ideal, but I have heard them say good things about how the evil red-light cameras actually increase accidents.

  6. I like the *idea* of the Clover videos, but I tend not to watch them for the simple reason that it’s a tough sell getting me to watch *any* videos.


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