
2024 Chevy Camaro

It's a strange and sad thing when one of the most popular, best-known cars ever made is about to fade away. Not because of anything it did, either. That car - in this...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 07/18/2024

Here's the audio of this week's Wheels up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, OR! We talked about Orange Man down and only 950,000 or so EeeeeeVeeeees...

The Circa 1995-2010 Catch 22

There's an interesting irony about the state of the car industry that's also a pickle of its own creation. Or - more finely - a pickle that's the unintended result of...

Missing the 1 Million Mark . . .

GM's CEO, Mary Barra, predicted it would be producing (and presumably, selling) one meeeeeellionĀ - cue Dr. Evil voice - battery powered devices by the end of next year. How many devices...

Latest Radio Show: BryanHyde Show 07/17/2024

Here's the audio of this week's talk withBryan Hyde, host of The Bryan Hyde Show in Utah. We talked about Orange Man Down and the Left's goading/hypocrisy, among other things: . ....

The Paradox of Government

There is one bottom-line truth about government that is impossible to deny. It is that good people don't need government. More finely, they do not need to be governed to be...

Why Helmet Laws are Silly and Tyrannical

I wanted to remember what it was like to live in a free country - remember when people used to say that? - so IĀ  went out for a ride on...

Diaper Report: 07/15/2024

It may be that time, again. The cases! The CASES! are on the rise, again. Seven of them! "Three poultry workers in northeast Colorado are presumed to have fallen ill with bird flu...

Speed Limiters Will Kill Driving

You've probably heard about what is being marketed as "speed limit assistance technology." The italics to make a point of the fact about what is - as opposed to what they're...

Orange Man Down

Will the attempted murder of Donald Trump in Pennsylvania the other day be framed as a "threat to our democracy" by the people who so regard not just Trump but also...
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