
Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 02/05/2025

Here's the audio of this week's talk with Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Idaho! We talked about the rolling over the rotting log - and beholding the...

A Measure of Inflation

Everyone who buys groceries knows how much more the same groceries cost after four years of the Biden Thing. The cost of car insurance is another way to gauge our enserfment. Two...

Diaper Report: 02/02/2025

It turns out "masks" - the once benign term that conjures loathing in the minds of sane and decent people subjected to years of abuse for not wearing them and for...

Post Peak Cars

There's  not much else that can be done to make new vehicles better - given government constraints. They cannot, for instance, be made lighter - which would be much better for both...

Muh Bitcoin

Some people are leery about what is rightly styled "crypto" - because of the opacity of whatever-it-is. Dollars and cents make sense, at least - in that everyone not actually special...

Honda Isn’t Getting a Charge Out of GM’s Device

Battery-powered devices are quick - but they are hard to move off of dealership lots. The "Honda"  Prologue, for instance. It's selling like crushed grasshopper burgers at a barbecue joint. The...

Worth the Work

Saving money is how you have money to deal with the cost of being forced to pay out money - as to the insurance mafia and the ultimate mafia, the government. The...

Two Things That Used to be Simple and Cheap

To get a handle on just how difficult it has become to perform even minor repairs on many new cars (and trucks) it's worth a stroll down memory lane to recall...

Socialists (and Democrats) are Cowardly Communists

What is the difference between a socialist and a communist? The socialist likes to pretend he isn't a communist. More finely, he wants to pretend he's a nice guy. That he...

Neighbor Lady Gets Hut! Hut! Hutted!

A nice old widow lives down the road for me. She has never in her 78 years been arrested - much less handcuffed - for anything. Until just the other day...
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