
Latest Radio: David Knight Show: 02/15/2023

Here's the audio of my talk the other day with David Knight, host of Real News With David Knight: . . . If you like what you've found here please consider supporting EPautos.  We depend...

Reader Question: TP Oil Filters?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Brad asks: I wanted to get your thoughts on those aftermarket filtration systems that use toilet paper as a medium. Have you had...

How The Corn Lobby Will Kill Your Older Car

They may not need to ban old cars outright. Instead, they'll just kill them off quietly - by poisoning them internally. With ethanol. Modern cars - cars built since the early '90s - ...

2011 Buick Regal

Buick is now the best-selling American car... in China. But in America, Buick is struggling to regain its footing. The traditional (read: older) Buick buyer can't support the brand's future. In a...

Tire Tyranny

If you've gone to get new tires recently, you may have already dealt with the latest outcropping of technocratic busybodyism: The scanning of your car's electronic ear tag, its Vehicle Identification...

Electric Seepage II

Would it bother you if you got in your car one morning - after having filled it up the evening prior - to find that instead of a full tank you...

“Broken Taillight” Hut! Hut! Hut!

Here's an appalling video of an AGW going from zero to Hut! Hut! Hut! faster than it took you to read this sentence. A woman is pulled over, apparently - allegedly -...

Reader Question: Scan Tool Recommends?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Mooeing asks: I'm going to start a side business as a mobile mechanic. I was wondering if you had experience with any OBD2...

Reader Question: Trade-in Issues?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Bill asks: Thank you so much for you very useful and informative remarks (in reply to the earlier question about the new Corvette; see...

Buick Estate Wagon, 1970–1987

Historically, Buick was GM's "discreet Cadillac"—a high-end car without the high-end ostentation. For many years, Buicks were known as "doctors’ cars" for just that reason. Ownership indicated you had money, but...
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