Electric Seepage II


Would it bother you if you got in your car one morning – after having filled it up the evening prior – to find that instead of a full tank you had a less-than-full tank?

This is what you’ll find if you leave a battery-powered device unplugged overnight. Whether it’s a small one, like your smartphone – or a big one, such as an EV. But there is an added element to consider as regards the EV.

Several, actually.

The first is that you can’t recharge the EV on the go – as it needs to be charged in order to be able to go. If the EV is low on charge, the only way to charge it back up is to wait for it – wherever it is you’ve decided to (or are able to ) plug it in.

That can be at home, at work – if your employer allows it and has facilities for it – or at a commercial “fast” charging station, where the wait is only five times as long (to get a partial charge) as it takes to pump a full tank of gas into a vehicle that isn’t a battery-powered device.

But the take-home point is having to wait. Sooner (due to less range) and (probably) longer (due to less charge).

The second – and related – issue is that unlike small battery-powered devices that can go all day on a charge, most EVs can generally only go a couple hundred miles or so on a full charge. The ’24 Genesis GV70 I’m test driving this week, for instance, has a fully charged range of 236 miles.

It’s also much less than that – for me – because it had lost a significant percentage of its fully charged range by the time it was dropped off at my house, which is located about 30 miles away from the nearest commercial “fast” charger. The delivery driver stops there first and charges it. Then he drives it – up the roughly 2,000 foot elevation gain from the Roanoke valley (where the “fast” charger is located) to my place up (literally) in the Blue Ridge mountains. Thus, the electric GV70 had only 174 miles of range left by the time it was dropped off at my house the other day.

That’s equivalent to about a third of a tank of gas – in terms of how far that much gas will allow the typical vehicle (as opposed to a battery powered device) to go before you run empty.

But wait – there’s more.

Well, less.

The morning after the GV70 was dropped off, I went outside to see how much range was left after leaving it sitting overnight. I place the latter word in italics to emphasize the point that I did not drive the vehicle. It just sat.

But it seeped.

Overnight – just from sitting – the range remaining had dipped by five to 169 miles. This is not abnormal. It is typical And that’s when it’s still warm outside. When it’s not – as in winter, rapidly approaching – the seepage can be much more. It’s not because the battery is leaking, though what you’re dealing with here is similar in its effects to having a gas tank with a bad seam or something like that.

Rather, it is because the battery is powering – even when the EV isn’t running. Electricity – charge – is consumed by the battery’s thermal management system, which is always on (as it must be) to keep the battery from getting too cold or too hot. This is very important for what is styled “battery health” – meaning, how long it lasts before it begins to noticeably lose its fully charged capacity – and also for keeping the battery from spontaneously combusting.

But the point here is that battery-powered devices are always burning power – an interesting fact given that gas-burning vehicles burn nothing when they are parked and turned off. You can leave a gas-burning sitting for a week and it will still have a full tank of gas when you return – assuming you left it with a full tank.

Not so an EV. Here’s what happened to the GV after I left it sitting outside for a second night. I did this deliberately, to see what would happen without my having done anything with the vehicle, such as driving it.

Well, it now has only 166 miles of range remaining. I’ve lost  eight. And I’ve driven it zero miles so far.

166 miles isn’t 166 miles, either – in an EV. It is maybe that – depending on driving conditions/outside temperatures; your actual range can and often will be 10-30 percent less, which doesn’t leave much. Especially when you subtract from that the remaining charge you’re probably going to want to keep in reserve – so you don’t run out range before you can get to where you can charge (and have the time to charge).

But to get back to the seepage issue.

It can be compensated for by keeping the EV plugged in when it’s not being driven. This way, the battery charges as it discharges. But – leaving aside the serial, twice-daily (or more) hassle of having to plug it in, then unplug it, find/ stow the cord, etc. – weren’t these battery-powered devices supposed to reduce the gratuitous burning of hydrocarbon fuels? How do they do that when they must be constantly kept plugged in – because they are constantly burning power?

I own an old muscle car with a V8 that burns a great deal of gas – but only when it’s running. It burns no gas – and causes none to be “emitted” – when it is not.

What do you suppose the aggregate load imposed by let’s say 50 million or so battery-powered devices – which would amount to about 20 percent of all the cars (non-electric) there are in the United States – continuously drawing power to avoid seepage and maintain their charge – would be? How large a plume of the deadly inert gas carbon dioxide – recently rebranded as “carbon” so as to conjure thoughts of dirtyness – would arise from hydrocarbon fuel-burning utilities to generate the power to keep powering up these battery powered devices?

The good news is it will probably never get that far, in part because the truth about battery-powered devices is rapidly going mainstream, just the same the truth about “masks” – and those who pushed them – already has. You don’t see many “maskers” around anymore.

You are going to be seeing fewer EVs around, soon, too.

. . .

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  1. Just wait Eric. You’ll get another POS ‘long-range’ Benz that won’t fucking go anywhere over the holidays, like last year! Maybe this year you can get stranded by the F-150 Platinum that croaks when the tail lamp leaks!

  2. Parking an EV at the airport is a bad idea. Be ready to sit at the nearest charging station after you retrieve your vehicle (assuming you were able to follow the many and varied rules for storing your vehicle).

    But then again, thanks to the decline and fall of the front range, parking your gasoline car at DIA might mean you’ll need a new catalytic converter.


    It’s a real “choose your own adventure” of state sponsored annoyance.

    • Well, at least the ICE car will still run and leave the god forsaken city even without the converter, if the gas tank wasn’t siphoned dry as well.

  3. A Tesla EV has 3 water pumps….when it is plugged in charging these run continuously…when it is not plugged in these can run also, to maintain the optimum temperature for the super fragile lithium firebomb batteries…. so you topped up the 90 kwh battery to get your 250 mile range…at 35 mph, under ideal conditions….what about the wasted energy running those water pumps?….40% of it from burning coal at the power plant…that is really green…lol….

    A Tesla EV has 3 water pumps…imagine the replacement cost down the road…some ice cars have chinese garbage water pumps…the pumps go at 30,000 miles….the ice car only has one water pump not 3….EV’s have no maintenance…lol…what about far more frequent tire replacement also?…

    and other EV’s probably similar design….

  4. Good luck with that grid load for EV charging when this gets rolling (hope you have a strong stomach before you read this insanity)

    Hydrogen baby! It’s the latest craze!

    Get a load of those two grifters standing out in the Hanford scrubland. The irony is they are right next to the real answer, nuclear power being generated at the Columbia Generating Station, Hanford. 1216 megawatts of romp and stomp!

    PS: our own Sen. Patty (the moron) Murray crowing on about this, the same idiot that wants the Snake River hydroelectric dams removed to save the salmon! About 10% of our WA production comes from those dams.

    • Whenever some greenie idiot (but I repeat myself) mentions hydrogen I have a one word reply – Hindenberg! Oh the insanity 😆

  5. First time commenter. Also an EV owner so I wanted to give some actual info here based on someone that drives one of these cars.

    I am pretty much the “anti” EV owner in that I drive this car for all the wrong reasons compared to the typical driver who is usually a ‘green’ lefty with a very poor understanding of physics, energy density, and materials science.

    I bought an EV for 2 reasons. I wanted a car that was -really- fast and that could drive itself at least part of the time as I was intending on taking some long road trips. In this regard, the car has performed well. There aren’t too many slow EVs and the mid to higher end models are fast in a way that few ICE vehicles can compare to. Do I miss the outrageous roar of a V8? Yeah, not going to lie. But the car is stupidly fast and this is from someone that has driven some seriously fast toys. Corvette Z06, BMW M3, Supra Twin Turbo, etc. etc.

    If there was an ICE car that had the very advanced self-driving capabilities of a Tesla combined with blistering HP / acceleration I’d have gotten it but most of them are out of reach by comparison. You are talking top of the line Corvettes, Germans, and exotics all of which are far more expensive than EVs.

    For the use case I bought the car for, it has done well, it has some additional perks like the fact that it IS very cheap to “refuel” and the maintenance on the car is minimal.

    All that being said, there are a host of reasons NOT to have an EV. Most of which you have covered here in detail. Range, lack of infrastructure, impracticality, charge time, etc.

    I did a 3000 mile road trip this summer in the Tesla. It was… “challenging” compared to doing the same said trip in an ICE car. I knew this going into it and was fully prepared for the f-ckery I would have to endure taking a trip cross country in a Tesla. The absolute biggest challenge for EVs far more than any issues with the cars themselves is the comical lack of infrastructure. Tesla is waaaay ahead of the game and even they are clustered heavily on the coastal US east & west. Once you get into that awful place that scares the daylights out of lefties called “flyover country” you have to be far more careful about where you drive.

    Imagine throwing a dart at a map of say Kansas, Nebraska, wherever… and within a 200 mile radius of any dart throw there are only 10 gas stations. That is the current situation with EV infrastructure. Right now EVs are as rare as a unicorn in these places so its not an issue. But at the rate they are recklessly selling these cars it will be, SOON.

    Already there are some serious problems showing and I will give you one example from my trip. Oklahoma City. 600,000 people. A large city by any yardstick, 620 sq. miles total. So in a very large city with that much geographic area, there should be dozens of EV stations with probably hundreds of individual plugs/chargers right? Wrong! There is ONE. 12 charging ports for a city of 600K. LOL!

    I waited 2 hours to charge there and that was on my 3rd attempt. You will see scenarios like this increase tenfold as the unscrupulous corporations keep dumping these vehicles onto the highways with NO plan for associated infrastructure.

    Charging itself? Pain in the ass. If you are at home with a Level 2 fast charger, no biggie. Plug the car in, go do something else, its ready to go by morning. Not every house can support this, especially older houses. 30amps of power just for the EV charger is not feasible in older homes nor is the 240V line.

    If you are one of the unlucky ones living in an apartment complex or an older house? Tough luck. You can sit and wait in line a the few public “gas stations” available and then also sit for another 20-40 minutes while you “refuel”.

    You all are probably asking why the hell did you buy this thing since I’m in the know about its downsides? Again, under -specific- circumstances, they are feasible. My normal situation is I have a 30amp charger at home, my commute is rarely more than 200 miles round trip, and I live near Sodom on Potomac (DC) where there are superchargers every 5 blocks because the NPC Leftoids are ‘helping the environment’ by driving their rare earth metal filled, child slave labor extracted, fossil fuel electricity generated “Green” cars.

    As a replacement for ICE cars and –especially– for trucks, semis, or military hardware? LMAO. Just stop… its absurd on its face. And as I said anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of physics, energy density, and materials science would tell you as much unless they are a paid shill.

    • RE: “my commute is rarely more than 200 miles round trip, and I live near Sodom on Potomac (DC)”

      Just the thought of being in EV in Winter gives me the shivers. Ya made me think of this adventure:

      ‘I Survived the I95 Gridlock for 16 Hours’

      …”Over 40 miles of cars trapped on the interstate in sub-freezing temperatures for over 20 hours”…


      • Hi helot,

        This entire scenario that you describe on I-95 goes back to my case that people are not situationally aware. Who in their right mind stays on I95 for 24 hours? Someone who has zero survival instinct, that’s who.

        We had something similar (same region) in January 2011. Most people sat in traffic for hours and their cars ran out of gas on the Fairfax County Parkway, I-66, and 495. Accidents were everywhere – tractor trailers unable to stop, cars unable to maneuver the hills on roads such as Route 29 and Route 50, etc. If you knew a backroad, you took a backroad. Did it take a long time? Yes, but one was continuously moving and they didn’t have to worry about a semi sliding into their bumper.

      • Agreed. DC’s winters are not harsh enough for this to be a major problem normally but woe to someone in Minnesota or Canada who decides to buy one of these. You are talking 20-25% range loss even on a brand new car. They simply do -not- work well in severe cold.

        Conversely though, if I was stuck 16 hours on I-95 (would never happen) I’d actually far prefer an EV because why? Your “engine” is not constantly running. When your foot is off the accelerator you are using extremely little energy overall. Just running the cabin heat (which has the added side benefit of heating the battery) you could easily sit 20+ hours stuck on a road whereas an ICE car would run out of fuel long unless you shut the engine off.

        • These EV’s shouldn’t be sold in very cold climates…..can’t defrost the windows….that is a huge safety hazard…..why are they allowed to sell this defective junk?

          Heating your cabin in extremely cold temperatures is sometimes impossible! At minus 35 degrees Celsius, your windshield will freeze over as NO HEAT will be provided! That’s right…only cold air in very cold climate!

          by….Bryan Bootcamp O’Connor

          Exactly one year after purchasing the electric Mustang Mach-E, I’d like to share my thoughts, pros and cons of driving an all electric car.

          1. Driving is like nothing I’ve experienced! The acceleration and power is so smooth and luxurious. What a ride!

          1. Winter driving is very stressful. The battery drains very quickly in the cold. Heating your cabin in extremely cold temperatures is sometimes impossible! At minus 35 degrees Celsius, your windshield will freeze over as NO HEAT will be provided! That’s right…only cold air in very cold climate!

          3. Charging your car takes much longer in the winter. Traveling to Ottawa once, it took 90 minutes to charge my car from 20% to 80% at a level 3 Charging spot.

          4. The anger and frustration when you pull up to a fast charger off the highway and it is “out of order” is out of this world! It happens too often!

          5. Everywhere you travel to, extensive careful planning is needed because fast chargers (level 3) are not easy to find in working order.

          6. Highway driving drains your battery very fast at speeds greater than 100 kms per hour….60 mph

          In Summary:
          1. My Mustang Mach-E is not a practical car for my job. I put 30,000kms in one year. If we have a colder Winter next year I’ll be miserable!

          2. The infrastructure is a joke for non- tesla cars. I cannot imagine doubling the electric cars on the road with the current available fast chargers. The wait lines and times to charge will increase arrival times on long trips by many hours!

          3. Electric cars are not very efficient on the highway if you like to drive fast.

          Our governments want to put a stop on the production of internal combustion engines by 2035. Good luck with that! The current infrastructure is a joke. I do not have any faith it can be improved to meet the future demand.

        • RE: “When your foot is off the accelerator you are using extremely little energy overall. Just running the cabin heat (which has the added side benefit of heating the battery) you could easily sit 20+ hours stuck on a road”

          That’s interesting. This is at 100% charge? At the half-way point on the way back from your 200 mile round trip to work, what is the charge level, both: If you re-charged at work, and If you did not?

          How long would a heater run in both cases?

          I’m imagining the slow crawling traffic backup type situation in cold temps. The, ‘before you’re stuck’ drain. I wonder what the run-time is in that situation?

          EV’s are rolling heaters? Long lasting heaters, so long as you don’t roll them along?

          …Just thinking out loud.

          • My car is a performance model so much like a Z06 Corvette, an M series BMW, etc. “fuel efficiency” is very low on the list of priorities. You aren’t getting 30+ MPG for instance out of those cars with big V8s or turbocharged V6s. So my car’s range is just shy of 200 miles. This accounts for “normal” driving which is to say 70-80MPH or below w/ AC or heat running.

            If you are standing on the accelerator the whole time, just like a Vette or any other car your range is going to go WAY down.

            Conversely, if you baby it and are putting along at 35 mph you could probably get 200+ miles out of it and the heat / AC would obviously hold out way longer too.

            My commute is not 100 miles one way but in your hypothetical scenario which I encountered MANY times this summer over a 3000 mile trek it was about what I said when I was at 50% charge I had approx. 100 miles remaining. Much like an ICE car though the battery reading is not accurate on purpose. Jus as you can drive a car past the “E” on the fuel gauge, you can get extra miles out of an EV, I just don’t recommend it.

            Also, my car is dual motor, i.e. very fast but also very inefficient much like a big V8 Vette would be. Long range model Teslas are now pushing near 300 mile ranges so much more in line with an “economy” ICE car.

            • The EQE350 Mercedes EV features a 90.6-kWh battery pack that’s expected to provide a driving range of more than 300 miles.

              Re test: the test driver took the new EQE on the autobahn, which has a 400 mile range, and recorded how much the range dropped….. at top speed on a de-restricted section the range is only about 100 miles.

              You better just use for short trips around town, EV’s range drops a lot on the highway.


            • The cops should use these Tesla’s as pursuit vehicles…lol…a 30 mile range at full throttle chasing an ice Porsche….

    • If you bought the EV based on its characteristics, I see no problem with that. It’s called consumer choice in a FREE MARKET economy.

      What I object to is that both the manufacturer of the EV itself, as well as the suppliers of components, are getting GOVERNMENT subsidies, i.e., MONEY taken from YOUR pocket, and, worse, MINE, because I didn’t choose ANY EV, and, more important, I didn’t buy YOURS. Add also that likely you availed yourself of Federal and, if applicable, State income tax credits, which simply (1) shift the tax burden to OTHERS, and (2) raise the cost of the vehicle itself, so, in a way, the tax credits are simply compensation for the other Government effects of interference in the automotive industry.

      Meanwhile, MY choice, which not only would probably be an ICE, or, IF I saw a benefit (like a compact car, intended primarily as a short-range commuter), a HYBRID, preferably a “Plug-In”, not only has its price raised by the subsides for YOUR EV (and everyone else’s), there’s also bundled costs if the vehicle doesn’t meet the Federal “Fatwa” for fuel economy…and most cars and light trucks do NOT, as they’re entirely unrealistic. Indeed, if I want something like a decent 1-ton “dually” with a crew cab and a diesel (good luck finding one NEW anymore, but that’s another topic), which in today’s market is probably going out the door for about $150K (by “Gawd” and “Sonny Jeez-Uz”, I shite you not!), a significant chunk of that price is the penalties imposed upon the maker for a CHOICE. Never mind that such a “Cowboy Cadillac” may be that large for its TOWING abilities, as well as doubling as the “Family Truckster” with a pickup bed, probably topped with a camper or shell. Such a pickup that gets about 15 mpg on the highway per gallon of diesel, but pulling an 8000 lb trailer and six ADULT(erers) in comfort is probably a better expenditure per barrel of crude than, say, even some “eco-friendly” hybrid, and especially an EV, which may carry just the driver and/or ONE passenger and their stuff! Also, since such a rig is typically a huge, lifetime investment, they’re typically hung onto, so the “carbon footprint” is made much less often for both manufacture and ultimate disposal.

      And speaking of “disposal”, what of the day when your EV “breathes its last”? Most wrecking yards will not accept hybrids or EVs, due to the issue of how to dispose of the batteries. That’s not actually been worked out! Just imagine that, some 10-12 years down the road, you, being diligent to hold on to your ride until the wheels fall off, are faced with a $5,000 BILL for the disposal, since YOU get hit with the cost of getting rid of the LiON batteries. That might just factor in the “keep it or junk it” decision, but suppose the replacement cost of a battery pack, is, say, $15,000, and it’s “Unobtainium”, or at least you get on a waiting list for months if not YEARS to get the replacement. Never mind that the rest of the vehicle has wear and tear, like dents, paint fading and scratches, worn and unsightly upholstery, and other normal issues with a “tired” automobile. None of those issues I typically face with an conventional ICE vehicle; even with a “lunched” engine or busted transaxle, the thing is still worth about $3K to $5K in parts to any well-run salvage yard, and most will at least pay to have it towed off, if not off you a wee bit of cash for the “clunker”.

      Still, all these “problems” you might willingly face, in a FREE MARKET, and good luck to you. Again, what I stridently object to is if they’re made, via “Gubmint Fatwa”, MY problem.

      Not unlike all those “Conservative” web sites and channels bleating about how America “has to support Israel”. BULLSHIT. Although I’ve no love for Hamas or the Palestinians, and consider them just as bad, if not, in some ways, even worse, I fail to see how Isra-Hell is worth one red cent (or one shekel) of OUR money, and certainly not one DROP of OUR blood. Let them kill each other off for all I friggin’ care!

    • Hi UserAnon,

      Thank you for taking the time to post about your experience owning a Tesla. I get to test drive new EVs and agree with you about the quickness but (and I understand this is subjective) the experience is anodyne and gets boring quickly. I find driving a much slower Mazda Miata six speed far more involving – emotionally and otherwise. But, again, subjective.

      The part about EVs I cannot fathom has to do with the objective issues of having to plan around charging (and waiting for it) as opposed to not thinking much, if at all, about gassing up a non-electric car and just driving wherever, whenever. I understand that in your case (I used to live in Loudoun and commuted downtown) the range is rarely an issue, but it still strikes me as a little odd to give up the freedom of action a non-EV provides for the tether that the EV comes with.

      IN any event, glad for your point-of-view!

        • Hi Anon,

          I think what makes them boring is they’re all the same. Different shapes but – fundamentally – they’re all the same. Like smartphones. They are the NPCs of transportation.

          • EV’s…..Maybe they are more fitting for people who hate cars……

            they are horrible for driving enthusiasts…they are hugely overweight, clumsy whales….driven flat out, they have bad brakes, are horrible on corners, a totally isolated experience, dead feeling steering, no feedback, a totally isolated numb experience and no sound…in an ice vehicle the sound can be 60% of the experience….the exact opposite from something like a Lotus Elise….

            in a straight line they can be quick…but there is no roads without corners or where driving at high speed, heavy braking is not required….like on a track…

            EV’s have bad laptimes on a track compared to ice cars…

            • Here is a car that is exactly the opposite of an EV….I would love to own this car……

              Always one of the most spectacular HillClimb events of the year, Buzetski Dani in Croatia featured once again a tremendous entrylist, filled with an incredible amount of proper Monsters, making for a incredible selection of machines for the final Top 10 list.

              With 3 Lancer Evolution models, all over 600Hp…. 500 hp GT3 from Porsche and 570 hp Ferrari GT3…. 740Hp Seat Léon R32 Turbo….. Renault RS01 600 hp….. BMW M3 540 hp…. 450 hp Lotus Elise,

              at the very Top we saw 2 of absolute fastest Monsters in Europe: Dan Michl´s famous 450 hp Lotus Elise V8 and Manuel Dondi in his frantic 320 hp FIAT X1/9 Lampredi 9000 rpm twin cam hemi 2.0 lt 4 cylinder….

              Fiat X1/9 hillclimb car with a 2 litre 320 hp na 9000 rpm Lampredi twin cam hemi engine …670 kg/1500 lb…has best time of the day… 4:51:108…quicker then all the other cars…..lightest car…..lightness matters…ask Colin Chapman…

              Lampredi 4 cylinder twin cam hemi, best 4 cylinder engine in the world…..designed by Ferrari engine designer Aurelio Lampredi….a Ferrari designer designed engine in your X1/9….

              see at 9:30 in video….

              Fiat X1/9 hillclimb car with a 2 litre 320 hp na 9000 rpm Lampredi twin cam hemi engine …670 kg/1500 lb…has best time of the day… 4:51:108…quicker then the 450 hp Lotus Elise V8 or the 500 hp GT3 from Porsche and the 570 hp Ferrari GT3,…weight matters…lightness wins…ask Chapman…

  6. Electric seepage isn’t only due to the thermal management or consumption, but also internal self-discharge. Lithium ion batteries have many alternating layers of electrolyte and insulator, and the insulator isn’t perfect, so very slowly, current passes through them and the battery discharges, producing some heat. This is about 5-10% loss per month for lithium ion polymers, and like 3% for lithium iron phosphate.

  7. Maybe you should to do a Cannonball Run in this EV to display the ridiculousness of the endeavor. How long do you have it?

    P.S. Pack a generator and a couple of 5 gallon cans filled with gas. You’re gonna need ’em.

  8. Yesterday in the shuttle bus at Zion National Park, I was surrounded by Californicators. “I just LOVE my Rivian,” chirped one woman, in a screechy accent that hurt my ears. “I do too!” said another.

    A midwesterner piped up. “I’m on my way to Orange County to visit to my son, who works for Rivian. So far, we’ve seen two on the way.”

    “Oh, you’ll see LOTS more of them when you get to North County,” enthused the California grrrrlz, preening and flapping their little wings.

    Discreetly I opened the zipper and barfed into my day pack.

    • I live in Silicon Valley. Most of my neighbors have Teslas, some have two in the driveway, and those are slowly giving way to Rivians and Lucids, but more so Rivians. Two of my acquaintances are now double-Rivian households, and one of them loves to go skiing, so now, he’s always describing, with lots of excitement, how he plans his drive up there, where he charges, so that in case they get snowed in, that he has enough reserve to get back to the cabin or whatever. It seems to me there’s a “charging lifestyle” that some people really enjoy, maybe it satisfies some kind of weird kink. I can’t imagine spending so much money for so much fussing.

      Me, I hop in my car, put some gas in it near home, and make it to Tahoe and back (about 450 mile round trip), with about 100 miles range left when I get back. I don’t have to think about getting gas (or charging) up there.

      • RE: “It seems to me there’s a “charging lifestyle” that some people really enjoy,”

        For sure. I simple do not understand such people, I imagine they’re the same type which form long slow-moving lines at the drive-thru coffee huts here in the Midwest.
        In Springtime, maybe it’s, eh~ok? In Winter, I drive by and wonder W.T.F.?

  9. The sad part is, the average dildo literally thinks that electricity is “clean”, no matter HOW it’s generated. Hell, a bank of Wartsila diesel engines powering a giant parking lot full of Tesla “superchargers”, is apparently “cleaner” than a small lawnmower engine.

      • Hi Mister,

        I’ve noticed the infra-red also. My camera picks it up; my eyes don’t. This stuff is now embedded in most new vehicles, irrespective of make/model.

          • Tesla’s own insurance coverage requires the driver to submit to monitoring of driving habits while the vehicle is in motion. I imagine that taping over the cameras would be a violation of the terms of service and result in increased rates.

            Here in North Austin, after a recent severe hail storm, many Tesla owners are learning about insurance coverage, third party body repair voiding warranties, and what Capo Gecko et. al. will offer an owner looking to “total” a Tesla still under warranty.

            The lessons are sinking in, but, by this time next year, it may well be too late to stop the agenda.

  10. EV’s are a real life portrayals of Monte Python movies and humor.

    Can’t really take them seriously, they’re more than a joke, they’re laughingstock, rofl.

    The Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption on the Pacific Ocean floor vaporized billions of gallons of ocean water into the atmosphere on January 15 of 2022.

    Got nice warm fall temperatures out of the deal.

    The Pro-Palestinian protests in New York City is matched by Pro-Israeli protests across the street.

    Next thing you know, it’s going to be guns and knives with one arrest of a New York City councilwoman.

    Better have an ICE vehicle to escape from New York.

    The Jews just stay indoors, fear and loathing in New York City these days.

    Seepage of hatred can ignite wild fires of rage.

    Peace be with you. And you, and you, and you, and you.

      • “Bring out your dead!” will be for EV owners when their EV is at the “It’s dead, Jim” stage.

        By then, it’ll be time to drink.

        Not difficult to see the eventual outcome.

    • Maybe an upside of Hamas killing off a few J-O-Os is that, even though the story of 40 Jewish beheaded Jewish babies is utter BS, they’re made room to let those in “Jew York” avail themselves of their supposed “right of return”. Hell, I’d favor EXPANDING Israel to be able to take EVERY Gott-Damned J-O-O in the World and live in relative comfort. Then build an impenetrable wall and REAL “Iron Dome” about the great “Jooish” state, and SEAL ‘EM IN.

      Then we can see if Ben Franklin was right about vampires not be able to subsist off other vampires.

  11. To further the analogy, not only does the “gas tank” leak constantly, but it shrinks as well.

    At the end of five years of ownership, what will be the range of a “full tank” vs. new?

    My iPhone currently indicates a “tank” capacity of 78% compared to when the energy storage was new. I had the replaced just two years ago.

    And, unlike a conventional car, the replacement “tank” stores poorly sitting in a warehouse for a decade, and a manufacturer honoring a warranty repair may not even be able to give you a new “tank”.

    Third party drop in replacement? Fuggedaboudit.

    What a wonderful future our masters have planned for the single digit percentage who will be allowed to still own cars in order to service their needs.

  12. If gas powered vehicles had even a small amount of gasoline seepage from just sitting unused, the government would likely be suing the manufacturer for something like “environmental damage”. However, I wouldn’t be holding my breath waiting for the government to sue EV manufacturers for electricity seepage. Instead, this is yet another defect with EVs that the government will likely try to HIDE from the public in the same way they’ve been trying to HIDE the issues with the COVID jabs.

  13. I agree with what you say Eric but sadly .gov will do what it wants and not what we want. I no longer consider it surprising that a politician will say one thing when running for office then does the opposite once elected. One famous example is how the orange man went from “Lock her up” to “Lock you down for your safety”.

    I wish I knew the solution but how do you fight off a hoard of “Gimmiedats”? I’m on my way to going Galt but that’s not a solution only a reaction.

    • Did yall see Hannity’s meltdown at Vivek Ramaswamy the other day? Holy shit. Vivek largely kept his cool & exposed Hannity as the mouthpiece for the uni-war-party.

      • Hannity is only following the dictates of his jewish masters.
        On his radio show, Hannity actually denied the fact that the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was deliberately attacked by israel. A caller to his radio show brought up the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) “incident” to which Hannity stammered and stuttered before declaring that “israel is our friend and never would have done such a thing”. I damn near ran off the road when I heard THAT.
        You can bet that Hannity sucks more jewish c0ck than Marilyn Monroe ever did. Once Monroe achieved stardom. she actually made a statement as such, that she was glad that she would never have to suck another jewish c0ck ever again.

        • “Norma Jean” simply switched to wealthy Irish Catholics insofar as whom she fellated. Rumor has it she was pregnant with either Jack or Bobby’s child when she *ahem*, too her own life.

        • I mean, weren’t they a literal Soviet Satellite State for a few decades? There’s a reason why there combat rifles were Galic Aces (AK 47’s basically) and not M1’s / M4’s / M16’s etc.


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