Emitting While Driving?


Everyone knows there are laws against drinking – and texting – while driving. What’s probably coming is emitting while driving.

It is not enough that whatever you’re driving was certified to be in compliance with whatever the federal emissions requirements were when it was manufactured. Because the way you drive can affect how much it emits. Not of harmful things; no properly functioning vehicle made since the late 1990s emits any significant quantity of them. Rather, it is the “emissions” of carbon dioxide – which are said to be harmful in some non-specific, impossible-to-pin-down way (i.e., the “climate” is “changing”) that go up when the accelerator pedal goes down.

Which, of course, they do.

The more gasoline that is burned, the more gas (C02) is emitted. Whether this literally fractional increase in the 0.04 percent of the atmosphere that is C02 causes the “climate” to “change” – in a way that’s a threat to anyone’s health – is of course another question. One we’re not supposed to ask – because the answer is that it doesn’t and isn’t.

How could it?

We are supposed to believe that 0.04 percent plus a fraction of that constitutes an imminent existential threat – an “emergency.”

It is simply the bogeyman – used to scare people into believing they must accept what would otherwise be unacceptable. Like standing six feet apart and wearing facial underwear to “stop the spread” of a cold bug most people didn’t even have but which everyone was assured would kill them and their little dog, too – if they didn’t go along with the show.

Michael Regan, who is the head apparatchik of the Environmental Protection Agency – and who is the “environmental” analog of the “health” apparatchiks who insisted that wearing facial underwear was essential – is talking elliptically about what’s coming to “stop the spread” of the dread gas C02. It is coming – in the form of measuring emissions as a function of driving – and regulating them accordingly.

He opines that driving faster – and more aggressively (by which is meant accelerating at a clip faster than a slow walk) results in higher C02 emissions.

He is also troubled by hybrids – which he says aren’t running with their engines off as often as they could because drivers are voting with their right foot for more power and also (in the case of plug-in hybrids) by electing not to spend time tethered to a cord, as they would have to if they were driving an EV.  Hybrid owners don’t have to stop – because a plug-in hybrid doesn’t have to be plugged in to be ready to drive whenever you want to and as far as you want to.

So long as it’s got a full tank of gas.

And there’s the crime, in the eyes of the apparatchik.

Or – more accurately – the thing that will be made into a crime. Or at least an offense – like speeding. Of particular relevance here is the precedent set by the former National Maximum Speed Limit of 55 miles-per-hour, which originally was marketed as a way to reduce gas consumption. The problem with the latter, of course, was that using “too much” gas couldn’t plausibly be framed as a safety issue. Which is why it became one. What had previously been legal (and so, presumably, safe) driving – 65, 70 even 75 MPH – became “speeding,” which was framed as unsafe – just like that – in order to make it easier to punish people with fines for doing it.

And to shame them for doing it.

Similarly, it will be easy to impose punishments for driving too fast – and (thereby) “emitting” too much. It will be framed as both a safety and a public health issue. Those who drive faster than the sign says are not only putting others at risk, they are putting the climate at risk, too.

Shame on you!

“Aggressive” acceleration will fall be framed shamefully as well. Even if the offender isn’t technically “speeding.”

He’s still burning, you see.

And – unlike speed traps – it will be much harder to avoid emissions traps. The latter could be dodged most of the time via a combination of good situational awareness, stealthy driving habits and a good radar detector. But modern cars – those made since circa 2015 or so – are built with technology embedded that knows the moment you do it that you’re driving faster than the speed limit – and also that you accelerated “aggressively” just now. The car can keep track of exactly how much gas you’re burning while you’re driving – and thereby, the quantity of gas (C02) you are emitting. And it can transmit this information to the appropriate authorities.

It can also adjust your driving, automatically slowing you down – no matter how hard you push down on the accelerator pedal.

if that’s not enough to triangulate, then automated roadside sniffers with automated roadside plate readers (ALPRs) will finish closing the net.

Listen – and understand. These people cannot be bargained with. They cannot be reasoned with. And they absolutely will not stop – ever – until they have succeeded in pushing the majority of the population out of driving. “Emissions” is just the cudgel – and EVs are just the vehicle – as facial underwear was used to demoralize people and get them to accept being injected with mRNA drugs.

These people don’t just hate cars. They hate us.

Everything else is just an excuse.

. . .

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  1. It’s only a matter of time until our EXISTENCE is up for debate. No matter how many Krakatoas erupt, or how many wildfires there are, or even how many nukes and Tsar bombs are dropped during WW3, WE (the “serfs”) will ALWAYS be seen as the biggest “threat” to this giant fireball we call home!

  2. These restrictions don’t apply to the slave owner control group…they are exempt from all restrictions and mandates……

    The poor tax slave can’t drive around in a little VW Golf diesel to save some money…after he was robbed by the slave owners by paying taxes….

    Meanwhile the billionaire slave owner control group live in castles, own 40 collector cars, private jets and 300 foot to 500 foot long super yachts……

    Their 300 foot super yachts cost about $200,000,000 and some are powered by twin 3600 cubic inch V12 1850 HP diesels that burn 90 gallons of diesel per hour each…….some carry 40,000 gallons of diesel fuel……so it costs around $160,000 to fill the tanks….


  3. Crazy, man:

    Ford stock rises as EV losses are held in check and hybrid sales surge

    “Ford Motor Co. kept losses from its EV business in check and reported a better-than-expected quarterly profit late Wednesday, thanks to its work trucks and vans.

    …In the first quarter… Ford relied on the more old-fashioned business of selling work pickup trucks, SUVs and delivery vans to businesses and government agencies.

    Demand for work vehicles has been “white hot… [while] …EV business had a… loss of $1.3 billion, and costs were flat year over year, Ford said.”


  4. Emitting smoke while charging……

    New York is going to ban lithium batteries…..

    too many eBike and eScooter charging fires and deaths

    ….but….No mention of EV’s of course…they are exempt……they are trying to jam them down slave’s throats….

    eBike and eScooter….a loophole in no mobility….slaves will use those instead of EV’s for mobility…so they have to be stopped….


    • Wow. The hypocrisy will not be lost to the majority.
      e-bikes are really awesome, takes the regular bike to the next level.
      I think you’re right though, it’s probably more about limiting mobility.
      I recently got an e-mtn bike and I am having a blast. I call it ‘select’ your heartrate, because regular bikes were making me go way past my max heart rate comfort zone.

  5. Mandated EV schadenfreude is a powerful drug.

    “Ford lost $132,000 on each electric vehicle it sold in the first quarter 2024”


    The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
    The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
    The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
    We don’t need no water, let the motherfucker burn
    Burn motherfucker, burn

    -Bloodhound Gang – Fire Water Burn

  6. Eliminating driving for hundreds of millions of Americans would sure make the thousands of miles of roads obsolete. I wonder if the modern-day internal improvements lobby at some point will push back. How are the donor-class road and construction contractors going to keep the public money flowing to them? Also, what about the well-connected private companies that collect road tolls? Same thing for the oil and gas lobby. Surely at some point they’ll have to start flooding politicians with money to stave off a reduction of their market, right.

    • Here they cry “poor” in government, this is an example, what nonsense. This is from 2015 and contains the flat out lie that property values dropped 40% during the recession, they didn’t – and taxes NEVER went down during that time. They have discussed rural road abandonment (back to gravel) for decades in King County. So, with half the population back decades where did the money come from to pave those rural areas initially? Many rural areas have grown with new housing paying mega money in property taxes yet no money for roads? Also there are deals cut with developers fudging the traffic counts so said developers don’t pay for road expansions.


  7. Oh dear, it turns out there’s isn’t an obvious definition of harm agreed by everyone? So much for the Libertarian’s “no force nor fraud” as if they were obvious to define. It’s clear some here see “infectious diseases” and “climate change” as acts of God (they should carry no legal liability).

    • Infectious diseases ARE acts of God unless of course they are engineered in a lab.

      “Climate change” is in a different category altogether because it must be proven to exist AND to cause measurable harm. I would love for the state to bring a case against me in which they have to prove that my actions are causing measurable harm to others. But they don’t have to do that. All they have to do is stir up hysteria in the gullible public so as to drum up support for their interventions.

  8. ‘What’s probably coming is emitting while driving.’ — eric

    Meanwhile, what’s already here, and has been since before any of us were born, is emitting while governing — currency, that is: long green; DC scrip.

    ‘Washington has become addicted to spending, deficits, and debt, and they’re charging the credit card and planning to send the bill to younger and future generations of Americans,” former comptroller general David Walker told The Epoch Times.

    “That’s irresponsible. It’s unethical, and it’s immoral, and it needs to stop. Only God knows when the tipping point is going to occur, and God’s not telling us,” he said.

    That’s a real cri de coeur, ain’t it? Trouble is, I read one just like it in Reader’s Digest as a lad in short pants. Appeals to morality don’t work, because they conceal the perverse incentive:

    Fiat currency, instituted in 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act, is a doomsday machine. Like many other aspects of ‘war is the health of the state,’ Treasury debt first exceeded gold on the Fed’s balance sheet during WW II, and never looked back. Now gold is a mere footnote.

    Everyone in the imploding, all-consuming black hole of Big Gov is hopelessly locked in to ‘elastic currency,’ which will be printed to pay the interest on its metastasizing $35 trillion debt. This process has gone critical like a nuclear reaction, and can’t be stopped.

    Take a look at this notorious photo of ‘Mnuchin’ and his blonde shiksa, inspecting their pestiferous printing press handiwork:


    Any questions?

    • Printing money out of thin air is satanism…an occult activity….

      God can create something out of nothing, but ordinary humans cannot do that…only through satanic means can you create something out of nothing…but the control group say they are the new gods….

      Over 50% of the money slaves earn is taken back in multiple taxes….but…there is another hidden tax…inflation…because of money printing…it dilutes the value of the existing money…

      since going off the gold standard 100% in 1972, inflation sky rocketed….

      In the 1800’s on a gold standard, things got cheaper…. deflation….but the slave owners lie….say deflation is bad…..

    • The United States has more than 3.5 million square miles of land area.

      At a million dollars per square mile, the debt is amortized by the land value, future production, no matter the economy, minimizes the total debt.

      At one million dollars per square mile, the debt is satisfied.

      The US gov can afford to increase the debt to 50 trillion, still lots of collateral to pay back the national debt, not the US govs problem, it’s yours. Your fault too, might as well face facts.

      1 000 000/640 = 1562 USD per acre. Farmland in high productive ag areas sell for 6000 USD per acre and up, development acreages sell for 100,000 USD per acre.

      Even blighted areas are worth that much per acre. Bombed out Gaza lands are worth 20 times as much.

      When there is conflict, prices hit rock bottom.

      Do you want to sell your 20 acres for 30,000 USD, 1/10th the value?

      You’re getting sold down the river. Russia is a red herring, they’re coming for you, everything, you’re a Native American just like the Red Man, you have to go.


      Kleptocracy, rule by thieves. BlackRock might fit the thieves category.

      Xenocracy, rule by foreigners. Anybody but Americans.

      Ziocracy, rule by shitheads.

      • Actually all the debt is owed to the slaves….they have to off them before they figure that out….lol….that is what is happening….1st bat germ hoax…next war?…..plus…ongoing agenda…poisoning/ruining, depleting, limiting the food supply…starvation….

      • “The US gov can afford to increase the debt to 50 trillion, still lots of collateral to pay back the national debt”

        but….the UN says the indigenous own all the land everywhere…a small conflict there….


        Article 26 of UNDRIP. ….. we are effectively now under the UN Charter as per article 46. No MP, or politician, has warned you.

        undrip has just passed into law…..the narrative is they say they are giving all the land back to the indigenous, with the UN managing the land….a UN run government…
        ….yes but who has the allodial title??

        you are booted out….no more property…off to the 15 minute zone…you didn’t own it anyways….you never had allodial title……. the crown or government did……if the indigenous have it now they can boot you out…..

        In addition the indigenous must be compensated for the use of the their land for the last 200 to 300 years….

        The UN pushes this on the international level as well as on the national/federal. provincial/state, city and town levels….so it is difficult to defend against….
        Financial incentives for governments to sign up…$5 million…100% adoption….up to $100 million….
        Obama said they were considering doing it…

        it looks like undrip is a trick to take control, ownership of all land. there is no definition of indigenous in undrip, it is a trick, fraud.

        the 1st nations don’t like it either, they smell a fraud, trap, deception.

      • ‘Ziocracy, rule by shitheads.’ — drumphish

        Excellent neologism!

        But, in substance, not all that new unfortunately.

        Harry S[hithead] Truman sold us out to the Ziocrats on 14 May 1948 before I wuz even born. 🙁

  9. You said that these people will not be stopped; so what are we to do? Voting doesn’t help. Trying to explain this to other people is like reciting poetry to a bleating sheep who can’t comprehend what you’re doing. I am outraged by all this just as you are, however, when I bring up these issues among my social circles, most people simply say that it’ll be ok, everything will work out, stop worrying about imaginary problems.

    As an engineer in charge of hundreds of people being productive, I can’t bury my head in the sand, I must look at the world as it is, and react to it correctly, based on evidence. Dealing with people who live in their heads, in imaginary worlds, is incredibly frustrating.

    • Back in the 1980s, the CIA flooded America’s [read: “Israel’s”] mortal enemy Iran with counterfeit currency to destabilize it. It worked very well.

      ‘QE’ [quantitative easing] is the most direct way to undermine a state. We don’t need to help, since soon the Fed, back to the wall, will start again on its own, at unprecedented scale.

      Tick-tock, goofballs.

    • It’s my opinion that there’s nothing you can do besides set an example by your actions by living free at all costs. You can’t save the world (especially through voting). Educate through your words and actions.

      Me personally, my biggest contribution to the cause of freedom was creating 3 little freedom loving humans. Why do you think they are trying so hard to dismantle the family? A large, strong 2 parent family is the biggest threat to their agenda.

  10. The first chart is excellent, it shows how CO2 is less than 1% of the atmosphere. Most people have no idea how low of a percent CO2 is, because the MSM has their minds bewildered with bullshit. A scientific chart is a good way to undo the media spells that push false narratives.

    CO2 is 0.04%, that is less than one tenth of a percent 0.1%. And of that, humans only caused 0.117%. Really small numbers. When a legislature assembly was asked what they estimate how much CO2 is in the atmosphere, the typical response was 30%. Huge magnitudes off, yet these uninformed politicians are the ones making the laws.

    When morons make laws and we get our scientific information from uneducated dropouts like Greta Thunderborg, you will have societal chaos. Just because you believe something does not make it true. Religions are full of misinformed believers, likewise the carbon cult also. They simply have been branded by bad information and have religious like zeal to fix a non-existent problem, like carbon emissions.

    Little Greta has never taken a single collegiate science course, neither has Al Gore or Leonard DiCaprio. All three have ZERO scientific knowledge. Al Gore won dunce of the year because he had that big chart (in his movie) claiming CO2 causality to temperature, when in fact CO2 always follows temps up and down. Every scientist knows this, but Al Gore does not, because he is a uniformed fool.

    The basic assumption CO2 forcing temps is false. At no time in earth’s 4.6 billion year history has CO2 ever forced temperatures. In past ice ages, which can last many tens of millions of years, CO2 was 10-20 higher than today.

    To counter the spell, the Heritage dot org produced a chart which shows how small the CO2 component is in the atmosphere:


    • The next thing you need to know is that CO2 is NOT the primary greenhouse gas. Water vapor is 95% of the greenhouse gas, see this and bookmark or print a copy:


      “Water vapor constitutes Earth’s most significant greenhouse gas, accounting for about 95% of Earth’s greenhouse effect (5). Interestingly, many “facts and figures’ regarding global warming completely ignore the powerful effects of water vapor in the greenhouse system, carelessly (perhaps, deliberately) overstating human impacts as much as 20-fold.

      Water vapor is 99.999% of natural origin. ”


      So unless you are a total dunce, if water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas and 99.999% of the greenhouse effect, then how in the hell will controlling carbon emissions do anything?

      Most CO2 is also natural. Rotting vegetation and forest fires put out billions of tons of CO2 monthly. Not to mention volcanic eruptions. The first chart in the link shows human caused CO2 at 0.117% and methane 0.066%.

      The animal that emits the most methane is termites, and you can not control termites on the planet, nor should you. Before cows there were Buffalo farts. Telling us to get rid of cows will do nothing. The agenda is anti-human and destructive and not science based.

      Methane is measured in parts per billion – yet is touted on the MSM as an existential threat. All methane on earth is eventually oxidized, and has never been a threat.

      • quote: “if water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas and 99.999% of the greenhouse effect,”

        should be

        if water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas and 99.999% of natural origin,

  11. Tora! Tora! Tora!

    You got your war, it’s on, you got your unrest via protest, you got a plethora of death, you got big money doing lots of stuff, you have fighters, you have killers, you have defenders, you have traitors, you have prevaricators, you have your psychopaths, you have your planners, scammers, swindlers, all there in front of God and everybody.

    It’s going to happen, they’ll do it every time. There will be no forgiveness of sins, no redemption, justice will prevail.

    Back in 2014, a leftist from Austin joined the armed forces in Russia, a fool’s maneuver there.

    You still have your car, there is hope. After they’re gone, you’re going to miss them.

    Purdy sure there are plenty of vehicles on the road right now.

    We used to have good times together
    But now I feel them slip away
    It breaks my heart
    To see us part
    So sad to watch good love go bad
    – Everly Brothers, So Sad

  12. Recently saw a screed by some St. Greta acolyte wailing that “the planet will be gone in a hundred years if we don’t stop climate change now”. Uh, no, you and most everyone alive now will be gone in a hundred years but the planet will be just fine; probably better off without all the hysterics trying to screw up its atmosphere. Earth has been here for millions of years and will be here long after all of us return to dust, until the sun goes supernova and then fulfills Al Gore’s statement that “the oceans are boiling”.

    • Rockland County, NY, where my parents were born and raised, was once buried under meters of ice. That is known as a glacier, Greta. Then the climate changed, and the glacier receded, leaving tons of rocks, due to global warming. Some time after that, humans appeared on this planet, and were able to settle in the rubble which was left after the glacier receded.

      The climate changed. Humans had nothing to do with it. There are other examples, some of which involve global cooling, etc. Changes in weather patterns have been happening since there was Earth. How’s about tropical vegetation in Wyoming, from which we get coal?

      As George Carlin once put it, “The planet is fine. It’s the people who are fucked up.”

      • AH,
        As Carlin also mentioned “Just think of how stupid the average American is..then realize that half of them ..are stupider than that”…..Easy to spot….face diapers anyone..??? Bueller..Bueller…Bueller…

      • Spent 13 years in Rockland County NY, beside a kill (Dutch for ‘creek’) which once drained that prehistoric glacier.

        Too bad my paradise was overthrown by nihilist savages.

        It’s a total disgrace, they set the pace
        It must be a race, and the best thing I can do is run

        — Led Zeppelin, Out on the Tiles

        • My parents were classmates at Nyack HS, which recently decided that “Indians” was not a suitable name for their athletic teams, even though the town is named after the Nyacks.

          My Mom was born and raised in Blauvelt, which did not have its own high school, so the kids went to NHS.

  13. That picture of the mask over the tailpipe is funny as hell. Whoever made it is a freakin’ genius. Brevity indeed is the soul of wit.

    • Hi Mike,

      That picture of a face diaper over a tailpipe would be funnier if the mask had a message on it that said something like “This mask protects the climate!”

  14. Auto makers join the dark side:

    ‘During the Obama administration, auto makers complained about the cost of meeting tough limits on tailpipe pollution designed to speed up the adoption of nonpolluting [sic] electric vehicles. After investing in hybrid and electric vehicles, auto executives asked Mr. Trump to slightly loosen the rules — but not to roll them back entirely. Mr. Trump, however, did just that.

    ‘Last month, Mr. Biden reinstated and expanded the limits on tailpipe emissions, something Mr. Trump says he will reverse if he returns to office.

    ‘But auto companies grudgingly say they want the rules to stay. One major reason: Automakers are now designing the vehicles they will put in showrooms by 2028, said John Bozzella, president of the Alliance for Automotive Innovation.’ — NY Times


    AAI again! And the leering clown face of John ‘Bozo’ Bozzella. Last month I sent him a stern email. But it looks I’m gonna have to whack him again, harder.

    Get it straight: auto makers are the enemy. They are the willing, enthusiastic partners of the US fedgov, as it strangles us in regulation. We need to croak them for good.

    I don’t need no cell phone on wheels. Do you?

    • Hi Jim,

      Automobile manufacturers want the rules to stay? Wait, are they trying to score points with the public who largely prefers gas vehicles, or are they trying to score points with the BlackRocks and technocrats of the world?

      • It takes a decade to bring out a new model. They can’t just turn that ship on a dime, too many midlevel executives have their careers tied up in a new model. And there’s the sunk cost of all that engineering wasted because one man can undo what one other man did.

        Only Apple can screw up that badly and not get hammered by the traders.

        No one ever stops to ask if it was a good idea to hand over all that power, unchallenged, to the executive branch. But here were are. Too many people benefit from the system as it is to turn back now.

        • ‘Too many people benefit from the system as it is to turn back now.’ — ReadyKilowatt

          What RK said. Big Gov is auto makers’ business partner. Together, they invested billions in EeeVees. Now the returns must flow.

          ‘Score points with the public,’ asks John B? The Alliance for Automotive Innovation responds:


      • All “industries” want to be heavily regulated – It kills competition – the Auto Industry is just the king of this phenomenon. Years ago there was a video of Adam Kokesh asking an oil exec why they don’t push back against the regulations, he ended up getting to damn-near admit the oil industry needs regulation in order to make sure random property owners can’t take oil out of the ground and sell it for a cheaper price.

  15. Something else that could be coming if, say the Biden Thing and other authoritarians declare a “Climate Emergency” and thus “Climate Lockdowns” is arbitrary closures of businesses and employees deemed “Nonessential” ala what we saw during COVID. They could also implement MANDATES for us to wear face diapers everywhere, with the claim that it’s necessary to “Stop the spread of CO2”, as CO2 comes out of our noses every time we EXHALE. Hopefully this time though, instead of so many people complying with arbitrary, nonsensical government diktats, they’ll shout out an emphatic “Hell no! We won’t do this again!” However, people who comply with such diktats again are BIG chumps.

    • Something else that could come from “Climate Lockdowns” ala COVID lockdowns from 4 years ago…..MANDATES for people to get an EV if they wish to continue driving an automobile, as the Biden Thing once tried to implement MANDATES for people to take that experimental COVID jab to continue working. And to think there are people who’ll vote for that wannabe tyrant again.

      • Hi Adi,

        Either that or carbon passports ala the vaccine passports that these sociopaths tried to foist on the masses in 2021.

      • Sounds about as absurd as Australia (I think it was) putting bags on cows butts to capture their farts. I mean, just when you think the world cannot get more stupid, someone says “here, hold my beer”, taking that as a challenge.

  16. Masking and CO2 as pollution show how easy it is to manipulate an ignorant population.
    Why is the population ignorant?
    They are almost all educated in government schools where they learn the answer to all questions is GOVERNMENT.

    What they don’t learn is that governments are the source of the problem.
    War – government
    Inflation – government
    Taxes ripped form your paycheck – government
    Expensive regulations – government
    Endless bureaucracy – government

    If schools were honest, everyone would understand that the real power comes from oligarchs who own politicians in order to write the rules that allow them to keep power and stifle competition for their influence.

    America is a mercantilist fascist system where big [fill in the blank] industrial congressional complex sets the rules they operate under.

    If you want to know why something is happening, look at who is spending lobby money.

  17. Word of the day:

    Kakistocracy (/kækɪˈstɒkrəsi/, /kækɪsˈtɒ-/): a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. (Wikipedia)

    “There has never been any man or woman more qualified for this office than Hillary Clinton,” -Barry Obama

    What, exactly, made Hillary Clinton “The most qualified person ever to run for the presidency” anyway? Her decades of leadership? Working her way up through the party system, and proving she knows how to lead people? Her extreme intelligence and understanding of law?

    Or was it the fact that she knew where all the bodies are buried? Maybe that she would play ball with the dark budget types (conjecture of course). Or was it that she became an expert on Democratic party politics and handing out plumb jobs to people who were “with her?” That and a favorable media coverage is how you get qualified these days.

    There’s an interesting article over at Takimag (warning, NSFW if you’re in a woke office and use the “reader” mode if your browser supports it) that addresses this phenomenon. Ignorance, Its Uses and Nurture, by Fred Reed:


    “Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) stunned attendees at a high school solar eclipse event Monday by claiming the rock-solid moon is a “planet” that is “made up mostly of gases”—before adding she still wants to be “first in line” to learn how to live there.

    I suggest sending her. She is the former top Democrat on the House Science Committee’s space subcommittee.”

    We clearly aren’t sending people to DC who should be anywhere near the levers of power. I’m not sure what to do about that, considering they are technically representing their electorate. Maybe dumb people should be voting for dumb people. But when every one is too stupid to understand even the most simple concepts, maybe we need to withdraw consent and just make the DC area into a Windsor Castle style busy-box, make it an official show with no real power, just all the pomp and paparazzi. Build back the state and local machines, and elect people who won’t take block grants, even if they seem like free money. Once DC hooks you, it becomes clear why that worm was just sitting in the stream.

  18. Returning the Federal speed limit to 55 MPH won’t be about safety. Even if the states ignore the number, the policy will eliminate the 65 MPH tests from the EPA’s process and reintroduce the “fudge factor” for highway gas mileage estimates, giving better numbers to the politically favored manufacturers and/or those with better PR departments.

  19. The slaves don’t like losing their cars?…bring in new slaves…..

    “Explain To Me Why We Don’t Have The Right To Exist?” – Eva Vlaardingerbroek Warns Whites Against Massive Demographic Changes In Their Native Countries

    The slave owning control group are recolonizing Europe, again.

    The original indigenous white tribes in Europe are being recolonized again…The slave owning control group genocided and enslaved the white tribes there 2000 years ago and took control…now they are bringing in new replacement slaves.


    • The slave owning control group have their meetings in Davos….to plan what they are going to do to the slaves….

      The slaves should have their own meeting….to plan what to do with the slave owners….

    • I’m not against anyone’s right to free passage. If someone really wants to come to America, that’s fine. We used to do it all the time. They don’t even have to speak English. There were plenty of old Poles and Italians over on the west end of town who spoke very broken English. They came here as young men and women to work and have a family with better options than they had. I salute them. I mentioned in an earlier post how the immigrants are taking the jobs that used to go to ski bums and gap year kids, now that the kids are getting their gap year funded by mom and dad or grandma and grandpa, and they’re spending their time ginning up likes on social media logging their “experiences” instead of actually having experiences.

      What I’m against is the horrid way they’re treated by the federal government. They are made pawns in the election game, polarizing the voting public along party lines. What I’m against is how there’s no way forward to get immigrants into citizenship. The bureaucracy loves the needlessly complicated worker visa program, with all the different status indicators. They really love the decades worth of backlog processing all these “new” immigrants, some of which are now grandparents of born citizens. What I’m against is the media’s portrayal and stereotyping immigrants with an overly broad brush, treating them as they do for favor with either political party (and those polarized viewers).

      I’ve only been on this earthly realm for 55 years. But I’ve learned that people might have some broad demographic similarities, but everyone is an individual on some level. I tend to categorize people into those who comprehend the basics and those who don’t. Emotional state is a secondary measure, usually one that goes hand in hand. These nuanced views are never conveyed in the media or by politicians because that tends to humanize immigrant hordes, something neither wish. Better to portray them like a zombie movie, faceless and soulless.

    • The white slaves have been brain washed into believing they are the root of all evil, the source of every problem on the planet…the colonizers, settlers…..they now have a huge guilt complex….

      This is slave owner pure bs, misinformation, disinformation, propaganda…

      The slave owner control group are the root of all the planet’s problems for the last 6000 years….they did everything bad…..but they target the white slaves as the scapegoat…blame them….

      The slave owner control group hates all the slaves…but….the white ones the most….

      The slave owner control group control the education system and all the MSM…so it is easy to spread lies, misinformation….fake history….

  20. Woke Disney “Star Wars” killed Michael Biehn’s Hicks/Reese hero persona from the Cameron films in one of the second season episodes of “The Mandalorian”.

    Not only was Biehn cast as a “bad guy” without redeeming qualities, but his character attempts to kill “Mando”, portrayed in the tense standoff sequence by Anonymous Stuntman #12, using a dirty trick.

    Disney, your trashing of my childhood is complete.

  21. 1/15/22 on the poster. Austin PD continued to conduct mask enforcement drills at the local “essential” big box stores well into 2022. I still saw them as late as March of that year.

    You would think that they had better things to do since 2021 was a record murder year in the city.

  22. Don’t these idiots in .gov realize that when you accelerate quickly through the gears the engine sings like angels do to evangelicals? Are they going to deny us our religious rites as required by the “Church Of The ICE”? If the Republic was founded on the precept of separation of Church and State then .gov pushing the “Climate Cult” clearly violates that precept and they should be impeached for their treasonous actions in pushing a state religion upon the electorate.

    I have my doubts if this would work in court but if it works, OK.

    We live in an age where the dumbed down masses are incapable of figuring out how much they are being lied to and what it means for the future of them and their families.

    • As I’ve often said in the past, government is founded upon its assumption of authority to kill if you disobey. This does not attract sane people. It attracts socio/psychopaths, who truly enjoy inflicting pain on others. As they make obvious every day. If some of there subjects are enjoying themselves in a manner they don’t approve of, they feel a need to put a stop to it.


        NO Fossil fuels! NO fossil fuels!

        No! you just use “the grid” as your solar battery… (what? how?)
        You’ll just recharge your car on solar power at night… (umm, ok…)

        Like the “Trojan Rabbit” in Python’s Holy Grail, they seem to be missing some key elements of the plan.


        And it will impact peasants while the king and his court runs away.

        The renewable debacle will go down in history as the biggest boondoggle in human history. At least with religion we helped keep a few people on the straight and narrow. This is just pissing away money and making things worse.

        • >No! you just use “the grid” as your solar battery… (what? how?)
          Yes, yes.
          Eeeelectricity seeps out of the walls when they are tapped with the proper plug, you see. It is quite analogous to tapping maple trees for syrup in Vermont. Except that electricity comes in different voltages, depending on the plug you use. You use one style of plug if you want 120 volts AC, and a different style if you require 240 volts AC. Some rare types of walls even have something called “three phase current,” but those are hard to find, rather like an exotic type of maple tree which produces a special syrup.


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