Latest Radio: Knights of the Storm 05/5/2024

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Here’s the audio of yesterday’s appearance on Knights of the Storm; we went nearly two hours!

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  1. Knights of the Storm, huh? New one on me. I’ll give it a listen.

    Also, Eric, you might want to check on the date in your title, there. 😉 Either a typo or a new format about which I am ignorant.

      • “I wish, just one major car company executive would come out and say the Emperor has no clothes.” -EP

        Eric, did you ever check out Local Motors (thanks to Jim H for finding this), makers of the unbelievably awesome Rally Fighter? They had a unique business model and it might be a way forward and out of the atrocious, design-limited nanny car that is quickly becoming every car company’s offering.

        Here, a Rally Fighter races a damn air boat:

        • Yeehaw!

          Only thing missing from that madcap levee race is GUNS.*

          As in takin’ wild potshots at each other as they tear through the mud.

          *and Cajun queens (the female variety) waiting at the finish line to initiate a fresh round of motorboating …

        • No doubt. That’s the best I’ve seen since the races South of Tijuana.

          I second the notion of the need for guns & Cajun queens (the female variety). That was the only thing lacking.

          …Real People. A+ stuff.

  2. Thank you Eric, and the rest of the Knights of the Storm. By putting all this male bovine excrement in one big pile, you have given me reason not to regret my inability to drive anymore. I do miss it, but it looks like there isn’t too much to miss now.


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