NBC “News” Isn’t Covering This Story…


An interesting juxtaposition: Two young black thugs in Sanford, Florida just tried to beat an older white guy (that detail very carefully omitted from most “news” accounts, but clearly mentioned in the 911 call by a witness who called the cops) to death with a hammer… but no media circus about this “hate crime” –  


Two men were arrested in Sanford on attempted murder charges after trying to kill another man with a hammer, the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office said on Monday.

Deputies said Julius Bender, 18, and Yahaziel Israel, 19, were charged with attempted homicide, burglary with assault or battery, and armed burglary.

Investigators said Bender and Israel beat a 50-year-old man with a hammer inside his vehicle and then took him into the woods near Beardall Avenue and Lincoln Street, where they continued to attack him.

Investigators said a witness called 911 after hearing the victim’s cries for help and seeing the beating.

Bender and Israel drove away in the victim’s vehicle before deputies arrived and abandoned it nearby, said investigators.

Deputies said they found the victim in the woods, barely conscious and with severe head injuries.

A tip received through Crimeline led investigators to Bender and Israel, authorities said.

Deputies said the witnessidentified Bender,and Israel was linked to the vehicle through forensic evidence.

Bender and Israel were booked into the John E. Polk Correctional Facility with no bail.

The victim’s injuries are life-threatening and he remains hospitalized at Orlando Regional Medical Center in critical condition, deputies said.




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