Queensland, Australia is Now Officially a Fascist State


The ruling political party in my home state in Australia has declared itself above the law.

They now decide if you are guilty or not and sentence you to mandatory imprisonment.

It is an unprecedented assault on our liberty,





  1. Put Out the Got Damn Fire Downunderers!

    Here’s an idea. Why don’t all of you 7.2 New South Walesians get together and end the fire en masse? Go to Aussie Home Depot and buy the needed shit. Make a handshake deal to cover each others loss of property and equipment. What kind of beatdown wimpyass numbfucks agree that only specially costumed people can fight fires?

    Even the Neanderthals weren’t that stupid. How the fuck does this keep happening?

    Hashtag #Libertarianfirebrigade
    Hashtag #ImtweetingoldtimeyphotosoffoundingfathersfightingfiresbecauseImadonothingdouchebag
    Hashtag #Wedontneednostinkingbadgestoputoutfires
    Hashtag #Fuckyouallyoufuckingmoronicfucks

  2. The Gambia has left the Commonwealth on Oct-3-2013. I wonder what the Highpinkied-Teasippers have to say about their decision?

    The Gambia’s decision to withdraw from the Commonwealth 48 years after joining is something to “very much regret”, the UK Foreign Office has said.

    The west African nation branded the 54-member grouping, which includes the UK and most of its former colonies, a “neo-colonial institution”.

    The withdrawal was announced on state TV but no other reasons were given

    The Commonwealth was founded in 1931 but acquired its modern shape after 1949 as former British colonies and protectorates, including The Gambia, started to achieve self-government and varying degrees of independence.

    The last time a nation left the Commonwealth was in 2003, when Zimbabwe withdrew.

    – Subtle. Follow in Zimbabwe footsteps, it sounds ominous. Look how badly the Commonwealth screwed over Cyprus, and that nation is still one of their members. God save The Gambia, the Queen might have your King in check soon.



  3. Typical Queenslander Douchery:

    Mutualism Queensland

    The “Institutional Entrepreneur”
    Posted on June 4, 2013 by Lillian Lawson Geddes

    “The true object of politics is to create the institutions which, by being internalised by individuals, most facilitates their accession to their individual autonomy and their effective participation in all forms of explicit power existing in society” – Cornelius Castoriadis.

    “New institutions arise when organised actors with sufficient resources see in them an opportunity to realise interests that they value highly. Institutional Entrepreneurs create a whole new system of meaning that ties the functioning of disparate sets of institutions together” – DiMaggio

    By these statements I am happy to identify as an “Institutional Entrepreneur”. Thanks to Dr. David Brunkhorst of Armidale, NSW, Aust, for alerting me, during a recent meeting, to the difference between Organisation Theory and Institutional Theory.

    So in the mind of a Queensfucker, you

    1 create an institution.
    2 indoctrinate everyone to internalize this institution as being as real as a rock or a tree.
    3 watch the individuals gain autonomy by participating in this contrived institution??!!
    4 pat yourself on the back for facilitating their attaining a rank and place in this institutional authority you created???!!!
    5 call yourself an institutional “entrepreneur” – completely twisting the meaning of the word, so that you can claim heroic status while living high on the hog as a parasite who is sustained by an institution of your own creation$*%#$@^?!!!!!!.

    – pardon me while I respond to this Union Jackholery most vehemently:

    Fuck You Queenslander Parasites!

  4. The state is essentially an apparatus of compulsion and coercion. The characteristic feature of its activities is to compel people through the application or the threat of force to behave otherwise than they would like to behave.

    But not every apparatus of compulsion and coercion is called a state. Only one which is powerful enough to maintain its existence, for some time at least, by its own force is commonly called a state. A gang of robbers, which because of the comparative weakness of its forces has no prospect of successfully resisting for any length of time the forces of another organization, is not entitled to be called a state. The state will either smash or tolerate a gang. In the first case the gang is not a state because its independence lasts for a short time only; in the second case it is not a state because it does not stand on its own might. The pogrom gangs in imperial Russia were not a state because they could kill and plunder only thanks to the connivance of the government.

    This restriction of the notion of the state leads directly to the concepts of state territory and sovereignty. Standing on its own power implies that there is a space on the earth’s surface where the operation of the apparatus is not restricted by the intervention of another organization; this space is the state’s territory. Sovereignty (suprema potestas, supreme power) signifies that the organization stands on its own legs. A state without territory is an empty concept. A state without sovereignty is a contradiction in terms.

    The total complex of the rules according to which those at the helm employ compulsion and coercion is called law. Yet the characteristic feature of the state is not these rules, as such, but the application or threat of violence. A state whose chiefs recognize but one rule, to do whatever seems at the moment to be expedient in their eyes, is a state without law. It does not make any difference whether or not these tyrants are “benevolent.”

    The term law is used in a second meaning too. We call international law the complex of agreements which sovereign states have concluded expressly or tacitly in regard to their mutual relations. It is not, however, essential to the statehood of an organization that other states should recognize its existence through the conclusion of such agreements. It is the fact of sovereignty within a territory that is essential, not the formalities.

    The people handling the state machinery may take over other functions, duties, and activities. The government may own and operate schools, railroads, hospitals, and orphan asylums. Such activities are only incidental to the conception of a state. Whatever other functions it may assume, the state is always characterized by the compulsion and coercion exercised.

    The mythologies and metaphysics of etatism have succeeded in wrapping them in mystery. The state is a human institution, not a superhuman being. He who says “state” means coercion and compulsion. He who says: There should be a law concerning this matter, means: The armed men of the government should force people to do what they do not want to do, or not to do what they like. He who says: This law should be better enforced, means: The police should force people to obey this law. He who says: The state is God, deifies arms and prisons. The worship of the state is the worship of force. There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster.

    The apparatus of compulsion and coercion is always operated by mortal men. It has happened time and again that rulers have excelled their contemporaries and fellow citizens both in competence and in fairness. But there is ample historical evidence to the contrary too. The thesis of etatism that the members of the government and its assistants are more intelligent than the people, and that they know better what is good for the individual than he himself knows, is pure nonsense. The Führers and the Duces are neither God nor God’s vicars.

    The essential characteristic features of state and government do not depend on their particular structure and constitution. They are present both in despotic and in democratic governments. De­mocracy too is not divine. We shall later deal with the benefits that society derives from democratic government. It should never be forgotten that majorities are no less exposed to error and frustration than kings and dictators. That a fact is deemed true by the majority does not prove its truth. That a policy is deemed expedient by the majority does not prove its expediency.

    Omnipotent Government – L. Mises

  5. “They now decide if you are guilty or not and sentence you to mandatory imprisonment.”

    Same as it ever was?

    This bunch called “they”. … It’s wrong for me to wish they rot in Hell.

    Also, psft, what’s the point of being kings unless you can be above the law?
    I guess.

    Up is down.

  6. @Klavdy – Over here they threaten to shoot you or fine you to death and make you pay for 3 years of probation. I liked the drone part. Sounds like our Royal Highness Obama, who ordered up 30,000 to keep track of his serfs.

    Looks like they are trying to make examples of Aussies and Texans so the rest of the sheep will just lay down and beg.


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