Video Rant: 2018 BMW 640i Hatchba… Whoops! GT…


Here’s a quick look at the 2018 BMW 640i hatchback… er, Gran Turismo. Can’t say hatchback at this price point… but, really, only an imbecile would object to having a 5 Series that sleeps two in back!


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  1. Funny thing: I have a VW Jetta wagon, and leave my seats down almost all the time! For big things like golf clubs or a bicycle, there’s no way to get that kinda stuff in a trunk. However, with that said, my daughter has a ’16 Jetta sedan and moved her (single) bed (box spring, mattress, head and foot boards) with ease. I am very surprised how much trunk room there is in the Jetta sedan.

  2. I’m with you, Eric, the push button craze with hatches and side doors on mini-vans has gotten out of control.
    However, notice how the dang thing is built. Those massive pillars and such must weigh a couple hundred pounds. You many NOT be able to open and close it without the motor assist. If it fell on you while you were leaning it it probably would bifurcate you like a rat in a trap.

    (forgive me, I’ve been trying to work “bifurcate” into a conversation for weeks now…)


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