AGW Neck-Tases Handcuffed Victim


This video shows the casual sadism of an armed government worker who gratuitously Tasers a handcuffed man from behind, in the neck – apparently just for the kicks of it:

Once again, the grotesque double standard. If any non-AGW walked up behind another person – especially a helpless person – and shot him with a stun gun in the neck, he’d be facing felony prosecution and a civil suit that would likely bankrupt him.

Rightly so.

But nothing happens when an AGW commits an act that would be prosecuted as a criminal act if committed by a non-AGW.

Note that none of the other AGWs who witnessed this act of brutality lifted a finger. If this AGW is held accountable at all, it will only be because this video got on the ‘Net.

. . .

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