AGW Gets Fired – and Arrested… But Will the Tickets he Wrote be Thrown Out?


Here’s local news coverage about an armed government worker (now an ex-armed government worker) named John Kelly who has been fired and arrested for abusing his “authorized access to law enforcement databases for unauthorized activities.”

These “activities” are not specified (news story here) but had to have been pretty serious, because this AGW wasn’t merely “relieved of duty” but actually charged with a felony and put in a cage.

Which is great, but what about all the people who were charged with crimes and offenses by this AGW? And who were convicted, jailed and fined on the basis of this AGW’s “evidence” and “testimony”?

Would it not be a reasonable reform – as well as a dearly needed preventative measure – to throw out every conviction and refund every fine which was based upon the “testimony” or “evidence” produced/provided by an AGW caught lying or committing any serious crime whatsoever?

Morally speaking, how can we tolerate people being placed in cages and their money stolen from them by a criminal?

. . .

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  1. I know a former AGW who has been arrested for the second time for soliciting.(prostitution)
    Won’t say where this took place or who it was.
    Irregardless that prostitution should be legalized.


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