AGW Gets Blue Discount for Pederasty


A Lansing, MI “school resources officer” ( a euphemism for an armed government worker placed in government schools, to get kids used to Submitting and Obeying as early as possible) who preyed on the kids who were forced to deal with him has been given the usual Blue Discount.

The AGW is Matthew Priebe. He pled “no contest” to multiple charges of criminal sexual assault of three minor girls; his youngest victim was 14. Among other things, he texted the underage girls pictures of his penis (see news report, here).

One of Priebe’s accusers said he asked her for a hug when she met him in his office in March of 2018. And then “… He pulled her hand to his genital area and put her hand on the area of his genitals,” said Judge Joyce Draganchuk, reading a report of the incident. “This was clearly done for a sexual purpose.”

But Priebe will spend less than 12 months in jail.

Less time in jail than many people get for actions that harmed no one – such as “reckless” driving (defined in at least one state as driving faster than 80 MPH on the highway) and certainly far less punishment than would be meted out to someone who “assaulted” an armed government worker.

. . .

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      • I’d bet at least one parent is actively looking for him. While I don’t condone the death penalty in most cases, sexual predators never change. I only wonder how many people he’s assaulted already since his escape.

        There is only ONE way to stop him from continuing what he does.


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