“AGW of the Year” Arrested for Child Porn


An armed government worker – and Louisiana “Trooper of the Year” – named Jason Boyet has been arrested for creating and distributing child porn.

But he hasn’t been fired.

Boyet has been placed on “administrative leave” – and so is still at least technically an armed government worker. You know, just like any of us who were arrested for something this heinous would still be employed, too.

Of course, AGWs are employed by the government – which forces us to pay them. And we can’t “fire” them. The government decides when an AGW will be fired – and will force us to pay until he is.

And even after he isn’t – via the civil judgments and settlements arising from AGW abuse, which are always paid by the taxpayers, who had nothing to do with it.

Boyet – who was lionized for his avidity caging people found in possession of arbitrarily illegal “drugs” – wasn’t caught merely in possession of kiddie porn. He was apparently creating the porn before distributing it to his cretinous associates.

He was also, of course, diddling the people of Louisiana, for which he received “Trooper of the Year” in 2018.

The announcement accompanying this honor read:

Senior Trooper Jason Boyet was recognized as the Louisiana State Police Troop L Trooper of the Year at the annual Slidell Elks Law and Order Night. When considering candidates, S/T Boyet’s supervisors highlighted his job performance, initiative, professionalism, and most of all leadership.

A swell guy.

How many other victims of this AGW’s attentions are there? Arguably, every single person who ever had to deal with this predator with a badge.

As this column has previously suggested, in cases such as these, a remedy – and a deterrent – would be a policy that every single person issued so much as a fine for jaywalking by an AGW such as this one have their fines refunded and all charges dropped.

And that abusive AGWs be personally liable for any abuses committed while employed as AGWs. End the obnoxious practice of endowing armed government workers with qualified immunity for abuses they commit.

That’d be what you call a “nudge” – and this time, in the right direction.



  1. Proven pedophile pimp Jeffrey Epstein gets a year in a special prison cell and illegally is allowed on “work Release” for most of the day and shows up back at the prison that has a special bed for sleepy time while carrying on his “business”.
    Roger Stone gets forty months plus extensive probation for doing what everyone does to the butthead congress. “With Freedumb and Justice for All”.

    • Hi Erie,

      Yes. This sort of thing – hypocrisy and corruption – has always been a part of politics and government. But it has become so pervasive and in-our-faces that it is becoming not merely intolerable but – far more significant – it has cost the government and politicians the sheen of legitimacy necessary to maintain the illusion of consent. Most Americans, regardless of their politics, have little if any faith in government or politicians. It’s a cynical free-for-all of get–what-you-can and save-your-own.

      This is a recipe for Russia in 1917 and Germany in 1932.

  2. Read a little deeper into this one. There is suspicion in some quarters that the government is the main source of child porn these days and the feds plant it secretly on targets’ computers. It’s funny how many guys are busted in home raids and their computers confiscated, only for authorities to “find” this stuff on their computers. The original charges that led to the bust get dropped and the guys get 20 years for the child porn instead.

    News stories about this appear every week out my way. But come on, how many men are really into that stuff? Can’t be as many as the cops and feds are “finding”.

    States might be involved too. And maybe that’s what our hero in this story was doing: creating more to be planted… Watch this story disappear and our gummint worker get off scot-free.

    • I sometimes wonder about that myself. Sure, the web page says they’re all over 18, but how can you know for sure? Is that disclaimer at the beginning of the video a plausible defense?

      But then I think about guys like Epstein and realize there are a lot of things that happen in the world I’ll never see firsthand, and probably won’t want to either. Especially here in the United States, where we like to reward psychopathic behavior.


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