Reader Question: Selling Fat Boy?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

Frank asks: Could you help me sell my Harley? I had hip replacement and can’t ride anymore.

My reply: First, very sorry to hear you’re not able to ride anymore and are needing to sell your bike. That hurts.

On the rest:  I’d place an ad in the local Cycle Trader as well as Craigs list, for openers. You could also try putting a “for sale” sign on the bike and parking it by the road where it will be seen by passers-by. You might also see whether your Harley store is interested in buying the bike. You won’t get as much as you would if you sold it yourself (trade-in wholesale vs. retail) but it might make things easier.

My main advice here is to be very careful about selling the bike. I’d be careful about test rides, for instance. If the person wrecks/damages the bike, your insurance policy may not cover this. Check first to be sure before you let anyone ride the bike. And check that the have a motorcycle license/endorsement. Do not take their word. Have them show you their license and take a picture of it with your phone. Listen to your spider sense and do not let someone who seems iffy ride the bike.

And do not hand over the keys/sign the title until you have cash in hand. Not a certified check; these can be forged and these can “bounce.” The safest/smartest thing to do is to conduct the transaction at their bank or yours. If they aren’t willing, don’t deal with them.

Again, I’m sorry to hear you aren’t able to ride anymore. Stories like this always make me sad.

. . . 

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  1. Sensing this as a purchaser, when I bought my motorcycle, I had the bank’s check with his and my name on it. And we called the bank together and they vouched for the check. As a buyer, you need this sense too. Imagine having some large bundle of cash to buy a car, which just gets you mugged by the fake seller!

  2. Transactions like this can certainly be testy. From a bum check to being physically accosted, you’ve got to be cautious.

    I cringe when saying something good about AGWs, but a sheriffs department here has set up in their parking lot, an area to do exactly these sorts of transactions. Everything is recorded, and should anyone try and get sporty, the AGW is seconds away.


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