Reader Question: Radar Detector Recommends?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Chris asks: Which is the best radar detector and laser deflector? Portable and permanent vehicle installation?

My reply: I strongly recommend the Valentine1, which has just been updated to include a new “junk K” filter – to address the issue that all radar detectors have in separating out the false alerts generated by modern vehicle driver assistance tech. The new unit is outstanding – and portable. It can also be mounted permanently and out of sight, with a remote display that can be easily hidden from the eyes of the swine.

Laser deflectors are another matter. Your best bet here is a non-reflective paint surface, or minimizing reflective surfaces, such as shiny license plates. A little dirt can be very helpful – and it’s free!

Laser (and radar) jammers are hugely illegal but one can find the plans for them, if interested. Just be very careful.

. . . .

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  1. Wish I had to coin for a Valentine 1. Friend had one of the originals installed in a wicked up 300Z back in the day. My personal economy precludes me from such indulgences at the moment. That said, I had a detector years ago that claimed it picked up laser. Never once got an alert for laser.
    For any who may have knowledge or insight on the tools of the highway based municipal revenue enhancement trade: How common is the use of laser in the usual highway speed traps?

    • It’s rare. The swine have to manually aim and laze their prey. Why bother when they can pick people off all day for simply keeping up with traffic.


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