Latest Radio: New American w/Veronika Kyrylenko


Here’s the audio – and video! – of my talk about EeeeeeeeVeeeeees the other day with Veronika Kyrylenko, senior editor over the New American!

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  1. Eric makes an excellent point toward the end about market saturation. As luxury-priced products, EeeVees’ pool of potential buyers is limited.

    California will serve as the canary in the coal mine. EeeVees constituted 17% of its auto sales in 2022. Will they reach the mandated 35% in 2026? I don’t believe it.

    Too many people can’t afford the payments, or don’t have a spacious garage with a 240-volt circuit for a Level 2 charger. And some of us are just riled-up, redneck haters. 🙂

    Used car prices exploded after stimmy checks were issued. It was only a few thousand bucks. But plenty of people lunged at the opportunity to upgrade their wheels with a ‘newer’ used car … even if they had to get it from the ‘buy here, pay here’ sharks.

    I know some of those folks. They struggle to meet rent, food and utility payments. They are not now, nor will they ever be, in the market for a $50,000-plus EeeVee.

    Probably some competent forecasters at GM and Ford know all about the looming wall of market saturation. But they dare not speak up to their Woke managements, who answer to Congress Clowns rather than customers. And the band plays on …

  2. Great interview….

    Hundreds of articles posted at Climate Realism and dozens of brief informational “fact checks” posted at Climate at a Glance show the evidence — meaning measurable, recorded data — does not support assertions that climate change is making the world less livable, causing more severe or more frequent bouts of extreme weather, or has resulted in an increase in weather or temperature-related deaths. Indeed, the long-term trend data trends show the opposite is occurring.


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