Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show 02/24/2023

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Here’s the audio of my weekly chat with Bill Meyer! We talked about the latest heresies, including Keeeeeeeeeeeeeev!

02-22-23_EP on KMED     

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  1. If you want to see/hear something that will really make your teeth hurt, go back and find the “Cover Oregon” ads for the state’s Obamacare exchange on YouTube.

    Oregon won’t end well.

    • Hi Roscoe,

      I vaguely remember those Cover Oregon ads. The tune in the ad sounded like it was sung by some doped up Portland hippie type, but it had flowerly language for the brain dead. The tune was also one of the silliest ones I’ve ever heard.

      • Laura Gibson.

        An interesting thing that will make you say “Hmmm ….” is that, after the complete failure of the Oregon Obamacare exchange and the ads becoming a national joke, Larua Gibson moved to New York City, where she narrowly escaped a gas explosion which completely destroyed her apartment and killed two people.

        A common misconception is that Lisa Loeb performed the song, but she sang the parody on John Oliver’s HBO program.


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