Diaper Report: 03/03/2023


Sickness Kabuki has not gone the way of bell bottom cords and wide-collar’d shirts. It is still being “practiced” by an alarming number of people. It is almost impossible to shop or otherwise be out and about without seeing at least a few “maskers.”

When was the last time you saw someone dressed like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever?

And all he wanted to do was boogie.

Those still “practicing” kabuki are like the sharks you see underneath the pier. So long as you don’t go in the water, you’re ok. But they’re down there. Just as the kabuki performers are out there . . .

Behind those “masks” there is anxiety – and probably anger. They “mask” because they are afraid. Of you. And they are angry that you do not share their anxiety – which probably makes them mad. As they see things, you are unconcerned. You are not taking it seriously. You are a threat. And – something they probably avoid thinking about – you are making them look stupid.

No one likes to look stupid.

Especially the stupid.

It is a mark of stupidity to be unable to recognize it. Instead, the stupid will defend and double down on it. Will get angry, if you question their stupidity. We all saw this during the height of “mask” mania, when the few who didn’t “mask” were literally hounded out of stores and excoriated publicly as latter-day Typhoid Marys.

There are still more than a few who would probably love to see a return of that regime. You can tell by looking at what’s still on their faces.

It tells you what’s still on their minds. Or rather, how they’re feeling. Just as you can divine the feelings of a cat that has arched its back and flattened its ears.

Those feelings will likely never be assuaged – even if everyone was forced to wear what they’re wearing. They’d still be afraid, of something. That being the nature of the pathologically fearful. Who are for that reason pathologically dangerous.

Meanwhile, a related danger looms.

Two, actually. Both related – much as “masks” related (inevitably) to “vaccines.” And in the future tense.

The Biden regime is machinating to put the World Health Organization in charge of promulgating “practices” for the next “pandemic.” Unlike the CDC’s “guidelines,” these would be universally binding, effectively dealing with any local apostasy – as in Florida, for instance – that might lead to the faith being questioned generally.

But an enforcement mechanism is necessary. It was lacking last time. Or rather, it was avoidable. All you had to do in order to avoid “masking” was avoid places that enforced it. Don’t shop here. Don’t go there.

Drive – rather than fly.

Or just don’t wear the damned thing. What are they going to do about it? Most of the time, it wasn’t much or even anything. This writer never wore a “mask” even once – and I was still able to shop and do other things.

Including work. Being my own boss, I can decide whether to foist a “mask” on myself. I decided not to.

Now imagine being punished for so deciding – by not being allowed to spend what you thought was your money. They are planning to do the same to it – and worse – that they did long ago to what you may still think is your home.

Of course it isn’t, because you do not own it. If you doubt it see what happens when the government decides – at its pleasure – to simply take it. The government doesn’t call it that, of course. It calls it eminent domain – a difference without a distinction. The defining thing being if the government wants your house it can and will just take your house. In the meanwhile, it will demand annual payments – rent, though it does not call it that – which you must pay else it will (here we go again) take what you thought was your house and leave you in the street.

Now imagine the same – and more – applied to what you thought was your money. As by making your former right to use it as you please, where you please, conditional upon your obedience.

Enforced by digitizing and thereby centrally controlling what was formerly your money.

No more anonymous dollars you can use to buy from those willing to sell – strictly between the two of you. No more being able to pay for things without government knowing exactly which things. No more being paid – or paying someone – without the government knowing it. No more being allowed to buy, unless the government allows it.

It would no longer be necessary to post “masks required” signs on the doors to stores. Everyone would know that going within without a “mask” would be pointless – as it would not be possible to buy anything. Your digital payment app would not work. And so you would starve.

Unless you obey.

The people you see still “masking” are probably smacking their lips at the thought of it.

You just can’t see it.

. . .

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  1. A little off topic but nonetheless another serious problem we face under the senile old FOOL in the White House. The video in the post by Martin Armstrong is fake, but on the other hand, Ukraine’s President actually had the GALL recently to claim that the U.S. would eventually send their sons and daughters to war in Ukraine. If that happens and/ or the Biden Thing brings back the draft, I suspect we’ll see anti-war protests and burning of draft cards EXCEEDING that of what we saw in the Vietnam war……


      • That’s pretty funny Jim! I’m surprised Joe Biden lasted as long as he has in office. On the other hand, look at who we have as Vice president. As bad as Biden has been the past 2+ years, Kamala Harris could actually be worse if she were to become President.

    • John, good thing parents everywhere can tell immediately it’s fake. With the real Biden it would be: “…the serectub, uh, subjectal, uh, sunbluftern – oh, you know the thing!”

      • Hi Roland,

        That’s a good one! It seems the only time Biden can give a speech without spouting a confusing word salad or a bunch of gobbledygook is when he’s hopped up on Red Bull (or whatever his handlers give him). However, the few people out there who STILL support him will accuse us of making fun of his stuttering.

  2. Slightly off topic, but otoh perhaps not, as FACTUAL INFORMATION about COVID, masks, and COVID jabs would have likely been deemed “disinformation” from the Biden Thing’s AWFUL “Ministry of Truth”, er, Disinformation Governance Board had that board been established. Nina Jankowicz, who was to be the head of that board, is asking for money to SUE Fox News, claiming they LIED about her and the DGB…..


    • I do not have cable television. But at work last week, I had the boob tube on in the lounge during my lunch break. It is interesting what one picks up from that idiot box when you are away from it for so long. Never mind the forcing of “multi-culturalism” in everything. But also, the endless prescription drug advertisements! What really cracked me up, is the just-as-long warning of side effects at the end. I also noticed that the diabetes drug commercials…..every last person was an overweight man or woman starring in them. As for the masked? I still see some of them: In the grocery stores. And yes, alone! While driving! For some sheeple, there is simply no waking them up.

      • Shadow,

        I don’t have cable television either. I don’t even watch or read the “Mainstream media”, as most if not all them do little more than put out press releases or narratives from the federal government, the “Woke” agenda, the pharmaceutical industry, or the Democrat Party.

    • selling masks and injections/drugs……Just a marketing campaign to run up their big pharma stocks…sell stock $$$$$$$

  3. Here is a little political factoid, although a bit off-subject. Remember when the “Creature from the Black Lagoon” (aka Maxine Waters) was screeching and yelling “impeach 45, impeach 45”?
    Aside from being abhorrently disrespectful, she, as well as every other Left-tard apparently can’t fucking count. It took the longest time, in fact, for me to understand what the hell she was saying, and every other Left-tard was referring to.
    In reality Trump was only the 44th different individual to serve as POTUS, and only the 43rd to be elected. Gerald Ford was never elected POTUS, but did serve, so that is -1.
    Grover Cleveland, the only man (so far) to serve 2 non-consecutive terms as POTUS, is -2. Trump’s term in office was the 45th Presidential Term, IF you don’t count consecutive re-elections of prior office holders. But even those who were re-elected to consecutive terms are always spoken of as having served 1, 2 (or however many) 4-year terms in office. Now, by that standard, Trump’s term in office wasn’t even the 45th “4-year term” of POTUS, it was the 58th 4-year term. (232 years/4-yr-term)
    When you look at the historical facts, even from multiple angles, Trump wasn’t “45-Anything”.
    Tell that to the next Fact-denying, Woke, Whack-job, Left-tard that chokes on Trump’s name and can only spit out “45”.

    • Gtc,

      Here’s something else. Remember all those “Lefties” who called Trump an “Authoritarian dictator” or said he was going to get us into war? They were off by 1 President, as Biden tried to FORCE people to take an experimental pharma product and is now in the process of trying to SHOVE EVs down the masses’ throats. We’re also dangerously close to nuclear war thanks to his idiocy.

  4. ‘California man arrested for not wearing a mask’

    …”Henry recalled a man in the office sitting at a computer “who had his mask at his lips,” and when he pointed this out, the nurse said, “it doesn’t matter, he’s still wearing a mask.”

    In an office behind the desk area, Henry said that he saw a woman who was wearing a mask underneath her chin, and when she saw that Henry was filming, she pulled her mask up. […]

    In regards to the police that showed up, Henry said that the first officer, the one who wrote him the citation, “actually supported me. He was like, ‘thanks for what you’re doing. We need people like you.”

    The officer told Henry that his wife, a nurse, had to find another job so she didn’t get fired for violating the state’s vaccine mandates.”…


    Somewhere, I read how corporations like the one in the above story are described as essentially, ‘deputized’ by .gov so that beneath the surface they become one & the same.
    That characterization Sure seems to fit.

  5. ‘Social listening’ in action:

    ‘In the medical journal The Lancet, a team of experts [sic] at the University of California, Riverside, say that anti-vaccine activism contributed to hesitancy around the COVID vaccine and that there are signs it’s spreading to other vaccines.

    ‘“This is a matter of life and death. People don’t always see it that way,” he added. “We’ve forgotten how many people have died, have been sick or continue to get sick from COVID-19 as well as many other vaccine-preventable diseases.”

    ‘Once vaccine trials began, activists immediately began to discredit the process and spread mistrust among Americans who were unfamiliar with the clinical-trial system.

    “Examples include promoting messaging that tied COVID-19 vaccines to past medical abuses such as the Tuskegee syphilis study, or fueling concerns of fertility-related COVID-19 vaccine side-effects that resonate with women,” they wrote. — MarketWatch


    How many brazen lies can you count in these brief excerpts?

    1. Covid is ‘vaccine preventable.’ Conclusively disproven in the Provincetown, MA mass outbreak in July 2021, in which 74% were vaccinated.

    2. ‘Unfamiliar with the clinical-trial system.’ Actually we are quite familiar with the clinical-trial system, which usually takes a decade (not nine months) to qualify a new vaccine. Covid boosters were approved with no clinical trials at all.

    3. ‘Medical abuses such as the Tuskegee syphilis study.’ On a relative scale, the covid vaccine experiment is a thousand times larger than the Tuskegee syphilis study, and has killed on the order of 300,000 victims.

    4. ‘Concerns of fertility-related side effects.’ Menstrual/female reproductive disorders have a PRR (proportional reporting ratio) of 6.51 times other vaccines, according to the latest safety signals analysis from VAERS.

    When a medical journal such as The Lancet accepts a radical ideological screed like this one as a medical paper, science is effectively over. Time to retry Galileo for heresy!

    • Hi Jim,

      What pure gaslighting from those who still CLING to “The Narratives” about COVID jabs. Public health bureaucracies are STILL pushing booster jabs and flu shots. There have been studies now indicating that NATURAL IMMUNITY (once dismissed as “Right wing/ Anti-vaxxer conspiracy theory) acquired via recovery from prior infection is SUPERIOR to any immunity that one might get from COVID jabs. There was someone who made the point that natural immunity has existed since the dawn of MANKIND, and it would have been an absolute miracle to develop a COVID vaccine in less than a year that gave someone immunity to the ‘Rona that was SUPERIOR to natural immunity. Why, even fmr NIAID head Tony Fauci co-wrote a paper recently stating that the COVID jabs were never going to be effective after advocating FORCING people to take the jabs while he was a public health bureaucrat.

      I suppose next there’ll be some charlatan claiming that “Wascally Trump voters” are most likely to not get vaxxed. Oh wait, there were already some media outlets that made that claim, while claiming that Biden voters “Did the responsible thing” by getting vaxxed.

  6. My last and I mean last vaccine experience was a tetanus “booster” about 4 years ago.
    My old school doc really encouraged it and as ‘60s kids we lived in fear of the dreaded “lockjaw”. I’ve never been so sick in my life, wife and daughter were close to hauling me into the ER but day three I finally was recovering. Come to find out, it wasn’t just tetanus is was a TDAP – boy it did a number on me. Wised me up to do research before any med process or procedure.

    No more shingles updates either. Had a huge lump on my arm for two weeks after that jab in 2015.

    So absolutely no clot shot for me and the wife. My Covid illness lasted 12 hours while peer group jabbers have been sick multiple times over the last year.

    • Hi Sparkey,

      I made the same mistake back around 2016 when I chainsawed my left leg. I took care of it myself but my ex persuaded me to see the Quack and I got the Tetanus shot…

    • My last tetanus shot was when I was about 8. I’ll be 61 in a few weeks. Meanwhile, I’ve lived the intervening 53 years getting plenty of scrapes and scratches and cuts- especially in the 90’s when I used to rebuild a lot of engines…often cutting my hands while they were covered in grease and grime. Sometimes I’d use grease as a band-aid. Never used ‘antibiotics’ or alcohol or anything.

      The one thing I also did do on cuts, small or large, was to let them bleed a little before stopping the bleeding or bandaging- as I firmly believe that allows any contaminants which may have entered to be washed out, naturally. I don’t even ‘clean the wound’, as anything- even water- put on an open wound increases the chances of contamination. Always worked fine for me- not even so much as an infection.

      As opposed to when I was a kid, and would get a cut, and my well-meaning mother would always make sure it was washed and ‘sterilized’, etc. -I’d frequently end up with infections then. Hey, I survived numerous instances of having Mercurichrome applied when I was a kid…and that stuff was poison!

      I would no sooner get a tetanus shot than a clot-shot or a rabies shot. It’s all BULLSHIT. They peddle FEAR to make you think you need their harmful wares, which if they do anything at all just hobble one’s immune system- but a functional immune system will work just fine, if you let it. But that’s a “secret’ that *they* don’t want you to know.

    • A similar experience. A few years ago I had a serious injury. In the ER they gave me a DPT vaccine. 1-2 months later I started experiencing joint pain. 6 months later I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Which really sucks. Forced me to give up manual transmissions. The original treatment was ineffective. The next level was 60k per year. Fuck you, I said. I cut sugar out of my diet, and doing much better now. Still can’t drive a manual though. Isn’t it curious that in my 68 years I’ve never heard or known of any one suffering tetanus, diphtheria, or pertussis? But if you go to the ER with an open wound you will vaccinated for all three, just in case. Just in case, Pharma’s profits aren’t high enough.

    • Note that nearly twenty-five percent (24.8%) of those who contracted acute tetanus had at least one dose of the vaccine and more than twelve percent (12.4%) of the patients were fully vaccinated, with three or more doses of tetanus. Of the 66 (53.7%) people who had an “unknown vaccination status,” it could reasonably be assumed that a portion of those had had one or more tetanus shots at some point in their lives. Therefore, statement made by the CDC that “the disease continues to occur almost exclusively among persons who are unvaccinated, inadequately vaccinated or whose vaccination histories are unknown or uncertain” (4) is simply not true.


  7. ‘Behind those “masks” there is anxiety – and probably anger.’ — eric

    Exhibit A — p****-whipped Democrat syndrome:

    “There’s too much of toxicity — masculine toxicity out there, and we’ve kind of confused what it means to be a man, what it means to be masculine.”

    “You’ve got this trope out there where you have to be tough, and angry, and lash out to be strong.” — Doug Emhoff on MSNBC

    This limited hangout isn’t going to cut it with Kamala, Doug.

    Only when you submit to your voluntary orchiectomy will smooth sailing return on the home front.

    It is for your own good, and will make you much easier to get along with. 🙂

  8. Where Central Banks Have Issued Digital Currencies

    The advent of CBDCs could also mean that money and economic participation will become privileges, not rights. Digital trade could be tied to a social credit system, much like the one that exists in communist China.

    Want access to your checking and savings accounts? Better not say anything critical of the establishment, or you could be reported by a neighbor or stranger by cell phone app and have your money disappear in seconds. The onus will then be on you to prove that you are “loyal” and get access back. You are guilty until proven innocent.

    Maybe you don’t want to take the next untested v…….. for the next dubious threat? You’ll have little choice if your ability to function economically is controlled digitally.

    This is the world we are facing if we allow central banks to fully digitize money and trade. It is a nightmare environment of complete authoritarianism. The public at large is mostly unaware of the incredible danger inherent in CBDCs and they must be educated before the current crisis grows so large that they can no longer focus on anything other than their own problems.

    from zh comments:
    Social media and media in general is the anti christ..
    Your cell phone is the vessel
    And cbdc is the mark of the beast

    How about throwing out some solutions or potential solutions that could be investigated?
    1. Precious metals, land, barter
    2. Trusts, LLC’s and other corporate structures
    3. decentralized Digital currencies [?]
    Theres a few worth considering. Certainly better than sitting around waiting be enslaved.


    • Refuse to carry a cell phone. It is my understanding that “digital IDs” and “vaxx statuses” will be tied to one’s cell phone. Just don’t have one tied to you. Purchase and use a “burner phone”. If you have to carry a cell phone, obtain and use a “faraday shield” bag.

  9. The wearers of masks have probably not experienced a serious illness and thus attribute that to the mask. Many so called illnesses are psychosomatic as viruses like Sars, HIV, Measles, EBV, CMV, Hep C, Zika have never been scientifically demonstrated and never proven to exist. The illnesses usually come from environmental issues and food quality that upset the body’s PH balance.

    It is imperative that we ‘believe’ that they exist, that we ‘believe’ they can modify a virus they have never seen in order to keep the fear level at maximum. They are simply poisoning us in various ways. Note that everything they do and say is to provoke fear in the masses,,, to do something they normally would not do,,, like take a untested experimental injection of which they have no idea what is in it.

    • Ken:

      Yup! Notice how the propagandists, in order to preserve the myth of virology, have recently employed the trick of “admitting” that the fake, unproven and un-isolated “Covid 19” virus leaked from a Wuhan lab. Now all the midwits that once rightly doubted everything the government and big pharma said suddenly believe this bullshit admission as the truth. According to them, gov and big pharma can’t be trusted because they lie, all except for the claim that a fake virus (the one proven by the spikey-ball illustrations) leaked from a lab. Good grief!

      • There have been many claims about the origin of viruses, especially today’s latest “COVID-19 coronavirus”.

        However, there is a long history of viruses throughout human history and false claims as to their points of origin.

        In fact, the “1918 Spanish flu” virus actually originated in the United States of America and was spread to Europe during the First World War, transmitted by the U. S. military during American military transports to Europe. The “culprit” was an experimental meningitis “vaccine” that was administered to an American military trade delegation. Sound familiar? The commonly-accepted misinformation that this virus originated in Europe is false and can easily be proven by careful research.

        A majority of “1918 Spanish flu pandemic” deaths were not from the virus itself, but were from the then common practice of mask-wearing. In fact, “mask-wearers” were being buried by non-mask-wearers.

        You see, just as is the case today, breathing in one’s own exhalations is dangerous and is being promoted by the misguided government-imposed mandates to wear masks.

        99% of the deaths during the “1918 Spanish flu pandemic” were a result of bacterial pneumonia, NOT from the virus itself. As there were no treatments for bacterial pneumonia in those days, the death rate was horrendously high. Those who contracted the flu, but not pneumonia survived. As is the case today, almost everyone that dies with COVID-19 dies from complications from other causes, NOT from the virus itself.

        Fast forward to today, with our latest “COVID-19 pandemic”.

        Today’s “Chinese COVID-19 pandemic” actually originated at the American bioweapons research facility at Fort Detrick Maryland and was purposely brought to China by an American military “trade delegation” where it was released into the Chinese population. Biowarfare at its worst…

        The “COVID-19 vaccines” being pushed are “game changers” as they are replete with substances which will materially change human DNA, unlike previous vaccines which were merely weakened or killed virus remnants which would evoke a protective antibody response. Since the “Supreme Court” ruled that artificially sequenced DNA could be patented, anyone who takes the mRNA “jabs” becomes a “slave”, owned by the artificially sequenced DNA patent holder.

        Sound familiar?

        Today’s “COVID-19 pandemic” is actually a “plandemic” being used to take down a legally elected president and to usher in a “new world order” in which medical tyranny will be used to subjugate an entire world population, using FEAR as a weapon.

        Today’s “pandemic” is misnamed as it does not meet the definition of a “pandemic” but is being touted as such for political reasons—nothing more. Observe non-medical types such as Bill Gates and others touting untested vaccines with questionable substances, mask-wearing, and other social restrictions such as (selective) business closures, lockdowns and social distancing.

        For one, Bill Gates is not a “doctor”, has no medical training, and is a major proponent of “depopulation”–genocide. Gates is a “silver spoon” recipient, both of his parents being proponents of forced sterilization and eventual world depopulation.

        In fact, Bill Gates’ “vaccination schemes” have resulted in not only diseases being spread, but the use of birth-control and sterilization agents surreptitiously being a part of Gates’ “vaccination” schemes without “informed consent” being a part of the vaccination protocol speaks VOLUMES. Recipients of Gates’ “vaccines” were not informed that they were being sterilized—a violation of the Nuremberg protocols on “informed consent”.

        It is easy to see that there is much more going on than a response to a minor seasonal “flu virus”.

        Its about CONTROL and eventual human genocide—nothing more.


        • I’ve seen the text of your comment before. You’re copying and pasting from some 2 year old agitprop. “Today’s” pandemic? The virus as bioweapon from Ft. Detrick is another, earlier, but last as lame “variant” of the lab leak theory. Another fake story for midwits, to borrow Mr. L’s terminology, to cite to say the “one virus” is real. It wasn’t and isn’t. The stuff about the shots is a different story.

          • After careful investigation and research I wrote it myself and did not have to copy it from anyone else. Not fake at all…
            The “powers that be” are ITCHING for war with both China and Russia.
            You appear to be one who think the USA’s hands are clean. You could not be more mistaken.
            Look up the definition of “false flag” operations.
            You, my friend need to do the investigation yourself, looking at the big picture.
            You need to grow up and quite the name-calling…

        • The field of vi ro..lo..gy is about the same scientific level as the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, global warming, running your ice car on tap water, making gold from lead, pigs flying…100% fake science
          ….but….. it is useful in marketing campaigns helping big pharma businesses to pedal stock……..

          All the high tech required for the 15 min city surveillance state makes the billionaires richer….you get locked up…they get richer…

          this mandated ESG is just a scam to sell more stock, make billionaires richer…

          the richest guy in the world selling EV stock…

          Within the political deception which surrounds W EF’s Great Reset/Green Deal, we find a starkly obvious case of theft. To be precise, theft of the early ecological movement’s long-term holistic agenda for the bio diverse trusteeship of the land.

          The WE F’s vision consists of distorting this environmentally friendly vision and turning it into a global political tool for enforcing Klaus Schwab’s fas cis tic brave new world of synthetic foods, robot-mechanised farming, ‘rewilded’ gated private forests and 5G powered ‘smart 15 min. cities’ for disenfranchised country dwellers and redundant farmers.

          the stage of financial capitalism did not place emphasis on the exchange of goods or the production of goods as the earlier stages of commercial capitalism and industrial capitalism had done. In fact, financial capitalism had little interest in goods at all, but was concerned entirely with claims upon wealth — stocks, bonds, mortgages, insurance, deposits, proxies, interest rates and such . . .

          It invested capital not because it desired to increase the output of goods or services, but because it desired to float issues (frequently excess issues) of securities on this productive basis.

          It built railroads in order to sell securities, not in order to transport goods;

          it constructed great steel corporations in order to sell securities, not in order to make steel, and so on . . . .

          fake green agenda….. in order to sell securities

          ….a fake emergency to sell big pharma stocks….just recently gates cashed out his 9X gains on his big pharma stocks….lol….people got killed during the promotion….nobody cares….

          By the middle of the stage of financial capitalism . . . the organization of financial capitalism had evolved to a highly sophisticated level of security promotion and speculation which did not require any productive investment as a basis . . . ”

          ~ Carroll Quigley, Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time.

      • Hi Liberty,

        The fact that any mention of a lab leak on social media & elsewhere was smeared as “Racist conspiracy theory” 3 years ago but now accepted as plausible suggests to me that the media and/ or the Biden Thing are trying to gin up public support for a war against China, especially when their attempts to gin up support for a proxy war against Russia haven’t been working as well as they hoped. However, the U.S. government’s hands re that Wuhan lab aren’t clean either, as they (through NIH, Eco Health Alliance, etc.) helped fund “Gain of function” research at that lab, so if anything, this “Gain of function research” should be discontinued immediately rather than us going into another war that we’d likely lose.

        • The lab leak theory was a set up. A red herring initially aimed at red teamers but also to be used as a general fall back for fence sitters. Which they have now done. All they need is you to believe it’s “real.” When that premise is accepted then everything that followed is a matter of debate.

          You need to look into the actual history of “gain of function” and creating viruses. It’s not impossible but it is close to being so. These people are really not that all knowing or powerful. They just lie. A lot.

          As far as the Chinese, Brandon and a lot of other politicians are owned and in cahoots with them. They don’t want to war with them, they want to be them.

          • You might like this Funk Doctor…..


            Regardless of whether one thinks the ‘Rona actually existed or was created in that Wuhan lab, dark forces sure ran a successful fear porn campaign to get the masses to comply with draconian measures such as lockdowns, face diaper mandates, “social distancing”, etc., and clamoring for an experimental mRNA vaccine, thinking that a brand new vaccine was the CURE for the “Dreaded ‘Rona”.

            And now those same dark forces wish to do the same thing with “Climate change” and scare the masses into complying with INSANE proposals like CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS, 15 minute cities, ‘sustainable’ development, consumption of bugs and lab grown meat, shoving the masses into itty bitty apartments, banning gas stoves and gas powered vehicles in favor of electrification, etc., and all those proposals will likely be framed as the “CURE for climate change.”

            • Check to see if politicians promoting these activities own stock in the corporations that benefit from these promotions…

              All the high tech required for the 15 min city surveillance state makes the billionaires richer….you get locked up…they get richer….corporations are getting trillions of dollars for this infastructure…

              the current stock promotion……… to sell stock in all the the companies providing the high tech… AI, software and hardware needed for this lockdown 15 min city agenda ……during the last 2 years when you were locked up, billions of dollars worth of 5G, cameras, etc. and other related technology were installed getting ready for the 15 min cities and coming climate lockdowns…..

              Also note china makes most of the high tech equipment required for the 15 min smart cities and surveillance equipment….this all benefits china…

              If politicians owned stock in corporations that benifitted from one of these promotions there could be a conflict of interest…. if they took part in activities supporting these promotions….

              this mandated ESG, a current marketing program….. is just a scam to sell more stock…. in all the companies that are suppliers, making billionaires richer…

              the richest guy in the world is selling EV stock…

              Within the political deception which surrounds W EF’s Great Reset/Green Deal, we find a starkly obvious case of theft. To be precise, theft of the early ecological movement’s long-term holistic agenda for the bio diverse trusteeship of the land.

              The WE F’s vision consists of distorting this environmentally friendly vision and turning it into a global political tool for enforcing Klaus Schwab’s fas cis tic brave new world of synthetic foods, robot-mechanised farming, ‘rewilded’ gated private forests and 5G powered ‘smart 15 min. cities’ for disenfranchised country dwellers and redundant farmers.

              the stage of financial capitalism did not place emphasis on the exchange of goods or the production of goods as the earlier stages of commercial capitalism and industrial capitalism had done. In fact, financial capitalism had little interest in goods at all, but was concerned entirely with claims upon wealth — stocks, bonds, mortgages, insurance, deposits, proxies, interest rates and such . . .

              It invested capital not because it desired to increase the output of goods or services, but because it desired to float issues (frequently excess issues) of securities on this productive basis.

              It built railroads in order to sell securities, not in order to transport goods

              built big pharma companies not to sell real, effective, safe, cures but to sell securities…..that was the promotion the last 2 years….

              it constructed great steel corporations in order to sell securities, not in order to make steel, and so on . . . .

              built companies supplying the fake green agenda….. in order to sell securities

              signed trade agreements that enriches big corporations……..in order to sell securities

              ….a fake emergency to sell big pharma stocks….just recently gates cashed out his 9X gains on his big pharma stocks….lol….people got killed during the promotion….nobody cares….

              By the middle of the stage of financial capitalism . . . the organization of financial capitalism had evolved to a highly sophisticated level of security promotion and speculation which did not require any productive investment as a basis . . . ”

              ~ Carroll Quigley, Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time.

              check with your city….how much was spent on this, who approved it….

              the current stock promotion……… to sell stock in all the the companies providing the high tech… AI, software and hardware needed for this lockdown 15 min city agenda ……during the last 2 years when you were locked up, billions of dollars worth of 5G, cameras, etc. and other related technology were installed getting ready for the 15 min cities and coming climate lockdowns…..

            • Yes, I did like it and agree. Thanks for that. That being said, I think you are on the right side of a lot of these things.

              The lab leak, gain of function narratives are so phony in a lot of ways. Does anyone really believe any “function” was gained? By all accounts it was the flu, which does kill some people, especially the weak and old. There really was nothing “novel” except the hype. Some “bioweapon.”

              I’ve read Jon Rappoport for almost 15 years now. He laid all this stuff out, about phony pandemics, the patterns, the players, well before 2020. If you go to his site he’s doing a greatest hits from early 2020. He was so 100% right on point.

              • Funk Doctor,

                It was 3 years ago this month that I had some mystery illness that may well have been from the ‘Rona. At first I believed the narratives about the ‘Rona being some super deadly virus until lots of things just weren’t “making sense” or “adding up”.

                Now I don’t get sick all that much, but when I got sick in March 2020, I had flu like symptoms and even swollen tonsils, but traditional methods that I’ve used before for treating flu were ineffective against what I had. For the first day or two I was sick to the point I felt like staying in bed all day. Fortunately though, taking it easy and gargling warm salt water ultimately helped my own immune system conquer whatever it was I had. I never took any experimental mRNA injections, and looking back at what’s happened to many people who DID take them and reading various COVID related stories in alternative media, I’m glad I didn’t fall for the HEAVY propaganda campaign & get vaxxed and instead relied on the time tested concept of NATURAL IMMUNITY.

                • I don’t hear anything beyond a serious flu. No bleeding from the eyes or anus. No vomiting out any organs. I’ll go you one better and note I had a very similar sickness about one year earlier, January 2019. I almost went to the hospital but didn’t, on account of not buying “health insurance.” Made it through ok, after about 15 days of illness. No one thought about locking down or shutting down the economy then. No BS about “novel” viruses. Sickness and death are real. Inherent in our humanity.

                  10 years before, I was similarly sick, maybe not quite as bad, and did go to the doctor. Told him I’d been sick with flu like symptoms for 14 days. He told me not to worry unless another week or more passed and I was still sick. Of course, I got better in a day or two. My how times have changed, huh?

                  • Funk Doctor,

                    Right? Times sure have changed the past 4 years. Something else that NOBODY ever called for during regular cold and flu season pre-2020 was universal face diaper wearing. Now there are those who wish to NORMALIZE it during a typical cold & flu season.

                    • Hi John,

                      I had an intuitive flash when I saw the first wave of Diapering that it would normalize hypochondria. And it has. I maintain that this was planned, intentional. Using pathological dread of germs to turn people into fervent tools of tyranny was pure genius. I give them that. Can it be undone? Of course. Almost anything can be remedied. But it will take time and, I think, some harsh measures.

  10. Did you see that now NYC police want shoppers to remove their masks before entering stores because they are being worn by criminals to conceal their identities (Wednesday article on msn.com)? What are the Karens going to do with this?

  11. gates made a ton of money off this….

    All the high tech required for the 15 min city surveillance state makes the billionaires richer….you get locked up…they get richer…

    this mandated ESG is just a scam to sell more stock, make billionaires richer…

    the richest guy in the world selling EV stock…

    Within the political deception which surrounds W EF’s Great Reset/Green Deal, we find a starkly obvious case of theft. To be precise, theft of the early ecological movement’s long-term holistic agenda for the bio diverse trusteeship of the land.

    The WE F’s vision consists of distorting this environmentally friendly vision and turning it into a global political tool for enforcing Klaus Schwab’s fas cis tic brave new world of synthetic foods, robot-mechanised farming, ‘rewilded’ gated private forests and 5G powered ‘smart 15 min. cities’ for disenfranchised country dwellers and redundant farmers.

    the stage of financial capitalism did not place emphasis on the exchange of goods or the production of goods as the earlier stages of commercial capitalism and industrial capitalism had done. In fact, financial capitalism had little interest in goods at all, but was concerned entirely with claims upon wealth — stocks, bonds, mortgages, insurance, deposits, proxies, interest rates and such . . .

    It invested capital not because it desired to increase the output of goods or services, but because it desired to float issues (frequently excess issues) of securities on this productive basis.

    It built railroads in order to sell securities, not in order to transport goods;

    it constructed great steel corporations in order to sell securities, not in order to make steel, and so on . . . .

    fake green agenda….. in order to sell securities

    build useless EV’s to sell stock or get ESG cash…

    ….a fake emergency to sell big pharma stocks….just recently gates cashed out his 9X gains on his big pharma stocks….lol….people got killed during the promotion….nobody cares….

    By the middle of the stage of financial capitalism . . . the organization of financial capitalism had evolved to a highly sophisticated level of security promotion and speculation which did not require any productive investment as a basis . . . ”

    ~ Carroll Quigley, Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time.

      • Governments are about to introduce Climate Change Lockdowns disguised as “15 Minute Cities” under the UN Agenda 2030 directive & WEF Great Reset plan

        Your Government is pushing ahead with plans to bring 15-minute cities to a location near you. They are a brainchild of the UNs Agenda 2030, and are in effect Climate Change lockdowns.

        And once combined with a digital ID, a carbon credit score and a programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC) token, you’ve got the perfect recipe for creating a digital open-air prison.

        the controversial plans would move ahead whether people liked it or not.

        There are 97 cities in the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which represents one twelfth of the world’s population and one quarter of the world’s economy. The C40 was created in October 2005 when London Mayor Ken Livingstone . With the help of former US President Bill Clinton, Mayor Livingstone and the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) strengthened both organizations in 2006, expanding the network to 40 cities

        It was C40 that introduced the 15-minute city concept. It’s a network of mayors from nearly 100 world-leading cities working together to tackle climate change

        It’s understood that the COVID-19 pandemic played a significant role in accelerating this shift to 15-minute cities and according to Lisa Chamberlain of the World Economic Forum, “the 15-minute city grew from a “nice-to-have” to a rallying cry.”

        Global organizations, such as the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, took notice too. In July 2020, they published a framework for cities to “build back better”, and the 15-minute city concept was at the heart of it.

        And who funds C40.org? It’s a partnership with many companies including the Open Society Foundations, founded in 1993 by George Soros. Other partners include the Wellcome Trust, the Clinton Foundation and the World Bank.

        In a Twitter thread posted by Frédéric Leroy, he outlined some of the chilling aspects of these so-called C40 Cities. Based on his research, you will own zero private vehicles under the ambitious goal…..only get 3 clothing items per year…like a prisoner…

        He also reports that there are some really powerful people and organizations behind the C40 initiative. Michael Bloomberg is the C40 Board president, and Sadiq Khan is the current chair. C40 is also part of the Global Commons Alliance, a public-private partnership with PlanForThePlanet, the World Economic Forum, Rockefeller Foundation, WBCSD, EAT, Club of Rome, WWF, WRI etc.

        “15-minute city” – straight out of Agenda 2030. Combine a digital ID with a carbon credit score and their programmable CBDC token and you’ve got the makings of a digital open air prison.

        As usual, ordinary people will pay for the 15-minute city. Particularly urban car owners and families who commute across town to visit relatives or friends.

        it is being done outside of democracy, by climate change companies and climate zealots. This is in the name of saving the planet from net zero destruction.

        Of course in order to save the day we have to give up more and more of our privacy and liberties or be fined.

        The WE F’s vision consists of distorting this environmentally friendly vision and turning it into a global political tool for enforcing Klaus Schwab’s fas cis tic brave new world of synthetic foods, robot-mechanised farming, ‘rewilded’ gated private forests and 5G powered ‘smart 15 min. cities’ for disenfranchised country dwellers and redundant farmers.

        By twisting the true ecological approach to land management into a thoroughly distorted and fake look-alike, the word ‘Green’ has been 100% hijacked by the New World Order/Great Reset cabal. Tried and tested Real Green approaches have been usurped, in favour of macro scale industrial and digital mechanisation programmes for achieving the hallowed goal of ‘zero carbon’. If there ever could be such a thing as zero carbon– none of us would be able to breathe.


      • In a Twitter thread posted by Frédéric Leroy, he outlined some of the chilling aspects of these so-called C40 Cities. Based on his research, you will own zero private vehicles under the ambitious goal…..only get 3 clothing items per year…like a prisoner…and you are trapped in your zone like a rat in a cage….

        smart city…no more rural living….off to the 15 min city……limited mobility, no cars…weaponized surveillance and control….water rationing…speech surveillance…..mobility tracking…rationing gas, heat, electricity…

        control of food supply…no more cooking/food ownership…..no hoarding/stocking up or growing/independent supply…..it will be a service delivered daily by the government…with your meds included……..if your social credit score/cbdc balance is too low or cut off…no food for awhile…till you comply….

        there will be no more food stores, restaurants or retail stores…everything will be supplied by the government…if you comply…

        All the prisons will be closed…the prisoners will instead be housed with everybody else in the 15 minute city ghettos, they will be your neighbours in your soviet era, closet sized apartment…along with all the mental patients they turned out onto the streets years ago ……where it is easier and cheaper to watch/control them/you….every body will be drugged to make control easier….

        going from a debt slavery system to an identity slavery system

        Academics Call For WWII-Style Rationing Of Food And Fuel To Stop Climate Change


  12. A one world WHO/UN/WEF government dictated to by GERM run by gates….

    194 countries signed over their national sovereignty to the W.H.O. on February 27th in a new Pandemic Treaty.

    the WHO’s 2023 plans

    The WHO is a fabulously wealthy offshoot of the United Nations. It has its head office in Geneva ….. most of its money comes from the United States, from Communist China and from Bill Gates.
    Most of the ingredients used in drugs and va cci..nes come from china….so do the billions of masks……they make tons of money off this allopathic medicine…. which has a worldwide monopoly benefitting china….

    The WHO/UN will form the foundation for a one world government…WHO/UN government…. under the auspice of coordinating and ensuring global biosecurity. This becomes evident when you review the proposed amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) and the WHO Pandemic TreatyThe proposed IHR amendments will erase the concepts of human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms from the equation.

    * NO, freedoms supersede all national and state laws, including the U.S. Constitution

    * This means they can force you to undergo whatever medical intervention they deem to be in the best interest of the collective.

    * The IHR amendments grant dictatorial powers to the WHO director-general and unelected regional directors. The WHO/UN “recommendations” will be legally binding by all member states, and will supersede all national and state laws, including the U.S. Constitution

    If this coup is approved, the WHO would receive instructions from GERM. Yes that is the name. It’s a Gates funded and led group which would make the decisions and “recommendations.” ……

    so gates runs GERM that runs WHO/UN which runs all governments…..

    The WEF want complete visibility of what you buy, what you eat, where and when you travel.

    The draft accord, which would be “legally binding” on all 194 member nations, gives the WHO the authority to declare pandemics and submits member countries to “the central role of the WHO as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work,” …..”health” has been redefined to include everything under the sun, including “climate change” and “systemic racism”….and infodemic…

    Zero rights….
    secured rights are thrown out the window every time government agents declare a “health emergency”

    NOTE: especially now that “health” has been redefined to include everything under the sun, including “climate change” and “systemic racism”….. and infodemic…

    The health emergency is still in place…….so climate change lockdown next….
    climate change is classified as part of the ongoing current health emergency……so people will be herded into 15 minute cities because of this…their cars will be banned……resistors will be imprisoned….

    This agenda will be in addition to the UNDRIP agenda…

    The longer term agenda for the countries with the 15 minute cities…who governs them?

    A UN government…. …the UN run government for the indigenous owned land (the country given back to the indigenous)…. the army and police would all be UN soldiers….that was the reason for gun control legislation…UN the only armed force allowed….replacing the existing armed forces….


      • This is a big worry for me, as I live in an outer suburb of Cleveland, in a different county, actually. How could it affect me? Through an agency called NOACA, which is intended to coordinate policies throughout Northeast Ohio. Essentially, spreading the poison and dysfunction out from the city, which people chose to escape from.

        Ironically, if they really wanted to have shopping, employment, etc. close to where people live, they should eliminate zoning, and let the free market move in to supply these needs.

    • from zh comments….

      Not surprised in the least. When Trump was president, the libs were on record stating they weren’t going to take the jab because there was no way it was tested properly. Biden is elected, same jab, but all of sudden they were all fine with getting the improperly tested jab. Now we know what was really going on with the elites.

      The fact that the article contains a story where an elite is surprised that a sport’s venue is asking for vax proof at the gate, even the VIP gate, indicates that VIPs were being given special treatment at other venues.

      There are consistent rumors of huge anti-vax networks in various parts of the country where conscientious and ethical medical workers trying to save people from the death jab just gave people saline solutions

      There was massive under-the-radar non-compliance in LA and many good samaritans weren’t selling the cards — they were stealing them and giving them out for free.

      this idiot got scammed. There is no CA database, or any other database. You can print your own card and write what ever you want. I’ve got it on good authority that many if not most college kids did exactly this.

      In the early days there were only a few giant centralized administration sites. Data were handwritten on the cards and the space for the vaxxx deliverer signature was always left blank. It was widely reported the mobile network links were strained so it was hard to enter data into the database. Immense numbers of morons were posting photos of their cards to social media. The blank card PDF was easily found on the Web. I explained to numerous people that dishonest tricksters might print out a card, look up a card photo posted by somebody who got the shot at a nearby center, copy the lot number and date onto the card they printed up, and put their name on it.

      Guess how many doctors and nurses have filled out cards and entered details into the database for friends and family

      For the army shot, if you were friends with the guy, only the wastebasket would receive the injection.

      I am aware of a number of people who have obtained vaccine certificates in return for a fee of around $3000. They don’t even get to meet the doctor. They pay and the next day they log in and find that they are registered.

      In NYC – the only city that had a private employer mandate city-wide – fake cards were absolutely rampant. At least one woman with access to the state database was arrested for selling fake-but-verifiable cards.

      A friend of mine knows a nurse who administered the lethal injection. His job required him to take the clot shot. So his nurse friend got it for him and squirted it into the trash can, then recorded the serial number on the vaccine card. She did that for a lot of people. Awesome lady

      Most high dollar sports players either got nothing or a vitamin shot. The team trainers are responsible for the health of the players and everything goes through them.

      I know for 100% fact that the trainers in MLB got cards and filled them out for athletes while giving them vitamin shots. They all thought they got Covid shots. How do I know this? I worked with dozens of trainers.

      Anyone with photoshop and a decent printer could have made a fake card

      had the card stock, the PDF template, and – ironically enough – found a government website that listed the vax batch numbers, cities and dates of where they were distributed. If you were willing, it was easy.

      • “I am aware of a number of people who have obtained vaccine certificates in return for a fee of around $3000. They don’t even get to meet the doctor. They pay and the next day they log in and find that they are registered.”
        3 Grand for a Certificate? Jesus Christ! In Mexico it was $80. Never saw a Doctor either and our Certificate was a Document with a QR Code.

  13. I still occasionally see a covidiot driving alone wearing a face diaper; these people are permanently brain damaged and will never recover. This BS of the WHO/WEF ruling the world with central bank digital currencies needs a hard stop, let’s see how far the PTB can push this crap before the sheeple wake up.

    • take a look at what is happening in oxford england…they are one of the 1st 15 min cities…they are having it rammed down their throat right now…….

      ….but….someone from liverpool said wait till they try that here and see what happens…..

      better start going after your city councils right now to stop this…..

      CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS HAVE BEGUN! – 15 Minute City Project FORCES WORLD Into Prison! – Great Reset

      40 minutes in great detail……an update, detailed breakdown of the 15 minute city agenda/climate lockdowns….


      Send this video to all politicians….

      Tell them to disprove item by item all 400 points made in the video……

      If they have been supporting this agenda, ask them why they did without your approval……

      If they support this agenda tell them they will be recalled….lose their job

      • what if you live out in the bush…..

        …no more rural living….off to the 15 min city……limited mobility, no cars…weaponized surveillance and control….water rationing…speech surveillance…..mobility tracking…rationing gas, heat, electricity…

        control of food supply…no more cooking/food ownership…..no hoarding/stocking up or growing/independent supply…..it will be a service delivered daily by the government…with your meds included……..if your social credit score/cbdc balance is too low or cut off…no food for awhile…till you comply….

        there will be no more food stores, restaurants or retail stores…everything will be supplied by the government…if you comply…

        All the prisons will be closed…the prisoners will instead be housed with everybody else in the 15 minute city ghettos, they will be your neighbours in your soviet era, closet sized apartment…along with all the mental patients they turned out onto the streets years ago ……where it is easier and cheaper to watch/control them/you….every body will be drugged to make control easier….

        going from a debt slavery system to an identity slavery system

  14. Have a look at the WHO Zero Draft:


    Look at Article 17, which deals with “public health literacy” and combating pandemic misinformation, disinformation, and false news. To promote public trust of the official narratives.

    These Diaper Reports could be in the crosshairs. This is what our government, as currently situated, has in mind for subjugating us all to the diktats of weird unaccountable international bodies.

  15. There are maybe two or three people in a grocery store wearing masks. If you are that paranoid about getting sick, order over the phone or online then pickup your goods at the at the curbside.

    Hasn’t dawned on the mask wearers yet that they are being controlled, being told what to do.

    Always obey, always do what you are told. Never think for yourself.

    Zelensky has a salary of 60 million USD per year.

    He’s the president of Ukraine, as we all know. Hardly a capitalist, pure collectivist. Nice work if you can get it.

    Americans are footing the bill.

  16. Mostly older people around here. Old ladies and their husbands.

    I know an older couple I haven’t seen since 2020 because of her heart issues. Heard that she’s not doing well and might not live out the year. I’m certain if I did happen across them in a public setting they’d be masked. There’s a 0.0001% chance it might happen to block that one “droplet” that might have the one virus body that gets her. I get it. I occasionally buy a lottery ticket, even though I know the odds that I win are even worse than mask effectiveness.

    But there’s the false idea that two masks are better than one, which is one of the justifcations given for making everyone mask up. No, like the lottery, more isn’t more. Each mask is equally useless. Just like the odds of every lottery ticket being the winner is exactly as bad as the others.

  17. Are we a nation of endorphin addicts? That’s the substance your own body produces when you are under stress, closely resembling opiates. Fear will stimulate production, as will anger, as will pain, as will vigorous exercise. The “runner’s high”. It would account for much. Addicted to fear, and the mask is the symbol. Addicted to anger, directed at any who deny the cause of their fear, whether it be a virus or “racism”, or the weather (“climate change”), or whatever. And corporate news is aware of it, and uses it?

      • After further thought, once upon a time many of us got our endorphin fix by living our day to day lives, through labor. Which is no longer part of the national economy. Unless you are one of the “suckers” that actually works for a living. Most money is made by shuffling debt among the “educated”.

    • Helluva change from 1966, when ordinary citizens in Austin whipped out their weapons and fired back at ol’ Charles Whitman, sniping at them from the UT tower.

      Maybe waving a rainbow flag would have elicited his non-violent surrender. /sarc

      • Austin is filled with West Coast transplants who want to re-create the very environments which they fled. It is easy to blame Californians, but I see a lot more WA State and Oregon plates on the cars every August-September, as the school year begins.

  18. Astounding that there are STILL people out there wearing face diapers. There was actually an opinion piece recently in, of all places, the New York Times titled “Mask Mandates did nothing. Will we learn a lesson?” At the height of COVID hysteria, The New York Times was likely ALL IN on the propaganda about face diapers being some magic amulet that protected people from the ‘Rona. And there was yet another study, this time from some organization that does actual health data, showing face diapers don’t freaking work.

    As for actor Woody Harrelson’s recent SNL monologue not so subtly slamming the “drug cartels” as he put it, he may have done a service to humanity with his monologue, but he didn’t stop there……Corporate & media executives are likely quite displeased about it…..


  19. Barley see them anymore, but there are still a few hangers on. I am now coming to be thankful for them since they alert me to who the truly crazy are and allow me to steer clear.

  20. Yeah theyre still out there. As i was driving to work a couple of mornings ago followed by one of my neighbors, i saw this young driver wearing a mask in her dar while her baby was strapped in its car sear. Wow.


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