Here’s the audio of my appearance (over the weekend) on my friend Henry Payne’s Car Talk radio show up in Detroit. We talked about the elitism that’s at the heart of electrification as well as a number of other topics that might be of interest:
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If you want to hear Eric you need to go to Part 2 and start at 18:50.
link that didn’t get screwed up.
So it begins the way I think it wll. They just stop making and selling them.
Honda to stop selling gas powered lawn mowers in the US.
Honda you would think (as the maker of more IC engines in the world) would know better……..
This worked for me.
As a note,,, they are still producing them for Europe and the world at large,,, just not the good ole USA.
This will probably cover their pressure washers and other equipment.
Your US gov tax dollars at work to screw you!