When Everything is Quick


Electric cars tout quickness – because what else can they tout?

They certainly cannot tout the things new cars used to tout, such as being more practical and affordable or economical than the cars that people already have (the attributes that used to persuade them to buy new cars).

So what will happen when the one thing electric cars offer more of than other cars – that being performance, in terms of how quickly they accelerate – becomes as common as power windows?

What will “sell” electric cars then?

It is likely to be a harder sell.

Performance sells performance cars, of course – because that is what the people shopping for performance cars are interested in buying. A Mustang GT that wasn’t any quicker getting to 60 than a Prius would probably not sell very well, no matter how quick it looked. And just the same, in reverse. A Prius that got to 60 as quickly as a Mustang GT – but only delivered 18 MPG would probably also not sell very well, either – no matter how much it looked like a Prius.

Electric cars are in a similarly precarious position.

Some look like luxury cars – but what is “luxurious” about having to stop and wait all the time? Isn’t that something people with money use their means to avoid? As by buying first-class airplane tickets that buy them out of the lines those in economy class must endure?

And the proximity to the people in economy class?

It is not very “luxurious” to be obliged to spend a lot of time at a Sheetz waiting for your electric “luxury” car to lap up a little range, so you can get away from there.

How about electric cars that look like trucks? In italics to reflect the fact that, when it comes to electric vehicles, they’re all fundamentally the same under the skin. Batteries and motors. But people who buy trucks aren’t buying them because they look like them. Well, they certainly like the way they look, of course. But – as in our example above about the luxury car – the primary reason most people buy a truck is because they need it to be able to do the things a car cannot do.

This includes being able to carry – and pull – a heavy load.

Electric trucks can do both – just not for long (or far). When loaded up, their range plummets to . . . what’s the word? Ludicrous shortness, typically less than 150 miles before it is on the verge of running out of range. This is a big problem for people who need to get to work – and back – without it taking all day. Yet the makers of electric trucks tout how quick they are. Which they are – just the same as electric cars. In italics to emphasize the problem, as regards a truck that is quick but not practical.

How about economical?

This is something no electric car – or truck – is and isn’t likely to ever be, unless the cost of electricity becomes economical, which is unlikely to happen when demand for it is increasing while the supply of it is not. It already costs about the same to charge up an electric vehicle as it does to gas up a non-electric equivalent (not factoring in the cost of the time spent waiting for the electric vehicle to charge up). It is extremely likely it will cost more to charge up an electric vehicle once there are a lot of them plugged in. You have probably already noticed the uptick in the cost of your monthly utility bill, even if you do not own an electric vehicle. It is going up because others do – and are plugging in – raising the cost of the electricity those pushing electric vehicles seem determined to make everyone dependent upon for everything.

Whatever happened to alternative sources of energy? Or was just that a convenient shibboleth, no longer useful?

Then there is the cost of batteries, which is fundamentally why electric vehicles aren’t economical to buy, either. It is as absurd to characterize a $40,000 vehicle (the entry level price point of a lower-end EV) as “economical” as it is to think you’ll lose weight by ordering a super-sized diet Coke to go with your Big Mac and fries. And that is why the sellers of $40,000 electric vehicles do not tout how not-economical they are.

Instead, they tout how quick they are.

So that you will not notice how expensive – and impractical – they are.

But when everything is quick, it will no longer dazzle. It will become as expected as power windows – which were once a luxury feature. Even in economy cars and trucks, which all come standard with power windows now. But the latter still offer economy – and capability that can be used.

Electric cars – and trucks – don’t.

What they do offer is the ability to get to 60 very quickly. Something that everything will offer, when everything is electric.

It’s a shame about everything else that cars and trucks use to offer.

. . .

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  1. Many of the “chalets” in the Colorado ski towns have massive electrical panels due to the heavy amount of snowmelt equipment installed. For these systems, adding another 60A breaker for the Tesla is no big deal. I imagine the same thing is true in many of these large homes. Need to have a big electric service for the pool, the hot tub, the Wolf oven(s), the HVAC. As long as the panel is within a few feet of the garage it’s just another thing.

    And when it comes time to sell (because you’re upgrading to a bigger place), it becomes another bullet point for the agent.


    • The lefty states are subsidizing the EV industry even more with mandates on home chargers.

      I live in the middle of Silicon Valley and this past winter, I spent weeks without electricity. I have a small solar system with a battery, which allowed me to power basic things; some lights, my fridge, and limited use of the gas furnace, which uses a lot of power for the blowers.

      So, I thought, this is going to happen more, because the politicians here are insane, I’ll install more panels and another battery. Before you can do any work here, you need to get a permit, otherwise, you can’t hire contractors (they’d lose their business license). It turns out, that in order to get the _permission_ to expand my solar system, I am now required to install an EV charger, and disconnect my gas appliances, meaning that I need to remove my gas water heater, gas furnace, and gas stove. These gas appliances continued to work without electricity and cooked my food and kept me warm when the grid was out.

      So, in much of CA, you are now forced to install EV chargers – or at a minimum, a 240V 50A outlet near the driveway.

      • To heck with contractors, if you already have an existing installation you can do all that work yourself and to hell with the “permits”. It’s not hard to plunk down a few more panels and add a few batteries in parallel.

        • Oh, I’m perfectly capable of doing it, however, an installation of anything electrical without using a licensed electrician is almost certain to invalidate your homeowner insurance policy around here in case something happens related to electrical issues, like a fire.

          I did come up with a way of hooking up a generator through bridge rectifiers and solar inverters to supplement my solar panels. It plugs into the dryer outlet and pushes power into it, so when I unplug it, it’s like it never existed 🙂

  2. Somehow, I do not believe that “EV Vehicle” and “Quick” are in the same sentence. I can drive to the gas station, and fill up my car’s gas tank in a minute or two, be on my way, and know just how far I can drive, Winter or Summer…with no “range anxiety” problems whatsoever. There is nothing “quick” about sitting in your car (and hey, at-40 below freezing your a** off?) in the dead of Winter, charging an EV for upwards of forty minutes, just so you can get home? How “quick” is that? I do not care if it can go from zero to sixty faster than me. I can still travel farther and longer than that stupid EV any day of the week.

    • Hi Shadow,

      THat’s a great point – about how not “quick” EVs really are. My old truck is much quicker – even though it doesn’t accelerate as rapidly.

  3. Some wise investor should create a start-up company dedicated to building internal combustion automobiles. At this point in the market, with the automakers seemingly forcing EV’s on everyone, the market seems ready for a new American car company.

    Modular stackable engines with solenoid valve operated cam-less heads running on a 24v system would revolutionize the auto industry. Fully independent suspension with worlds-first transverse anti-roll bars to reduce break dive, decrease stopping distance, and increase acceleration traction. That’s what the world needs…RIGHT NOW. The most advanced internal combustion car ever to roll rubber. You’d sell a million of em.

    • I fully agree, Letmepicyou, about a new American car company. Some will argue it’s not possible with the ESG and the DEI and the rampant regulations, but I remain hopeful.

      Regarding the mentioned innovations, I’d like to investigate. Sounds interesting.

    • ‘solenoid valve operated cam-less heads’ — letmepicyou

      It’s a cool concept, detailed in a Wikipedia article titled ‘Camless piston engine.’

      Not specified in the article is the MBTF (Mean Time Between Failure) of a solenoid-activated valve … and whether they fail gracefully, without causing engine damage.

      • Like anything, modern auto manufacturers don’t design ANYTHING to last the maximum lifetime. Right down to the wheel bearings, they’ll heat treat them to last 75,000 miles, but when the IDEAL heat treat for the steel in question would yield a 200,000 mile lifespan, that doesn’t fit into their “cyclical consumption” business model.

        So don’t use the current model as a design limitation. I’d also mention that there are more than a handful of engines that will grenade themselves in the event of a timing chain or serpentine belt failure on the market right now.

        The point is, with a higher voltage system (as in, more than 12v) you have more available energy to do more things, like run solenoid valve heads. And with solenoid valve heads, you eliminate a HUGE portion of the parasitic friction in an engine (no more cam shafts, timing chains, push rods, rocker arms, ect), and you create an UNLIMITED number of “camshaft profiles” that can be loaded with a push of a button. Imagine a “select power” switch that you could dial the power level from 100 to 500 hp, depending on if you need fuel economy or raw power. With solenoid valve heads, you get the best of ALL WORLDS, with the proverbial push of a button.

        If someone were to put me in charge of a machine shop with a crew of about half a dozen, I could build a car company from scratch and be selling vehicles in 1-2 years. Now somebody just needs to do it.

        And when some Jew comes creeping around talking about “Oy Vey, you need to go electric! Da environment!” and “Oy Vey, you need some diversity in your workplace!” That’s when get get a length of good old fashioned American-made hemp rope and hang it from a tree.

          • You’re so brainwashed by the Jews you don’t even know that Ashkenazi Khazar “Jews” aren’t “Semitic”.
            You know so little, you don’t even know Jesus’ words TO the Jews.
            “You are not of God.”
            “You are not of Abraham or the works of Abraham you would do.”
            “You are of your father THE DEVIL.”
            “Beware those who say they are JEWS but are NOT, for they are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.”
            How dare you invoke Jesus’ name without even knowing that Jesus was the most ANTI-JEW PERSON THERE WAS. He made a WEAPON with which to BEAT THE JEWS and CAST THEM FROM THE TEMPLE.

            Tell me – how is it you’ve come to accept that you are lied to about everything…BUT THE JEWS?

            Oh, they’d never lie about THE JEWS. RIGHT? Doublethink right into subservience do ya? Sad. Why don’t you try reading the Bible?

          • I’m going to go out on a limb and guess you’ve never read the “Toledot Yeshu” have you? I suggest you look it up to see what the JEWS say about JESUS.

            • Hi letme,

              I value free speech and am glad to provide this forum for its expression. This includes speech I don’t agree with. But – please – let’s keep personal attacks out of it. Facts are more powerful. I understand the urge to lash out; I feel it often and I sometimes give in to it. But I always regret it. It’s more effective to point out where someone’s wrong than to slam them on a personal level.

              • I agree, which is why I also posted quite a few verses of scripture. And you want to know why we’re so buddy-buddy with Jews now? Because nobody knows scripture. The ones that manage to drag themselves to some worthless “church” only learn what the 501(c)3 tax exempt ZOG-controlled indoctrination centers tell them on Sunday. The fact of the matter is, from the book of Genesis to the book of Deuteronomy to the book of John to the book of Revelations, we are warned and told about the Jew.

                Even told by God to destroy them. Deuteronomy 20:17-18 says “Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the LORD your God has commanded you. Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the LORD your God.”

                The “Jews” would be among those “Canaanites”.

                And what does it say? Otherwise they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the LORD your God.

                And what are they doing today? If it’s not Deut 20:18 realized, then I don’t know what is.

                And you’re right. I lash out. I may not always regret it perhaps as much as I should, but man…scripture is VERY clear about the Jews. But you ask 95% of “Christians” and they’ll tell you Jesus was Jewish. Something even a child could disprove. Jews LOVE that little hoax, by the way. Funny how the JEWS don’t even believe Jesus was Jewish.

                According to the Jews, Jesus is the bastard child of a whore and a Roman soldier named Pandera. If you don’t believe that, I suggest looking into the Toledot Yeshu.

                I just get so tired of having to educate every single poor ignorant soul on the things they were supposed to learn from their mother and father but didn’t. Everything is right there in scripture, if they only read it. Beware those who say they are JEWS but they are NOT, for they are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. I mean…wtf? There’s no way to mis-read it. You just have to READ IT.

            • Nope, you got me. But I’ll tell you that, though I’ve read a lot in my life, I don’t need to read anything to know I shouldn’t hate someone because of their ancestry. That’s an absurd doctrine, and any god that would require that of me is no god of mine.

              • You can turn your face from God, and from Jesus the Christ, and you can say “I don’t believe” and you will be cast out. It really is no big deal. He offers you a choice, and you’re the one that has to make it.

                But what you can’t say at the end…is that you weren’t told. You WERE told. You were told the actual word of God, and you mocked it and said it wasn’t for you. The choice is made. I hope you don’t live to regret it.

  4. The one advantage to driving an electric vehicle is that the charging stations could also be located next to campgrounds, RV parks, golf courses, zoos and even public parks with swimming pools.

    Might as well make good use of the time while the battery charges in your EV.

    The more well-heeled EV owners could go to Estes Park and play bridge or something while their EV charges overnight.

    If you are in Canada, Banff will be the choice for an overnight stay.

    If you are visiting Tahiti, you’ll fly in on your private jet. If you want to get around, rent an EV.

    The super-rich don’t need some battery-operated toy on four wheels.

    If you are an electric car owner who spends 75 grand to obtain one, you just think you’re rich, you’re not, you are a greater fool.

    Elon wants you to buy an EV. Doubtful you will see Musk at an EV charging station.

    The time to stop the EV craze is here and now.

    ExtremeTech dot com is a dyno site out there in the digital universe.

    • Haha I would like to see the dumb fool try to drive an EV through the Al-Can. They would get stranded miles from nowhere, with no cell service and no one around to save them when their battery dies.

      • Grizzlys got to eat too… Though they might turn up their pretty little noses at a leftist electro-driver. Probably much more foul tasting than campground garbage…

  5. When it comes to wind power, I suspect that people have been conned into believing that it can work almost anywhere (although nobody wants it in their neighborhood).
    Heck, there’s almost always a breeze where I live – so much so that I often have trouble finding a day calm enough to fly my drone or spray weeds without the herbicide drifting and killing everything else too.
    But I read recently that, although the wind requirement varies with blade size, a rule of thumb is that the big turbines need a minimum sustained wind of about 10 mph to generate anything. I checked our weather station data for May, and the highest sustained wind was 9.8 mph, and that was only for a few minutes. So a wind turbine on our property would not have turned even one productive revolution during the entire month.

    • Hey Roland,

      I can’t speak to the specifications of the enormous grid windmills, but we have a 1kW version here at the homestead. The winds here can often exceed 20 MPH+, but unfortunately, due to the higher voltage of my LiFePO4 batteries and the insufficient Chinese electronics that came with the windmill, it really doesn’t begin charging until the winds approach 30MPH.

      …Which happens, but not all that often. Probably a few times a month.

      Now, there is an obvious remedy, which is to do some electronics work. A little switching circuit to route the generated current through different step-up transformers according to RPMs should do the necessary justice. Though, obviously, less RPMs will mean less wattage.

      • Interesting. I assume that’s 30 mph sustained? I doubt we get that more than a few days a year. But this is rolling terrain with lots of wooded areas.

        • Roland,

          Yes, 30MPH sustained, as 30MPH for a few seconds only gives you a few watt-hours of energy. We’re in similar terrain, actually, and it helps to put your windmill at the top of even a minor hill (where we are). I’d like to document many of my experiences here, and I will, but much too busy for now. :p

  6. Way off topic comment here but if you haven’t already watched the interview Judge Nap did with Scott Ritter yesterday on U tube, you might want to take a look at a 3 minute section where Ritter is asked about the recent comments made by the nation’s biggest Neo-con regarding Ukraine. The whole interview is darn interesting as he just returned from a month long visit to mother Russia and describes what he saw. Fast forward to the 21:12 min mark to check it out those 3 minutes:


    • Martin Armstrong’s AI model predicted the Ukraine war in 2014, and that this would lead to WW3 in 2025. Now with a conflict in Taiwan, where a large percentage of chips are made, the supply of chips decreases. War increases demand and creates inflation. Now they are talking about attacks on the grid (remember how many were screaming to upgrade it protect it).

      I want my normally aspirated 2003 Ford Escape back. Easy to fix cars that run and can be maintained may become the next status symbol. That 2004 Honda that was mentioned in looking good

    • Thanks for the link, Dave. In that video Scott Ritter said: “Sometime by the end of summer/early fall, it will become evident that the Ukrainian armed forces are no longer capable of resistance. And at that point in time, Biden will have to make a political decision that America needs to rapidly look for an off-ramp from this conflict or else face the politically damaging specter of Russia rolling through Ukraine and making Joe Biden and America and NATO look as impotent as they really are.”

      Assuming this is true, I shudder to think of how Biden will respond to this outcome. It can be argued that America’s involvement in Ukraine was the political “off-ramp” from the Covid war, which begs the question: What will Washington do for an encore to deflect attention away from a failure in Ukraine?” Another scamdemic? Start a war somewhere else?

      • You’re on the money Jason, it’s scary stuff. God knows what the future has in store for us innocent bystanders. There are so many unknowns at work here because the parasites running govt have their grubby hands in practically everything and we all know what happens sooner or later. It’s impossible to predict the consequences of all this meddling but I’m sure of this: stuff is going to hit the fan pretty hard this time. I might be looking to pick up stock in bomb shelter builders. Lemme know if you find any good ones 🙂

      • “What will Washington do for an encore to deflect attention away from a failure in Ukraine?”

        Since they will taunt Russia via Ukraine as long as they can, so long as they can marshal funding – but not nuclear war as they do care about their own asses and their investments. At any time Russia could bring the hammer down – but Russia is doing fine with all the gas and oil they sell – so they too have a big interest not to launch nukes.

        Since Russia is going to crush Ukraine, the D.C. lunatics will have to take their war elsewhere – maybe get Poland in on the action, which they are trying to right now, as Poland wants to annex Ukraine. And Zelensky wants NATO membership. Thus the war can go on, and that clown McCarthy just gave Biden a blank check (for more war).

        (((They))) want Ukraine to be a Khazar Superstate, a bigger Israel – Zelensky said in a speech. They do not want Ukraine to be taken by Russia – but they are losing badly and won’t admit it. So Russia must force them to capitulate. And they did capitulate in Afghanistan.

        And it appears Russia is using tactical nukes:

        Russia is going to have to up the ante and force them to stand down. So they will – and then go after Iran – but Russia and China will back Iran. And at that point China will take Taiwan and maybe Guam. And then the empire will be humiliated and crumbling – so next the swamp will impeach Biden and install someone like Trump to try to regain their losses.

        During this process debt will continue to skyrocket – and so will inflation and interest rates – and then the interest on the debt will zoom through a trillion, 2 trillion – until the system is unable to borrow – because at the debts mount the insurance on buying Treasuries will also start spiking like Lehman Brothers before it went under.

        What ends the empire is when they can no longer borrow because insurance on their debt (CDS swaps) gets to high. Then the USA will be really bankrupt and put into recievership like any other corporation which can no longer borrow.

  7. The joke is that fast accelerating cars do not get to their destination any sooner – because everyone has to stop at signs and lights.

    Everyday in traffic, as I drive slow, fools in brand new cars do quick accelerations like that hare, and me like the tortoise, coasting up to the light, timing the light so I don’t actually stop – to save gas – stay in tandem. Often I beat them through the next traffic light because I never stopped, and they sped forward and slammed on the brakes.

    The net effect is that their are only seconds difference in the fast car vs the slow car in transversing the city. On the highway, well … their is a speed limit. So what gain there?

    All that horsepower appeals to the immature mind whose body is laced up with caffeine or other drugs. If you wanted to get across town quicker then the car would have to be linked to the traffic lights and the speed adjusted so you never stop.

    • Jack, it has become a matter of pride for me (crap, I’m not really comfortable using that word anymore) to avoid touching the brakes until I get where I’m going and have to stop.
      On the 12-mile trip to town, there is one 5-mile stretch of particularly curvy, rolling state road. Barring a farm tractor appearing when I crest a hill, I never have to brake until I get to the stop sign at the far end. Modulating the throttle (a lost art) is all it takes. Well, that plus some spirited cornering. In town, you should rarely need the brakes if you pay attention, plan, and let gravity do the braking for you whenever possible. On the interstate, it’s hilarious to watch the amateurs come tearing up behind a vehicle that’s been in their sight for miles and then have to brake in the last hundred feet or so to avoid clobbering it. How incompetent/inattentive can one be?
      Our new Corolla hybrid of course has regenerative braking. I was happy to learn that regen is applied under trailing throttle, without the brake pedal being stepped on, so my (some would say wimpy) driving style does not negate its benefits. When you do brake, you have to do it fairly aggressively for the conventional brakes to come into play. I looked at the rotors the other day, and they look like the pads haven’t touched them yet.

      • Roland,

        “it’s hilarious to watch the amateurs come tearing up behind a vehicle that’s been in their sight for miles and then have to brake in the last hundred feet or so to avoid clobbering it. How incompetent/inattentive can one be?”

        I think that mostly has to do with cruise control. People will leave the cruise control set at 80 and do nothing but steer until the very last second, when a collision is imminent.

        • I think you’re right about that. With or without CC, they have no clue what smoothness in driving looks like, let alone how to achieve it. Shake your middle finger at the driver you’ve been closing on for the last 10 minutes because you failed to pay attention and think ahead.
          Mind if I ask: How are you feeling these days?

          • Hey Roland,

            I’m feeling just capital these days, actually. You’re probably referring to my “long COVID” days, and luckily, that nightmare is receding in the rear-view with me become my old self, more-or-less, about a year back. No more, or very rarely, do I have any reflux problems, or shortness of breath, and NOTHING like it was a year-and-a-half ago. I usually take my dog out for a run in the country every evening, and visit the gym whenever I have to visit the city.

            I’m doing some plumbing and electrical work outside today, and my land is continuously taking shape. It really is glorious these days with the halcyon summer weather (minus the heavy winds, at times).

            Also, you’re right about accelerator-modulation being a dying art. I see very few “smooth” drivers. Most people abuse the hell out of their vehicles, increasingly dependent on the nanny-tech to save them from their horrible driving habits.

            • That’s great news! I wish I could say the same. I’m 70. Never been sickly and dammit I don’t want to be. But I am so overwhelmingly tired. I have 56 acres to take care of, and I’m not sure how I’ll get the hand-labor parts of it done. I suppose our current drought might be a blessing in that nothing much is growing for now. Thank you, climate change! I had trouble with elevated pulse for a while, but that seems better now. My understanding is that long-haul covid is thought to be caused by the spike protein being present in your body, which could have been caused by the vax or by having covid. I’m in the latter group. I have been trying to exercise like normal, but from what I’ve read recently that is exactly the wrong thing to do. One guy on a LHC forum said, “Resting has become my full-time job.”
              I apologize if I offend anyone who believes the whole covid thing is fake, but numerous physicians who have paid a huge price for opposing the covid madness do recognize LHC as a real thing.
              Did you just wait it out?

              • Roland,

                I don’t think it makes sense to apologize for the beliefs of others. They most likely didn’t get a taste of the darker sides of the ‘Rona, and good for them. I don’t wish it on anyone.

                Yes, the spike protein was found to be toxic, and can play hell with every system in your body. I ran across vax victims who had much of the same symptomology that I did, as well as other victims of the long COVID.

                I did have to wait it out for months, and there’s nothing much else I could do. Exercise was essentially impossible. It was hard enough to go to the supermarket and carry the groceries back from the truck. It was too much to stand for long.

                But gradually things improved, including that rapid pulse you speak of. If that is behind you, that’s good news! That began to stabilize after a couple of months. Then I began to do little exercises, here and there: some sit-ups, a short jog, a few pushups. They made me feel better, as long as I didn’t push it.

                Eventually, and it was probably about 5 months since the long-COVID symptoms began, I made it back into the gym. I wasn’t nearly at full capacity, and it took some time before I got back there.

                I think what happens is, everything in your body remodels and resets. Cells divide, proteins are recycled, immune responses are quelled. You’re 70, and I’m a couple decades younger, so it’ll take a little longer for you than it did for me. But I think you’re on your way. Do a little exercise, but don’t get crazy. Make sure your bloodwork is normal. You can get tested without a doctor these days, which is what I do now. Also, speaking of that, my naturopath was excellent. If you can find one of those who is worth a damn, it might be worth it.

                Good luck, man!

                  • Hey Mr. Kable,

                    No one would prescribe ivermectin, though I didn’t try too hard. I figured I’d be alright using natural agents to mitigate the illness. Not sure how effective they were, but the original illness wasn’t TOO terrible. Wasn’t a good time, either. But the syndrome that followed was horrible, and I found this course of events was actually a fairly common occurrence. I’m not sure what effect ivermectin might’ve had on the risk of long-COVID, but I’m glad it’s over.

                    • Don’t have a link to any studies at hand, but I have read that Ivermectin is quite affective against COVID at any stage, just more effective early on, as in stopping it in its tracks.

                • You’ve never had “COVID”, there’s no such thing as “COVID”, and there certainly isn’t any made-up bullshit called “long COVID”. Who do you work for? Full disclosure.

                • BaDnOn, I’m going to try avoiding alcohol. I don’t drink much, but some claim that even small amounts can aggravate symptoms, or cause a setback in recovery.
                  Btw, you are 100 percent right about the apology thing. I take that back.

                  • Good deal, Roland, on both counts.

                    Hopefully you’ll make a full recovery soon, and then you can have your beer and drink it too. 😉

                    More importantly, best of luck with your ranch!

                    • Thanks, man. No ranch here though; we’re lowly dirt farmers. The only roundup we have is for… well, never mind.

              • I’m sorry to hear you’re old and tired. Shit, I’m two decades younger and I get that way sometimes, too. Not “offended” here but if you’re gonna make this “it’s real” argument, could you list a couple of those physicians you mention who paid a “huge price” for opposing the coofy-doof madness but recognize long haul coofy-doof as a real thing? A name or two, a link or two, maybe? Which ones are advising you personally, perhaps?

                • Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough, Kelly Victory. Correct me if I’m wrong.
                  I didn’t intend to start a debate about this; I was looking for insight from BaDnOn since I recalled that he had commented on “long-haul covid” before. And now I’m The Glyphosate Guy as well. Wonderful. Here comes the mob. Richard Greene, can I stay in your beach house until this blows over?
                  Not being a professional farmer, I use an infinitesimal amount of herbicides myself; however, we live in an agricultural area where Roundup-ready seeds are the norm. But haven’t the allegations against glyphosate been all about cancer, specifically non-Hodgkin lymphoma? I don’t believe I have that, although I can’t say for sure. My symptoms are consistent with what BaDnOn and many others have described. I would remind you that I refused to get the fake vaccine, and some of my own family still hates me for it.
                  A quick search yielded a chart showing that since 1992, NHL incidence has been fairly steady, and has actually gone down very slightly in recent years:
                  How can that be, considering that Roundup-ready seeds were developed in 1996 (Roundup itself had been in use for a while, but didn’t really take off until RR seeds hit the market)? I’m also puzzled as to the public perception of glyphosate. With all of the negative press, one would think everybody would shun it. Yet Bayer has kept it on the market – under the Roundup brand. Why do you think that is? If everybody is scared to death of it, wouldn’t they at least change the name?

                  • The science is far from settled on glyphosate and, frankly, especially these days, I don’t trust Bayer, Monsanto, or the EPA.


                    Here’s what Monsanto and the EPA have to say from link:

                    Glyphosate does not cause any harm to humans or animals, according to Monsanto. Even the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that glyphosate is safe when used carefully (although no exact definition of the word carefully is offered). However, Agent Orange was deemed safe to spray within certain parameters as well and later proved the opposite.

                    Glyphosates have specific directions to follow when the average consumer uses them to kill common weeds in our average yards. To be deemed “safe” these directions are to be followed:

                    Choose a day that is not rainy or windy;
                    Wear long pants, long sleeved shirt, gloves, goggles, and a mask;
                    Cover any other plants you want to keep safe

                    — Do you follow these precautions? Now picture those nearby crop duster planes loaded to the gills with this stuff spraying roundup ready crops on even a slightly windy day. Sounds safe and effective to me, as long as you’re wearing your full body hazmat suit any time you’re outdoors or have the windows open when others are spraying.

                    Look, my overall point is that illness in general is far more likely to be caused by a number of factors than one, especially as one advances in years. Lifestyle, pollutions, toxins, unhygienic conditions are the real drivers of illness. The “one virus” story is sold via the bought and paid for media and power hungry politicians and is meant to package all of those up into one thing, to be treated with shots or drugs sold by big Pharma and paid for by runs on the Treasury, of course. It’s a con. They encourage you to “believe” in it for “whatever your reason”, “assume you’re sick”, and take the potions, no questions asked.

                    Question everything about your environment, health and lifestyle. I had been dealing with a serious bout of fatigue at the end of last year. Turns out that, for the winter season and controlling for other factors, I was consuming thousands of milligrams worth of salt more than necessary for humans via certain canned goods and other foods. I learned that salting of food is one of the oldest tricks of the controllers to hide inflation and weaken their subjects will to resist. I cut it back to the bone then had trouble sleeping at all! Then I moderated to about just right for me.

                    Are you near strong radiation? Are you “boosting” your wi-fi in your home with those three antennae things? Any nearby 5G towers?

                    • No radiation here that I know of. 5G? Hell, we can’t even get 3G most of the time. When we built our house in 1989 we didn’t know the cell tower would be on the other side of the hill.
                      I don’t trust Bayer, Monsanto, or the EPA either. That’s why I haven’t cited their defenses of glyphosate. But a gang of disability attorneys? What could go wrong?
                      Seriously, your points are well-taken. Coincidentally, just this morning I was trying to explain the economics of windmills and solar panels to a climate nutcase (talk about a waste of time). In a world of scarcity, there are no perfect solutions, only tradeoffs. In the case of Roundup, the benefits should not be ignored. It has saved immense amounts of labor, fuel and topsoil, all while increasing yields. This needs to be balanced against possible risks, but those risks have to be studied dispassionately. For that, I don’t trust ambulance-chasers, hysterical crusaders, or emotion-driven juries any more than I trust the Bayer PR department.

                  • “Wonderful. Here comes the mob. Richard Greene, can I stay in your beach house until this blows over?”

                    Hahaha, no doubt Roland. Luckily, most people here are fairly civil. Keep me posted on how you’re doing, though. Funk Doctor is right that you should check for confounding factors, but I’d say that “one virus” can sometimes kick your ass, and it’s obvious.

              • FWIW, I did some searching and I’ve seen you mention in past comments here how, despite the howls of opponents stating how unbelievably toxic it is, you spray mucho roundup(glyphosate) on your property and how much of a labor saver this is for you. How much have you sprayed this year? Cumulatively over the past years? Are you breathing the droplets when you spray? Drinking well water from your property? Eating garden food from your property? This stuff kills weeds, your animals/pets, the land, and you.

                  • The cheap salesman shilling of products in that article is just fucking gross. IMO, folks like McCullough, Kirsch, Kory, et al are controlled opposition preying financially on the wave of regrets the sheeple have for taking the shots while cementing the foundational premise of the “one virus.” They’re the ones actually keeping the scam alive. Thus the frustration with seeing the proliferation of these characters on LRC and other “alt” sites.

                    The whole shedding thing is a big unknown. Maybe, they have been supposedly been working on transmissible vaccines, but the body has big defenses against foreign objects. I assume the transmissible vax tech isn’t live yet because why else would they want to force everyone to take an INJECTION. Otherwise, why say anything. Just feed it to the food animals or infect one person going to a football stadium or in a big city subway and voila, everyone’s vaxxed.

  8. By the end of next year and the apathetic trend continues, we will likely be under WHO and UN control. The US mafia.gov has already said it will sign the ‘plandemic treaty’. It’s unconstitutional but hey,,, that piece of gd paper has been made irrelevant by WOKE, DEI, mafia.gov and a dead stick citizenry.
    If still here ten or fifteen years from now I’ll look back and remember how easy we made it for them. They just waltzed right in, lied their asses off, and took it all with very little resistance and practically no fight at all.

    • Ken:

      They will lose all in the end, including their souls. Sodom and Gomorrah. Guess how that shit will end. Move forward and do not look back.

  9. School taxes, comrades — it’s time to dig deeper, to go green:

    ‘Even the smaller electric school buses today cost about $250,000 compared with just $50,000 to 465,000 for a diesel-powered bus of the same size. The larger battery-electric buses can run from $320,000 to $440,000 versus just $100,000 for a diesel bus.

    ‘Using data supplied by Pacific Gas & Electric, Colorado journalist Cory Gaines noted that the $260,000 cost differential between diesel and electric school buses means that any school district wanting to take advantage of the predicted much lower operating costs will need major help with the huge upfront capital costs. Which means both federal and state subsidies – and higher taxes to pay for the subsidies.’


    The Epoch Times goes on to note that ‘it will take a $200 billion investment [sic] just to replace existing school buses – which must be done, Kamala tells us, by the 2030 deadline or else CHILDREN WILL DIE.’

    Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for insane individuals such as Kaaaaaamala would be a far more economical use of electric power. Or ‘the chair,’ if ECT fails. 😉

    • As far as replacing existing school buses with electric buses by 2030 or “CHILDREN WILL DIE”, actual children will die if they get trapped inside a battery powered bus that sets itself on fire. The class action lawsuits are waiting.

    • It might do good if someone, anyone looked into how much money will be made by ‘investors’ buying stock and governments using tax dollars buying these electric junk piles and forcing them onto dumbshit citizens.
      Always follow the money in any scam and this electric / climate change is the con of all cons,,, 2nd only to the Covid virus scam.

    • Oh they’ll just gets the fools to vote another prop tax levy to pay for them.

      “It’s for the children “ works every time. My district got a maintenance levy passed for bus repairs, seems their $22,000 per student budget didn’t include fixing their transportation. Before that it was a hobby farm on school property that dings me about $750 a year additional.

  10. Our only saving grace is that Reality will, at some point, rear its ugly head and put a stop to this nonsense. It’s no different than a Ponzi Scheme, at some point it will become, dare I say it, UNsustainable.

    How much destruction will occur in the interim remains to be seen.

    Also, I’ve driven any number of electric golf carts over the years but, never did I come away thinking, “Gee, that was a really superior golf cart.”

    EV’s can fill a niche but, they are not a mass market product.

  11. It was telling earlier this year when those globalist psychopaths at their Davos meeting specifically demanded to be driven around in gas powered vehicles instead of EVs. It’s become quite obvious that this EV push is NOT about “Saving the planet”, especially when you consider the MASSIVE mining that would be required for the rare minerals necessary to make the lithium ion batteries for a mass market of EVs. It would likely also require MORE child slave labor from children in the Congo. These globalist technocrats also have the attitude of “EVs for thee, not for me!”, especially when they, through their puppets in various governments around the world, including the U.S., try to SHOVE EVs down our throats.

  12. Wealthy people will deal with this inconvenience the way they always do-by paying assistants to charge their cars for them while they dine, shop, chill at home, work at their offices. I know a few wealthy couples. They pay people to do everything from watch their kids, walk the dog, take their cars in to be serviced, hang pictures in their homes take deliveries you name it. They have plenty of money to spend and there are many other people who need their money and are willing to perform just about any task. Basically if you work for a rich person you are on call pretty much 24/7. Your value is being available and able to to have a lot of your own contacts to draw on when boss needs x job, ie you may get a text to schedule a repair by calling in a friend who is a contractor or plumber. Assistants who can get these jobs done quickly can make a decent amount of money.

    • That’s a great point, RS. I’ve always thought that if I woke up one day a billionaire, I wouldn’t buy a huge house or a damn boat. The first thing I would do would be to hire people to do all of the things that I don’t like doing.

      • Absolutely and these people create their own symbiosis. When you’re rich if you are a nice person, your slaves I mean well paid assistants become very loyal to you and you in turn treat them like family. At some point they really do become extended family members who would do anything for you. I know people with service people who have worked for them for decades who have had their kids college education paid, attend family events like weddings and funerals, also end up working for their kids when they grow up.

        • You seem to get it with your “slaves” remark but it’s a fine line between having clients and being “the help.” Just sayin’.

  13. ‘Whatever happened to alternative sources of energy?’ — eric

    Why, nothing, comrade — they emerged totally unscathed:

    ‘A compromise debt ceiling and budget bill titled the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) does not impact the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, or key parts of the Inflation Reduction Act, including clean energy.

    ‘According to a White House official, “These changes will help us build more solar, build more wind, EV chargers, transmission, and the other infrastructure we need to secure a clean energy economy.” ‘


    Yep — keep on building white elephant, gov-subsidized intermittent energy sources, while sending reliable base-load plants off to the knackers like the hard-working old dray horse Boxer in Animal Farm.

    That’s the “Biden” plan to leave us cold, barefoot, hungry and freezing in the dark when the grid turns to shit, as it clearly is intended to do. But it’s better than the horrible fate of inhaling a lungful of poisonous carbon dioxide and collapsing dead, they tell us.

    I was a dam builder across the river deep and wide
    Where steel and water did collide
    A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado
    I slipped and fell into the wet concrete below
    They buried me in that great tomb that knows no sound
    But I am still around

    — Johnny Cash, Highwayman

    • Hey Jim,

      Alternative energy is working pretty well for me, being off-grid, but it’s not of the government boondoggle sort. We’ve already planted more than 30 trees as well, with which we can sequester some of that dangerous CO2, and turn it into tasty fruit (and wine), as well as fuel for future use.

      Regarding the “debt deal”… As I said before… “Omnibus”! It’s coming, kids.

  14. You raise a good point that: “…what is “luxurious” about having to stop and wait all the time? Isn’t that something people with money use their means to avoid?”

    Several things come to mind:

    First, it shows that political correctness and virtue signaling are chief factors in EV adoption. People of means stopping and waiting to charge an EV are the 21st century equivalent to nobles engaging in self flagellation and wearing ashes and sackcloth to do penance and make indulgence to absolve themselves of guilt.

    Next, the idea of a “luxury car” makes a lot less sense now than it did even a few years ago…and luxury brands even less so. I mean, what’s so luxurious about having your Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi, or Jaguar in the shop on the regular for repairs or for constant finicky maintenance while common plebes’ Toyotas, Hondas, Subarus, and Nissans run like tops for more than 150,000 miles with occasional oil changes and fluid flushes? Which brings me to this: What’s so luxurious about sitting on the side of the road with a dead battery?

    Right after that, becoming and remaining a true person of means occurs by owning things of value and limiting spending on things that lose value. It is already unwise to spend too much money on cars, particularly luxury cars, as they depreciate rapidly and are ironically less robust and reliable than plebeian cars. EVs are even more unwise (or less wise?) because they depreciate even faster and further, and because the business model depends not on purchase and ownership, but serial rental. Bottom line: It’s not a good idea to always have a car payment, especially large payments for a long time.

    Finally, as I’ve said before, EVs are not “economic” products made, bought, and sold in an open market according to the forces of supply and demand, but “political” products whose purpose is to advance an agenda. Kinda like Sputniks were used to show how great Communism is. (At least our space program gave us useful products!) But I digress. The point is that EVs wouldn’t sell without massive government subsidies and regulations.

  15. It is Sheetz with a ‘z’.

    Probably not as bad as a Love’s in rural Texas on a Friday night with the appliances lined up in front of the charging stations 3-4 deep at 8PM which means you aren’t getting out of that nightmare until after midnight.

    Got jerky?

    It is getting dangerous around Austin to not have “Ludicrous” acceleration.

      • Sheets with an ‘s’ would be a good name for a bar in WV where the regulars knew Senator Robert Byrd on a first name basis.

        That’s probably the reason they went with the ‘z’.

    • “Probably not as bad as a Love’s in rural Texas on a Friday night with the appliances lined up in front of the charging stations 3-4 deep at 8PM which means you aren’t getting out of that nightmare until after midnight.”

      Exactly. The EV evangelists keep preaching that we just need more “infrastructure.” But even if they could wave their magic E-wands and transform every gas pump in America into a charging point, there still would be a queue at every one of them once EVs comprised most of the vehicles on the road. Because charging just takes too damn long.

  16. I don’t think it will ever become “as common as power windows”, because my $4k ’05 Accord has power windows (that still work), and hardly anyone can afford an EV. The used market for EVs will never develop to the level ICVs have, because of their short service life, which is already becoming common knowledge, and what has become the profound service life of ICVs over the last couple of decades.

    • I don’t think used EVs will be much of a thing, for the same reasons that used laptops, smartphones and tablets are much of a thing. Instead, you’ll rent them, either with a lease if you’re rich (or have more money than sense) or with mobility as a service if you ain’t rich.


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