Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 04/30/2024


Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! We talked about the perpetually aggrieved – and the people who “stand” with whatever the latest thing is, among other things:

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  1. Hi Bryan, not sure you remember me Starr Abbott artist….. I hired you to narrate my art video? Trying to get word out about what’s has been happening here in Southern Utah? There is a family Bryson and Ruth Seegmiller and their family of 8- children. An appointed judge Mathew M Bell has ordered to take away their home by end of next week! It will leave them homeless as the Iron county sheriffs have already broke into their home While they the parents were away! It devastated the children and they ran to one bedroom and locked them selves up in it while the sheriffs ransacked the Seegmillers home of money and valuables! Judge Mathew L Bells have ordered the Seegmillers out of their home by end of next week? The reason behind all this devastation of the Seegmillers family story can be read in a text I can send to you? They need an advocate at this time. Please contact me privately.

    • Hi Starr,

      Please do not post people’s private information publicly (I removed this from your post). If you need to contact Bryan, please do so privately; I can forward the info to him if you like.


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