Interview With a Parasite


Yesterday, there was a knock at the door – so I went to see who was there. I knew it wasn’t any of my local friends as they all know it’s ok to open the side door and holler to see whether anyone’s home.

It’s a country thing.

Well, it wasn’t a friend at the door. It was a parasite. A two-legged leech hired by the county to “assess” the value of other people’s property, so that the higher-up leeches can decide how much money property owners (sic) “owe” the county – for “services” they didn’t ask for, don’t use and object to being made to pay for.

Such as the “services” of this parasite who appeared at my door to “assess” my property.

Attention Property Owners reads the little notice the son-of-a-bitch left on my door.

“In accordance with state law, a reassessment program is under way for the purpose of equalizing real estate assessments. A research assistant or appraiser from the Reassessment Office visited your property in connection with this program.”

Italics added.

The casual effrontery of it is truly astounding. Shake your head as a dog does when he’s wet and try to get it straight. Some geek shows up to decide how much what you thought was yours is worth so that the worthless leeches who sent him can “assess” how much you will pay them in order to be permitted to retain what amounts to conditional possession of what isn’t your home.

It is their home.

If that were not so, they could not tell you what you “owe” them. Only landlords can do that. More finely, you could kick the parasite off your land, if it truly were your land. Instead, it is necessary to be civil to this son-of-a-bitch and pretend he’s just a guy doing his job. Naturally, that is probably just what he thinks, too. Probably, he does not think of himself as a son-of-a-bitch and probably isn’t, in the superficial sense that defines civility in a socialist society. The putative next vice president laid out the mentality exactly, equating socialism with “neighborliness.” By which is meant the socialist is nice so long as you obey.

And pay.

It is the “neighborliness” of totalitarianism – where everyone’s a comrade – but friends are few. A friend asks to borrow a tool that you are free to not lend him. You lend it to him because he is a friend and because you know he’ll bring it back – or replace it, if he breaks it. A comrade says what’s yours belong to him – and he’ll help himself to it.

America is full of such people now and most Americans don’t even realize that’s who they are now. Like this guy who showed up to “assess” the value of my home, that I paid for with my money. That I have worked to keep up – also with my money (and my sweat). Yet this guy feels no compunction walking around my place with his clipboard, taking inventory of my place. An inventory he knows will be used to increase the “assessment” and thus, the amount of money I will be told I “owe” for God-knows-what as I haven’t to my knowledge incurred a legitimate debt to anyone.

But, the schools!

Yes, indeed – the schools. Another plank of that vicious son-of-a-bitch (and parasite, too) Karl Marx’s Manifesto. Government schools. To inculcate in kids the glib and casual civility of socialist “neighborliness.” And also to provide the pretext for that other plank of the son-of-a-bitch’s Manifesto: Elimination of property ownership.

Bingo. Check. Because that’s what you’re forced to write out once or twice a year in order to be allowed to continue to retain conditional possession of that which is self-evidently no longer your property. If that were not so, you would not be obliged to write that check once or twice a year, courtesy of Americans like the son-of-a-bitch who showed up at my door the other day and all the others like him who think it’s right to “assess” other people’s property (sic) and that they are just doing their job.

. . .

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  1. “I own a gun and a shovel and I doubt anyone would miss you.”

    A line from a stupid movie, “Clueless”. Where the father says this to the guy picking up his teenage daughter for a date.

    It would make a great sign for the front porch.

  2. When I saw the term “parasite”, I thought the article was going to be about israel, jews and genocide which is baked into judaism.

  3. Excellent! I despise property taxes probably more than the income tax. It just turns the idea of homeowner into an oxymoron. I do wonder when this tax was introduced in this “free” country and moreover why did the people simply accept it?

    • Thanks, Jerry!

      I try hard to get people to lose their insouciance about property taxes; many just accept them as normal and even justifiable. But in my view, they are despicable because they assure perpetual beggary. No one can ever be free – by owning their place. Instead, everyone is turned into a kind of affluent serf – but their status is just that. Serfs who have a nicer place in which they’re allowed to live than the serfs of 19th century Russia or Medieval Europe.

      • Very true! I’m glad you are fighting to get more people to see just how bad this is. If you have to always pay someone else to keep something you do not own it! It’s amazing how hard it is for people to understand this. It’s insane when you think about just how many things we are forced to pay for such the endless taxes, insurance, mandatory fees, and on and on. Perhaps if people would consider such things as effective taxes then maybe there would be more pushback but who knows. I think more and more people simply enjoy their serfdom.

        • It get worse.
          You cannot do whatever you want with your property.
          Municipalities institute building codes that tell you what you can build, even mandating a minimum number of square feet for a dwelling. Small houses are OUT.
          You not only do not own your property, you are reduced to a serf.

  4. What a twist, the article title had me guessing this would be about Elon!

    I get just as offended when I gotta pull govt litter off my door

    Up here they will insist homeowners let them take photos of the interior.. But if you know not to answer the door when you’re not expecting company then it’s easily enough avoided. Still offensive though

    • Oh this reminds me of the census, which I refuse to participate in. One year I was working in my garden and some guy has the nerve to come in my yard and ask me why my neighbor wasn’t filling out the census or answering the door. I told him maybe the neighbor hates you and your dumb ass bullshit. The guy huffed and stalked away. I laughed.

      The key to life is never answer the door or telephone. Also, never say one word to cops.

        • Hi Mister,

          The parasite caught me by surprise. I went to the door to see who it was and my German shepherd-lab mix bolted past me and almost had some fun with his new chew toy. It’s too bad, really. I could have kept the dog fed for a month, probably.

      • It truly is the key to life! Wish more folks understood that.

        One census worker years ago had stopped by my friend’s house out in the sticks one evening when she was expecting me. She opened the door thinking I had arrived and instead it was the census goober. So she spoke to him through the locked storm door, and he asked why she hadn’t completed the census yet, then he tried to get her to let him inside her home to complete it right then and there! Naturally she said no, not doing that, and then he became noticeably irritated when, to make him go away, she said “I’ll just do it online 🙂”

        Why they take it personally, I’ll never understand.. I guess they have quotas or something? They’re getting paid for government field work, I would think it shouldn’t make a difference to their paycheck if they actually make contact or not.

  5. Eric I sure like the passion and it is the least they deserve. What they really deserve is the guilotine. The parasitoid wasp and caterpillar is a very good analogy, I have often used it to describe the Israeli Lobby and the US government.

    Body Invaders | National Geographic

    The USA is being eaten alive by special interests, foreign states, and loony leftist agendas. The rise of Kamala is like one of the larvae going into it’s winged stage, like a winged devil from hell, the flying globo homo demon queen of LBGTQ. The parasites are on the wing like the Wizard of Oz witches monkeys.

    Amerika has grown fat and lazy, the parasite worms are in their final transformation to change Amerika from the republic to a communist dictatorship. Only MAGA Trump can save us, LOLROFL Trump is a slavish Zionist whore and is married to the wasp Israel.

    • It’s even worse than I can imagine, today and Israeli court gave a major TV personality for raping 42 dogs to death

      “Crocodile expert Adam Robert Corden Britton, 51, pleaded guilty to raping puppies and torturing more than 42 dog”

      If it’s on TV it’s either a trans, homosexual, sex deviant, or an animal rapist. They are all in on it, (((they))) change their names and hide amongst us, they fool us, they own the networks, they are the actors on the screen corrupting your white society, because they are sick beyond measure:


      Remember when pedo Biden appointed trans Sam Briton as the Dept. of Energy nuclear expert? Got fired for stealing woman’s luggage:

      UK Independent – Sam Brinton, the former Department of Energy official who was accused of stealing a Tanzanian fashion designer’s dresses from her airport luggage, has been arrested as a “fugitive from justice” by Maryland police.

      Brinton was reportedly taken into custody in Rockville, Maryland by police on Wednesday, according to police records.

      A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) Police, said the arrest was again related to the alleged theft of airport luggage, reported Fox News. It is the third such allegation made against Brinton.

      “Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police executed a search warrant May 17 in Montgomery County, Maryland, in connection with allegations of stolen property in luggage from Reagan National Airport that was brought to the department’s attention in February 2023,” James Johnson, a spokesperson for the MWAA, said in a statement.

      They previously oversaw nuclear waste policy at the DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy, but more recently has been battling charges related to luggage theft in both Nevada and Minnesota.


      The media is calling Trump and Vance weird. Well what about Rachel Levine and Sam Briton? Eh? They are two of the biggest weirdos on the planet!


      A few days ago the Israeli jailers who were raping prisoners with cell phones were in a battle with the IDF and claimed they had the right to rape prisoners!

      Vee are the chosen ones of Gawd, vee can rape anyone or anything we want!

      • Jews worldwide need to feel the pain of ostracization, marginalization, and even contempt for their actions in the middle east and around the western world.
        I realize that there are some jews who, realizing that their self-preservation is threatened and at stake, are against the present situation in Gaza and the West Bank, but there are not enough of them to make a difference. At this stage of the game, I DON’T CARE if “good” jews feel the pain of ostracization, marginalization and contempt from gentiles. Just maybe, if there is enough pressure put on “good” jews, things will change. I won’t hold my breath.
        All good people must apply the same standard to the JEWS that JEWS apply to (the rest of) us goyim.
        You see, in civilized cultures, individual responsibility and individual punishment is the norm. Collective responsibility and collective punishment is illegal and does not figure in civilized “rule of law”.
        Not so as JEWS hold gentiles responsible…collective responsibility and collective punishment are always the norm that the JEWS use to justify genocide when it comes to gentiles.
        Yes, every JEW who observes their talmud IS responsible for genocide. It’s baked into judaism. There is no getting around that.
        Let’s not forget the biblical book of Deuteronomy where, according to its proscriptions and advice, nothing (gentile) is to remain alive…
        This is where JEWS get their genocidal attitudes.
        When it comes to attitudes of jews themselves, they are among the worst behaving people on the planet. Their air of “superiority” and “supremacy” permeates the atmosphere wherever they go.
        A refreshing incident took place in Vietnam (of all places) where a restaurant owner kicked israelis out of his restaurant just because they were jews. It was easy to tell because of their condescending, snobbish attitude that almost every israeli possesses.
        We need to see more of this worldwide.
        If I had my way…
        1. Outlaw infant male genital mutilation. Removal of a healthy body part without medical necessity is a crime.
        2. Close every yeshiva in the western world. These “schools” that teach nothing but hate and contempt for all gentiles are breeding grounds for jewish terrorists. These same “schools” fail to teach basic subject material to their students.
        3. Close every holocaustianity temple in the USA. These temples violate the “separation of church and state” in the USA and are illegally receiving taxpayer dollars.
        4. Outlaw menorahs and other jewish displays placed on public property. As Christian displays have been marginalized through jewish lawfare, so should jewish symbology as well.
        5. EVERY tax-exempt jewish organization must be recognized as an “agent of a foreign government” and should lose its tax-exempt status. This applies to synagogues as well. Synagogues are “breeding grounds” for jewish terrorism as well.
        6. ALL USA politicians of jewish extraction as well as any politician who supports israel must be thoroughly “vetted” as their loyalty to their home country (USA) is in question. EVERY politician who holds “dual citizenship” with israel must forfeit his or her government position and be deported with loss of USA citizenship. If wishing to re-enter the USA and regain their USA citizenship must renounce their foreign citizenship.
        7. ANY citizen of the USA who joins the IDF must automatically lose his or her USA citizenship and be permanently deported. We should start with Brian Mast (R-Fla) who proudly wore his IDF uniform in the halls of congress.
        Jews in the western world must be held to the same standard that (((they))) hold for “the rest of us” (gentiles).
        Turnabout is indeed “fair play”.

  6. I started my week answering a jury duty summons yesterday.

    Child (“under 14”) molestation case. In court, seated at the table, the defendant looked and acted like he did *something*, but the Voir Dire from the ADA made me wonder if she had anything to work with beyond a victim statement with unclear dates.

    I think they passed on me after I said that I would vote “not guilty” if all they had was the statement, unspecific dates, and nothing else.

    • >I think they passed on me after I said that I would vote “not guilty”
      [vox Ed Sullivan]Well, now you know. [/Sullivan] They will kick you off the jury if they get a whiff that you might not vote “as instructed.” So why have a “jury trial” in the first place, if the jurors’ votes are rigged?
      Jooh-rye? Ooh-rye? Awe-wry?
      I’d rather have ham-on-rye, myself.
      Or maybe Hammond wry.

        • There used to be a time (before the creation of the USA) when jurors consisted of people that the defendant knew. Jurors were picked based on their familiarity with the defendant (friends, neighbors, etc.)

    • Jew Alan Dershowitz has been pushing to get the “age of majority” lowered to twelve years of age or lower so that he could exercise his jewish pedophilic urges without fear of prosecution for pedophilia.
      According to jewish talmudic teachings children who are “three years and a day” are old enough for sex.
      Ever wonder where the LGBTQXYZ and “gender fluidity” movements originate?
      Once again, its the JEWS.
      The talmud contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including: 
      1. Zachar, male.
      2. Nekevah, female.
      3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
      4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
      5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
      6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
      7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
      8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.
      This is the source for today’s perversion of the genders…
      Now for my last rant…
      The books that were being burned in “Wiemar Germany” were not classics, but were books promoting LGBTQXYZ and “gender fluidity” which originated at the jew-run Hirschfeld Institute which was one of the first jewish “research facilities” advocating “anything goes” sexual perversion and LGBTQXYZ and “gender fluidity” studies.
      Sound familiar?
      It’s the JEWS…it’s ALWAYS the JEWS

    • Yeah, I didn’t have to read too much of that to understand.

      He’s just another social engineer who thinks he can manage the world out of tragedy from the top down. No different from his counterpart on the “other side”.

  7. [“In accordance with state law, a reassessment program is under way for the purpose of equalizing real estate assessments. ] – parasites

    Well, it probably means goodbye Land Rover…… 🙂

    Anytime Corpgov wants to equalize something it means someone pays more to cover the losses from diversity folks paying less or nothing.

  8. I remember reading about the Pol Pot regime when it gained power and force, military goons would visit a dwelling and inspect what was in the home of the poor saps living there.

    The thieves would take anything of value.

    Guns rule and the law doesn’t matter.

    Khmer Rouge resulted in the loss of life from 1.2 million to 2 million over four years. The Jews are going for some kind of record, it seems.

    Sooner than later, the Stasi will just begin to take and tell you what you owe and then some.

    Something tells me the Jews are behind it all. Every single penny makes its way to the US Treasury headquarters.

    Every stock, bond, warrant, municipal and corporate bond is known and recorded.

    You will pay your fair share, more than your fair share even, and a pound of flesh will be extracted for your benefit.

    The beatings will continue until you die.

    • “The beatings will continue until you die.”

      And after. I firmly believe to the depth of my soul that the only thing to outlast the end of the world will be property tax bills. When Jesus comes back for the final time and we are all sent to our just eternal rewards, property tax bills will still be floating around in the ether forever – BECAUSE IT’S FOR THE CHILDREN DONCHAKNOW!

  9. Govco parasites:

    ‘EV battery maker Ultium Cells, a joint venture between General Motors and LG Energy Solution, placed construction of its facility on hold in July amid sluggish market conditions, namely high interest rates and concerns around EV demand.

    ‘LG Energy Solution temporarily paused a portion of its $5.5 billion battery manufacturing complex in Queen Creek, AZ, earlier this summer due to market conditions. In New Hill, NC, Vietnamese EV maker VinFast also delayed the first $2 billion phase of its manufacturing plant until 2028.’ — ZeroHedge

    All of these white-elephant plants were lavishly subsidized by the Inflation Reduction Act. The stolen money is handed out by Hahhhhhvid lawyer Jenny Granholm of DOE, who wouldn’t know a capacitor from a limit switch:

    ‘DOE established a loan program for EV battery manufacturers in 2022, and selected 20 companies to receive a combined $2.8 billion for projects that expand domestic battery manufacturing and minerals processing. Then DOE selected a joint venture between General Motors and LG Energy to receive a $2.5 billion loan to build EV battery plants in Ohio, Tennessee and Michigan.’ — Feb 23, 2023

    How’s that joint venture workin’ out for ya, Jenny? Oh I forgot, you don’t personally feel any pain when you flush billions of OPM (Other People’s Money) down the toilet.

    Idiot wind
    Blowing every time you move your teeth
    You’re an idiot, babe
    It’s a wonder that you still know how to breathe

    — Bob Dylan, Idiot Wind

  10. Eric,

    Looks like you missed your opportunity to name your article “Interview with the Vampire”. But don’t worry; they’ll be back. :/ (Also, there was no interview?)

    Right now, Timmy the Waltz is on the tube yammering about how “We feed breakfast and lunch to every child in Minnesota”, seeming to imply that they have farms and gardens that, through their good will, bring their food to children all over the state, saving them from starvation.

    *Le Sigh*

    Meanwhile, I’m still toiling away, building things I was given no permission to build by the County Lords. And if/when they find out what I’ve been doing, I’m sure there will be threats and extortions aplenty. Also, until I ask for permission, they will refuse me the “privilege” of a “recognized” address.

    I’m not sure that’s much motivation to have me bend my knee…

    • During the 1950’s and 1960’s a local family lived on the outskirts of town in a railroad bunk car turned to a house, no services, had to have a well and electricity. Lasted for quite a few years later until the parents were gone and all of the children had to move on. Had to have an outhouse and drainage.

      Sort of like third world conditions, modernization takes time.

      My paternal grandmother never had running water and sewer, a well and an outhouse, what was there. Third world existence here in America. Never heard her complain at all.

      • Hell, I’m relatively advanced out here, then, Drumphish. Well, besides the outhouse, which is more-or-less what I’m doing so far. No problem with that, though.

        • We call that “Bush Living” in these parts, BaDnOn, and believe you me, in the Winter months, you do your business in the out house right quick. I did the Bush Living for a time, and it made me appreciate the running water I did not have to run and get (and heat up), and flushing toilets. Nothing was worse than being under warm covers, and wondering just how badly I needed to empty the bladder in the dead (and dark) of Winter. I could do it again (Bush Living) if I had to, but while the grid is still up and running, will enjoy such luxuries (and be thankful for them) while I can.

          • Hey Shadow,

            The truth is, right now, I live in a (defunct) RV, so it has an indoor toilet, and with the external RV propane heater I installed, last winter wasn’t the horrorshow the others were. Where it is essentially an outhouse system is that, periodically, I have to empty the waste into a cavity prepared for that purpose. Also, at the current time, I have to haul water, but it goes into a tank and we also have a pressure tank and propane water heater, so we truly have running water as well. Hot showers aren’t perfect, but we can take them.

            Things will only improve when I build an actual house and dig a septic tank, etc. Also, solar water heating, rain water collection and other improvements.

            • Oh, well that is better than the Bush Living, go-outside-and-do-your-business sanitation. I have friends that have solar panels, but they are horrifically expensive, however, they could afford it. Even then, my friend admits that it takes about ten years before she broke even, and started saving money with using them. Hopefully, your water table is high, so it does not cost you too much in terms of drilling. The solar is a hit-or-miss up here. Even if you have the 3-4 hours of sun in the Winter, if that is not a detriment, the snow on the panels can be, albeit, it can still help if one is able to dust the snow off. Aaah, I remember the days of hauling water, and kudos to you for still doing that. Going through that makes me appreciate what I have now, for however long it lasts.

              • Hey Shadow,

                Solar panels aren’t expensive at all, anymore, IF you get them from the right people, and IF you install them yourself.

                The true cost comes from the batteries needed for an off-grid system. In my case, I use LiFePO4 batteries, and they cost nearly $4k. Then, there is an inverter and controller. So, when I do the math using how much I was paying in the city, I’ll break even in roughly 10 years as your friends suggested. At that point, theoretically the inverter and controller should still be good, and the panels should last at least another 15 years. The life of the batteries is harder to predict.

                The water table is far too low and the ground full of rocks, making a well infeasible. Hence rainwater collection. But I’ll have enough square footage of roofs around to make that quite possible.

                Sounds like you very north. Dependence on solar up there might be difficult, but as long as you use wood for heat and have good insulation, you might not need that much solar input.

                • Solar can be a bit tricky up here, but I do see the panels around, even still. My one friend that has them, even with the snow covering them part of the Winter, her electric bill was not over $70 bucks the entire Winter. A real steal compared to what everyone else is paying every month. Yeah, we are kind of screwed up here when it comes to the alternate energy side of things. The wind does not blow a lot in many areas, and not much sun in the Winter. Water quality is a hit-or-miss, depending on where you live. My last place, the well was down 200 feet, and it was the best water, albeit, hard on my water heater, as it had calcium in it. This place I am at now, we hit water at 20 feet, and then went down another 20. With the water filter, it is not too bad and is much better than other areas. I too, love the rain collection, and have buckets specifically for that. When it comes to the solar panels, I will have to check more in depth. I would favor a wood stove over the solar panels, simply because wood would be easier to chop down (and season) and utilize in a SHTF scenario. Which-with the way things are going-may happen sooner rather than later.

                  • We certainly want a wood stove, too, Shadow. Use what you have! I imagine you have a lot of wood, and heating with electricity is impractical unless you use a heat pump. Insulation is very important as well. Solar works for other things, like your water pump, small appliances, etc.

    • I was reminded of a video in Minneapolis where cops were roving the streets screaming at residents to go back into their houses (from the porch) because of the fake pandemic and “lock down” order by Walz. When the homeowners did not immediately obey the unlawful demand, the cops opened fire with paintball guns pursuant to an order to “light ’em up.”

      Why these Goddamn cops are not serving multi-year jail sentences for aggravated battery I don’t know. My blood boils once again over this 4 years later.

      • As Eric often points out often, which is necessary, there is violence just beneath the surface of leftists and they love to let it rip. I once had a young woman just graduated from college in my living room telling me how Bernie Sanders was like a cuddly old uncle (like Commie-La’s “Coach”) or something. My wife and I let her have it, politely but firmly, that, given the chance by controlling the legal monopoly on violence, communists (collectivists of all stripes and colors and their useful idiots, really) will just as soon kill you for nothing other than looking at them wrong. She said I never heard that in college! We can never forget the harm these parasites caused.

        • I had a friendly conversation about music with a stranger, a heavy-set woman in her mid 60’s, around 4PM Saturday afternoon. Talked about rock music, said I thought Grace Slick’s White Rabbit might the best performance by a woman. or maybe it could be something by Patti Smith. She thought that Grace Slick let herself go and then blabbered about great Taylor Swift was and how she goes to her concerts with her so-called grown daughter who has kid. I expressed concern about the occult messages in the videos.

          She heard “cult”, which triggered her to go on a pretty nasty rant against Trump. I said that I think that this was a bit harsh and I did not want to go there. Then because she associated Trump with me, I became the racist, sexist homophobe and when I wanted to stop, the sticks her fingers in her ears like a child and la, la, la, la I am not listening. There really weren’t really any people around but there is no way that we will be able to co-exist, event if we fervently want to. Last thing I said was that I had hoped then when I came to AZ I would have left that crap behind. God may be using satan to do his dirty work though man’s wares and depopulation to flush the toilet

        • NOTE: from a poster at another blog:

          I was talking this morning to a former Vietnamese guy I see at work occasionally.
          His father was a successful engineer in Vietnam under the French and US regimes…..then the communists took over.

          He vividly remembers the day they were visited by the local cadre and his father, mother and all his brothers and sisters were ordered to stand against a wall in their own home as the man read off a statement seizing everything for “the people”.

          Next a lady walked around the house tagging everything of value with colored tape.

          To be taken later in the week.
          His father was eventually imprisoned and shot…

          He….hates …the….communists.
          He went back once to Vietnam and vows to never visit again, never to invest there….etc.

          • standing against the wall while a thug reads off what he intends to steal. one or person there or two. they should have died right there. 4 against 1 or 2. drop them. and guess what happened death is the reward. destruction of all you work for.

            the father was imprisoned and shot for his obedience. a lot of good it does to say YES MASTER…

            those people coming around should not leave healthy…..period. in vietnam or anywhere for that matter. it is because people obey it gets worse. and worse and worse! until people stand up and fight back. and don’t stop fighting until the last parasite if removed. it won’t stop until people get off their knees.

      • I was in the Twin Cities during the Summer of Love and I resent the shit out of the DNC for selecting this asshole and making me relive it. I believe those were “non lethal projectiles” not paintballs, by the way. I recall some people having some decent injuries from them.

        Minnesota used to be an amazing place. Unrestrained third world immigration, welfare and evil fucks like Walz killed it.

        • I was born in St paul. Spent 18 years in Sunfish lake. Even that beautiful wealthy enclave sucked at -25 deg. Now the 94 has ruined it anyway. Re Visited once in 88 while Yellowstone burned. My mom told me exactly how the importation of Somalians would ruin the entire state. Bless her warning.

          Thank God for cars!

    • I have seen that video resurface and make rounds on X. Here’s the thing… to the best of my memory, that video was shot during the Boston marathon bombing aftermath, when they locked down the city (test run) and were combing the streets looking for the bombers. I remember it distinctly, because at the time, I had never seen anything like that in America and it was shocking. I wish there was a way to verify whether or not my memory is correct. I am 95% sure.

  11. Few places left on earth where you can escape the tyranny. In the US, Prince of Wales, Alaska and surrounding environs comes close. No state income tax, many locales have no property tax, no building permits required. You can even receive a dividend of between 1k and 4k$ per year after a few years of residence. Game and fish are abundant. Everything else comes in by boat or plane. Literally no roads in or out. The cold might help keep out a certain parasitic demographic as well. Just sayin, it exists, just requires Herculean strength and determination.

    • “No state income tax, many locales have no property tax, no building permits required.” -Norman F.

      That’s where it is, Norman. That sort of thing should be the core of the campaign speeches heard round the country. That’s the sort of life I’ve sought since I’ve known of such things. Of course, the trouble lies in the fact that few politicians campaign on abolishing their paycheck.

    • I live in Alaska, Norman, and it is a beautiful state. But you are right, it not a state for wusses. Sadly, however, Anchorage is littered with liberals and is not called “North Seattle” for nothing, and has some of the worst drivers. Go to the Fairbanks/North Star Borough, and they have some of the coldest Winters, the drivers are not much better, and the highest per capita population of gun owners. It is also the most expensive area to live in, as well. Down outside of the Anchorage area is not too bad. Palmer is beautiful. Too many people moving to the Wasilla area, and then there was that fire in Willow that devastated the area a few years back. As for the dividend idea, I have to laugh my ass off. To get “paid” to live here. That is funny as hell! Do not worry: Our corrupt politicians will get their hands on all that oil money, and then when that is spent (like the drunken sailors politicians are), that is when the real pain starts. When Joe & the Hoe were installed, my gas, heating fuel, and grocery bills doubled, and the cost of living is, and was already expensive up here even before that. Also, learn Mandarin Chinese and or Russian, because both have been buzzing the Aleutian Islands lately. Thank God I still remember Russian, because I will need it most likely. This state truly is beautiful, but we are fighting like hell to not end up like California, Colorado, or Montana. As for the drivers, well, they are the worst, and add in ice and snow during the loooong Winters just makes driving more interesting. But, you cannot beat the midnight sun during the all-too short Summers, but do think the mosquito should be our state “bird”…..

      • I’m kind of partial to Homer. I’ve had some incredible fishing adventures there. We did a day trip to Soldovia which is just a little to remote for me, but a nice place just the same. Palmer is the sweet spot as far as a suburb, most of the local produce comes out of there, plus you’re close enough to Anchorage to have access to any modern convenance. We went to the state fair last year and I noticed that there weren’t a lot of overlarge people there, compared to AZ. I like Juneau as well, even though it seems to have a Seattle type vibe to it and it is way to expensive. Plus all those tourists from the cruise ships. But, it is the jumping off point for the Prince of Wales boroughs and more southerly, less populated, less controlled areas. Honestly Shadow, if I wasn’t such a desert rat, I’d live there 24/7/365.

        I was in Fairbanks once in February and saw a truck driving down the ice covered freeway going 50mph in the wrong direction. It was so weird we did a double take to make sure we were’t on the wrong side, so, can concur, there are some crazy drivers. Still have yet to experience the giant mosquitos, never there for more than a few weeks at a time I guess I’m just lucky.

        • I have not ever been to Homer, but have had friends visit there. Providing that WW3 does not really kick off-and/or Russia or China invades us up here-me and a friend want to go to Seward next year. She has been there, but I have not. However, it is a looong drive from where we are, which is fine, I love road trips, but as they say, “there is no such thing as a short trip”, and so it will take a bit of planning ahead of time. One year, right around COVID (Con-Vid), a few of my friends went down there near Seward, I believe (Resurrection Bay) and watched the whales. Due to the lock downs, there were no tourists, which was really nice (sounds terrible, I know) because there was room for state folks, and everyone was out enjoying themselves. Also, because there were no tourist cruises due to the lock downs, the whales were out in force, and it was amazing, from what my friend said. LMAO, driving the wrong way on the road, that does not surprise me. I could write a paragraph on the horrors of the drivers. I do not know how they do it, but somehow, fools up here forget how to drive on snowy, icy roads in the span of 3 months. That first snow fall, I stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary! I also keep a car’s length distance between me & the vehicle in front of me at a red light, because there is always someone going too damned fast before an intersection. And many a near-accident I have avoided being able to scoot into the left or right lane to avoid said driver. However, you cannot beat the northern lights, and when there are solar flares, the lights are even better. Granted, the colder it is, the better the lights, so you just might freeze your balls off first, but you will also get some nice viewing of them, as well! I will take living up here, because anything over about 78 F. is too hot. I do not relish -50 below, but I can add clothes. You cannot beat the old tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches in the Winter, nor a dollop of peppermint schnapps in the hot chocolate, either.

          • You’ll enjoy Seward, the fjords, and waterfalls are otherworldly incredible. Lots of camping spots along the way as well. Most of the fishing boats go all the way out into the Gulf of Alaska, with the first one to catch each morning shooting a round into the air.

            My theory about the drivers is that having a large military base in both Fairbanks and Anchorage comes with a lot of alcoholism. Add in depression, 7-8 months of icy roads, lack of sunlight, and you end up with all kind of crazy. Equal parts Vodka, peppermint schnapps, and hot chocolate would be my daily elixir if I spent winters there.

  12. One of our neighbors, a tax attorney, started working at the CA Franchise Tax Board (the tax collectors) a few years ago, suing people leaving the state for all kinds of taxes, since CA now taxes you after you leave. She was very proud of her new state job and benefits.

    I suggested at the neighborhood bbq that we should all shun her over this; don’t talk to her, don’t sell her any goods and services, just stop interacting with her altogether.

    Based on the reactions, I’m now viewed as the crazy one, and she’s the noble public servant. Pfft. I spit on her shoes.

    • Hi Opposite,
      I remember a few years back California tried to start taxing the pensions and such of people who moved out of state, but it was slapped down by the Supreme Court (at that time). Did the parasites find a way around that? Imagine the horror show if you had to move around for your career and spent ten years each working in California, New York, Connecticut, and here in Taxachusetts. Now you retire and move to Florida, which has no income tax. Are you expected to pay taxes to all of the prior states you worked in? Ef off and die to those states. Pretty sure the Supremes struck that down based on the Commerce Clause but the parasites will never give up trying.
      Your stance towards the neighbor who’s all in for helping them, and proud of it, is the proper one, too bad the other neighbors are brainwashed.

      • It’s complicated here. If you have stock options or restricted stock units, which were granted in CA, you owe CA tax on them when they vest, no matter where you live, without time limit. They also try to go after you if you open a business out of state, claiming the idea came in CA.

        From what I understand about talking to honest tax attorneys, who help fight this, it’s illegal, however, the cost of fighting the false FTB demands is expensive, a few hundred thousand. You will win, but you’re out that money, so most people settle for a lesser amount and call it done. Some wealthy people do fight, and win, and are even awarded damages, however, CA has never paid the damages due to sovereign immunity. It would take federal action to enforce these verdicts, and the feds aren’t doing it.

        In order to leave the state with as few tax connections as possible, you need to quit your job, close all your bank accounts, sell all of your property, and get a new job in another state. If you simply relocate to another office of your current company, they can come after you, and if you own property here, they’ll claim you’re a resident who lives abroad.

    • OL: This is exactly how society should deal with those that enable tyranny: ostracism.

      “Based on the reactions, I’m now viewed as the crazy one, and she’s the noble public servant.” I know the sentiment. This is all part of the Stockholm syndrome, and it’s the main reason why tyranny can occur. There’s simply too much tolerance for this kind of shit.

  13. First day of school around here: Man, I was thinking, pipeline to creating lefties, government schools are. I was this close to stopping at the bus stop to give this rant to the parents all standing at the stop with their kids. I truly think that they dont know, to mean are unaware, that they are feeding their kids to the Beast. They will put them in there for 12+ yrs (16 with college!) and then wonder why they come out with the belief systems they will have then…

    NOTHING GOOD results with the public schools. Absolutely nothing.

  14. Sometimes I think to myself maybe I should become a cop or a school teacher so I can apply positive, liberty-based actions and education. This is the kind of tactic authoritarians like use, which is to join an organization that they don’t like (or that runs counter to their plans) and to attack and undermine it from within.

    • Good thoughts, in action you’re out numbered in any modern organization and they will work to get rid of you. That work doesn’t have to be blatant but the subtle effect of sandbagging good ideas, no support from superiors, constant stress of dealing with work situations 180 off from logic and common sense. Anything government controlled is now so polluted with the progressive DEI mindset I believe it’s too far gone to reform.

      Family member gave up university teaching gig here in WA. They didn’t fire her, but made it miserable to stay. Student revolt when they were expected to buy a textbook vs the prior lazy instructor taught the same class without a book. Students complaining to dept chair when she wouldn’t budge on accepting late work (student was on a family vacation in Mexico). Students arguing over grades. She’d had enough after three years it was obvious the admin only cared about “butts in seats” not adhering to standards to ensure a quality university level education.

  15. Most tax slaves are elsewhere up to 12 hours five of seven days each week.

    Elsewhere slaving to feed military industrial complex its daily bread via some stick and carrot form of retirement plan.

    Upon retirement the worn out tool ends up feeding the medical industrial complex whatever it slaved to accumulate.

    Sounds like a plan.

  16. And if you don’t pay your property tax, what happens? They seize your property – which means they’ve owned it all along and it was only an illusion that you had title to it.

    Government is an unnecessary evil. All political candidates will continue the present system, which is why you have to wonder if it is sane to vote for any of them. Voting the lesser of two evils is still evil.

    • I have wanted to buy a house for years, YK, but why bother, when the state (or borough) basically charge me rent (via property taxes) for the privilege of living in said home? Even if the land and home are paid for, if I do not pay the property tax, they can take everything. Just as you imply. In essence, every last home and property owner is basically a renter to their state landlords. Never mind in that in a real world situation, it would be the landlord’s responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep on said property they are renting to you. And in this neck of the woods, even though there is a voter-approved, property tax cap, and although voters voted DOWN to increase it in May, the issue is back on the ballot this Fall, because apparently our landlords seem to think we made a mistake in not wanting our taxes to go up so that they can spend it on BS. I am waiting for said landlords to simply implement a sales tax (something we do not yet have) without a voter approval, because when it comes to greed, I would not put it past our landlords to do just that.

  17. My wife and I are DINKS (double income no kids). It pisses us off to pay taxes to educate other people’s yard apes. That and city, county, state and federal taxes and benefits for said yard apes. If I was King, I’d tax parents for services provided to their yard apes. Then there’s the yard ape deductions and credits. Grrrrr!

    • Ahh yes, the education monolith, easily the biggest government grifting scam going.
      Here in Washington State the teachers union reigns supreme, literally. They own the state Supreme Court here. Rulings in their favor costing us higher and higher property tax. Of course no accountability for the falling test scores.

      Locally the burr in my saddle is the nearby “school district”, literally two buildings four school buses on a single chunk of land. Eight miles from town, which has its own “district”. Each with its own director, staff, maintenance crew, etc. perish the thought they would be under one district management structure and staffed with shared resources! The little district administrator makes north of $150,000 in just salary, one of their elementary “home room” teachers makes over $93k. This in a county where the average pay is around $45,000.

      • The city of St. Clair Shores Michigan has 3 (yes, three) school districts within a 11.68 mile square area.
        Talk about a massive grift…
        –Three sets of public school officials and administrators, most making six-figure incomes…
        –Three sets of teachers and other school personnel…

      • Also let’s not forget that teaching is a part time job. The administrative staff might work year round but teachers get the summer off, along with school vacations and snow days. Around here there are 180 days required in a school “year”, which is about half of 365. Retirement benefits are great too, nice gig to have.

    • I have a question though. Pretty much every state has a lotto, right? I know VA actually gave $779 million to the schools back in 2022. This is not chump change. Where is it going? Why are property taxes so high if roughly 20% of every lotto sale is given back to the school system?

      Here is the VA breakdown by county.

      The majority of counties received a few to several million. Fairfax County received over $53 million! Richmond received $27 million and Loudon $23 million. Does this cover Fairfax County’s $3.5 BILLION dollar school budget? No, but shouldn’t property owners get a refund or an abatement for the percentage that was contributed?

      My county’s receipt from lotto winning covered almost 18% of the school budget for that year. I would be happy to receive 18% of my 2022 personal property taxes returned.

      • I remember several years ago in Oklahoma when they were trying to convince the voting majority conservatives that casinos and lotteries were a good thing. “It will end school budget shortfalls forever!” HA

        We now have the casinos and lotteries, but I’ll be gosh darned, still not enough money for the schools, if you can believe it! Where does all that money go? Hmmm. Guess we’ll never know! LOL

  18. My wife and I are dinks (Double Income No Kids) and paying thousands in property taxes to educate other peoples’ kids royally pisses us off. If I was King I’d tax parents for the cost of city, county, state and federal services provided for their yard apes. That, and the goddamn yard ape deductions and credits.

    • No kids here either, Antoine. But when I give a similar argument to one who has kids, they counter back that “someone else paid to educate you growing up”. As though that is the excuse for taxing me to educate THEIR kids that I did not bring into the world. Maybe it is an “am I my brother’s keeper” kind of thing. If so, then I think we taxpayers should be allowed to have a say in what these little urchins are being taught, and should NOT include teaching five year old’s how to have sex. How about getting rid of Common Core, and bringing back the old fashioned, “Three R’s”? Hmm, probably not…

      • Hi Saxon,

        Yup – it’s a vicious argument. You bear no responsibility – as an adult – for the fact that your parents put you in a government school as a child, something over which you had no say. This argument is used to create a feedback loop justification for perpetuating wrongs. Much like Social Security.

        More fundamentally, I do not understand why any parent who cares about their kids would turn their kids over to the government to be “schooled.” Especially now. There may have been a time – 30 years or so ago – when government schools were at least relatively benign in that they mostly tried to inculcate basic skills such as reading and so on. But that is no longer so. And the kids who come out of these schools are, increasingly, ignorant little martinets with an unjustified sense of self-importance and entitlement.

  19. just doing their job…and they enjoy every minute of it. make no mistake or they would not be doing it. they like the POWER to enslave their neighbors. they enjoy being part of the apparatus.

    doing their job to harm others. how many ”jobs” do people do that is just that? every day there are people willing to do that harm. they are happy to do so without a single thought about how ‘wrong’ it is to do that harm to their neighbors.

    tyrants live next door! they are not in a distant state…they are at your door step just like your eric. that is a goon with a gun. they are in your towns, your cities, your neighborhoods. they are your neighbors. tyranny ends when people refuse to submit any longer to the demand of those ”doing their job”

    if you think you own property see what happens if you dare ‘improve’ your property without the true land owners permission. and a piece of paper that allows you to do so. you own nothing not even the cloths on your back. the state owns it all.

    people gave away the right of ownership when they said YES to being taxed…..for the children of course….that was the first excuse…and then it is for the roads….then for the poor…for the health care….on and on and on lie after lie….it was a trade off….give up your liberty for perceived benefit. and the fact they continue to do so day by day and claim the world would collapse without the roads and schools….oh my yes!! day by day they give away their liberty. day by day the spirit of freedom disappears without a trace.

    liberty is always given away….never taken…the goons with guns know if they don’t have the consent of those being robbed then it is dangerous for them to be at your door. but they know now that they can do anything they want…legitimate or not….legal or not…because they have the peasants on their knees before them bowing down and saying YES MASTER! HOW MAY WE SERVE YOU MASTER!!!

    day by day people carry out jobs to steal the life, livelihood and liberty of their friends and neighbors with the belief that they have THE RIGHT to do so.and oh so PROUD of themselves for being thugs and tyrants…and those who are victims of those just doing their job….believe it too! and bow down before them. feudalism fully restored in an open air prison..

    it ends only when people learn to say NO!

    • 100% agree to everything you wrote Highlander. Especially this: “tyrants live next door! they are not in a distant state…they are at your door step.” I would expand this to the medical industrial complex and the covid me-too freakout we encountered. Anyone involved in the medical industrial complex has been shown to be a tyrant and power hungry to kill.

      Doctors and nurses aren’t some gods who live above us. They are your shit neighbors. Along with the education industrial complex, say NO to anything having to do with the medical industrial complex.

      • oh absolutely…and they kill people. willingly…without a single thought and no conscience exists inside them….murders and they force their version of health on people.

        layer after layer after layer of people doing terrible harm to others. to animals. to people. to the planet…the insanity of modern science…willing to torture animals and people and claim they have a right to. banks that rob people of their money. claim ownership over your bank account. and tell people how much of their own money they can withdraw or spend in a day…who owns the money you put in that account again? they can stop you from spending it where you choose and claim it ‘fraud’ and they are protecting you…no they are not…they are claiming ownership over what little money have left that the state didn’t take for taxes.

        layer after layer of people doing harm every day and never think about it for an instant. creating, literally…HELL ON EARTH…every ” service ” provided at the point of gun. and the people working those jobs and doing the actual harm…are doing a job…happy to do…they got theirs at yours and my expense. shame on them all! they should be embarrassed and afraid to talk about what they ‘do’ for a ‘living’ but instead they are PROUD of themselves. and should be red faced full of shame!

        • Rather than be ashamed, embarrassed, or apologetic, such people are proud of what they do, and are ready to engage in more hellish behaviour. What movie was it, when the guy asked, “can you blush”? No, these demon parasites do not have the capacity to feel any sort of shame. Nor, can they feel empathy, compassion, or humility for their fellow humans. I read a book about six months ago of a girl who was kidnapped, dumped into the Columbian jungle, and was raised by monkeys. Sadly, I think she was better off with the monkeys-and this was back in the 60’s because after she found humans, and the way they treated her, I thought she was better off with the animals. Sadly, not much has changed in 60 or so years since her story.

  20. Years ago a census taker showed up on my property & interrupted my work demanding I fill out everything on their form. All I filled out was the count in the household. I told the son of a bitch that the Constitution called for an enumeration not the number of bathrooms, etc. in my house.

    Of course, he thew some supreme court ruling bullshit; I told him to go get the specific case, all its documents, etc and come back with them. Of course he didn’t.

  21. ‘It is the “neighborliness” of totalitarianism – where everyone’s a comrade – but friends are few.’ — eric

    In an essay this morning at unz dot com, Alastair Crooke writes:

    ‘It is necessary to understand one key term. It is not found in standard textbooks, but is central to the new playbook of power: the “whole of society.”

    ‘The term was popularized by the Obama administration, which liked that its bland, technocratic appearance could be used as cover for a “whole-of-society” approach to governance – one which asserts that actors such as media, NGOs, corporations and philanthropic institutions interact with public officials to play a critical role not just in setting the public agenda, but in enforcing public decisions.’

    Crooke goes on to quote Substack blogger Aaron Kreriaty:

    ‘More recently, the “whole of society” political machinery facilitated the overnight flip from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris, with news media and party supporters turning on a dime when instructed to do so — democratic primary voters be damned.

    ‘This happened not because of the personalities of the candidates involved, but on the orders of party leadership. The actual nominees are merely fungible, entirely replaceable functionaries, serving the interests of the ruling party.

    ‘The party was delivered to Kamala because she was selected by its leaders to act as its figurehead. That achievement belongs not to Harris, but to the party-state.’

    Ah … the party-state, with its whole-of-society approach to our diverse, irreconcilable ‘communities’ — such as the secessionist community to which I adhere. And the 2A community. And the anti-zionist community. And … okay, I’ll stop now. Suffice it to say, the other 10,000 communities can kiss my neighborly ass.

  22. This reminds me of the exchange I had with a “woman” from the Health Department years ago when our shallow well ran dry and we had to drill another. A $450 check to them had her come out to “site” the well. She ended up picking the spot I had chosen after about 30 minutes of lecturing me on the legal requirements to drill. I knew all the regs having been on the Planning and Zoning Board but, I sheepishly submitted, her reputation having preceded her. When she was about to get in her county car I humbly asked, “Gee, what if someone can’t meet all the requirements of the law?” She responded with a steely gaze, “I AM the law.” At that moment I wondered how deep I’d have to dig the hole to keep the cadaver dogs from finding her.

    Remember, Marxism is just another Jewish Political Philosophy.

    • They all think like that. The amount of powerless people who are very unhappy with their life and just looking for -any- way to assert over others as mini-tyrants is breathtaking. HOA Karens, the DMV lady, the “site assessor”, the “property assessor”, the AGW Pigs, all of them.

      I used to be baffled by the Soviet Union and stories of people flipping on their neighbors and turning them in but no longer. COVID showed beyond the shadow of any doubt that your ‘fellow man’ is a Company Man and a Petty Tyrant all day every day and GLAD to have as much power as you’ll hand him (or in many cases her).

      • And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst; the cursed machine would have ground to a halt . . .
        Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

        • You forgot the most important part of that quote perhaps on purpose because it is being repeated -right now-. The “we did nothing” part which is exactly what people are doing now. Grumbling online while the walls rapidly close in.

          “We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

          That critical line– ‘we had no awareness of the real situation’. Everyone in the internet age HAS awareness and what do they do? Nothing. So when you hit the camp, keep repeating this quote to yourself as cold comfort for your complete apathy and inaction. I’ll be observing from a great distance and will be truly empathetic to your plight.

    • “At that moment I wondered how deep I’d have to dig the hole to keep the cadaver dogs from finding her.”

      LOL! Unfortunately her decaying evilness would poison your well water forever.

  23. Personal property tax assessors visited my parents’ home maybe in 1959 or so. The tax assessor filled out a form after asking some questions. It never happened again, an invasion of privacy. Personal property taxes were more or less illegal.

    Then came property taxes.

    • That’s a thought to follow me today: “It never happened again”.

      Seems like some places Are more ‘free’ than others.

      …Montana, was it? Some Mt. State, I imagine.

      • Montana has high property taxes and if you are in a nursing home there, you become a ward of the state, the state will take all you have to pay for the high cost of nursing home expenses.

        A friend’s parents were taken to the cleaners by the state of Montana.

        Montanans are pushed out of their property and homes due to an influx of new money from out-of-state home buyers.

        Here’s what it says:

        “Homeowners with a mortgage often pay property taxes with their mortgage payments. Property taxes in Montana account for 10% of state taxes compared with 2% for all states combined. At the local level, Montana property taxes make up 97% of local taxes, considerably more than the 71% share for all states.”

        Montana Property Taxes

        “Make tax day and election day the same day” – words on a billboard near Helena

        • I fled that state some 30 years ago after the stupid Californians started invading the place. Said invaders were just smart enough to figure out Communism did not work where they used to live, but were too damned stupid to leave it behind. I have read that Bozeman is called “Boze-Angeles”. But even Missoula is bad, I have heard, and so are nice places like Kalispell. Not surprised about Helena, and figure that East Helena will morph into Townsend at some point. I remember-long ago-Gov. Marc Racicot trying to get a sales tax through, in exchange for a property tax reduction, but it was shot down by a wide margin. Maybe if the state eliminated property taxes in favor of a sales tax (which would be fairer), the proposal would have passed. As it stands, all the out-of-staters invaded, build up big homes, and jacked the property taxes up. I can only imagine how bad it is now. I vaguely remember also having to pay a property tax when I renewed my vehicle plates every year, as well. Sadly, it does not sound like there is much there to go back to…

          • Boze-sheviks?

            Close enough.

            Whitefish in January is -17 F, gets colder than you want to know. Get inside and stay there.

            This year’s peach crop is super, go buy some. Well, maybe not all of them, but you can take a chance. Chances are, they’ll be good.

            Colorado peaches are trucked to where you are, they’ll sell.

            • I always joked that if Montana had some of their old fashioned Winters (such as in ‘1977 and ’78, and the bitter Winter of ’88-’89, never mind that wind chill), these parasites would not be around, because they would never be able to handle the wet cold, wet snow, and bitter winds that go along with said cold. Never mind that Helena is way overdue for a major earthquake, and believe that BozeAngeles has not had one since 1959, if I remember right? Give me the dry cold any day, even if it is windy, it is not that knife stabbing cold, which is far worse.

              • August 17, 1959, Madison River Earthquake. The quake was felt in several states.

                The landslide buried 24 campers at a campground, Earthquake Lake was formed, the landslide blocked the flow of the river.

    • they send out questionaires and hope people tell them the truth. most people don’t tell the truth. neither do the thugs with clip boards. they don’t push it here…ever.. they don’t DARE go to someone’s door here…likely get shot. or attacked by dogs. they drive by and look for buildings. tried to send drones out but the locals shot them down. and they simply disappeared….never could find the remains of the drones…no one knows who shot them.

      they don’t make any attempt to enter peoples property here. most likely would not be going home again or simply disappear like their drones do. Alligators have to eat too or so the locals say. a lot of moonshines in the backwoods. might have something to do with it. government goons are a lot more polite here then anywhere i have lived.

  24. Couple of questions…

    Did he walk the property or was he inside, counting bedrooms and such? Looking for outbuilding “sheds” or remodeled kitchens? Not that it matters, just seems pretty ballzy to just barge in, or run around the back yard.

    Did he present “credentials?” I imagine he wore the modern day necktie, a photo-id around his neck. Did you carefully inspect it? Perhaps he was casing the joint. Either way, could someone tell the difference? Maybe it’s like that meme going around where the cop is looking at a riot while holding up a skin-tone card with a scale from “peaceful protest” to “revolution.” Except in this case perhaps the scale could read “tweaker looking for power tools” to “tax collector.” Outcome is still the same, your property is now their property.

    • Hi RK,

      I think this is pretty easy to solve…a fence and a gate. It is very hard to assess what one cannot see. It also keeps out all vermin…government agents and the like.

        • They may, but in my years of experience it has never occurred. They usually just leave notes at the gate demanding access, which are than crumbled up and deposited into the nearest garbage receptacle.

          Also, back to my original point…inconvenience….and the potential dread that one may get shot trespassing on someone else’s land or become the potential play toy for a Doberman and a Rottie.

          I have to applaud my father for this lesson. Nothing deters crime, assessors, and salespeople than a few German Shepherds walking the fence line.

          • Indeed, RG!

            Our shepherd lab mix – 100 pounds of him – growled delightfully at the parasite. It’s too bad we’re civilized as his carcass could have kept the dog fed for a month, probably. .

          • RG,

            One word: Drones. Also satellite photos. The guy coming to your door is vestigial, though some counties/people may prefer this method.

            • Hi BaDnOn,

              No doubt that technology is available. As you mentioned they can take satellite photos from space. They can fly over in aircraft. I don’t own the airspace. All I am saying is I am not going to make it easy for them and I am not letting them through my front door.

              • Good deal, Raider.

                Out here, such parasites REALLY must worry about their own hides as most properties are have signs posted reading some equivalent of “Trespass and Die.”.

                So, I think that most such “assessments” are done from air or space.

                I’m still pondering if I want to converse with the county at all. Of course, without doing so and getting “permission” to build something, it appears I don’t have a legitimate address.

                Maybe I like not having an address.

    • When it happened here, the guy walked all around like he owned the place, looking inside buildings, but not going in.
      I think he asked to go in, but because of The Plandemic he was satisfied with my descriptions of the inside & took detailed notes.

      It really was quite the same as the .gov city rental inspections I endured while renting in the city. It’s not your home, to them it’s the equivalent of a motel room. One didn’t even need to be present for it to occur, the landlord has they key & lets them in.

      Perhaps, that’s the only difference between renting vs. “owing”, owners have the only key. …Hmph, you’re a key owner, not a landowner?

      A mighty expensive & limited key.

  25. The Marxists sell everything as making everything as being fair and equal. Well, how do you redistribute from those who are richer than others in: love, courage, kindness, spirituality, wisdom, charity, compassion, justice, temperance, forgiveness, honesty, contentment and beauty.

    The Marxists are the ugly little ones who possess none of these virtues yet crave the power to pretend they do.

  26. Just such an “assessor” showed up on my property a few years ago. I was not home, and my son who lives on the same property, God bless him, asked him what he was doing. When told what he was doing, my son asked if he had a warrant, since agents of the state are legally required to produce one before trespassing. The “agent” was so caught off guard and perplexed that he left. Of course he eventually returned with said warrant, and the “assessment” was completed. And of course, my property taxes went up.
    I always pay property taxes in person, telling the clerk I’m their to pay my extortion, and admonishing them to get a real job that doesn’t include holding a gun to people’s heads.
    I pay the tax, as a fee required to keep from having a gun fight at my door.

      • My Son was not “all worked up”, he simply asked the man if he had a warrant, and then invited him to leave. Little effort to discombobulate a goon.

        • Your Son might not have gotten all worked up John Kable, but I know I would be. So too, most people. My blood pressure is going up even thinking about it.

          It’s more of an inconvenience to me (a cost) than any satisfaction that it took a half-hour longer to harass the next, “citizen”. And, a “citizen” who didn’t even care.

      • Hi helot,

        One demands a warrant to waste the agent’s time. Will they get one? Probably. Will it squander enough time and energy to spare another citizen from having to deal with them that day? Yes.

        They inconvenience us, it is only fair for us to return the favor.


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