Tim Walz: Motivational Speaker



  1. Tim Walz doesn’t know that he has rocks in his head. The Democrats have even more rocks in their heads, doesn’t matter who they choose. Kamala has had rocks in her head ever since the day she was born.

    Donald Trump has rocks in his head, all the Jews have opened his cranium and dumped them in there.

    A pox on all politicians. All dumber than a pile rocks.

    A national recall won’t do much good, never will happen, you begin to feel you’ve been had.

    Helene has made fools of them all. Water is a black swan at times, carbon dioxide is a mild problem compared to the destructiveness of out of control winds and water surges.

    The only preparation is to skedaddle.

    Would you say there has been a plethora of hurricanes during the 2024 hurricane season?

    If you own a Tesla and live in Florida, you would be wise to drive a couple of hundred miles north, then recharge, then drive another 200 miles to the northwest.

    You really have no choice, find a place in the woods of Arkansas.

    You want cars on the road? You can see a long line of cars in Conehead massive quantities heading north out of Florida.

    Winds at 175 mph will be carving a new coastline.

    Milton must be pushing warm air north, the weather is fine at 80 degrees.

  2. Vance, during the debate, turned the set-up question on him of saving democracy right back on their heads with the argument that their censorship campaign has been the biggest attack on democracy. Humpty Dumpty interrupted and said they were only trying to stop miss-information and hate speech. Then Humpty tried to argue you couldn’t yell *fire* in a crowded theater. Some of my liberal friends tried to make this argument with me that you can’t yell *fire* in a crowded theater therefore there are limits on free speech. I told my friend that this is low resolution thinking in that yes you can…what if there is a fire? If there is a fire, isn’t the personal responsibility of the patrons to leave without killing others in a panic? What if the fire alarm accidently went off (which happens) is the theater owner responsible for the people stampeding, panicking and killing each other? Every building owner who now has a fire alarm now responsible for the cowardly behavior of others?

    [This saying stems from a 1919 supreme court Schenck V United States case regarding a horrible law still on the books The Espionage Act where Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.’s made that analogy. This case was partially overturned in by Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969, where “the constitutional guarantees of free speech and free press do not permit a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.”]

    OK, then where is the prosecution of BLM leaders, Obama and others that supported and gave comfort to rioters? Free speech for some but not others.

    • Oliver Wendell Holmes was simply pointing out that speech didn’t enjoy unilateral and unfettered protection if its intent was malicious. Expressing ideas, especially those of a political or religious nature, even if mistaken or not commonly accepted, as long as the manner of expression is sincere, cannot be deemed malicious. Examples of speech that is and may be responded to with tort action(s) or even criminal prosecution should be self-evident; one cannot expect to believe that provable libel/slander enjoys 1A protection (truth being its own defense, or at least SHOULD be), but expressing an OPINION, even a negative one, is something that folks simply have to endure in polite society, especially if they’re celebrities or other public figures…it’s supposed to come with the territory. Neither would disclosure of trade secrets or other violations of an NDA likewise enjoy 1A protection. Disclosure of classified information is likewise not covered by 1A, as the person obligated to keep such information secret has voluntarily made a oath to do so. But where it gets tricky is the “fighting words” situation, as many things said, especially in the heat of an argument, can be considered as provocative. It really depends on what the legal system calls a “totality of the facts”; it’s not that straightforward to differentiate between hot air bloviating from a buffoon versus someone proverbially pouring gasoline on the fire with his mouth.

      But I agree there’s a definite double standard being applied in Left vs. Right. Moreover, as that idiot Governor of MN, running as Kameltoe’s Veep, put it should give anyone great cause for concern, as obviously either he misunderstands the First Amendment, or he doesn’t give a phat rat’s hiney. In the (staged) debate with the couch-humper running as Trump’s Veep, Walz likened what HE terms “misinformation” to the hypothetical situation cited by the late Justice Holmes wherein someone maliciously yells “Fire!” in a crowded theater to cause a stampede. Obviously Governor Walz PRESUMES to be the one that has unilateral authority to decide what’s “misinformation”. If there’s any other reason to pinch one’s nose and vote the Orange Man and his junior sidekick, the specter of such tyranny should suffice. Yes, I don’t like that OM is in league with the Chosenites that never saw a Palestinian kid they couldn’t ventilate with hot lead and/or disembowel. The reality is that anyone who has significant political gravitas that’d stand up to their bullshit would be taken out by the Mossad, as was JFK.

    • Hear, hear. I lived in the northeast decades ago. I knew people who were communist oriented. They always voted democrat. That of course, was 40 years ago. I think it had been going on a long time before. The environmental movement took hold in the 1960s, and before that, we had the New Deal, prior to that Woodrow Wilson. Communism found its home inthe Democrat party and it spread. That’s my only explanation

    • Still kills me that the country can’t recognize how they are being played.

      There are no discernible differences between the donkeys and elephants.

      The country as a whole is still far too comfortable to actually change a thing.

      More hard times are coming. Keep playing their game, kee

      • In an absolute monarchy the 1st son gets everything and becomes king….the other sons get nothing…they are lazy so they filled up the monasteries….

        In a republic all the sons take turns being the king/president….this group of princes are freemasons….who do they get directives from?…the grand master….

        All presidents were freemasons…except JFK…..

        who is the grand master?…..

        In the U.S. it is Timothy Hogan……….In the uk its Prince Edward duke of Kent, he is the grand poohbar of the illuminated ones.


        • There is a very common covenant group, a secret society that prevails throughout the English speaking world which is Freemasonry. And if you are involved in Freemasonry you are under a curse. Not only you but your family and your descendants.

          Freemasonry is a false religious system. Whatever you may say, it’s not a secret. That’s bluff. The main ceremonies of freemasonry are known and have been published by people who are not Freemasons.

          To take simply one example, the royal arch degree acknowledges a god whose name is Jabulon. J-A-B-U-L-O-N….. Ja… is short for Jehovah, bul… is short for Baal, and on… is short for Osiris….. And any system of worship that combines the true God with Baal and Osiris is abomination in the sight of the Lord.


    • Still kills me that the country can’t recognize how they are being played.

      There are no discernible differences between the donkeys and elephants. Read the communist platform. It has been and will continue to be equally supported by both parties.

      The list of 45 Communist Goals were read into
      Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963. Look them up and see how many of them BOTH the R’s and D’s support.

      The country as a whole is still far too comfortable to actually change a thing.

      More hard times are coming. Buckle up buttercup, rough road ahead. Keep playing their game . . . Vote harder see where it gets you.

      • Note: truly strange stuff has been going on when trying to access the site or post comments.

        Captcha tests to enter

        Won’t accept my valid email address without several tries

        Not refreshing properly after comment submission

        Suppose it could be apple playing games but only happens on this site.

        FWIW along with other issues have been noted of late by others with access to EPAutos.

            • I’m also discovering that if I check the box to save my name, email, and website in browser . . . It stops rejecting my email address. Sort of creepy.

              Even though I don’t mind sharing an email with you Eric, checking a box like that isn’t something I’d normally do but recognize my apple phone (or any smartphone) is already ratting me out to the mothership.

  3. T-shirt worn by a store clerk today — very appropriate to Tim Walz:

    DUCT TAPE can’t fix stupid
    But it can muffle the sound

  4. Unbelievable, the trash they’re leaving for selection. Speaking of trash,,,,these boys and girls couldn’t get hired to pick up the trash.

    One wants to bomb Iran’s nukes the other wants to finish off anyone not of color while all want to sell the skeletal remains of what’s left of America. And people are actually choosing sides. The best we can find out of 350 million people. lol…. The world is laughing its ass off while we debate of the contestants that aren’t qualified for dog catcher.

    Our 2000 lb bombs killing off Palestinian women and children, our missiles soon to kill off Russian women and children. We hope! 50,000 USA men and women on the ground in Israhell ready to defend their insanity.

    Thousands killed to get a free ticket on that supposed rapture train to heaven……

    • Second that Ken,
      Would be nice if we could actually have a choice to vote for someone who is going to make life better for Americans instead of Israhell.

    • “Unbelievable, the trash they’re leaving for selection.”

      Sort of hilarious how George Carlin saw this so long ago.

      “Here’s one thing you might have noticed I don’t complain about: politicians.

      Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from?

      They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from another reality.

      They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out.

      If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain’t going to do any good; you’re just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans.

      So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here… like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There’s a nice campaign slogan for somebody: ‘The Public Sucks.’ “

    • Ken: “Our 2000 lb bombs killing off Palestinian women and children,:

      Article on Al Jazeera today about the asbestos contamination from the bombing killing for generations to come. Current Israelis killing future Israelis? Unintended consequences? Sheer stupidity?

  5. When I was a lad in grad school I would have the occasional meeting with the “board of education.” Back then some teachers, the “cool” ones IIRC, would have the board up on display, just to remind us who’s in charge. I actually remember one using that old trope that it hurt him more than it hurt us (I wasn’t about to rat out my friends as the instigators, so I got the same punishment).

    Understand, it was for our own good.

    I don’t think it had the intended effect though. I grew to loathe authority. In time I found like minded people, even quite a few in positions of power over me, who earned my respect… without resorting to the board of education.

    On that note, I’m tired of apologizing for voting for Trump. I’m tired of making excuses. We, the people, cannot sit idly by while the Democrats put up a Communist. One that wasn’t voted for by anyone. If I were a Democrat I’d be voting for Trump because at least he was put through the primary process. The hubris of these a**holes must be dispatched with urgency and precision.

    • LOL grad school?

      Of course these days I’m sure there are grad students who didn’t learn what I learned in GRADE school.

      • When I was in grad school, I was more interested in chasing tail than studying. Coulda used the board of education. 🙂

        Grade school on the other hand –I did get it on occasion. Then I had to go home and face my father.

        • Mike: “Grade school on the other hand –I did get it on occasion. Then I had to go home and face my father.”

          I grew up in “progressive” New Jersey, now the SSNJ. Paddles were out, but other forms of discipline, maybe more efficacious due to their tedium, were applied. We never complained to our parents when we got home or the “belt of education” might have been applied.

  6. Kamala is wearing her Bluetooth earrings again, sounded astonishingly coherent during North Carolina remarks sure enough the same double gold loop giant pearl things she wore during the debate. What chick wears the exact same earring every time they are out and about?

    • Those must have been. Some people said they are fake, but is that her only set? I don’t care. I don’t want someone who wears pearl drop earrings to be president

    • Actually, I do. I am in no way defending Heels Up, but I have a pair of mid size gold hoops that I probably wear 4-5x a week. Sometimes, us women are lazy, and although we own 30 pairs of earrings we have our “go to”. We do the same with handbags, blue jeans, and lipstick.

  7. @Eric – If you haven’t seen it in a while, rent “Tommy Boy” and pay attention to every word that comes out of Dan Aykroyd’s mouth. That character is remarkably prescient and, if improvised, highlights the observational genius of Aykroyd, who is a real “car guy” as opposed to Tim Walz.


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