Red Guard Regan Out


Incoming President-again Trump has announced his choice to replace Michael “Red Guard” Regan as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency – which stopped protecting the environment back in the ’70s, if it ever did at all.

It is a fact – as in objectively true – that in the case of vehicle-caused air pollution, there hasn’t been any to speak of since the late ’90s and that was 30 years ago. Catalytic converters (standardized in 1975) and computer-controlled electronic fuel injection (standardized by the late 1980s) cleaned up more than 95 percent of the previously uncontrolled harmful byproducts of internal combustion. Unfortunately, the average person is unaware of these facts and so continues to believe that “emissions” are an ongoing problem.

They aren’t.

Since the ’90s, the EPA has pretended to be protecting the environment by pretending that a further fractional reduction in vehicle exhaust emissions constitutes a meaningful reduction in pollution. But the EPA apparatchiks never explain that the “20 percent” reduction they propose to require amounts to 20 percent of something less than 1 percent.

For the obvious reason.

Lately, the EPA redefined “emissions” to encompass carbon dioxide – which was never previously considered a pollutant because the “emissions”of this gas do not in any way cause or contribute to air pollution or harm “the environment,” either. We need carbon dioxide “emissions” – so that plants can produce the oxygen we must have to breath and the food we must have to remain alive.

The Communists – let’s be frank about who and what they are – have managed to pathologize things that are good for people in order to get them to accept things that are very bad for people.

And the environment.

Such as battery-powered vehicles, for instance. The Communists say it is necessary – for “the environment” – to strip mine the earth to get the lithium and cobalt and other materials that are necessary to make battery packs that weigh almost as much (in some cases, more than) a small car weighed back in the ’70s and to pollute oceans of groundwater to leach out the lithium for these batteries. That it is necessary to promote – via subsidization on the one hand and regulatory banning of gas-powered alternatives to them on the other hand – the manufacture of high-dollar, high-performance EVs for the affluent who can afford to buy them – for the sake of “the environment.”

It’s bullshit, of course. Green became the new red a long ago. The people affected by this shuck-and-jive begin to understand, as evidenced by the massive repudiation of the Communists last week. They have come to understand that “the environment” has little if anything to do with that but much to do with their enserfment.

And they have tired of it.

So it is good news to hear that Michael “Red Guard” Regan will be replaced by someone who isn’t green – that is to say, someone who is not red – as head of the EPA. That man will be former representative (from New York) Lee Zeldin, who just-barely lost the 2022 election for governor to the odious Kathy Hochul, a Communist who used “sickness” in much the same way that Communists such as Regan have used “the environment” to impose Communism on Americans.   

After the announcement of his appointment, Zeldin said:

“I am deeply honored to have been asked by President Trump to serve in his Cabinet. As EPA Administrator, we will restore American energy dominance, revitalize our auto industry to bring back American jobs, make the United States the global leader of Artificial Intelligence advancement, and slash the red tape holding back American workers from upward economic mobility.” 

This strongly suggests that he, too, knows that green is red.

That the pushing by Communists such as Regan of battery powered vehicles has as much to do with “the environment” as “masks” had to do with “stopping the spread.”

The jig may finally be up.

It remains to be seen, though, whether Zeldin will pull a Romney and “mend” rather than end the regulatory assault on the car industry and – more importantly – the right of the people to buy the type of vehicle that suits them rather than an ideological cadre of Communists who have assumed de facto dictatorial power within regulatory apparats such as the EPA. And end must be put to the federal apparat having any “role” at all in deciding how many miles-per-gallon the vehicles we choose to buy (and which for that reason, the vehicle manufacturers choose to offer) get. People have the right to buy fuel-inefficient vehicles – if they suit their needs – and the manufacturers have the right to sell them.

Just the same as the supermarket has the right to sell tomahawk ribeyes alongside ground chuck. Let the market – free exchange – determine what is bought and available for sale.

Will Zeldin end every grift that has helped to push EVs onto what has not been a market for years now? Will EVs be obliged to compete for buyers on their merits – and for what they actually cost?

Will he explain to the people that “emissions” are now and have been the equivalent of “asymptomatic spreaders” since the ’90s and that – accordingly – the EPA’s “mission” has been accomplished? Will he – at the very least – require that any new regulation be justified on the basis of tangible benefit that outweighs the costs imposed?

We shall soon see.

But at least for now things are looking up.

. . .

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  1. Wow,,, so many single issue folks to be soon disappointed with Trump the savior. I do agree… who else could you vote for? That’s the point,,, isn’t it?

    And even if your issue is fixed to your liking,,, what good will it do with a smoldering bombed out nation? Already Trump the savior is filling positions with war/Israeli firster lunatics with Trump as Chief lunatic.

    Germany is already wanting to give Uke chief Nazi dicktator in Charge permission to send missiles to Moscow if Putin doesn’t surrender in 24 hours. Germans sure do love punishment. Losing two world wars isn’t enough. They’re going for three!

    • ALCON,
      You’ve got 4 years to get ready for the onslaught that will follow after Trump’s departure in 2029.

      You’d better get citizenship in other countries, get your Visa’s straight, get financially prepared, and your bug-out bags, and plans up to date.

      You better plan for the worst and hope for the best.

      It might fall in between, but either way, dark days are ahead for us all.

      God bless you, and Good Luck!!!


  2. Today everyone is talking about Trump’s appointments. I said watch who he picks. Who is he picking? Arch Zionists. So now I call his picks “Trump’s disappointments”, which BTW he is probably not the one doing the picking, his donors are, like Miriam Adelson who bribed him with 100 million in campaign money.

    What Trump did is bait and switch – he baited the patriots with Elon Musk, RFK Jr, Tulsi Gabbard, to secure the vote. Now elected Trump WILL OBEY his Zionist paymasters and appoint hard core Zionist hardliners Mike Huckabee named today as Ambassador to Israel.

    Naysayers are predicting that non-Zionist patriots will be shoved aside into non-important posts – like Elon Musk and Swami Ramalamadingdong assigned to DOGE Department of Government Efficiency. Already predictions coming in the very smart Musk will soon abandon his post when he works with that George Soros educated plant. (The irony of another government agency to improve efficiency should not be lost on the reader.)

    So on 12 Nov, just a week after the nightmare election, Trump is already showing his true colors. This loyalty to Israel will be Trump’s undoing I guarantee it. I will make a friendly wager with Eric, he will soon regret casting his vote for the Orange man.

    I hope I am wrong, but facts are facts, Trump is pledging the entire financial and military power to Israel – which is currently engaged in multiple fronts, and completely belligerent and suicidal. Fool Trump, has voluntarily put the Israeli millstone around his neck and jumped overboard.

    Trump will be faced with an insurmountable problem – he will try to save Israel from itself, he will try to save Israel from imploding in upon itself as the wars escalate. If Trump is serious about cutting waste, he will have a whole lot of powerful people inside the District of Criminals gunning for him (think a deep state contract on John Wick).

    Just as Trump signed off on Jerusalem, top Jews want to annex the West Bank as soon as he takes office. Trump will, no doubt, agree – and that could be the “deal” he cut with Mrs. Adelson. Then Trump will work with Israel to have the Dome of the Rock destroyed, which will send the whole Muslim world in a fury toward Israel. And those Israelis will, for sure, evict all Arabs (and Christians) from Jerusalem.

    And he will have fat bastard pig pastor John Hagee (CUFI) and the rest of the god lobby singing hosannas on high as prophecy is fulfilled. While all that happens Israel will be gleefully killing Palestinians every day, the total dead now over 200,000. The world is getting edgy about this killing spree – it is making all the world leaders/bodies look very bad, especially the world court and the Hague. So that means the world will have to offer more than mere rhetoric condemning Israel for genocide. Israel will get evicted from the U.N. so Trump the Orang Ziowhore will cut off UN funding or maybe even cancel their lease and send them packing.

    With Trump doing more for Israel than even Biden, Trump will be fanning the flames for even greater Middle East conflict. Iran is being backed by Russia and China, and maybe even troops from North Korea. This week plane loads of anti missiles and advisors from Russia landed in Tehran. So Trump can NOT just pick off Iran, but he sure as hell will try, and Iran will send missiles onto Tel Aviv and IDF airbases and Trump the Magnificent Chabad FOOL will be powerless to stop the chaos that will erupt as Jews flee for their lives. Israel’s credit rating already hovering above junk can not take another million Jews leaving for greener pastures.

    Trump 2.0 could be twice as entertaining as Trump 1.0. Chaos like you have never seen before. Then you have that Brandon Biggs prophecy, as soon as Trump takes office this winter the economy crashes worse than the Great Depression and lasts 4 years. Deficits through the roof and interest rates to heaven.

    • “Trump takes office this winter the economy crashes”

      “They Just Got Handed Fraudulent Books” – Ed Dowd

      “Real weekly wage growth was minus 2% going into the election.

      Trump is going to inherit a turd of a financial market crisis.
      Government statistics will be updated, and it will show we started a recession sometime this year…

      Another huge problem….10% to 13% excess mortality currently running. . . . We are running once in 200 year flood numbers in 2024. . . . This is not over…. It is going to stay with us for decades.

    • Much or all of what you write about Trump is true. Trump is an early-1990s Democrat.

      However … if we cannot distinguish between “bad” and turbocharged-nuclear BAD, we’ve lost the power of drawing distinctions. Did you want to be ruled over by Cumala?

      I voted for the Cheeto, and I expect him to piss me off quite regularly. Yes, I’m sure he’ll be full-throated in his support of Israhell. Yes, he took a great big bribe from the Casino Queen. Do you think his enemies did not receive even bigger bribes from Jews and their orgs? Do you think his enemies wouldn’t have continued to ship fucktons of cash and weapons to the six-pointed star folks? Do you think they wouldn’t have continued to roll out the red carpet at our nonexistent border with Mexico?

      • Yes, I know. The choice between Ziowhore A vs. Ziowhore B. is no choice at all. Komrade Kamala was so bad that Amerika had to vote Orange man. This was an intentional manipulation to put the Don back in because that is what Bibi wanted.

        Now we have Orange man appointing arch Zionists, not a good sign, his intentions are to merge Israel and Amerika into one political unit – we are literally being absorbed into the Jew Borg Hive mind, Amerika is now a Zionist colony, Jews and their wars are beyond reproach. That is very bad and could end our nation in a nuclear holocaust – which Medevev said yesterday is the probable course of history.

        Twitter feed – “Not only Rubio is bad news … but Mike Waltz as National Security Advisor is an absolute disaster… and Elise Stefanik as US Ambassador to the UN … she literally is the younger version of Nikki Haley.”

        Turn on the TV and radio, every broadcaster defends Jews and Israel and condemns Hamas and Hezbollah – the names of the freedom fighters who are fighting for their people’s right to exist. Israel is now literally leveling Beirut, this is after leveling Gaza. Smotrich said he wants to annex the West Bank. No Jew is even allowed to be in the West Bank.

        Trump is a bad moon rising, a big fat assed orange moon soon to turn blood red. Henry Makow and others claim Trump converted to Chabad after his daughter married ChaBAD LubaBITCHER Jared Kushner (big NYC crime family). Trump is a Jew who fooled the goy good. Watch and learn how traitor Trump pushes patriots aside and his entire agenda will be for the glorification of an evil, murderous, genocidal foreign state of religious lunatics and supremacist mad hatters. Hell is coming. Trump’s love of Israel is going to make hell on earth.

      • James – my critique of Trump is no endorsement of Kommunist Komrade Kamala. Read this:

        “The author doesn’t seem to understand how the Zionist owners of the Amerika – the fiat money slave empire, can manipulate the masses, stampede them into a Trump mandate, by presenting such a horrible candidate, who is a flat out destroyer, to fool them into supporting Trump and Israel and the Zionist agenda. All the voters did was trade one evil for another evil, potentially a worse evil. I would remind all the readers the historical parallels with the election of charismatic Hitler and Mussolini, who won the vote, because of the problems at that time, and that the Germans and Italians suffered horribly as a result of electing the charismatic “strong man” fatherly figure.”

    • I don’t get it. How would ANYONE fall for this, seeing as we already had 4 years of Trumpdom? They didn’t learn afterhis first go-round, but they somehow think that he learned, even though he never even distanced himself from “The Beautiful Drugs”. And after all the criminals he pardoned on his exit last time, including billion-dollar scammers of the taxpayers and murderers. And THIS is whom they put their faith in to restore some decency and normalcy? I’ve lost respect for a lot of libertarians whom I know. I attributed their voting for the first time to naivete and hopeium. But there was no excuse this time after all the evil the Orange Fool did, and not even indicating -even vaguely- that he would be doing anything differently this time. Just the typical acting, playing to the respective audience whom we expect to fall for such BS. To even think that anyone would get anywhere near that office who could actually oppose TPTB, and have the power to do so even if he could, is just patently absurd.
      I’ve always been very pessimistic(realistic) about any hope of humanity embracing liberty, but at least it was somewhat comforting to know that there were some out there who had the right idea. But seeing many of even THEM fooled so easily, and to be cajoled into participating in ‘democracy’, just really shows how dark things truly are.

  3. Who’s calling for the for violent overthrow of anything? Violence is the currency of the State.

    It’s hilarious to come to a libertarian leaning site – then mock libertarians.

  4. My guess is it’ll be shut down in due time, first he’s gotta take the reins of the agencies and fire all the seditious elements who’ll undermine his plan, then he can slowly shut them down.

    As for NY, I’m pretty sure he lost to the 4am ballots, not to Karen the Hooch

  5. People are so brainwashed they won’t take the exit when offered. Here in WA many of us whined about the scam the State pulled with initiating the carbon credits similar to California. Well, one guy with the money to do something about it managed an initiative campaign and we got a chance to vote down this nonsense.

    Nope, the ignorant masses believed the hype (Bill Nye the “Science” Guy on TV ads) and the initiative failed, bigly. This was my last hope that the state of WA would finally come to its senses.

    So, we’ll enjoy our north of $4 gas forevermore!

    • Well, that’s the west coast for you. I don’t know why there’s such a mind infection there.

      I looked at that website you linked to. TBH, I’m more bothered by the state’s mandatory long-term health care insurance requirement than the carbon grift you mention. Goddamn, how much of the citizen’s resources need to be dedicated to paying fucking insurance premiums? Car, homeowners, flood, health, life, worker’s comp, mortgage, trade/professional liability, etc. and now “long-term care?” That’s fucking outrageous.

      Fuck you, Flo, and your fucking lobbyists pushing all this mandatory “coverage!” It boggles the mind that the citizenry are forced to have to gamble their money with these crony insurance book makers. Aside from everything else, it also promotes societal moral hazard. Then, when you do have a claim (and can maybe recoup some of your forced-gambled losses), you need to hire a lawyer and give him 33% just to get the fuckers to pay up.

      • The WA “long term” care plan is another state run scam. 10 years of MANDATORY contributions for a LIFETIME benefit of $36500. Can’t use it out of state. That benefit might get you 2 1/2 months in a care facility and then you’re done. What a cruel joke. Another state bureaucracy that adds to the employment count for state gov and that’s really “it”.

        The slick ad campaign hooked the sheeple with “no exclusion for pre existing conditions!” “If this passes and too many people opt out it will bankrupt this plan!” G damn people here are ignorant.

        • $36,500! lol. Last time at the hospital I got a electrical jolt to re-time my heart… didn’t work,,, but those rip off artists charged north of $100,000 for the 20 minute non invasive procedure. Medicare settled for a little over $40,000.
          $36,500 bwa hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    • Hi Sparkey,
      Same mindset here, sadly. A few years back there was an initiative petition here to get rid of the annual saaaaaafety inspections. Nope, the pussies would rather waste a day to get in line and then be forced to get new wiper blades or whatever pissant thing the “inspector” would come up with to mulct you for a few extra bucks. Disgusting.

      • They damage your car, too.

        They use a floor jack without any sort of adapter to lift unibody cars to check the tie rods and ball joints. In the process, they bend the shit out of the pinch-welded rocker panel seams.

        • Those robot welders at the factory work 24/7, no complaints. Always compliant, complaint, compliant, what difference does it make?

          Once a uni-body vehicle has been badly damaged, it is going to be toast.

        • Hi Myles,
          Haven’t heard that but wouldn’t surprise me. I will most likely be dead by then, 77 now; do hope I live long enough to see the whole climate hysteria/net zero BS come crashing down.

          • Hi Mike,

            I hope you live to one hundred and seventy seven, and I hope we both live long enough to see all this nonsense come crumbling down.

        • Only the Massachusetts government agencies and the feds can purchase and register diesel commercial vehicles as of Jan 1, 2025 here in commie Mass. Not even local governments can buy any. All because not enough EV trucks were sold. This mess was of course thanks to the RINO previous governor Lockdown Charlie Baker. His replacement is even worse. I’m hoping the EV mandate ban on Day 1 applies to Mass, or just withhold all federal highway funds for noncompliance.

    • Can’t fix stupid.

      Yet many of those same left leaning Spokane WA residents will continue to pile across the Idaho border to buy cheaper fuel and to avoid paying WA taxes. Granted Spokane isn’t as far left as Seattle but about 1/2 still voted blue.

      I feel sorry for those further to the West in WA can’t pull it off and will have to pony up the $$.

  6. Can Trump also eliminate NHTSA so I can buy a new Toyota Land Cruiser 79 series pickup, or a new Toyota Hilux Champ or just a plain old Toyota Hilux?

  7. I thought we were shutting down the EPA. Here we go again. The EPA should be shut down from day one and if we need an agency like this then a new one can be formed from scratch. You will never clean up a bureaucracy like this. It’s not possible.

  8. Sadly I was hoping Trump shut down the EPA which was created by a President in 1960. This agency weeks ago publicly stated for its employees that they will resist Trump policies. This is the definition and proof of deep state. Four years from now the left will seek to use the EPA to control commerce and enforce another Green New Deal. The US dodged a bullet that is still chambered. Harris vowed to increase taxes 5 Trilllion dollars, yes trillion. That was to be paid by that elusive Rich people who for 60 years they have been chasing to pay their fair share. Say hello to BYD who is set to eat the American auto industry. BYD was financed by none other than Obama’s “pay your fair share” boy Warren Buffet, the guy who whined his secretary paid more taxes than his loophole gig did. Eliminate the EPA and you force them to stand up another means of coercion and that stalls their agenda.

      • Eric: “I don’t expect miracles – but Trump might just do some good! We’ll soon see!”

        Unfortunately, viewing the appointments to date, that WOULD be a miracle!

        My thought today is that he is pulling folks out of the house so he can say “If only I had congress on my side I could have….”

        Some of that infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite number of typewriters did get it right: MAGA is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

  9. Obama/FJB forces the closure of Navajo Generating Station a few years ago. Navajo had precipitators, to remove over 99% of the ash (Which was sold to cement companies) and scrubbers which removed sulfur from the exhaust. It burned the lowest sulfur coal in the US to begin with. It was 3 x 750MW units that provided stable power to the SW US and hundreds of high paying jobs in Page AZ and the Navajo reservation.

    • It had it’s own private electric railroad from the Kayenta coal mine 80 miles away. It was originally a compromise to prevent a couple of hydroelectric plants on the Colorado that would have put dams on either end of the Grand Canyon (Bridge and Marble Canyons).

      There’s no going back easily, they ripped up the railroad and tore down the smoke stacks.

      That’s the real head shake here. They’re not just decommissioning all these generating stations but fast tracking the demolition of them so when (if indeed) the world realizes the bill of goods we’ve been sold it’ll take decades to rebuild the industry and infrastructure again.

  10. Meanwhile, in my neck of the woods the BLM and Forest service are planning to burn slash piles starting this week, creating real air pollution.

    FTFA: Crews may burn anywhere from tens to hundreds of piles each day, depending on site conditions. Firefighters will remain on-site during the day while allowing some piles to smolder overnight. Though most smoke will clear by day, some smoke may linger in valley bottoms at night. Residents may notice smoke during the burns, which could impact air quality. The state provides information on how prescribed fire smoke can affect health at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s website.

    When Uncle causes air pollution, it’s OK. He’s got a permit. If CO2 is such a problem, why not bury the slash? Put it down in an old abandoned mineshaft.

    • Having been a part of slash burning, I know a bit about it. Slash burning is a very good thing. In exchange for some smoke, you dramatically reduce wild fire probabilities. You clean the ground for wildlife, and release ash which turns out to be good for the plants and the animals. You make the forest a better place to hunt and enjoy.

      Yes, government manages to f@#k pretty much everything up, but slash burning and controlled burns are usually managed by people who know their community and their business.

      • Burning also hastens the decomposition. It’s part of the cycle although now we’ve over managed forests for so long that natural fire is likely to burn so hot as to sterilize and kill rather than help forests in the near term, so it’s not a simple burn is good or bad binary anymore. The two-tiered system is obviously the problem ReadyKilowatt is pointing out. If a private forester or home owner wants to prescribe burn the paperwork is soul crushing.

    • After lightning caused a fire here on August 28, the Forest Service took the opportunity to expand it into a 15,000-acre controlled burn, extending right up to the edge of town. Yes, it was smoky for a few days.

      Along with the some thinning projects done this year, our town is now much safer from an intense fire like the one that devoured Paradise, California.

    • Just look at the windmills killing the birds including Bald Eagles by the thousands. It used to be if you killed just one you went to prison. Same difference.

    • I fully agree, burning is really dumb – air pollution and loss of compost. Why not have compost piles and make dirt? In Hawaii, big island, they have this program at the recycle yards to compost the massive amount of foliage home owners cut from their yards (jungle). The county grinds it up with a huge tree grinder and blows it into huge piles – which rots very quickly because of the heat and moisture. the public can then shovel this free dirt and take it home, for a $35 fee you can bring a truck and they have a front end loader give you a bucket full. The reason they do this is that Hawaii is the newest island with little dirt, most of the island is black volcanic rock.

      • YJ: Huntsville, Alabama, used to do that and you could haul it away free. Don’t know if they still do, but many a truckfull mulched and decayed in our garden.

        At one time you could also get dried “digest” at the sewage treatment plant for lawn fertilization. But you would have to mow tomatoes for most of the spring.🥺 Tomato seeds are truly indigestible.

        • Thanks and very interesting. Having the county make dirt from compost for the people to improve their gardens and lawns makes perfect sense.

  11. I read somewhere yesterday that Trump was quoted as saying climate change was a hoax and he was going to permanently withdraw from the Paris Accords.

    What a difference a day makes!

    • Hi Hans,

      If Trump goes through with his promise to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords, that could cause the whole Climate change grift from these uber wealthy elitists to collapse completely.

      By the way, over the past few years reading and watching stuff on “alternative media”, I’ve come to the conclusion that the whole Climate change thing wasn’t just some crazy conspiracy theory concocted by the political Left, but rather a GIANT SCAM concocted by elitist groups bent on world domination to achieve absolute power over billions of people on the planet and make LOTS of money in the process. The Biden Thing’s former Climate Czar, John Kerry, actually ADMITTED as much in one of his visits at, IIRC, the WEF when he said that “stopping climate change” & implementing Net Zero would cost TRILLIONS of dollars (translation: endless fleecing of American taxpayers).

      • Let’s hope so John, it’s tough to get the brainwashed masses to understand that they’ve been scammed and the whole climate thing is just a means to control us. A couple of my friends were almost in tears over what might happen to the planet now that Orange Man is in charge. I just nodded and walked away; lost some friends over the covid scam, may lose a few more from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

      • The tragedy is that after a century of internal combustion engine improvements, now long lasting, near zero emissions, and fuel injection – that invention is being railroaded out of existence for these damn EV autos. Electric bikes make sense, and if you want an electric car, fine, but do not force me to abandon my piston engine.

    • It’s not so much a hoax as an irrelevancy. The climate always has and always will changes, and human activity doesn’t have measurable effects on it. With certain notable exceptions like clear cutting the forests over a whole continent. Burning some natural fuel in your car, even billions of times over, releases some good healthy co2 and a bit of waste heat. CO2 makes plants happy, and with the infinite heat sink of outer space that heat doesn’t do much either.

    • Well, he could have done worse. Seeing as “Homeland Security” is a mangy cur which has turned on and bitten its owners repeatedly, Kristi may be the exact right person for that job.

    • Hi RG,

      Marco Rubio as secretary of state? A neocon warmonger who never met a war he didn’t like. Trump seems intent on going to war with Iran, despite the potentially catastrophic consequences of doing this.

      Even his tentative proposal to end the Ukraine war is not going to fly with Russia. Russia intends to reclaim all of the Donbas, not just the part it has reclaimed up until now. And it will not tolerate a permanent presence of European troops in Ukraine as part of a demilitarized zone. The only way to end the Ukraine war is to terminate all military and financial aid to Ukraine, forcing it to finally sign a peace treaty with Russia, as it was prepared to do before the US and Britain intervened to stop this.

      • Marco Rubio, worst pick ever. Compromised little shit who loves Isreal more than the US. Trump learned nothing except how to monetize his presidency. Half his supporters already went back to sleep. Red flags and MIGA inbound. The only thing that can stop it all, a fatal head wound to our DEI military and the death of King Dollar.

        • Hi Norman,

          They all love Israel more than the US. Name me one that doesn’t. All of DC is Swampland. The Left, the Right, the Independents…it really doesn’t matter. The power is too tempting for them. The money is never enough.

          I am not enthusiastic about every pick, but I see who we have in there now (Biden) and who Harris would have put in and at least I am not suffering from heart palpations. And let’s be serious, does any Cabinet pick have any power? Trump is rewarding his loyalists.

          I would like to see departments shrunk if not completely obliterated. If that isn’t possible at least move them around the country to make it harder for the K Street Lobbyists.

          • Thomas Masse, Eli Crane, Andy Biggs. maybe a handful or so others that aren’t lawyers, but I get your point. At the end of the day I’d bet Vivek, RFK, Gabbard, Tucker, none of them will be given a job of any import.

            Trumps just got his third strike IMO, We’d have been better of with the stunning weight of the glaring incompetence of princess Pajet. We were rolling hard toward a fast boil, now that Trump turned the temp back down, Manny frogs on both sides will be boiled alive.

            Glad I didn’t sully myself voting for the Orange man. The entire country was a brief beat away from overwhelmingly joining together against the tyranny of our mutual enemy. Now…not so much.

            • I would like Tucker as Press Secretary. 🙂 I would tune in everyday to watch the Daily Briefings.

              Vivek was once a Pharma Man. I am hesitant about him. Maybe, Surgeon General.

              Tulsi should be Secretary of DOD.

              RFK Jr. needs to be AG although I also wouldn’t mind him as head of the FDA or CDC either.

              I still wouldn’t want Heels Up anywhere near the office. Trump isn’t perfect, but I would pick him 100x over her.

              • Agree with all your placements. Doubt any of them will get anywhere near those jobs. It was a ruse, he needed to increase independent voters to make up for losing his ten million early adopters who voted for him the first time.

                I guess after TBTF bailouts I was hoping we would have learned, an epic collapse, might just lead to an epic recovery, which would be best for our progeny. Trump cant or wont stop whats coming. Heels up unites every single Richard against the tyranny of govco

                • She went through one billion dollars in 107 days! Trump is a spender, but she spends like a drunken sailor.

                  We will have to agree to disagree, but I am freaking happy she is nowhere near the Oval Office.

                  I am not going to like everything he does and will take a “wait and see” approach. I just don’t want my tax dollars to be abused, to be tied down with government regulations, or send our kids off to war.

      • Hi Martin,

        Rubio is a face of the Department…nothing more. He can’t dictate war and Trump doesn’t seem to be a guy who is easily swayed.

        I believe Russia is more willing to negotiate than they are letting on. They have lost over 8700 tanks, 18,000 artillery systems, and somewhere between 70,000 to 700,000 troops (depending on sources). Russia has to stop the bleeding (figuratively and literally). I think they will accept Donetsk and Luhansk and their portion of the coal fields and will call it a day. Once again, another stupid ass war for natural resources.

  12. A conservative to head an agency that shouldn’t exist. Yay.

    Was hoping Vivek had some influence over Trump when it came to eliminating unconstitutional agencies.

    • “A conservative to head an agency that shouldn’t exist. Yay”

      My thoughts exactly.

      It’s going to to be hilarious watching this for the next 4 years as people cheer the sinking of the Titanic albeit maybe just 1% slower.

      Gotta laugh, otherwise I’d cry.

    • If he tried to eliminate agencies whole, he’d have to get the Congress to pass legislation. That’s the way it works. Bush II might have championed the PATRIOT act, but he didn’t just decree it. He did some arm twisting and campaigning “up on the hill” to get it through. Undoing legislation is pretty much the same process.

      • Wow – who knew the best way to get rid of an agency is to put a political hack in charge of winding it down. LOL.

        I’m sure she’ll work hard to reduce the influence & authority of the little empire she’ll be in charge of. Wink, wink.

        4 years from now she will have doubled her personal net worth at taxpayer expense. When the free ride ends, she’ll land on the board at one of the companies that body scanner companies or something like that.

        “Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.”
        H.L. Mencken

        This is just Trump using the stolen goods to pay back a political ally for her support.

        At least she’s pleasant to look at.

        Let’s check back in 4 years and compare notes on how much the agency has grown.

        • Because we all know that violent overthrow of the ruling class always leads to anarchic paradise.

          I mean, if you want to be a jacobin, or spark a new civil war, then tear it all down. Because that’s who will take their place. Not the libertarian nerds.

          • Trying to get rid of a useless, destructive, unconstitutional bureaucracy like the EPA is not the same as sparking a violent civil war. Of course, it could never be done without the agreement of Congress, which will not happen, at least for now. But at least a serious proposal could be made to eliminate the agency, using good arguments to support this, shifting the Overton window to the idea that this is perhaps not a totally crazy proposal.

      • If he or Elon or Vivek serious about it they wouldn’t have to strictly get Congress to actually eliminate the department but could functionally gut it, fire some or all the people, don’t spend the money Congress budgets for it. That would be a double flip off, getting the agency off our backs and publicly giving Congress a massive refund at the end of the fiscal year.

  13. Reality is too much “environmentalism” is a grift and the average person can’t tell the difference between amounts of CO2 from a chemical spill.

    They know what the TV has repeated to them thousands of times. Repeated enough, it becomes the truth.

    While Al Gore has been waiting for the ice caps to melt, much damage has been done to human flourishing by raising the price of goods for no good reason, other than to line the pockets of the climate klan.

    It really all comes down to marketing. Those with the power and influence control media and education. They have effectively used these tools to control thought and suppress dissent. Sound familiar?

    It is a brilliant long play. Seed feeder institutions with your disciples, spreading your desired belief system into every facet of society.

    Truth no longer matters, because it is now what they make it.

    This is why Eric’s gay friend is under the belief that he will be tossed into a dungeon by the orange president. Evidence? No. He was told this to the point of fear. Just like enviro disasterism.

  14. ‘It remains to be seen, though, whether Zeldin will pull a Romney’ — eric

    Zeldin, like Romney, is a lawyer. The US fedgov is infested with them. Uniparty doctrine holds that a three-year postgraduate course in the law qualifies a newly-minted attorney to manage anything. I can prove this wrong with one example: Kamala Harris. ‘Nuff said!

    Red Guard Regan, despite his communist affiliation, actually has a pertinent undergrad degree in earth and environmental science. (Sadly, his professors probably were communists, too.)

    A scientist or engineer — someone whose professional practice involves the subject matter — would be better qualified to lead on environmental issues. Appointment of a lawyer and ex-legislator signifies that political sausage-making continues to trump [sic] scientific facts.

    After careful consideration, I have determined that EPA headquarters should be relocated to Cairo, Illinois, a town of 1,500 which had 15,000 a century ago. So its infrastructure could still house thousands of EPA ‘crats. But will Long Islander Lee Zeldin be willing to rusticate himself to Nowheresville? His executive washroom in Cairo could feature a placard: FLUSH TWICE — IT’S A LONG WAY TO WASHINGTON.

    • Indeed, there is a reason why silent Cal Coolidge was one of our best presidents. He was an engineer, not a damned lawyer. Law in this country has gone far from the millennia old common law, where law is discovered and not written. It has taken on the characteristics of the largest race/culture in its ranks, a culture which believes in its own superiority, in blood sacrifice, and not in forgiveness.

      • the world was a different place back than and engineering isn’t a racket like most earth sciences which do nothing but push the green agenda absent of any evidence that it’s based in science.

        • There’s plenty of dead weight in engineering. I’d wager that most of the competent work is done by 20% of the engineers. There’s another significant amount, perhaps 30%, that is managed and educated but not very clever engineers who at least can follow instructions, read books and use search engines. The other 50% are paper pushers and diversity hires who the productive 50% do their best to prevent from hurting themselves or the public.

      • Ernie,

        Probably you are thinking of Herbert Hoover, a mining engineer. Calvin Coolidge was a lawyer — but one of the rare good ones, as well as the last president to improve rather than harm the nation.

        • Ouch- you are correct. Wasnt thinking of Hoover, was simply wrong. I’m still a fan of Coolidge. Especially the rooster anecdote…

    • I agree. I never though Zeldin was very conservative and would be any different as Governor as the present Communist. He didn’t get elected because he’s a Republican, NOT because he was conservative.

    • going to disagree. His “pertinent” undergraduate degree means he is fullly radicalized with misinformation and propaganda pushed at universities. In fact him having that background makes him even less appropriate for the role. We need people with leadership ability, common sense and critical thinking skils, not a degree in earth science. I Whole heartedly reject your premise that we need someone who is bought in and created from the propagana of academia to run this department. Sorry. Most of the stuff put out by universities today is junk science. They have a foregone conclusion and the only things “taught” are the things that support their foregone conclusion. People incapable of independent thought that buy into propaganda have demonstrated they lack the essential skills to hold any position in government or leadership.


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