Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 12/17/2024


Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Idaho! We talked about the future of Stellantis and the brain scanners they’re planning to install in your next new car’s headrests:

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    • I saw that. Imagine what that guy has lived with all these years, its reprehensible. Candice also received the prestigious “Anti Semite of the year award.” Makes me think she’s doing something right.

      • With due modesty, she pointed out that Netanyahu — author of the worst pogrom against semites of this century — really deserves the award more than her.

        • Good point, Satanyahu is killing real Semites while his real name Mileikowski, a Polish surname. Both of Bibi’s parents are Polish, not Semetic in any way – thus what claim does he have to Palestine?


          Semetic is a language anyways, so the use of antisemitic is just more confusion, a trick that they always use:

          The Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni talks openly on the holocaust, anti-Semitism and the inability for Israelis to accept criticism

          Anti-Semitism – Its A Trick : We Always Use It


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