Diaper Report: 12/19/2024


This will probably be the last Diaper Report of 2024. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to be the last Diaper Report.

Chiefly because come 2025, an ardent advocate of Diaper-wearing will probably be anointed the next surgeon general. This implies at least two things, neither of which are good things. The first thing, of course, is that implies the man who picked her is a fan of Diapering – else why would he have picked her when there were many others he might have chosen who are not (and more importantly, were not) believers in the efficacy of wearing a Diaper over one’s face – insofar as the getting or spreading of sickness?

The second thing, of course, is that this dreadful woman – who is by definition a quack since any doctor ought to know that wearing a Diaper over one’s face to prevent the getting or spreading of sickness is as preposterous as believing a vial of gypsy tears will ward off malignant spirits – does believe in the efficacy of Face Diapering. She said so, publicly, during the fomented mass panic event that people have been conditioned to refer to as “the pandemic.”

Implicitly agreeing there was one.

It is logical to conclude, therefore, that we have not seen the last of Face Diapering. In truth it never went away. It merely receded. Most people no longer wear the Holy Garment – but some do. I saw one of them (again) when I went to the dentist just yesterday. As I was waiting in the waiting room to be called in for my teeth cleaning, in walked a man wearing that thing.

He was an older guy – but the wearing of that thing is by no means limited to the fear-addled elderly. Just a week or so ago, I saw a young woman wearing one of those things. Outside. And then there were the two men – not old – I saw wearing them as they exited the airport terminal I was waiting outside of to pick up my sister. And the young guy at the gym where I lift. He’s half my age, probably – and he wears that thing.

Why does he? Almost assuredly because he believes his Diaper “works” – never mind he’s not sick and doesn’t need to be worried about sickness (being young and fit). It is a measure of the effectiveness of the mass-psychosis operation styled “the pandemic.” Which – in a way – it was. Just not of physical sickness. Mental illness, on the other hand, spread like the Bubonic plague in Medieval Europe and has yet to peter out.

That implies it could well up again. Could  – and probably will – because the underlying sickness has not yet been cured. All it would take is another round of mass psychosis fomenting, easily achieved by dint of the fact that the same amen chorus could and will erupt – on cue – with the same morbid song again. The cases! The CASES!

In fact, this is already happening. California’s Gesundheitsfuhrer Gavin Newsom has declared a “state of emergency” over the bird flu:

“This proclamation is a targeted action to ensure government agencies have the resources and flexibility they need to respond quickly to this outbreak. Building on California’s testing and monitoring system — the largest in the nation — we are committed to further protecting public health, supporting our agriculture industry, and ensuring that Californians have access to accurate, up-to-date information.”

So – no – it’s not over.

And until it is, these reports will continue to be filed. For pretty much the same reason there is still – within the U.S. Department of Justice – an office dedicated to the sussing out of alleged national socialist (always important to suss it out) criminals. Though it is interesting to note that no such office has ever existed to suss out Soviet criminals. Some 97 year-old guy who may have been a teenage guard at a camp for a few months back in ’45 is hounded to the ends of the Earth. Molotov retired quietly and lived out his life in peace and quiet.

A subject for another time.


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  1. The worst of the mentally ill face diapering lot are the deranged individuals wearing it while driving alone in their cars. I saw one pass by me in my credit union parking lot, park and go in making sure to readjust it for a good seal (!). I was so annoyed I left before it came out…then I saw more diaperers in the grocery, further disappointing me.

    I wonder if these nuts “mask in their sleep”… check YouTube for that funny video.

  2. Great to come here, and see people who get it, who realize that the whole Covid scam was a giant psyop, and that the only real illness was mental. Very refreshing! I will definitely be adding this blog to my regular reading list.

    • Welcome to the fold. Probably worth your time to go back through the entirety of Eric’s Diaper Reports as well as the informed & rationale comments from those of us who frequent. EricPetersAutos.com

    • Welcome, AWOL. There are a lot of old timers who have been in this group for quite some time, and the conversation threads are great. So much so, that I have pages of saved comments that I like to look back on and chuckle at from time to time. Lord knows a sense of humor helps in this day and age when it seems like the world has lost its mind. This forum is a kind of oasis in the desert.

  3. The current Omnibus / CR bill being crammed in for Christmas pressure crap was predicted so well by Massie.

    This is D.E.I.
    Remember the school house rock, “I am a Bill, on Capitol Hill…” or something like that,
    well that version isn’t body positive, so we’ve got this cartoon with this massive unkept stack of a bill…”

  4. I’m giving up on the Female Fauci for a while. Trump’s people claim the role is vestigial and yatta yatta, moving on. he’s got like 14,000 people to appoint. If you want low hanging fruit, go after that scum speaker of the house. There’s total tyranny on the way, that bill is not a bill, and disease X is right around the corner.

    We are about to see if Johnson really is under Trump’s control or not. Either way, the draconian “bill” is going to make it to Biden’s desk and he will say “what am I signing?” before funding more slavery.

    • Hi Steve,

      Speaking of that bill, besides absolute garbage, it also contains something that would effectively hamper any efforts by the incoming Trump administration to investigate crimes committed by members of Congress, such as the “January 6th Committee”. If that goes through, the whole DC establishment narrative of “No one is above the law!” goes right out the window, as if it hasn’t already.

      • https://notthebee.com/article/new-spending-bill-has-clause-that-would-let-congress-block-subpoenas-for-house-data-potentially-preventing-any-investigation-into-the-j6-committee

        There are supposed to be Checks and Balances. That’s really rubbing it in our faces in it!

        Even if it doesn’t go through like that, 4 years from the media will say:

        “Congress was already pushing back against Biden’s DOJ, but in a respectful/peaceful/lawful way using (as if these sorts of bills should be allowed, media will frame any 1/2 page bills during next Trump era as white nationalism, racist, and insurrectiony behavior from the beginning) the correct political process, unlike what Trump did and unlike will do.” Because they’ll just turn Trump reforms into a continued justified cause at dismantling Trump’s DOJ 4 years from now. And they’ll say congress was doing it right all along with this as the hidden example they refer to. Meanwhile this is an unprecedented attack on our system.

        They’ve already had a lackey say “People didn’t elect Trump to free the J6 insurrectionists”.

        If the electronic voting is still around in 4 years we will have the most rigged elections ever. Most likely forever.

        • *unlike what Trump and (liberty candidate X) will do.

          (Prediction for the smear campaign will be in the next presidential election)

          They’ll refer back to this bill in a sick and twisted way.

        • I don’t see how it could be any moar rigged than it is already. Trump was ‘allowed’ to win this time because they needed a supervillian as the bagman for the dollars demise.

  5. Emergency for a case of flu 1500 miles away!
    When I was a kid, we didn’t have snow emergencies, rain emergencies, wind emergencies, cold & flu emergencies.

    Now there are emergencies when something is predicted.

    How weak have we become? Constant reminders to be safe in the snow, the rain, when leaves fall, when it’s hot, when it cold, when there could be a storm — always a “severe” storm with possible tornadoes and basketball sized hail.

    Maybe people believe the world is super extra dangerous because they keep getting told it is.

    I laugh at all these fools. Live your lives in fear. we’re all gonna die anyway.

    • Here in the Pacific Northwest it’s “weather warn days”. Morons can’t figure out heavy wind and rain maybe be a bit alert out and about? It rains in Western WA constantly and as a motorcycle rider, the reason I retired east of the Cascade Range into my beloved “semi arid steppe” which translates to ride the scooter March thru October not a couple days in May then July 5th to Sept 10th.

      Twenty years ago the friendly and well liked first black weather guy here coined the term “Pineapple Express” which was a fun term for yep, a warm slog of rain on its way from down Hawaii way for the next week. Now it’s “bomb cyclones” and “atmospheric rivers” oh my. Probably somehow now racist for even a black guy to say “Pineapple”.

      • Chuckanut Bay in October is one killer place to see.

        I hate prejudice and anyone who is – W.C. Fields

        You talking about Hawaiian Pineapples or Guatemalan Pineapples?

        How about the Utes in Utah?

        And the Yakima out there on the east side of the Cascades, those good people too?

        And the Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Wyoming, Kansas, Alabama, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Dakota, Lakota, Sioux, Cheyenne, Blackfeet out in Montana. All tribes of indigenous peoples here in America do exist. Even some Mohicans and Mandan are alive to this day.

        They’re still here, somehow they survive.

        Nobody here is trying to kill them all, let them live, live and let live, helps more than harms.

        We’re all indigenous people here in America.

        “Do you hate them now, Grandfather? Do you hate the white man now?” – Jack Crabb from the movie Little Big Man

        Old Lodge Skins would find little humanity in the murderous foul deeds that some crazed Zionazi has committed with impunity.

        Scalp Bibi! Any good native in America wouldn’t mind, you would see the humanity of it. If it saves one million lives, it will be worth it. Twice as many as Madeline lamented about the Iranian children sent to their deaths during the Iran/Iraq war of the eighties.

        Time for a Sun Dance.

        Chief Mountain of the Blackfeet tribe would be there.

        Every Apache, Chippewa, Yosemite, Pawnee, Algonquin, Hopi brave would be there to teach Bibi a thing or two about a thing or two.

        Chuck that nut. Bibi the mass murderer is one self-righteous judgmental bunghole.

  6. I’m pretty sure that the whole Trump psyop was to have this implemented. And I’m talking about going all the way back to Trump “transitioning” from democrat to republican. I think the whole Hillary Clinton *charade* — i.e., the running the most repulsive criminal in history — was where the “rubber hit the road”.

    I think the same gang/group/collective — whatever the fuck this collection of demos are/is — they are the same team that both Trump and Hillary are members. They were never adversaries, and never will be. They good actors… thespians.

    It was the perfect way to “pull the trigger” on the medical tyranny plans which have probably been in the works for decades.

    Likewise, the one-shot Biden/Harris absolute fucking farce, that act of the play, is put on by the same troupe of thespians. You didn’t think that *they* were ever serious about drunk-ass Kamala Harris did you?! Fuck, they know better than anyone that she’s dumb and drunk as shit. Most likely on a cocktail of anti-depressants or whatever big pharma poison gets stupid people through being whores for demons.

    The “elections” have always had fraud and were always rigged to some extent. They still are. Trump didn’t anymore win/lose this time than last. It’s just the way the script goes, you see. They’re not going to let their precious democracy be sullied by the filth of common people and their stupid “votes”.

    These people, that have done all this, and are still doing it, to me, you, this country, they didn’t lose this last election or the one before it. Or any of them — not since JFK anyway.

    These fucken people are fixing on murdering a whole lot more common people. Didn’t you hear? There’s some sort of “change” in the “climate” that means you and me, and everybody that’s not them, must die. If you do exactly as they say, and somehow survive the Logan’s Run lottery of their mRNA kill shots, they might let you live long enough to serve them, while you own nothing. You will be happy.

  7. Forcing people to do something against their will is cruel and unusual punishment.

    The diaper-ed are everywhere you go. A few of them are out there.

    The cashier at the gas stop was wearing a mask, somebody on the airplane was wearing a mask.

    Thousands of passengers at the Denver Airport are there to catch another flight to their destinations.

    Not very many were wearing masks at the airport.

    The mask tyrants must be outraged, such disdain all of those passengers have for the idiots in charge, 99.99 percent of the passengers, anywho.

    They are indignant, don’t want to be diaper-ed by a mask. The insolent fools that they are. Just kidding.

    Noam Chomsky even wanted the unvaccinated to be isolated.

    Noam’s an old fool himself. Probably wearing a diaper like Joe does.

    You have to isolate yourself from those two old fools.

  8. They’re really throwing everything they can at the wall to see what sticks for Trumps return, aren’t they?

    Other than the retards, most of us won’t bother

  9. A Tale of Two Sickos

    Yesterday at Panera Bread a man walked in wearing one of those weight lifting/muscle “shirts”. He was busting at the seams, his steroidal muscles bulging, tatted up with a shaved head. This nimrod was wearing a mask. It was like he was competing in an idiot contest.

    The other is an acquaintance that successfully builds, maintains and races a vintage formula car. This is an endeavor that is not to be undertaken by the mentally weak. He does, however, suffer from a massive case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. His online icon proudly proclaims he’s fully vaxxed and boosted…and everyone else should be, too.

  10. I don’t think it’s ever going away, in the before times if you saw someone wearing a face diaper you just figured they were weird. Now you know they are fully brainwashed into the covidian cult.

  11. The masks really illustrate just how proficient the real rulers of this world are, in that they got most of humanity to just accept the covering of their faces virtually overnight. It’s become normalized. We live among ignorant slaves.

  12. The problem is that masks do technically work. They are filters, and stop large, visible particulate matter. They also inarguably stop virus sized particles.

    The problem is, no sane, numerate person with any knowledge of physics believes for a second that a mask works because one virus sized particle in a thousand is going to impact and stick to a mask. And because the discomfort and actual danger outweigh any possible benefit.

    The whole climate change hoax is exactly the same, as is gun control, and vaccines, and literally everything else in the universe. It’s technically a little bit true, while in abject defiance of reality. Which I would contend is a good working definition of insanity.

    • Anything you can smell through will not filter virus sized particles, such as actual respirators that seal around your face. Face diapers are maybe semi-effective at keeping the wearer from distributing spit and snot.

      • You missed my point. They will catch SOME virus sized particles, mostly by accident/random chance. As a cloud of virus sized particles drift between the fibers of a filter, a select few will be trapped by mechanical, adhesive, or electromagnetic forces. Technically, academically true, but not enough for any sane person to care.

        Actual respirators won’t do it either because of the design challenges of sealing to a human face. Which is why for toxic gases and really scary bugs you use positive pressure suits.

        • I worked at a grain elevator, was moving barley, wheat, sunflowers, the grain house held 330,000 bushels of grains.

          I would wear the 3M masks, the ones with a nose clasp. Completely worthless, you were breathing grain dust all of the time.

          What did finally work was a felt mask with a silicone edge which made a good seal.

          Didn’t have any problems with grain dust after that because the felt mask worked.

          Those thin white things called masks were worthless to protect you from breathing in grain dust while elevating grain.

          You end up sneezing, hacking and coughing, you will be needing something more substantial.

          Grain elevators are a grain engineered plant, you have to pay attention.

          You have to use a grain drier, dry the sunflowers down to 5 percent moisture, you can use a moisture detecting instrument with a sample. The seed inside the hull will have more moisture that will increase the moisture content to maybe eight percent.

          Sunflowers won’t store at higher percentages of moisture. You’ll get three cents a pound if the sunflowers cook the oil content stale from too much moisture in the seeds.

          Dry them down, move them out at a good price. 45,000 bushels at 33 lbs per bushel, the gross income will be more than 250,000 dollars. From one grain bin silo.

          Watch what you do and follow a procedure.

          It can be done right, always some mistakes are made. When you sell your barley to Rahr malting, you have sold a commodity. A fungible like crude oil. Everybody wants a bushel of wheat.

          That was the early 1980’s.

          As for the thin white worse than asbestos fiberglass masks, intolerable, won’t use them for anything.

          A chilly day with snow and wind, have to stay inside to be warm.

        • Ernie, Wearing a mask to stop a virus is like putting up a chain link fence to stop a mosquito. You need an electron microscope to see a virus, it can’t be stopped by a mask.

        • ^This.

          Any difference that might make would be random, statistical, and would only last for a VERY short timespan. Probably measured in seconds.

          The longer the time it’s worn, the less the stupid thing matters. And not just for that reason. The material degrades and keeps any trapped dirt/germs conveniently close to your nostrils. And the more you touch it (how many of us can go for any length of time without touching it? Very, very few.) the more dirt/germs it gets on it.

          It was always a stupid idea. The tragedy is, we’ve known that for like 100 years or more, and yet no one was allowed to speak or act accordingly.

          Not only that, the whole vaccine vs. natural immunity thing? It’s been well known for many decades that you get stronger, longer-lasting immunity from getting sick & letting your body fight it off. That’s true for everything else, there was no reason to suspect otherwise with covid , and yet the establishment chose to turn everything we knew, based on all of the data, upside-down and call it “science” and ostracize and shame everyone who didn’t go along with it.

          That is the exact, polar opposite of science. I should know, I actually am a scientist. If you have a new theory you have to explain all the data (which includes all of the reasons why it looked like something else before) and you don’t get to cherry-pick the pieces that you want. You also are not allowed to (sometimes implicitly & accidentally but still) assume the conclusion that you are trying to prove. You’d be amazed how many papers like that are out there in the literature. Most of the computational “studies” that were used to justify mask mandates fall into that category.

          Yet I’m the one who’s considered to be a kook.

          I’m not always right. But I know bullshit when I see it. Unfortunately most people want you to tell them what they want to hear, and find reasons to ignore or dismiss you if they don’t like what you have to say. The real world never fails to disappoint.

          • Yes, absolutely correct. That is what I said.

            The point I was trying to make is that the purveyors of lies will say that masks work. Because technically one time in a million a virus sized particle will be stuck to a fiber of a mask while all the others make their way through.

            So technically, in only an academic sense, a mask will stop a virus. While in reality it will not.

            It’s not like expecting a chain link fence to stop mosquitoes, it’s more like expecting a chain link fence to stop machine gun fire. If you’re taking cover behind that fence, it may even catch one or two bullets out of a thousand.

  13. At a thrift store in town a woman cashier is still wearing her black cloth face diaper. Months ago, or a year back, I had asked her about wearing it & she claimed it was because she was allergic to something in the store being blown on her by the HVAC system & not due to the Scamdemic.

    [As I type this I wonder if many places, such as grocery stores, are using Plandemic Era disinfectants in their HVAC systems, & if so, just how detrimental to health are they? Is it cumulative, etc.]

    That woman looked so much more sickly than previously. I almost told her yet again how bad that face diaper was for her but there seemed to be a dead nothingness in her eyes which said, “Don’t bother, I’m not gonna listen”.

    I have yet to see a healthy looking person wearing a face diaper. Was the, “young guy at the gym” healthy looking?

    In other news: There’s been a number of new articles out recently talking about, ‘Vaxx shedding’ upon the un-Vaxxed. If so, I can certainly understand why the Covidians do what they do. Fear, drives it all.

    • You got it, RG!

      It’s especially irritating to me because my dad was a medical doctor – so I know a little about “masks.” I also know my dad would have regarded any doctor who “masked” outside of the operating room as a weirdo or a sicko and either way, not someone to be listened to with regard to medical matters.

      • Yeah, well.
        Proper educational background for proper use of correct PPE is industrial hygiene, *NOT* medical school. Docturds are no more qualified in industrial hygiene than they are to repair farm machinery.

        As it happens, I *AM* 40 hr. Hazwoper trained, as well as confined space and SCBA, and I *HAVE* worked in fresh (supplied) air in IDLH (Immediate Danger to Life and Health) environments.

        Medical scum can kiss my ass, any time.

  14. I’m going to create a custom shirt with a picture of a mask on it captioned, “If you wear one of these and you’re not a surgeon, you are mentally ill.”

    • Sadly, some would wear that label as a badge of honor. And then go one step future by shilling that you are, in fact, the deranged one for not wanting to participate in said lunacy.


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