President-elect Trump can be faulted for many things but the fact that he is a “convicted felon” doesn’t bother me at all – because I was almost one myself and on the basis of similarly trumped-up “charges.”
When I was about 20 years old and a sophomore in college, I was dumb enough (and who isn’t, at that age?) to grow pot plants in my dorm room. Naturally, almost everyone knew about it and for that reason, so did the cops. I was arrested, taken to jail and charged with a felony – for growing plants. Fast forward to now and it is legal to grow them in the same state – Virginia – where I came within a hair’s breadth of being sent to prison for possibly several years for growing them back in the ’80s.
So I feel for Trump – on this matter.
He ended up being convicted on the 26 trumped-charges that were brought against him that came down to one of his book-keepers not exactly correctly categorizing the Shut Up (and go away) money that Trump paid to get Stormy Daniels do just that. He paid her with his own money – and whatever the nature of the relationship between Trump and Daniels, no one (including Daniels herself) has ever suggested it was anything other than consensual and both of them were adults.
Put more directly, who was victimized by Trump’s paying Daniels a sum of his own money – for whatever reason?
This question begs more interesting inquiries into the nature of “crime.” What is it, exactly? Well, it can be – and is – whatever the government says is “criminal.” And that can be entirely arbitrary because it does not require that a victim be produced. It is enough that the authority of the government is affronted. This is what happened to me – and to Trump. And to countless millions of others, who caused no harm to anyone but were convicted of doing some thing the government says we may not.
It’s not even that – for “government” is not an entity. It is a mechanism. One controlled by a handful of people who somehow have legal power to persecute people who’ve not harmed anyone but who have not followed the rules, is what it comes down to. These rules – styled laws, to make them sound more substantial – serve as a kind of pen as well as a cudgel and both are used to keep people in line.
“The law” says you may not do this – or must do that.
It is generally accepted as legitimate, which is a very odd thing when you stop to ponder it. Why should it be a crime to do this – or not do that – when doing this (or not doing that) hasn’t resulted in harm done to anyone else? Shouldn’t it be necessary to prove that whatever was done – or not done – did harm someone else?
Is it not absurd to speak of the government as the aggrieved party – as in United States (or State of Virginia) vs. you or me?
If the harm has been done and it was inadvertent, recompense is certainly in order. But it is silly – it is vicious – to characterize inadvertent harms caused as “criminal.” So long as the person who inadvertently caused the harm makes whole the damage done. If he shirks the responsibility, that is arguably criminal.
If the harm done was deliberate and especially if it was physical (e.g., battery, rape, murder) then it is obvious there is both a victim and a crime. Once proved, it is case closed in that almost no one would deny that a crime was committed and whatever follows from that justified.
But where is the “crime” in not exactly-correctly filing the accounting paperwork regarding the disbursement of one’s own money to anyone one wishes to disburse it to? Where is the “crime” in growing plants or even for that matter selling their leaves and buds to consenting adults who wish to buy the material?
I hope that Trump’s recent kangaroo court experiences open his mind to the injustice of a system that can and is used to persecute people who’ve caused no harm to anyone. In particular, people who are not Trump and do not have the means to defend themselves against such “charges” and so often end up not merely “convicted felons” but prisoners.
How many lives have been ruined as a result of such “convictions”? For it is not just the time spent in prison. It is the rest of your life. Had I been convicted back in the ’80s – and sent to prison – it is doubtful I’d have been able to get other than menial work after getting out of prison. Because “convicted felon” doesn’t look good on one’s resume – nor that gap of several years when you were locked up.
I have empathy and sympathy for Trump as regards the ridiculous ordeal he was put through. But I worry he doesn’t have the same for others. Especially as regards arbitrarily illegal drugs – which is interesting when juxtaposed with the arbitrarily legal ones that are actually pushed on people.
That’s something I never did. Unlike, for instance, Albert Bourla of Pfizer – who made hundreds of millions (if not billions) at the expense of many people’s lives. He has yet to be charged with even a misdemeanor and is free to walk the streets.
Will Trump sic the law on him? Or will he sic it on people who’ve harmed no one but do (or don’t do) things that Trump doesn’t like? As for instance people who have the gall to criticize or even note the abhorrent policies and actions of the government of Israel and the latter’s alarming power to coerce both silence and grotesque hosannahs.
I think we know the answer to that already.
. . .
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The stupidest and most disgraced fire chief ever to walk the face of the earth is the LAFD fire chief. What has happened is criminal. The LAPD police chief should have her arrested and held without bail.
Feels like Satan is in LA now. The idiot LAFD fire chief probably sent an invitation to Satan to pay a visit.
I don’t see her on the job dragging fire hoses 100 feet to a house on fire.
She’s gone, me thinks.
Never live it down, get out of town.
LA residents are ready to run her out of town on a rail.
Maybe a little too extreme for justice to prevail, however, it is time.
Politicians need to do some soul searching and seek peace, not war. You politicians can see for yourselves what can happen to you.
Everybody will be a lot better off.
Going to take a lot of beer to fix it all.
Message just sent to Senator Mark Kelly, who sits on the Armed Services committee:
Today the Senate Armed Services Committee will review the nomination of Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense.
For many reasons, including his personal background and his outrageous assertion in his 2020 book that ‘If you love America, you should love Israel,’ Pete Hegseth is unqualified to serve as Secretary of Defense.
I urge you to reject his nomination.
It’s payback time for Israel’s bitch. No more dual-loyalty cabinet secretaries!
Anti-Semite! Israel is America’s greatest ally!
In how many wars has our “Greatest Ally” fought shoulder-to-shoulder with U.S troops since it’s inception in 1948?
Korea? Nope.
Vietnam? Nope.
Afghanistan? Nope.
Iraq? Nope…
Also, did our Greatest Ally ever help us in our time of need otherwise?
Did they help us with all of the countless hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, and blizzards we’ve had since then?
Did they help us with the Covfefe Virus?
Did they help us when our economy was down?
I’m pretty sure he’s being sarcastic.
Yeah, allies are supposed to help each other, what has Israhell done for the US other than being a gigantic leech sucking up taxpayer’s money.,_Utah
>The Mormons occupied the best camping sites near reliable springs, hunted in Goshute hunting grounds, and overgrazed the meadowland, leaving it unfit for sustaining the animals and plants used by the Goshutes. Mormons believed that Utah was a promised land given to them by God, and did not recognize any Goshute claim to the land.
Sound familiar?
Here we go again with the “land title from God” BS.
Sorry, I am not buying it.
Not here, not anywhere.
Amen, Adi –
Me either. The ugly truth is most land that is possessed by someone today was once possessed by someone else who has dispossessed of it by someone else. The Indians dispossessed each other and the whites came and dispossessed them. The real Adi was correct about this dynamic.
LOL. Hilarious, dude!
Thanks, Let!
It’s important to maintain out sense of humor. Speaking of which… I wonder whether Sweet Donkey – the coffee shop I got kicked out of during the “pandemic” for not “masking” – would accept a Fartcoin from me for a cup of java?
>Pete Hegseth
A real piece of work, it seems:
> Hegseth called for the US to ignore the Geneva Conventions
That alone should disqualify him, IMO.
>Hegseth was forced to step down by both of the two nonprofit advocacy groups that he ran—Veterans for Freedom and Concerned Veterans for America—in the face of serious allegations of financial mismanagement, sexual impropriety, and personal misconduct.
A great administrator…!
>In 2018, during Hegseth’s divorce proceedings from his second wife, his mother Penelope Hegseth sent him an email criticizing his treatment of women. The email stated: “You are an abuser of women – that is the ugly truth and I have no respect for any man that belittles, lies, cheats, sleeps around, and uses women for his own power and ego.
Not exactly a good character reference from Mom.
> Democratic senator Tammy Duckworth said, “It’s frankly an insult and really troubling that Mr. Trump would nominate someone who has admitted that he’s paid off a victim who has claimed rape allegations against him
Sounds like Petey and L’il Donnie will have a lot to talk about.
> Fox colleagues told reporters that Hegseth had been drunk or hung over on the set more than a dozen times,[
Gee, our very own Winston Churchill.
Are you not entertained?
Its just 5G chess. If Hegseth goes down in flames, Orange Don, King of Corona can appoint the fairly princess of his choice. Heads they win, tails we lose.
Hi Adi and Norman,
I think Hegseth has the DOD appointment. The Dems were off their rockers today and he, Pete, stayed cool under pressure. I can’t say he was my first pick, but he is definitely outside the establishment. Whether it is a good pick or not remains to be seen.
I just want this country to stay out of war.
Hi, RG,
>I think Hegseth has the DOD appointment.
Yeah, maybe.
But, tell me, please.
What are the consequence of U.S. repudiating the Geneva Conventions?
>The Geneva Conventions extensively define the basic rights of wartime prisoners, civilians and military personnel; establish protections for the wounded and sick; and provide protections for the civilians in and around a war-zone.
Hi Adi,
There are no consequences of the US repudiating the Geneva Conventions. Actually, there are no consequences for any nation that doesn’t adhere to them, especially if they are an ally of the West. If the US did observe them then Guantanamo Bay would not exist.
As countries move away from man to man combat and into more drone warfare the likelihood of the Geneva Conventions continuing to exist borders on nil. Machines do not care if one is a soldier or a three year old toddler. Machines do not have empathy or conscience.
> Machines do not have empathy or conscience.
Terminator time, eh?
There are no more civilians, IOW…
But that has been the case since the US & UK initiated the terror bombing of enemy cities in WWII. Machines automate the process. No need to demonize the enemy. Just program the intended targets.
> If the US did observe them then Guantanamo Bay would not exist.
Point taken.
>likelihood of the Geneva Conventions continuing to exist borders on nil.
Interesting comment.
I guess Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics are out the window.
>In 2020 a Kargu 2 drone hunted down and attacked a human target in Libya, according to a report from the UN Security Council’s Panel of Experts on Libya, published in March 2021. This may have been the first time an autonomous killer robot armed with lethal weaponry attacked human beings.
Hi RG,
Me also – which is why I’m uneasy about Hegseth. He is a rabid Zionist. Israel uber alles. That makes war – for Israel’s sale – more rather than less likely.
Hi Eric,
I have my concerns with Hegseth. He is a soldier. Soldiers follow commands. Does he have the ability to pushback against Trump? If Trump says I want this world leader assassinated does Hegseth have the strength to dissuade him of such stupidity? This is what makes me apprehensive of Hegseth’s ability to lead. Trump has selected some out of the box, anti Swamp people. Do these same people have enough integrity to forcefully say no when unrealistic and potentially disastrous commands are made from the top?
Ditto all that, RG –
I think we’re in for an authoritarian ride. But at least he’s (kinda sorta) on our side…
The logical place to start is Aipac and the likes of John Thune.
My hatred of the iwwegals supersedes any nonsense to do with Israel. Give us our jobs back then we’ll talk. Right now nobody in manufacturing is hiring. All the odd job stuff I do and side mechanic work is in the toilet because of them and their plenty.
Out west in Oregon, marijuana possession and production was criminalized, something like 50 million Amerikan kids got criminal charges pinned on them for possession. That is very harsh as many companies will not hire because of that. Now Oregon allows you to cultivate up to 99 plants, your own allotment and like 5 others on one site. Marijuana growing in Oregon is commonplace, during fall, when the female plants go into heat they offgas and when you walk/bike around you can run into clouds of the skunky smell.
The bottom line is the government is an insane criminal enterprise which harms us in every way. What right does anyone in government have to force you to obey them? Everyone in government is a criminal. Taxation is theft.
Governments engage in every kind of crime, like mass murder or even burning whole cities down for some never voted on WEF agenda of forcing us to live in 15 min. cities. In fact I say every politician deserves 123 grains of justice behind the left ear.
The United States Congress is a criminally insane institution, giving the biggest mass murdering lunatic genocidal maniac, Bibi Netanyahu, 58 standing ovations, and also many to the mass murderer Zelensky. Congress is completely immoral and nuts, waging wars that kill millions, and displace tens of millions.
Trumpenstein is in on it. IMO he will not release the JFK files because that will implicate Israel, and DJT loves Israel and Jews, the very Jews who did 911, the mastermind who is Bibi Netanyahu. Trump will protect Israel, and the very Jews who attack us, that makes Trump a traitor.
Trump still shills the death jab. Albert Bourla got a million dollar prize for his role, see this:
“Pfizer CEO awarded Genesis Prize for efforts to combat COVID-19
The $1 million Genesis Prize, launched in 2013, honors extraordinary people for their professional achievements. Dr. Albert Bourla was chosen as this year’s Genesis Prize Laureate.”
It should be obvious (if you have at least two functioning neurons) that the Jews are at the center of the death jab to kill off the Gentiles/ Goyim. Trump must be in on it, by his own statements Trump is just another actor shilling the deadly Covid quackcine.
Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis Kelce who took $20 MILLION to shill the Pfizer genocide vaccine.
“Travis Kelce, who earns $14 million from NFL, received a whopping $20 million for Pfizer vaccine commercials”
Trump will probably give him the Medal of Freedom. It is way worse than you think, they are all in on it. IMO LA is burning down as a plan, not an accident. The dufuses in charge, like that oaf mayor, are there to take to heat, to take the blame, along with climate scam. It is intentional sabotage dressed up to look like incompetence.
Gavin Newscum happy with glee as LA burns – he says his legal team wants to buy up burnt property cheap:
It’s even worse than you realize.
Did anyone hear about Mexico?
Mexico has recently elected a JEWISH WOMAN for president.
Talk about a shit show in the making…
I’ll bet they didn’t…..
Homeless Palestinians, homeless Palisadians, both standing outside in the open air hoping for some relief is what you now see.
At least Bibi isn’t mowing the lawn in LA. The lawn is burned to a crisp.
So is everything else. 1.5 million under evacuation orders is 15 percent of the population. LA, like Houston, has a problem.
Might as well say the fires are mowing the lawn.
In the 60’s & 70’s, the old saying was “As California goes, so goes the Nation”, referring mostly to style, entertainment and environment issues. It truly was the Golden State…
Perhaps today, though, our (((Overlords))) may have had something else more sinister in mind???
“Burn California down now, and the rest of the USA soon (both literally and economically)”???
Things that make you go HHHMMMM???….
Is JHK actually allowed to say this?
‘For those with an interest in collapsing the USA, the Los Angeles fire is the gift that will keep on giving, and George Soros hardly had to cough up a dime to make it happen.
‘From the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion angle, the fire got ‘er done, cleansing nearly the entire PacPal population of snooty, rich, white “allies” of the oppressed and marginalized — who will now have LA to themselves.
‘Chez Whitey is “closed for renovations,” and it might be twenty years before it can re-open, if ever.’
He adds this interesting aside:
‘If there was ever a proverbial last-grain-of-sand-in-a-landslide, the Great 2025 Los Angeles Fire must be a sure thing vis-a-vis the US economy, especially the financial side of it.’
The San Francisco earthquake of April 1906 preceded the financial panic of 1907 — which directly led to the banksters’ plot to create the Federal Reserve in 1913.
What will our predatory overlords do this time around?
Force us into digital currency (by collapsing the dollar), whereby the government can effectively control you simply by shutting your money off. There is your gun control, gun registration list, and the stifling of free speech and assembly (Canadian truckers, anyone?) all in one shot. And maybe outlaw ICE vehicles too, for good measure.
Texas AG vs the insurance mafia — bring it on:
‘Texas has sued Allstate and a subsidiary, Arity, accusing the insurance giant of illegally tracking drivers through cell phone apps without their consent and then using the data to charge more for car insurance.
‘According to Texas AG Ken Paxton, Allstate created the “world’s largest driving behavior database,” which collected information on more than 45 million Americans after paying mobile app developers millions of dollars to secretly incorporate tracking software. The software was designed beginning in 2015 by Allstate’s data analytics unit, Arity, and integrated into several apps such as Fuel Rewards, GasBuddy, Life360 and Allstate-owned Routely.
‘In a Monday complaint filed in a Texas state court near Houston, Texas says Allstate also profited by selling the data to other insurers.’ — Zerohedge
But wait, it gets worse:
‘Texas accuses Allstate of purchasing data about vehicles’ whereabouts directly from automakers in order to more accurately determine – not based on cellphone locations – when policyholders are actually driving.
‘Participating manufacturers allegedly include: Toyota, Lexus, Mazda, and Stellantis’ Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat, Jeep, Maserati and Ram.’
Stinking auto makers and their stinking spymobiles. I’d like to see every one of these companies bankrupted and put out of business. Don’t need your worthless clown cars.
The University of Virginia was commissioned to study, complete a study, granted by President Richard Nixon.
The study concluded that when mice are infected with known lung oncogenes, when treated with cannabinoids, the infected mice with developed lung cancer, the cannabinoids reduced the lung cancer cells.
I have the study.
An un-convicted felon is the stupid fire chief in LA. Guilty of manslaughter and malfeasance.
The stupid is on fire.
“If the harm done was deliberate and especially if it was physical (e.g., battery, rape, murder) then it is obvious there is both a victim and a crime.”
A -real- crime doesn’t require a law for the normal person to understand it is a crime. Writing the law ex post facto is only to provide a socially acceptable punishment on it.
Probably fair to discuss whether we want people raising a posse and doling out mob justice or we want some sort of judiciary and state prisons. But regardless most people don’t need to refer to such-and-such code, subsection, paragraph to agree killing another person is immoral and wrong.
It’s fun to watch the corporate media work themselves up into a lather over having our first felon president.
This felony will be overturned on appeal, if there is any justice left. The NY AG and judge made up a crime just to convict Trump. Now, Trump is a scoundrel, no doubt about it, however, not in this particular regard. If this conviction is overturned, I can’t wait to see the rivers of tears pouring out of the media about Trump’s influence on the judicial system, how rule of law is dead, etc.
We’re living in interesting times.
Not that these will succeed, but efforts such as these should be fully supported:
Abolish the ATF and repeal the NFA. As said by others, the DEA should quickly follow, and the FDA, the Department of Edumacation, and many others.
As demonstrated by the Commiefornia fires, the only person who truly cares about saving you is yourself.
All the laws, bureaucrats, building codes, inspectors, licenses and astronomical taxation practices will do nothing but cause you ruin and heartache in the name of “saaaaaafety”. But what it all really is, of course, is an illusion.
That would be the illusion that anything has changed since the days of King George III.
Your Feudal Lords just changed titles.
Jury nullification involves “judging the law” itself in determining whether to convict or acquit a defendant. It is legal in all 50 states, but will not be disclosed to you. In fact, it you bring up jury nullification during voir dire (jury selection) you will be dismissed. If you bring it up as a reason for acquittal, depending on the court, you may be charged with contempt for refusing to base your decision on the defendant’s actions. Although jury nullification is legal, many jurisdictions will attempt to make it “illegal”.
The key to successful jury nullification is to “keep your mouth shut” and tell NO ONE of your intent, especially other jurors.
As firearms, environmental and civil-rights laws are technically unconstitutional and illegal, I would be reluctant to convict someone for merely “not having a piece of paper”, “digging a ditch on one’s own land” or “refusing to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding”.
These are but three examples of when “jury nullification” MUST be used. It only takes ONE juror who refuses to convict to either declare a “mistrial” or “acquittal”.
The one holdout juror (you) will probably be lectured by the “judge” who wants to dispose of the case, but you must stand your ground. The “judge” may threaten you with “contempt of court” but that is also highly illegal. You do not have to explain yourself beyond stating that “reasonable doubt” exists in your mind and that you cannot convict. In every case, do not mention jury nullification.
In the land of ‘Show me the man, I’ll show you the crime,’ We are all potential or actual felons now. YMMV, act accordingly.
The cars we drive, the supplements/plants we use, the memes and narratives we spew, the guns we shoot, the cash we use, the wrong think we posit, all just just a good crisis away from being outlawed.
Would have been better off with Kumswallaa. At least the majority population could have more or less coalesced around the idea of ‘I Do Not Consent.’ Her level of utter incompetence would have only served to wake up more people. Now we’ll get the die hard, bitter clingers who still think Trump might fix this, when all he can do is fiddle around the edges as our chickens come home to roost. Anyone who can do basic math can see the trajectory of the US is death spiral terminal. The axiom TINVOWOOT was as true six months ago as it is today.
The King of Corona, who despite being abused by the legal system at every turn, won’t give a fat shit when it happens to his supporters. Think I’m full of shit, just watch the fate of the J6’s. All of whom should be immediately freed after four years time served. Instead, its lifetime incarceration, for at worst, class B misdemeanors/vandalism.
Its the hate crime enhancements for hurting the feelings of Marxist/Bolshevik apparatchiks that get you in the end.
J6 gulagers will be “released” case by case based on political expediency. Same for the rest of F² promises.
Like fat trophy pic catch and release bass.
Why did that horned clown get out long ago holding TCs hand?
Has F² sworn his ass to the enemy ? Damn right IT has.
FEDERAL felony conviction while doing absoutely zero harm is always political bullshit in action. All political theatre in case of Trump, not so frivilous for us goy.
How the filthy mob operates.
“King of the Jews” nailed.
Now over 7 billion of us humans KNOW EXACTLY WHO this enemy is.
No debates, no gaslight, no shite
The rest of us in denial for political favor. Chicken shit bible thumpers, unfortunates, flametard gays and die hard Democrats will soon learn the error of thier ways.
Ah . . . But The Orange Fail IS a criminal. Has been for a long time.
He’s a criminal if by no other deed than having previously held office as President.
Murder by drone – yup, he’s done it
Corruption and bribery – yup, he’s done it.
Violation of the oath of his office – yup.
I could go on.
It’s just fitting that he was found guilty by the very same system of lawfare that the Government has been waging on its own citizens for over a hundred years.
‘Is it not absurd to speak of the government as the aggrieved party?’ — eric
Perfect example right here:
The oso [bear] on his jacket is a visual pun. It translates into the rhetorical question, Do bears shit in the woods?
LOL! But nobody’s laughing. 🙁
His [Newscum] lackadaisical concern for his job has cost multiple lives and billions of shekel dollars in property damage. Worse, he won’t be held responsible and ejected from his post,,, hell, he’ll likely be re-elected.
Meanwhile, King Biden and culprits say money to fix it all up [ Southern Cal] is no problema while many in North Carolina sleep in tents heated by portable propane heaters with a $700 dollar loan.
We seem to have multiple tiers of citizens. The cost of replacing one home in Palisades would likely cover many homes in NC.
Don’t believe for a minute that this was not intentional. The only thing that the celebrities and wealthy are going to find out…they are just like the rest of us. They hold no power. They hold no position. Welcome to the dark side boys and girls. It sucks, doesn’t it?
So true.
Just watch how CA is already being pitted against NC. They will both be sorely disappointed when the Federal Government fails to come to the rescue.
Federal government is the least of their concerns. Wait until the people of LA want to rebuild. They will be wrapped in red tape, bureaucracy, and stifling codes. The only way out…sell your property. I wonder who will show up to purchase it? State Street, Vanguard, BlackRock???
This fire was not incompetence or DEI hiring this was sabotage.
“Multi-Family Housing” bonanza, Raider Girl. You can count on it.
…And a fat lot of good the copious building codes, inspections and astronomical property taxation has done there. They would’ve done much better if someone told them that no one was coming to save them from the very beginning and they got to keep their money and dignity along the way.
Hi BaDnOn,
“They would’ve done much better if someone told them that no one was coming to save them from the very beginning and they got to keep their money and dignity along the way.”
I believe there is a small section of America (about 20%) that is fully aware of this. The other 80% are (albeit, slowly) starting to wake up. Unfortunately, warning people does little good and usually falls on deaf ears. Some need to experience it to actually believe it.
Hey Raider,
If only that 80% would learn not to support the 2% that cause the 20% so much pain when they should be left alone, that would be phenomenal. Hopefully the 80% now feels that our pain is theirs, as their governmental overlords smile and laugh, having been burdensome but completely useless when it came to saving their property from annihilation.
Indeed, RG. Wait until these fire victims realize how much red tape they are going to have to wade through (that they voted for in the name of “saving the environment”) just to get permits (permission) from their corrupt government to re-build. If they will be “allowed” at all. Oh, they were okay with the oppression when it was happening to someone else. Like the one lady who went to buy a gun in Cali during the riots, only to be told she had to wait 2 weeks to pick her purchase up. Her squawks of “….but I need it now” were priceless. Will this fire wake these people up? I suppose we will not have long to find out.
As devastating wildfires once again consume California’s landscapes, a growing number of skeptics are pointing to an eerie coincidence: the fires are burning in regions earmarked for major redevelopment under the controversial “SmartLA 2028” initiative.
Hi anon,
Isn’t that convenient? How do you get rid of a bunch of R-1 housing with pretty views to build condos and skyscrapers…well, a fire with next to no water, should do the trick.
>build condos and skyscrapers…
I doubt it. Maybe in Pasadena/Altadena area, but Malibu/Pacific Palisades is home to filthy rich “celebrities,” mostly from the “enta-tainment” industry. These people aren’t going to give up their multi million dollar mansions, such as:
to go live in a clowndominium somewhere.
I consider it more likely that Newscum & cronies will push through a “disaster relief” package for these poor dears, at the expense of those of us of modest means who live in, so to speak, BFE.
Hi Adi,
You mean like the “entertainment” industry that rebuilt after the 2018 Woolsey Fire? I believe they all left town (Cyrus is in TN, Michaels is in FL, etc.) Just under 2000 structures were burned down (which is less than 20% of the current structures under the Pacific Palisades and Eaton fires). Note: That doesn’t make it any less devastating. It is just a fact.
Do you think the majority of these people have 2-3 years to wait to build another home in CA and that is if CA doesn’t tie them up waiting for permits and new building codes?
Very much like Maui, the rich will take the insurance payout, sell the land, and buy a bigger property somewhere in Jupiter, Florida. Everyone else gets $700 and a FEMA tent.
Could be, RG.
>On Thursday, Biden promised to pay for 100 percent of the disaster over the next six months
>“The 100% disaster response coverage from the federal government for the next 180 days is an increase from the current 75% the president previously allotted, and more than the 90% Mr. Biden said California Gov. Gavin Newsom requested,”
>According to WBTV-TV in Charlotte, North Carolina, 3,500 families in North Carolina made homeless by Hurricane Helene in September will likely get evicted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency — just as a winter storm is set to hit the region.
Could be wrong, but I think Newskum is term limited out. That wont stop him from being the uni-parties preferred candidate in four years. It will be the perfect storm of unintended consequences. After Trump presides over the destruction of any remaining ‘conservative’ ideals, it’ll be fertile ground for making omelettes.
Property mismanager Gel guys chinese employer has no need for massive decadent displays south of its new border fka the grapevine. Or on Maui.
It EMPTIED the reservoir and CANCELLED thier fire insurance.
Get a huge clue.
I find it utterly bizarre how many states are now legalizing dope. Seems that weed is now OK — as long as the government is the dealer! They will still send you to prison for growing dope, though if you grow enough that the State sees you as competition.
It’s also absurd that many of the same states that are now legalizing weed are simultaneously doing all they can to suppress the use of tobacco. Inhaling marijuana smoke is good for you, inhaling tobacco smoke is a horrible health risk?
WTF? Why no Surgeon General’s warnings on weed?
There’s also the extraordinary fact that weed remains illegal under federal law. States legalizing it are engaged in nullification. Putting aside the merits or demerits of weed itself for a moment, how can they get away with this? Why can’t they nullify federal gun laws?
The older I’ve gotten, the more I realize the truth of the saying “the law is an ass.” There’s no consistency or sanity to it. It’s just a fig leaf for political bullshit and brute force.
By they way… out next Ambassador to France will be Charles Kushner, a convicted Jewish felon, pardoned by Trump.
And unlike Trump, he committed REAL crimes.
It’s the Lawof Conservation if Permitted Substances.
One thing gets legalized, some other thing gets prohibited, everyone goes to prison.
‘Why can’t [states] nullify federal gun laws?’ — X
They could try. Trouble is, the fedgov’s ATF has a hammerlock on licensed gun dealers. ATF raids them whenever it feels like it, often with no state or local law enforcement present.
A nullifying state would have set up its own firearms dealer licensing — and then be prepared to engage in armed conflict to drive out the ATF usurpers.
How do you spell relief? S-E-C-E-D-E. Same as it ever was.
[How do you spell relief? S-E-C-E-D-E. Same as it ever was.]
They did that back in the day,,, called revolt,,, then created the monster we enjoy today.
Most humans are incapable of learning.
“Would you tell me. Please, Mr. Howard, Why I should trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away.
An elected legislature can trample a man’s right as easily as a King can. ”
Benjamin Martin
That’s not the world’s worst idea but it is not a panacea either.
Most state governments would just as soon assume all of the powers the feds claim, and then some.
Blue states are about 99.9% totalitarian, and red states are about 95% totalitarian. The “great reset” we actually need, looks nothing at all like the one that will be imposed. I am confident that will fail, but I have no confidence in what comes after that and I am certain it will get very, very ugly in the meantime.
Hi Eric, et al,
The model of Trump criticism has always puzzled me…..there are myriad reasons to criticize Trump’s actions but the things which were constructed out of thin air were simply misdirections. The problem with valid criticisms of Trump’s actions is that they constitute valid criticisms of Blob actors like all of the neocons, Obama, both Clintons and on and on. So manufactured issues were the model of the day.
It was the same with Kavanaugh’s SC nomination….his real crime, IMO, was to architect the so called Patriot Act. The witch hunt of Blase Ford was a misdirection, like the whole Me Too movement. Had the Blob actors had a valid criticism it would cover their actions as well because there is no difference.
Finally, the universal support of the Zionist genocide by virtually all political actors in the U.S. blob including Trump, Gabbard..well virtually everybody, Thomas Massie excepted. This government is in its end stage…..the rot has metastasized beyond the point of reform. Hard to believe that Russia actually represents any kind of hope for rational discourse.
One more short one:
IMO, legal pot has morphed into the Soma of Huxley’s Brave New World. Leave it to the Blob to weaponize a natural substance…..
No, I believe the cell phone accessing infinite media is the soma. Leaves the slaves with fewer physical disabilities so they can report to their duty stations as ordered.
The Left got what they wanted with Trump being labeled a “convicted felon”. However, how many of the minorities they CLAIM to care about were also labeled “convicted felons” & sent to jail over BS over the years? I’ve read pieces over the past several months suggesting that was one of the reasons so many black people, particularly black men, were supporting Trump for President this past year.
Exactly John,
How many of those people were jailed simply for using a verboten substance due to the ‘war on drugs’? WTF business is it of Govco what I choose to ingest; where’s the “my body my choice” crowd now. The DEA should be the first of the many 3 letter agencies to get axed.
Hi Mike,
Speaking of DEA, was it Richard Nixon who created that government agency as part of his “War on Drugs” in the early 1970s?
Hi John,
Yes it was, he also inflicted us with the EPA, which has gone way beyond whatever its original purpose was with the CAFE rules and “greenhouse gas” BS.
Hi Mike,
Leave it to government agencies or departments to grow & metastacize beyond whatever their original purpose was when it was created. Other examples include Energy, Education, Homeland Security, FDA, Defense, CDC, OSHA, etc.
I think that the mug shot of Trump in the orange jump suit (orange man, orange jump suit, hmm) only made him more popular with the black community, particularly the men. So much for the Demon-Rats (and RINO’s) trying to make Trump out to be a horrible felon to terrible to vote for. All it did was blow up in their faces. But hey, if Trump is controlled opposition, the Uni-Party should be happy. After all, it would probably be easier to count how many people in Congress (House & Senate, D’s and R’s) are NOT felons in some way, shape, or form. Hell, Trump just fits in with the rest of them now.
Eric wrote: How many lives have been ruined as a result of such “convictions”? For it is not just the time spent in prison. It is the rest of your life. Had I been convicted back in the ’80s – and sent to prison – it is doubtful I’d have been able to get other than menial work after getting out of prison. Because “convicted felon” doesn’t look good on one’s resume – nor that gap of several years when you were locked up.
Hillary Clinton tried to make this a campaign issue in 2016 as an appeal to the black community. Not by getting rid of stupid laws, oh no. She just wanted to make it illegal for businesses to inquire and do background checks on job candidates. Because the legal system depends on everyone being guilty of something, otherwise district attorneys and judges might have to actually do their jobs instead of plea bargain everyone into jail.
Imagine if that plumber you just hired a parolee murderer or hotel maid cleaning your room was a convict? Not someone like Eric who did something stupid, but a real criminal. You OK with not being able to know? Is their employer on the hook for anything they do if they’re not permitted to do a background check? More importantly, what if a sex offender “felt the call” to become schoolteacher?
I’m sure we all did stupid things we wish we hadn’t, that’s life. In the old days employers might check, then chalk it up to youth and stupidity. These days, the HR department isn’t about to let anyone slide who does’t fit their profile.
All “controlled substance” possession and use felony convictions are unconstitutional or need to be reclassified as such. As this activity caused ZERO HARM to anyone this nonsense needs overturned, expunged and only remembered as tyranny.
It will NEVER HAPPEN. Lawyers and the criminal grift they build support and HARM INNOCENT HUMANS with this psychopathic game they undeniaby ENJOY. Like fithy fn MD,
% Lawyers who are the ENEMY ?
Yes YOU sheister quacks. Garbage.
Humans dont NEED you. Go away.
Who will fight it? Willie Nelson? He’s made a career out of being an “outlaw.” Gangster rappers? If it wasn’t for weed and getting hassled by the cops they’d have nothing to scream about. Politicians? They need to keep the blue laws on the books to get out their bases. There’s too much money on the line to start mucking around with the gravy train.
If the illegal acts go away then what ever will the outlaws do?
Thomas Massie is trying to expose the Congressional slush fund to cover up members’ sexual deviancy. Hell, it’s not like Trump left a poor innocent woman to drown…
The Stormy D. thing is/was just another example of the left and their media accomplices witch hunt.
Besides, speaking as a dirty old man, Trump coulda done a lot better than the Stormy D. skank.
Hi Mike,
Yup. Meanwhile, that creep Starmer is treated with respectful courtesy. Not only did he suppress (true) stories about rapes committed by “migrants,” he was a buddy of Jimmy Saville’s back in the day and apparently protected the pederast.
‘He paid her with his own money’ — eric
Which is not illegal, then or now. Legal commentator Jonathan Turley:
‘It is a case based on a non-crime. [New York DA Alvin] Bragg took a long-dead misdemeanor and zapped it back into life with a novel and unfounded theory. By using federal violations that were never charged, let alone tried, Bragg turned a misdemeanor into dozens of felonies and essentially tried Trump for federal offenses [in state court].’
Trump’s conviction may well be overturned by New York’s higher courts. But first he had to be convicted and sentenced before his appeal could proceed.
November’s presidential election was essentially the largest jury nullification ever. By a margin of 77.3 million to 75 million, a majority of Americans declared that Bragg’s ‘conviction’ was a tainted political railroading.
Another Trump tormentor, the Lincoln impersonator Jack Smith, has resigned. We’ll be able to track Smith’s greasy slime trail as he belly crawls back under his grotty rock.
One week until raccoon-faced ‘attorney general’ Merrick Beria ‘Garland’ [not his real name] surrenders his usurped office. “Biden’s” cabal remains capable of fresh f*ckery during this fraught period, with corrupt pardons and new Russian sanctions to spike oil prices into the inauguration.
‘Biden’ truly is a sneering, contemptuous vandal, spitefully wrecking the place on his way out the door. Hopefully he’ll be the last DemonRat.
Day one 11 thousand pipeline workers outa work. Downhill from there. FJillB. Psychopath.
Let me get this straight. A woman claims to have had an affair with a guy and will go public if he doesn’t pay her millions of dollars. Isn’t that extortion? She then takes the payoff and signs an agreement to keep her mouth shut. She cashes the check and starts yapping about it. Then, the guy that paid the extortion gets convicted of 34 felonies for paying her off. What am I missing here?
Yes, there was a felony involved, the video hooker is guilty of blackmail. Interesting, too, is that Trump is probably the only man to every pay her to shut her mouth…
As Stormy Daniels signed the NDA isn’t she in breach of contract? From what I’ve heard the courts do take the sort of thing seriously. It’s just a matter of suing her.
The problem is that suing Stormy Daniel’s for breach of contract and slander and libel, is that she has everything to gain, and will benefit grossly from all the free publicity provided by the communist propaganda outlets.
A sensible man, and a practical, amoral one, would just discreetly put out a contract on the whore. Unfortunately, Trump is not an amoral man. For all his myriad failings, he doesn’t back down and proceeds with the blessings of a clean conscience.
People like to point out his (ab)uses of eminent domain, but the flip side of this is people who would stop a multi million or billion dollar project by turning down extraordinarily generous offers and trying to extort vastly more.
Yes, it is their property to sell, but somewhere there is a limit. Very little in this world is black and white. I know I’ve said this inexactly, but the principle is the same as denying a man dying of thirst a drink from your well. It is your water, but part of owning things is being ready to let them go.
We sure do know the answer, Eric.
The charges against Trump were utter poppycock, and so were his convictions, but how many other people have been convicted of multiple felonies and sentenced to “unconditional release”?
How nice.
I’ll bet you were given a misdemeanor charge for your illicit horticultural activities, Eric, and sentenced to something more grievous than “unconditional release”.
So will Orange Man learn anything? Will he learn animosity for a system that will ruin your life for nothing? I was hopeful that would be the case, but I doubt it.
I’m afraid the burden falls upon us to dismantle these affronts to freedom and autonomy, and it won’t be easy.
Albert Bourla is going to retire with more money than all of us in this group could make in a life time put together. He is Big Pharma, after all, and they have enough money to bribe pretty much anyone. Or have them prosecuted or killed. It is sad that we have a bunch of whores running this place, instead of real men (and women) with balls and spines to stand up. TPTB will systematically prosecute anyone they want, because, well, they can. It helps keep everyone in check, should someone dare think for themselves. You, pleb, did not follow our rules, and who cares that growing a pot plant and smoking the weed for yourself in your living room (while you eat up half your ‘fridge & take a nap after) harmed no one. Meanwhile, the border is wide open, and God only knows how many sleeper cells we have in the country. But yes, go after the pot grower and the one who rolled through a stop sign in BFE when you were the only car in sight. I have to wonder, Eric: Now that weed is legal in Virginia, can you get such a rap removed from your record, or are you forever “tainted” with that behind your name?
Bourla, Quack feeder psychopath.