24 Hours


It is hard to vote for the lesser of two evils when you are not into evil. This is the paradox of voting. More finely, it is the corner we’ve been painted into. Yes, of course – one can choose not to vote for evil, lesser or greater. But does it do anything to prevent the greater evil? And if it doesn’t, then isn’t effectively aiding the greater evil?

As long as the evil of voting exists – this idea that plebiscites are a legitimate way to do things that almost everyone agrees would be immoral things if done on an individual basis, such as taking what isn’t yours from someone else or threatening others with violent repercussions if they fail to do as you say – then casting a vote can be seen as an act of self-defense. A way to cancel the vote of some other person – your neighbor, perhaps – who wants to take your money but hasn’t got the guts to do it himself. Or who wants to tell you what you’re allowed to do (and not do) but is too much of a poltroon to try doing that himself, either.

But if you vote for the lesser of two evils, some argue, then you are giving sanction to everything the person you voted for ends up doing. This is silly. It is especially silly as regards actions the person you voted for has yet to perform. You do not have a crystal ball. More to the point, you cannot be held morally responsible for the actions of another – especially when you have no idea what those actions might be.

Perhaps – in the case of Trump – you are voting for him because of things he has specifically said he will do, such as staunch the flow of (literally) hordes of people from no-one-knows-exactly where into this country. That is a reasonably self-defensive vote. It does not mean you also vote in favor of other things Trump might do – or even things he has done. That latter is a non sequitur because Trump alone is responsible for what Trump chooses to do, just like the rest of us. Yes, he midwifed the “beautiful vaccines” and that was a terrible thing. But unless you actually voted for that – specifically – then how can anyone say you voted for that?

I will be voting for Trump tomorrow because I do think – I hope – he is the lesser of two evils. More finely, because I am certain of the evil of his opponents. They have told us what they intend to do – including end the Electoral College so as to assure that cities controlled by the Left control the country, the door-to-door “buyback” of firearms so as to assure we are defenseless against common criminals as well as the criminal government and the application of a federal property tax based on “unrealized gains” that will very effectively render working and middle class homeownership financially untenable.

You will also be forced out of your car – and into a battery powered device. Assuming you can afford one. There are likely to be “carbon lockdowns” and energy rationing based upon what they call your “carbon footprint.”

None of this is exaggerated or fear-mongering. They have openly let us know what they plan to do if they get the chance and that will include cementing what they do via the installation of perhaps two or even three new Supreme Court “justices” of the Jackson-Brown (oops , that’s a singer, not a communist) variety who will rule that the truth is no defense because it is “misinformation” when the government finds the truth inconvenient. Who will rule the Second Amendment does not protect the right of you or me or anyone not in the employ of government as an enforcer of some kind to possess the means of self-defense.

These are very great evils, are they not?

It is absolutely true that Trump may and likely will do evil things as well – such as lap the buttocks of Benjamin Netanyahu or whomever runs the regime of that frictious but powerful little country in the Middle East. But I am not voting for that by casting my vote for Trump anymore than I vote to keep the prison I’ll  probably one day be a resident of in charge of a warden who is less sadistic than one who is more so.

That is the only choice open to us in terms of what’s on the ballot tomorrow – and I’ll vote for it without guilt and in the hope that (if he wins) Trump will prove to be not evil at all. But even if he’s only the lesser, is it still not better?

Idealists – and I am one – are naturally uncomfortable with this. But we live in a less-than-ideal world and so long as we do live in it, is it not rational – is it not reasonable – to do what can be done rather than nothing at all?

. . .

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  1. As a long time libertarian I understand the dilemma. For years I voted for LP candidates because fuck the uniparty. What I failed to understand is that it absolutely matters who sits in the big chair. My big issues are war, food, energy and health. So my choice is pretty obvious. OMB is a piece of shit, but there are some interesting characters on his team. Do I trust them completely? Of course not, but why should I? This is a purely defensive position

    I know the cool kids don’t vote but there are also a shit ton of ballot initiatives that will directly affect me, both from a liberty and financial standpoint. Ideally I’d love to see the FedGov and the Fed shut down. I’m old enough to know I’ll never see it. Better to keep evangelizing to the youngsters and try to keep everything from completely imploding.

    Chase the fuckhead is not any kind of answer.

  2. I do not comply, or I’m too pure to vote for “the lessor of two evils” or I’m not voting in order to send message to the totalitarians.

    What you are is delusional. It’s really pretty simple, communists believe as Mao Tse Tung said “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” When they have the political power to take your guns, they will take your guns and everything else and your compliance will not be necessary. But don’t worry, keep shouting “I do not comply” or “I didn’t vote” or “The system is illegitimate”, as you board the train to the concertation camp. That’ll show’em.

    • “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

    • “they will take your guns and everything else”

      Not without consequences.

      “as you board the train to the concertation camp”

      Not while I’m alive.

      So go vote your hardest. “That’ll show’em.”

      What you are is delusional.

  3. I live in deep blue CT. Harris Walz signs litter the landscape – must vote to be able to kill babies uber alles. Single issue, rich cunt voters. Best I could do is cancel someone else’s vote, but otherwise won’t change the predetermined outcome in this Democrat filth-run NY/MA spillover shithole. I won’t dignify or legitimize this process by participating in it. Much as it will suck, maybe best to just get the collapse over with so we at least have a chance to start over.

  4. You have no choice if your choices are chosen for you. Both sides sit firmly, yet falsely, upon the beliefs that it is indeed they who are voting for the lesser of two evils.

    We give our consent to be governed by voting. What would you have those of us do who don’t consent do? Have fun picking the prison warden and guards. May you get extra gruel for doing so. I do not consent.

  5. Eric: “But if you vote for the lesser of two evils, some argue, then you are giving sanction to everything the person you voted for ends up doing. This is silly. ”

    Not silly at all. If you participate in ‘democracy’ you are giving it sanction, regardless of who wins. It is the opposite of protesting/resisting it. We know what the ultimate outcome will be, regardless of who wins (we lose). There will be continued war, coercion, destruction of liberty, ad infinitum. This is true whether you vote (our votes don’t count anyway- Vote or stay home, it makes not one iota of difference) or don’t vote. The outcome will be the same. The only difference is that by voting, you have given this system your stamp of approval; have participated in it; and as a Libertarian/voluntaryist/whatever we technically violate our very core principles and beliefs by doing so.

    If our votes counted, and if there were a candidate who would/could make a truly positive difference, this would not be so egregious, but it would still be morally troubling. But under the right conditions, I could see violating our principles for practicality. But that is not the case (and never has been) in these elections.

    By voting, we are not resisting, making a point or affecting outcome; we are submitting and legitimizing, and agreeing with our enemies that what they are offering is agreeable to us, and that we agree to abide by the outcome of the process which we have participated in.

    If we wouldn’t wear a stupid mask because of it’s inefficacy and because to do so is to submit to that which is immoral and to give license to insanity and evil, why then would we vote?

    Just my $.02

  6. Here are two scenarios that Trump’s opponents will probably attempt to use against him in achieving the presidency:
    #1. Trump is scheduled to be sentenced for his kangaroo court-imposed sentence–12 felonies on November 26, 2024. He could end up behind bars at that time.
    #2. Trump could be denied the presidency on the grounds that he is a convicted felon. The dems and the deep state could refuse to certify the election results, claiming that Trump is ineligible due to his legal status.

    I hope that I am dead wrong on both counts…

    • Trump IS the deep state just as much as any of them are. (Or more accurately: The beards of the deep state. The goy actors who have been certified kosher to put on the show).

  7. A side benefit of living in Alabama, at least since Nixon v McGovern turned the state R. (Poor GM couldn’t even carry his own state.) I was able to avoid defying my conscience 8 times so far: second round for Bush, The Elder; Bob Dole; second round for Bush, The Younger; John McCain, Mitt Romney, and The Donald, three times. In honesty, I have to beg for absolution for being Bush-whacked twice. Forgive me….. nobody’s perfect.

  8. The “talking heads” of today’s “lugenpresse” all talk about “Russian election interference”. They are dead wrong and know it.
    The REAL election interference that no one mentions comes right out of organized jewry and that sh!tty little country–israel.
    Our elections and the rest of government have been controlled by JEWS for a very long time.
    I was vilified by both friends, relatives, and others for a very long time for pointing out that ZOG (zionist occupation government) is real and that us gentiles (goyim) no longer have a say in the political affairs of our government because of one small, but very powerful “group”.
    Keep in mind that all jews consider themselves to be “jews first” and if convenient then take on a country’s affiliation. Their behavior, such as ignoring rules and laws, many of which they put into place for “the rest of us” speaks volumes. Double standard, indeed…
    I am being vindicated as we speak as my friends, relatives, and other detractors are finally coming around and realizing that I am right.
    The only real solution (which has a hell’s chance of being implemented) is to declare judaism to be a foreign political system and NOT a “religion” as presently defined. This one move would do much to restore the ability of us ordinary American citizens to “take back” our country.
    “Dual citizenship” and ANY affinity toward judaism by our politicians (from a political perspective) should be banned completely.
    The “elephant in the room” along with all of its supporters, adherents and acolytes must be recognized as a mortal danger to our republic.

  9. Musk’s argument is the right argument and the real story!


    Of course there will only be a dem primary left….
    right… there will be a dem primary…. You fucked up for voting dem

  10. What if they held an election and nobody voted? Now that would be a grand statement. One I endeavor to be a part of. Voting lends the Psychopaths credence by giving your approval to the outcome.

  11. Sorry,,, I don’t vote for candidates that care more for some POS nation over their own… I don’t vote for candidates that try to kill me, my family along with the rest of the nation and still are. Having enough people voting is what provides the numbers in which to fake the numbers. Voting is agreeing with the system as it is,,, I do not agree. Not voting is one of the few (and fewer every day) rights I have left.
    Not voting is essentially boycotting. We still have the TSA due to people not boycotting,,, letting their personal care less attitudes allow government tyranny. That same tyranny that is letting millions of border jumpers come into the country with more rights and assistance the citizens. It will just be a matter of time before these illegals can vote the rest of our liberties away. And they will… already there’s a multi-standard system between the rights of the border jumpers and the citizens. Even cars are affected. The lesser of evil appoints people to alphabet agencies that control the choices we’re given. God,,, it should be obvious they hate us and the country. They’ve sure made it plain enough. Look at North Carolina! Corpgov has went out of its way to make those people suffer and Americans in the rest of the nation twiddle their thumbs. Since when has the government assumed the power to tell Americans who they can and cannot help?

    So now, even our electoral system is corrupted, the Biden/Kamala thugs suing to keep border jumpers on the voter rolls. So far the Supremo’s have voted to keep them off the rolls but that will change especially if another female is appointed. All three females voted to keep them on the voting rolls. One would think the women would look around and smell the roses. Example: Women’s sports and the tranny issue. They (women) seem to think the trannies are victims rather than the exploiters they really are. This victimology BS needs to stop,,, but it won’t. It’s baked in.

    MIGA Trumpo is likely to win the contest but it doesn’t matter. Every damn candidate has made it clear they want first chance at Bibi’s zipper. They all want to give away tax dollars paid by Americans that are having a hard time buying necessities for themselves.

    I personally find the situation in this nation disgusting. Americans want their cake and eat it too while those they vote in office,,, the lessors of two evils,,, destroy what’s left. Out of 300 million people Trump and Kamala are the creme? When Mr. take their guns and deal with the legal issues later,,, When the ‘Father’ of the killshot comes up with another safe and effective vaxxine,,, When Kackles just disbands the Border Patrol welcoming the world to our country because the birthrate has dropped off the cliff while she and the organ harvesters insist every US citizen is persuaded to take advantage of free abortions.

    They are saying this will be the last election in America. It’s pretty easy to see why.

    • Agreed with most of what you said, but still I voted for Trump. We as a nation have ourselves mostly to thank for our problems. If I may add that our government skool system is a large part of the endoctrination process. Getting rid of government skoolz and associated property taxes would be a big step away from the woke.

      • My thoughts are you have the right/freedom to vote for anyone you like or not vote at all.

        I do hope you are right about Mr. Trump. Only time will tell….

    • Im in a blue state. Please explain to me exactly how voting matters.
      There is no such thing as validity of voting in a blue state. No, acting stupid doesnt make me feel better.

    • I agree completely, Ken! It is telling of the American public that there elections have come down to a choice between a communist and a narcissistic convicted felon lying play actor. That the majority of adult Americans would participate in this charade so whole-heartedly, and actually take time out of their day to do this, rather than to retch and protest, is an indication that such a people do not deserve liberty, and are in fact forging their own bonds. And it is especially egregious to see Libertarians, who should know better, participating along with Jose Sixpack and Tiffany Dipshit.

  12. I will be voting for Jill Stein since she is on the ballot and her total number of votes will have to be reported; I have no illusions that it will affect the outcome here in deep blue Taxachusetts but we need to let the uniparty know that their choices of warmonger ‘A’ vs. warmonger ‘B’ both suck.

  13. “one can choose not to vote for evil, lesser or greater. But does it do anything to prevent the greater evil? And if it doesn’t, then isn’t effectively aiding the greater evil?”

    Wow! If one chooses not to go vote today, one may be aiding evil!

    I had planned on going to work as usual, providing for my family by participating in the free market by providing my clients with a valuable service that they voluntarily compensate me for. Evil!

    Ha, just messing with you Eric. I understand your moral struggles with voting, and wish you wisdom in your choice. The only reason I could see for me to visit a voting booth would be to burn it down. But I got shit to do.

  14. Does Trump want to be the next King Philip the Fair?

    Donald Trump is the direct descendant of…. Haakon Magnusson the Elder…. the fifth king of Norway… of the Sverre dynasty…. who reigned from 1299 AD….part of the OWO…Old World Order…
    He put a strong emphasis on Christianity and Christian charity.

    Haakon V was also in close contact with the royal courts in Europe. He was a close friend of the French King Philip the Fair…..

    On Friday the 13th of October 1307 the French King Philip the Fair had the templars (the freemasons) in France arrested…he said…they are sodomists and satanists….most escaped…about 400 captured…. 50 were burnt to death…

    commie la and the marxists are templars, freemasons….the NWO…New World Order….maybe they are scared Trump will turn into….. or team up with a new King Philip the Fair…..

    @ 6:36 in video …..on friday the 13th of october 1307 the french king philip the fair had the templars in france arrested…they are satanists….most escaped…about 400 captured…. 50 were burnt to death…the templars still hate France today…

    @ 1:18:00 J.F. Kennedy made a speech on april 27th 1961 about the secret contol group on top…shortly after the templars eliminated him….


  15. I voted for Trump, begrudgingly. He has not discussed, in any substantive way, how he would extract us from the ridiculous wars (Ukraine, Israel, etc.). He has no solutions to the debt and deficit spending, to the medical grift, to the deportation of mass numbers of illegals, etc. I could go on.

  16. I guess if you live in a state where your vote might tip the scales in that state, voting for the lesser of two evils might make sense. I’m a libertarian living in NYS. My vote will NEVER EVER count here. It’s a waste of my time to even think about voting. Plus, for this selection, I will refer people to the adage “you will know them by their fruits.” Both selections have some evil stinking fruit. I’ll pass.

    • Pug, I used to live in NYC a one party town where the Republicans don’t bother to run candidates in many areas. The only way to have influence there is to register as a Democrat and vote in the primary election since whoever wins the primary is almost certain to be elected in the general. But then you really are in the beast system.

    • Vote to get popular vote totals up and vote R down ballot. This isnt 1992, 96, 2000, 2004, or even 2008 and 12. There is a wide ideological difference between the candidates. Vote Trump.

      • If you think ANY ideology other than the destruction of the old USA and the furtherance of globalization will be pursued by any candidate regardless of what they SAY, I have a bridge you might be interested in purchasing….

    • I’m a registered libertarian here in New York. No libertarians on the ballot. I did not see Jill Stein, but I would not have voted for her anyway because she seems like a leftist.

      • Hey Groundhog,

        I skipped out on voting this year, but I might’ve made some effort to vote for Chase Oliver if he would’ve done ANYTHING.

        I saw one Chase Oliver “Q and A” session on a CSPAN video and he did well with answering the questions in a succinct and principled manner, even taking on a hostile Jewish woman, angry that he might not keep sending Israel aid. He handled that with a cool head and could’ve been a contender.

        But beyond that, I didn’t see a damn thing about him ANYWHERE. And it didn’t appear to be any kind of suppression; it appeared to be simple lack of effort.

        I went to a rally for Jo Jorgensen, and before her, I attended a Gary Johnson event. Those candidates tried. The Libertarian Party really laid down this year. Very disappointing.

        • If Chase Oliver had to choose between not sending money to Israel or being disinvited to the next DC foam party, the money will flow.

          When the rubber meets the road, Loser Brigaders are as anti-war as Dick Cheney.

              • Hey Norman,

                Well, Oliver is literally gay, which wouldn’t bother me as long he isn’t for forcing it on the rest of us via the squelching of free speech and freedom of association. As far as fake, who knows, because he never made any effort to sell, or even defend, himself. Very disappointing.

    • I love the part where it’s stated that since she’s a black woman she must be a democrat. Forty years ago blacks in and around DC were simply referred to as “Democrats” and nothing more.

      • The black woman and her MAGA hat friend are Trump voters…the insane white women is a democrat….of course…

        Who is voting for commie la?…white women…..and LGBQT

        The blacks don’t like commie la…1/4 white…3/4 east Indian Hindu…zero black…the blacks know it….

        • The staff were too scared to tell the insane white women to stop attacking the black women….because…the insane white women is a democrat….

          They say bipoc are special…untouchable…but…in the hierarchy…the democrat/leftist/marxist is at the top…has the most power…..

        • The blacks don’t like her…she tries to be a fake black…but….1/4 white/Irish/slave trader…3/4 East Indian Hindu/royalty bloodline…..0% black….

          3/4 East Indian Hindu/royalty bloodline….an elite…so talks down to everybody like a dog….uses the same tone of voice people use talking to dogs or cats….then cackles…thinks it’s funny….people haven’t caught on….

  17. I’m not buying it. Its not the lesser, or greater of two evils. Voted for Trump twice after a long hiatus from voting. No way I’m taking another kick at the football. I know ya all can see its the same stupid bitch teeing it up. Four years ago was so obvious, nothing has changed. Is everyone going to be made a fool of,,,Again?

    Not voting doesn’t represent doing nothing at all. When the winner of the so called contest is solely determined by the owners, Not voting is the only sane alternative. It wouldn’t matter if every single person voted for Trump. Who the owners want is who the owners get. Either way, I’m sure there are many more squirrels cued up for our entertainment.

    Glad its almost over and we can get on with the destruction of the country we all loved. Sad for that, but glad I got to see it in all its former glory. My only hope and prayer is our collapse fizzles and goes the way the former Soviet Unions did. The rest of the world, as well as most Americans would be grateful for such an outcome.

  18. Naomi Wolf brought up a good point in her endorsement of Trump

    You should vote for President Trump because Vice President Harris failed at her only job. Her ONLY JOB…

    She then pointed out the 25th amendment:

    Section 4.

    Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

    Of course the coup d’état that happened after Biden’s debate debacle shows just why she didn’t take action: Biden’s been submarineing her campaign all summer. Oh he can’t just come right out and say not to vote for her, but he was photographed wearing a MAGA hat for Pete’s sake! This non-story over the weekend where he insulted every Republican voter just happened to upstage Harris’ last campaign speech before the primary. And he still knows where the skeletons are in Washington, still commands a lot of honor among thieves style power. They can’t separate themselves from Biden and he knows it.

    • RK: Might happen soon, tomorrow or someday before December 17th, or Ol’ Joe might even resign. To do it before the election would make a pardon of Ol” Joe and his kith and kin a deal breaker with even some traditional Democrats (not the hard-core, of course). She might have lost the election even with the cheat-factor built in. (I am speculating on another bogus win at this point). Tomorrow the picture will be a bit clearer. Might even happen with a Trump win since there is some question about whether one can pardon oneself. The safe play is to let Madam President do it before inaugural day. It would be an embarrassment, but better than facing felony charges.

  19. With utmost deference, Eric, but your argument in defense of voting doesn’t hold up. It’s akin to saying, “Well, they’ve given us the choice between scat sandwich on white bread or scat on wheat, so we MUST choose! It’s a lamentable choice to be sure, but better to choose the slightly-less-scat-tasting sandwich than the worse of the two.” Scat is scat, and voting for it is but a guarantee there’ll be more of it served up next time.

    • Hi Jason,

      I am not going to speak for Eric, just myself, but even us atheists and agnostics revel in hope. We may believe in it even more than our God fearing peers because it is all that we have. Individuals that practice religion have a belief in the afterlife. They know where they are going when their time ends.

      Atheists believe Heaven and Hell is found on Earth. We have but one lifetime to live. As long as there is a choice whether it be wheat or white, we have the freedom to decide. Maybe rye is our first choice, but rye isn’t an option so we select from what we have to choose hoping (there is that word again) that this prerequisite produces better choices further down the line or maybe the decision is better than we expected and we are pleasantly surprised.

      • >Atheists believe Heaven and Hell is found on Earth.
        Amen, sister.
        IMO, there is no point to life, except that which we invent, of our own free will.
        We have no need of an invisible old man with a flowing white beard who (supposedly) lives in the sky and directs our every move.
        *We* are our own gods.
        “Thou art God” make perfect sense to me.
        >Maybe rye is our first choice, but rye isn’t an option
        Presuming to dictate to me what I may choose is equivalent to attempting to dictate to me what I may think. I reject that idea entirely.

        • Morning, Adi –

          Religious faith is by definition a thing not subject to the kind of knowing empirically minded people favor as the way to establish the truth of an assertion made about something. I am an empirically minded person – and yet, I am also a person who knows how little I know. This does not mean I am religious. In fact, I am dubious. I have not had any communication I am aware of with the non-physical. Much of what I have read about the tenets of the various faiths is difficult for me to square with the facts as I know them, even to the extent of the plain meaning of words (as I understand them). But I keep an open mind. And – above all – I believe in the right of each of us to come to terms with the existential stuff on our own terms, without coercion. Life is hard enough already. But there is beauty and sometimes goodness to counter the evil of men. As to whether there is evil beyond that, I do not know and so cannot say.

          • >The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interrèd with their bones
            —-Wm. Shakespeare (of course)
            The fact that we, as human beings, even have the *concept* of good vs. evil says something about us, as part of the universe.
            The phrase “thou art God” comes to me from Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein (of course). I started reading Heinlein in the 8th grade, and never went back.

          • We grew up in a time when religious charity was pushed to the side in favor of the state’s “Great Society” welfare. The churches pivoted away from physical to metaphysical. Then in the 1970s when the burned out hippies found Jesus it went even further away from charity -and the false belief that spreading the gospel to the globe was more important than the well being of your neighbors.

            With the state came agnostic care. By definition the state cannot impose a moral requirement to its charitable acts. And with the power of taxation, instead of giving to help your fellow man as an act of kindness, it instead becomes a demand. Yes, God demands a tithe, but what are the immediate consequences of noncompliance? What happens when you don’t give Caesar his portion?

            When the church was a charitable organization I image a lot of people who describe themselves as “spiritual” would have been regularly attending church and participating in at least some of the charitable activities. Maybe they wouldn’t “share” their lack of faith or beliefs, but that’s probably OK. Going through the motions is still moving.

      • [. Maybe rye is our first choice, but rye isn’t an option so we select from what we have to choose hoping …..]

        {Accepting what is offered….}

        If that was the thinking of early Americans then there would have been no America that used to exist.

        A 2- cent tea tax enraged them. Today, a 50-60 percent tax or more on earnings barely get a shrug! Tens of thousands new armed IRS agents will ensure we ‘pay what they say’ is fair.
        Reading the Declaration one should notice the same situation,,, or worse,,, exists today.

        For a government of, for, and by the people this government has surely lost its way. Allowing unvetted individuals immigrating from the worlds shithole dictatorships is treason! Denying the amendments guaranteeing freedom of speech,,, freedom to own weapons,,, freedom from personal and property searches are treason! Assisting in nation genocides is treason! Arming and provoking wars in foreign lands is treason!

        Even the founders figured out they were not going to eliminate problems by simply voting for those causing and/or amplifying the problems. Many of those “Lords” and “what have you’s” were killed or run out of the new nation. Most of the founders also died but at least accomplished most of their goals. For a little over 50 years America was free. Then came Lincolns war on freedom, liberty and sovereignty. After that liberty, freedom and sovereignty went the way of the Dodo bird. Today only tyranny exists.

        The least we could do would be to be thankful for what we were given and do what ever is necessary to keep it.

        • Hi ken,

          Let me know where to meet and I will have my torch and pitchfork ready. By the way who exactly are we going after? The people at the top have no faces. I would like to know whose barn we are going to set fire to first before striking the match.

          Your own post suggests we are under a tyrannical government. What freedom, sovereignty, and liberty are we saving? You stated we don’t have any.

          Trump is not my savior, but if he eases my taxes, closes the border, and decreases CAFE standards for automobiles I am at least better than I was under the current Administration.

    • Hi Jason,

      You may be right; I may regret voting for Trump. That said, I will vote for him because he does appear to be the lesser of two evils and that may result in some good. It is the only choice we have, unfortunately. And I see nothing morally or even practically wrong with voting to buy some time. It does not mean I am excluded from taking other steps – or standing for principles. It means I have a gun to my head – almost literally – and I do what I think will result in that gun being pointed away from my head, even if only for now. For now matter. Because having time matters.

      Just my 50.

    • That’s not correct. Our choice is between a turd sandwich and a giant douche.


      Let’s get out and vote!
      Let’s make our voices heard!
      We’ve been given the right to choose
      between a douche and a turd

      It’s democracy in action
      so put your freedom to the test!
      A big fat turd or a stupid douche
      Which do you like best?

  20. On friday the 13th of October 1307 the French King Philip the Fair had the templars (the freemasons) in France arrested…he said…they are sodomists and satanists….most escaped…about 400 captured…. 50 were burnt to death…

    This one of the few times in history the control group…the masters…. got their ass kicked….

  21. “he midwifed the injections”

    Some say…warp speed was a tactic…..a blocking move….

    rushed out…..No fda approval…so couldn’t be mandated…forced…EUA …. emergency use only…unapproved….

    but…stopped the lockdowns…there was an alternative…so ended the lockdowns….but….the alternative couldn’t be forced….

    Without this play….the lockdowns would still be on….were supposed to last ten years…and destroy all small businesses….camps would be full now….


  22. Tomorrow will be another sunny Tuesday for me. I will go to work, eat dinner, not turn on the TV, and will enjoy the day the Lord has made. I will not sully my conscience by participating in this circus. Evil is evil, Lesser Beautiful brand or Kameltoe brand.

    • Hi BAC,

      You have the right attitude.

      Right now I am sitting in my living room, with a cup of tea, and Frank Sinatra’s Christmas album playing. Yes, I have resorted to Christmas music. I will go vote tomorrow morning, go to work, and let the chips fall where they may. I think deep down we all know the selection has been made for us, but as much as I want to be a realist I’m still an idealist at heart. I still want to believe there is good in the world. I keep hoping that everything isn’t about money, resources, and control.

  23. The moral dilemma of the greater evil.

    quote: “Yes, of course – one can choose not to vote for evil, lesser or greater. But does it do anything to prevent the greater evil? And if it doesn’t, then isn’t effectively aiding the greater evil?”

    Which candidate is the greater or lesser evil? In all honesty, I do not know. The assumption that Zionist stooge Trump is the lesser of two evils is only an assumption, we do not know what he might do if Israel is attacked again, for one thing according to the Hal Turner website, Iran has initiated a massive attack on Israel right this very moment:


    Trump may actually be a greater evil when it comes to killing people, as he might nuke Iran in some orange man rage.

    Trump might be the greater evil when it comes to deficit spending. In his first term, he ran the greatest deficits in the history of mankind.

    Trump’s charisma might be tapped to lead the USA into WW3, no one would follow the Kamal into war, but they will gladly fight and die for Trump.

    There are infinite things we do not know that could make Trump the greater of two evils, like if he made a deal with some Jewish billionaire bankers to do war.

    Eric’s points are well taken, he is convinced by the evidence that Trump would be better for us than Kamal, and it certainly appears that way. But that, in itself, may be a manipulation of the power brokers – who are pulling the strings to create a landslide for Trump tomorrow, for their hidden agendas.

    I, for one, suffer no moral dilemmas by not voting. The system is evil, and the candidates are evil. Since I do not want to live in an evil system ruled by evil dictators, I am not going to vote and pretend my vote matters or that my vote might end evil.

    Think of the rise of Hitler or Mussolini. At that time, in their desperate moments, those people of Germany and Italy voted for the great charismatic leader – and it didn’t turn out so great a decade later, did it? Il Duce ended up on a meat hook, and Hitler secreted away to Argentina, how many Italians and Germans died in WW2? Many millions.

    Everyone is going to do what they are going to do. Eric is going to vote and I am not. I don’t take any of this shit that seriously, since I KNOW people with money are running a show for us to believe in their corrupt system of rules. I do not believe in them or their rules, I am free and I believe in me.

    The initiate asked the guru what should he do when he comes to the fork in the road, the guru replies “take it”. From a higher perspective, our personal decisions are just forks in the road on the path of life, we live and die, sometimes prosper, sometimes suffer. But does it really matter? No. From the perspective of the Universe, the struggle for existence goes on an on and all of us are just one of trillions of beings living out their lives – and there is good evidence this is a holographic simulation.

    What actually matters to you is you. Believe in yourself and not these Ziowhore puppets. If things get to bad, leave for better pastures. It is important not to get caught up identifying with “your” nation. People die in foreign lands because they foolishly identified with their flag. It’s not your nation and not your flag.

    I think Trump is slated to win by a landslide, then we will have to wait and observe what he does. He could turn out to be the greatest president ever, or the one who ended the nation in nuclear WW3. First thing to do is look at who he picks for his cabinet. If he picks Neocons, Zionists, AIPAC approved, Kushner approved hacks (which is very likely) then that would be the first warning sign of a bad moon rising. Don’t hold your breath, because the lesser of two evils is still evil.

    • Nonsense, Jack. I normally enjoy and agree with your stuff, but Kamala will set things up for the fireworks. Trump will likely try and ooen a hotel in Tehran

      • Another Taj Mahal, or a Persian Kitten Palace. The clerics will never allow it. About the fireworks, Kamal says she wants to end the war in Israel and Trump will defend Israel to the last man.

        Taking Ukraine as a clue – that when the USA backs Ukraine – so it can keep fighting, such a strategy leads to the destruction of Ukraine and the decimation of it’s population. Ukraine is being destroyed precisely because Amerika sustains the fighting. There is zero chance Ukraine can win against Mother Russia, which spans 11 time zones.

        Likewise, Israel has bit off more than it can chew because of USA help. The current battle for Lebanon is such a disaster for Israel that the MSM won’t even mention it. Israel never got but one or two klicks in before their armor was completely destroyed.

        Israel has painted itself into a corner with USA help. Biden has bankrolled the Gaza Holocaust, the result is that the whole world hates Israel, and now sees the Jews as evil mass murderers, this perception change is epic. Trump is going to come in and try to save Israel, an impossibility. So like Biden, Trump will bankroll the pariah state, and it will still fail. The only question is what will Trump do about Iran, which can end Israel with one big missile strike.

        Only fools would back a state founded and sustained by genocide. The whole world is turning against Israel, and the Amerikan fools will let themselves be destroyed in the process.

        Amerika has already lost all credibility because of it’s association with Israel. Apparently Amerika will allow itself to be bankrupted also. And Israel could EASILY get Amerika trapped in WW3.

        Zionist Trump is not good for Amerika. You can not serve two masters, either you are loyal to your own nation or not.

  24. What a relief, in another day or so I’ll be able to access
    my “regularly scheduled programming”.

    My vote has been mailed in and processed.

    What do I expect? – less freedom and further enslavement.

    • Agree. My non-vote has been secured today since I will refuse to submit any ballot. What do I expect? Everything will be the same, except a little bit worse.

  25. Still haven’t decided, but voting against the greater evil is legitimate.

    I could end up going that way, but so much hate the idea of voting for the covid vax – in – chief.

    Whoever wins will inherit a stagnant to declining economy and will be blamed, setting the stage for an even worse selectee next time.

    • Trump will.be able to manage it. He will also change the countrys psychology. Vance also understands the machinations of the bond markets. No one on the Trump side is blind to the economic reality. We were on tge edge of a recession in 16 as well. Powell also jacked i rates up during Trumps term and we still ran strong.

  26. Understand that tectonic political plates are in realignment. How this will all shake out is anyone’s guess.

    As I’ve said for years, I hope our collapse as an Empire is as peaceful and soft as that of the Soviet Union.

    I’m praying for that.

    • Indeed, I vote because it’s a substitute for combat. Modern war is a horrifying thing, mass produced death where even the survivors are damaged, shells of themselves. Broken in spirit, mind, and body. Nonetheless, if it ever comes to it, I’ll load up a weapon and do what I need to do to make communist tyranny extinct.

      Compared to the moral quandaries of war, especially civil war in a modern surveillance state with modern weapons, getting your hands a little dirty by voting against the worst of the evil is nothing.

  27. I’ll be voting for President Trump tomorrow. I don’t so much see it as the lesser of two evils as much as an empty pantsuit controlled by left wing extremists vs. a guy who managed to secure the trust of Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr, and others who’re on our side. And anyone who pisses off the left and their neocon water carriers as much as Trump does, frankly, deserves my vote.

    That said, I have little doubt the shenanigans of the left will make 2020 look like child’s play.

      • Hi Mike,

        I’m ashamed to admit I also voted for The Chimp twice given the stuff that passed when he was President that ultimately led to the formation of the U.S. as a “Homeland”.

        However, looking back at that time, the Democrat opponents were both terrible and eventually became pushers of the climate change scam.

      • I voted for George W Bush once, in November 2000.

        The results (9/11, Patriot Act, Afghanistan invasion, Iraq war, REAL-ID Act, etc etc) were so spectacularly awful that it put me off voting forever.

        It is a rebuke to all of us that the war criminal Chimp remains at large. He should be convicted for his crimes against humanity and hung.

    • Voting for any Democrat Party candidate is off the table until they purge the Bernie Bros from their ranks and push them back to irrelevancy. The deal that the Democrats made with Sanders in 2016 is still pulling them away from their roots and the mainstream.

      Why a senator from a podunk state like Vermont commands such attention is beyond belief. Yet here we are.

  28. Ketanji Brown Jackson married into a white family with money so old that the family tree includes a signatory for the Declaration of Independence.

    Her father was Chief Attorney for the Miami-Dade school board, and one uncle was Chief of the Miami Police Department.

    Limousine Liberal.

  29. There is a global criminal conspiracy to prevent Trump from becoming President again. He must be a thorn in someone’s side if globalist sociopaths, billionaire sociopaths such as Bill Gates, the DC establishment, the Democrat Party establishment, and government criminals are so hell bent on getting Kamala Harris (s)elected President instead of Trump….


      • Maybe Trump wants to be a benevolent king…like his relatives….

        Donald Trump is the direct descendant of…. Haakon Magnusson the Elder…. the fifth king of Norway… of the Sverre dynasty…. who reigned from 1299 AD.
        He put a strong emphasis on Christianity and Christian charity.

        Haakon V was also in close contact with the royal courts in Europe. He was a close friend of the French King Philip the Fair…..

        On friday the 13th of October 1307 the French King Philip the Fair had the templars (the freemasons) in France arrested…he said…they are sodomists and satanists….most escaped…about 400 captured…. 50 were burnt to death…

        commie la and the marxists are templars freemasons….maybe they are scared Trump will team up with a new King Philip the Fair…..

          • The powerful weapon was made by the dwarven brothers Sindri and Brokkr after they made a bet with, who else, Loki.

            They won the bet and presented Mjolnir to Thor, as described in Skáldskaparmál:

            “Then he gave the hammer to Thor, and said that Thor might smite as hard as he desired, whatsoever might be before him, and the hammer would not fail; and if he threw it at anything, it would never miss, and never fly so far as not to return to his hand; and if be desired, he might keep it in his sark, it was so small; but indeed it was a flaw in the hammer that the fore-haft was somewhat short.”


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