Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 03/21/2023

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Here’s the audio of my weekly talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah. We talked about his recent encounter with sickness psychotics at the hospital, as well as the latest Look! A Squirrel! distractions:


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  1. Cops are order followers. They blindly follow the orders of the state. The Utah driver was not following the cops orders, therefore the driver is a deadly threat to society, and must be stopped at all cost.

    Since the inhuman psychopaths in charge want to impose their will on us, the cops who shot to death an innocent man for not having a proper license, will be rewarded and promoted.

    The sheep, not understanding what is really happening, will cower in fear. Most people, when seeing he viscious brutality of state, will then obey, because they know if they do not obey, they too, could be gunned down.

    The Cult Of Ultimate Evil – Order-Followers & The Destruction Of The Sacred Feminine


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