
A Small Thing Can Lead to Big Trouble

Let's say you're unlucky enough to live in a state that has a mandatory "buckle up for safety" law. But you prefer not to wear a seat belt - for any...

If Zimmerman Walks….

Interesting... Who Should Be Blamed For Riots If Zimmerman Walks? By Patrick J. Buchanan Three months ago, George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer in Sanford, Fla., shot and killed Trayvon Martin. Handcuffed, taken in and...

Sport Vehicle ???

I have a friend who just graduated from college. The junker he was given to drive during college is on life support. He wants a hunting truck/SUV with 4X4 in the...

Cops Don’t Make Me Feel Safe

It has been said - and I agree - that the typical person (i.e., the person just trying to get through the day, do their thing) has more to fear from...

The Rat Bike

The worse the economy gets, the more popular motorcycles become. They're a cheap - and fun - way to get around. "Rat bikes" - older models that maybe don't look showroom-new...

Is The Government Really Concerned About “Gas Mileage”?

There is a big problem with high-mileage cars - from the point-of-view of the government. Less revenue. Imagine an 80 MPG car - which could be built right now, easily, with existing technology....

Starve a Cold (War) Feed a (White Line) Fever

Most of our day is spent in automaticity. When we talk, walk, drive, work, eat, sleep, fuck, crap, watch media, write & text, and almost everything else, we execute memorized patterns....

Obama – Worse Than The Chimp?

In a word, yes: An Executive order seeks to punish U.S. citizens even for "indirectly" obstructing dictatorial rule in Yemen By Glenn Greenwald There is substantial opposition in both Yemen and the West to...

What Derbyshire Really Wrote

... as opposed to what you may have read that he wrote. But here, let him speak for himself: John Derbyshire—The Gift That Keeps On Giving! After the fuss about my April 5...

Older and light curb weight

You have recently published more than one article about the fuel efficiency of certain older low curb weight cars (pretty much pre 2000 models). Do you have, or could you provide...
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