
But What About the Roads?

But what about the roads?  Anyone who has tried to advocate for a libertarian society - i.e., a society in which coercion is the fundamental crime - has heard this refrain. Its...

Diaper Report 3/16/22

This is a report all of us may be making soon. I will preface it by reporting that I know no one who died from the "virus" - whatever it is. Whether...

A Case of the Heavies

This is a tale of two trucks, kinda-sorta. Both not really being trucks in that while they have beds, like trucks do, neither were built on truck-type (rear-drive) layouts or have...

The Mobile Matrix . . .

People riding in cars used to talk to one another - or watch the passing scenery. Maybe count cars or play One Headlight. Or just take a nap.  Some will remember. It was...

Let Them Drive Teslas . . .

Every time there’s what is styled an “energy crisis” - the term in air fingers quotes to reflect the fact that the “crisis” is never about “energy” but rather about government,...

2022 Hyundai Santa Cruz

It’s easy to write about - and decide whether to buy - a vehicle that’s in a class by itself. That hasn’t got half a dozen or even any direct competitors. That...

A Buzz for Rich Hippies

Contrary to media reports, VW isn’t bringing back the Microbus - just as it never brought back the Beetle, either.  It did bring back a car that looked like the Beetle, back...

Worse Than Just Force

Government is force, it’s said - By Washington, among others - and this is true. But it is also something else. Something worse than mere violence, which at least has some...

It’s Not So Much the Gas That Costs

As expensive as gas is getting, it’s the cost of government that’s making driving unaffordable. These costs dwarf what we spend on gas - even at $5 per gallon, as seems...

The Next “Crisis”

Now that Putin Bad! Ukraine Good! has sidelined Ronamonomania, a new "crisis" is needed to deal with a real one. Rather than "rearing his head" - per Sarah Palin - Putin...
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