
The Old vs. The New… Part Two!

While modern cars are more reliable at first and last longer – for awhile – after about 15 years, when their much more complicated systems begin to reach the end of...

Conversations With a Clover….

In honor of July 4 - the lingering spirit of it, if not the actuality - I decided to publish a "letter to Clover" as a way to show how anti-freedom...

The Obama Car

Now Obama's decided to ban cars outright. Not in so many words, perhaps - but the end result of his just-announced "proposal" that new cars be required by law to average 56.2...

Good Cars are Bad for Business!

Good cars are killing the car industry. Think about it ... After decades of consumer complaints about often-iffy quality control, the car companies (the American companies in particular) performed the equivalent of a...

2012 Civic: Better Than Ever… But is it Good Enough?

Honda's Civic is the grandaddy of them all - the first Mass Success Japanese economy car that kicked in the door for the rest of them and, arguably, ushered in a...

Where it all Began…

It's not hard to pinpoint the exact moments when the Constitution was explicitly disavowed by the robed shysters charged (by themselves) with "interpreting" it. Once such moment was 21 years ago, in...

The Old Kaw

Back in 1976 if you wanted to go fast, you had three choices: Buy a car made before 1976 (long before 1976), buy an exotic car (if you...

To cheap out – or not cheap out?

People are understandably edgy about the Obama Recovery - not - and trying to avoid as many unnecessary expenses as they can. When it comes to your vehicle, there are some...

RIP, Tesla: You Deserved to Die

Chalk this up to Lesson Not Learned. The Tesla electric sports car is dead - a victim of its own defective economics. This was not unpredictable. The company created an electric version of...

The All-American Camaro… 66 percent of it, at least

Well, this is going to get me in trouble with the "buy American" crowd, but I can't help myself. What could be more American than a Camaro? It's both a Chevrolet and...
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