Make it Illegal to label food “GMO”?


Mike Adams
Natural News
January 11, 2014

The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) is scheming to criminalize state-by-state GMO labeling laws in a deviously evil effort to keep consumers ignorant of what they’re eating. Remember, the GMA is the same organization that got caught running an illegal money laundering scheme in Washington state, secretly funneling money from big food manufacturers into a campaign to defeat GMO labeling initiative I-522.

Now the GMA is pushing legislation at the federal level to not only outlaw GMO labeling laws at the state level, but also to get the FDA to declare GMOs as “natural” so that foods made with GMOs can claim “all natural” on their labels. A petition filed with the FDA by the GMA states, “GMA will be filing a Citizen Petition early in 2014 that asks the FDA to issue a regulation authorizing foods containing ingredients derived from biotechnology to be labeled ‘natural.’” (SOURCE)

“Monsanto and giant food companies are scheming behind the scenes to introduce a bill in Congress that would kill mandatory state GMO labeling efforts and replace it with a gutted version of a bill to preempt states’ rights and give the illusion of serious regulation,” reports Food Democracy Now, which also calls the plan “devious” in nature.

How evil can they get?

With these anti-transparency, anti-consumer, anti-American actions, the GMA now firmly puts itself in the same evil camp as Monsanto itself. Because the right to know what we are eating is a fundamental human right, the GMA’s actions clearly define it as an anti-human rights group. In the history of human rights violations, we’ve seen a long list of evil efforts to silence certain groups of people and keep them ignorant: Women were denied the right to vote, slaves were denied the right to “personhood,” and in the Holocaust, Jews were denied the right to life itself. Now the GMA joins that haunting history of human rights violators by insidious working to deny all people the right to know what they are eating.

The GMA solely represents the profit interests of dishonest, deceptive food manufacturers who sell toxic poisons, not the interests of food consumers, and it has a long established history of using deceptive tactics to make sure its members can continue to hide their toxic poisons in their food products.

The GMA is, in essence, a “pro-poison” industry group that wants consumers to unknowingly eat more poisons in their food. The GMA should not merely be ashamed of itself; it should be publicly exposed as an evil food industry group whose actions, if successful, may result in hundreds of millions of Americans being harmed by unknowingly eating unlabeled poisons in their food.

Your help is needed to stop this group from achieving its truly evil aims in Washington. Here’s what you can do to help:

Actions items to defeat the evil GMA

Sign this petition at Food Democracy Now:…

Share this story at the Center For Food Safety:…

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Tweet this story, Facebook it, email it, share in whatever way you can. The GMA needs to be halted by a barrage of active consumers who rise up and shout, “ENOUGH! We demand to know whether the products we buy contain GMOs!”

After all, the right to know what we eat is a fundamental human right. Don’t let the anti-human rights “GMA” group keep you in the dark over what you’re eating. We must not let evil prevail in this fight for food transparency!

BTW, Natural News Labs is the only organization in the world now testing and openly publishing heavy metals test results for foods made by the members of the GMA. To see those results right now, visit:


  1. Why would you have any faith in ANY government mandated “label?” Whom do you trust to enforce the sort of labeling “law” you want? What makes you think that any forced labeling scheme is going to be effective, ensure safety or produce positive results?

    How does _anyone_ have the authority to impose their ideas of what is good – and force us to pay through the nose for the privilege of having THEIR favorite label?

    How about voluntary labels? How about if each person has to make their own decisions about what to buy and eat, decide which testing company to trust, etc.? Don’t know about you, but I don’t trust the government with anything, with any power, so no thank you. I have no interest in ANY imposed labeling, or anything else.

    Choose for yourself, and let everyone else do the same.

  2. Best to burn them. Nuclear fire would be cool (pardon the pun), but not cost-effective, especially the long-term/intangibles…
    OTOH, gasoline and matches are cheap…

    Cleansing flame to get rid of the evil, and we can get back to actually LIVING.


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