

What’s gone wrong?

I guess I’ve done something; I dunno.

All I do know is that with less than a week to go, EPautos is in financial freefall. Take a look at the pie chart. As I type this, we’re nearly 60 percent down.

This can’t be sustained.

Meaning, I can’t do this much longer.

As much as I want to, as much as it would suck to move on to something else, I have to earn a living. And this isn’t cutting it. People often complain about the dreary same-sameness of the major media. About journalists who are little more than paid propagandists for the government and big corporations. I’m among the few who’ve tried to give you an alternative. Hopefully, something you find enjoyable and maybe even valuable.

But I can’t do it for free.

It gets old.

So, please – if you want this operation to stay operational, consider tossing in a couple of bucks. It will not only be appreciated.

It’s critical.

Our donate button is here.

 If you prefer to avoid PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079

PS: EPautos stickers are free to those who sign up for a $5 or more monthly recurring donation to support EPautos, or for a one-time donation of $10 or more. (Please be sure to tell us you want a sticker – and also, provide an address, so we know where to mail the thing!)EPautoslogo






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