Latest Reader Question: Hydrogen Fuel Cells (April 25, 2018)


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Gabe asks: I was wondering what your thoughts are on hydrogen fuel cell cars?

My reply: I have the same thought as regards all alternative means of propelling a car: If it makes sense – if it is superior to powering a car using an IC engine as regards economics and practicality – then it will naturally replace the IC powered car. This is what happened more than 100 years ago, when IC cars replaced electric cars, which were initially superior to the IC-powered car.

It continues to baffle me that alternatives which (so far) are not superior to IC power in the ways that matter as regards every day transportation (economics and practicality) are being pushed on stage before they are ready. They may never be ready.

Hydrogen fuel cells in automotive applications are large – and expensive. They are being used in some areas (the Swiss have some busses so powered). But as of now, they cost too much and have other issues that make them not-competitive with IC power.

I have become convinced that this dilemma explains the sudden onslaught to classify carbon dioxide as an “emission” and to condition the public to so regard it. Burning fuel always produces C02 – no way to catalytically convert it or (as a practical matter) sequester it. Therefore, curbs on C02 amount to a slow-motion outlawing of the IC engine, which can only be made smaller and smaller (to burn less and less fuel and so produce less and less “greenhouse” gas) until the IC engine disappears altogether.

. . .

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  1. The reality is: Gas and diesel powered vehicles will be really hard to beat. Even when the deck gets stacked against them, they still win.

    That’s why they will be outlawed someday, because at this point, they likely won’t be replaced by something better on their own, most likely for centuries.

    There really is no need to make a switch.


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