Reader Rant: CNG Stuff

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Here’s the latest reader rant, along with my reply!

Michael writes: Loved the article on CNG. Just a couple of thoughts that you might not be aware of.

1. CNG powered engines require much less maintenance than gasoline powered engines due to reduced carbon in the oil. Often you can go 10K-15K between changes.

2. It is economically viable to actually make RNG – renewable NG, from food waste and manure, with the waste products being organic fertilizer. That is actually what I do.

3. Finally, you can inject CNG or more commonly propane into the air stream of a diesel powered engine to increase horsepower, decrease emissions and increase mileage. The Aussies have been doing that for decades and kits are available online for not that much money.

Again, great article and I love your take on the automotive industry. I generally get your articles through LewRockwell.

My reply: Thanks for the kind words, Mike! And – I hope you’ll spend more time here, on, too. Lew is  good friend, but you’ll find things here you won’t there – and then some!

On CNG: Amen on all your points; for me, the broader – macro – point is that if we needed an alternative to gas/diesel, CNG is arguably the best one. Yet it is essentially ignored – in favor of he functionally gimped, economically untenable electric car.

This tells me a lot about the sub rosa agenda behind the push for “alternatives” – none of which are needed because gas/diesel are inexpensive, efficient and extremely abundant.

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