NJ Law Enforcer Reveals His Contempt for The Law


Here’s another video of an armed government worker enforcing the non-existent law of “suspicion.” It’s a law thats not on the books, but you’ve probably heard of it by now. It is in the same book as “officer safety” and “stop resisting.”

All are used by AGWs to justify their illegal actions – in this instance, pressuring a man taking video of things in public view from a public right-of-way to produce ID, which – as the man attempts to convey to the AGW – he is not legally obliged to do unless the AGW can adduce some plausible/specific crime he suspects the targeted person of having committed or which appears to be on the cusp of committing.

The AGW confuses that legal requirement with “suspicion” – also known as “someone called.”

This – in the mind of an AGW – serves as a kind of substitute for pesky legal requirements. More than that, actually.

For an AGW, there is no law except the law he confects on the spot, according to his whim and his affronted sense of his Authority and entitlement to automatic deference from a Mundane.

This AGW is eventually schooled by another AGW – but note that the second AGW does not arrest the first AGW for illegally accosting the man, threatening him and detaining him under duress.

Hut! Hut! Hut!

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  1. $118k salary for being an incompetent prick. Truck drivers, whose job is much more dangerous, Never make that kind of money, don’t have benefits even close to this dick’s and nothing remotely close to his eventual retirement fund unless his time is cut short for looking at his phone and blowing through a stop sign whereupon I have my life destroyed when I cream him in my semi because I can’t avoid the collision…..and guess who gets cuffed and stuffed and taken in for a drug test.

    I’m not simply speaking hypothetically since I’ve witnesses same.

    Getting run over from behind sitting at the rear of the line in road construction with hazards on and clearly being the victim, I had the displeasure of having a deputy in my face for the hour long drive to the ER who eventually voiced his amazement…..and clearly disappointed, as I was sent out the door without a drug test.


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