The mid-sized 2019 GMC Canyon I just reviewed is about the same length – and width – as full-size trucks used to be. And full-size trucks are getting so wide they’re running out of lane!
. . .
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Testament to just how fantastic today’s engines are. Vehicles are laden with heavy safety and convenience features, electrical systems need heavy duty alternators for all the doodads, and wide vehicles present a larger wind profile, which leads to a greater drag coefficient.
Yet they still somehow mange to sip fuel at a rate at least on par with 30 and 40 year old technology.
BTW, the main styling problem I have with my Cherokee is that the rear end looks like an old lady bending over!
You’re just not used to driving big vehicles.
The big rig drivers stay inside those lanes (except on tight turns).
Hi Making America Smirk,
Sure I am (used to it!)!
I’ve been driving – and have driven – damned near everything on wheels for the past 25-plus years. I mean that literally. If there are any vehicles I have not driven, they are very few in number.
The new Camaro is a monstrously huge (and wide) car relative to previous F cars (I have owned five, still own one). I have a picture of a new Camaro next to my ’76 TA, which makes the point.
The new 1500s are verging on absurdity – evidence for which is the necessity of a built in ladder in the tailgates.
Yeah, they ARE big, and I much prefer the old GMT400 and Squarebody pickups.
But “using every inch of the lane” is ridiculous. I used to drive a C-60 with trailer practically everywhere including winding mountain roads, and I know that was a lot bigger than even the new bloated pickups. The log bunks were 96″ wide and I know that because I welded them myself.
States have been making passing bicyclists over the double yellow line legal.
I’ve also been clipped by the side mirror of a Ford Bronco hitting my left shoulder. If people weren’t idiots (and didn’t hide their rude behavior behind ‘but it is legal’) there wouldn’t be so many laws and people are made into idiots so there needs to be more laws.