Broken Taillight Hut! Hut! Hutting!


Here’s an appalling story out of Lynchburg, Virginia – not far from your Libertarian Car Guy’s neck of the woods.

Armed government workers spotted a car with a broken taillight – one of literally thousands of “offenses” that involve no harm caused to anyone but which the government uses as pretexts to cause harm to others.

Including lethal harm.

This almost happened here.

The car was pulled over for the “offense” and – guns drawn – the AGWs pulled the occupants out, manacled them and made them sit on the sidewalk as though they were criminals.

Turns out the occupants were students at nearby Virginia University and played football for the school. One of the AGWs claimed he “smelled marijuana” – the Magic Words which empower AGWs to do pretty much whatever they like, including draw guns on people whose only actual “offense” was to drive a car with a broken taillight.

Note that “smelled marijuana” requires no proof or tangible evidence of actually having smelled anything. The AGW merely asserts he smelled it. A lie, in other words – or indistinguishable from one. Empowering AGWs to escalate a situation based on such assertions – absent any facts – is to empower AGWs with essentially unlimited power.

And even if the AGW did “smell marijuana”… so what? How does smelling anything constitute a crime, properly speaking?

Either someone’s caused harm – or he hasn’t.

If he hasn’t, what gives anyone the right to molest him?

How did America morph from a place where peaceful people were left in peace to a place where armed busybodies assault peaceful people at every turn?

. . .

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  1. Long ago I was pulled over in my barely road legal truck at 3am. The cop did the ‘I think I smell MJ’ thing.

    I stuck my head out the window and sniffed at him. “I don’t smell anything odd, what does it smell like?”.

    He was ever so confused and had no real response.

  2. Eric,

    “How did America morph from a place where peaceful people were left in peace to a place where armed busybodies assault peaceful people at every turn?”

    Fabian Socialism.


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