AGWs Hut! Hut! Hutting! the Handicapped

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Here’s video of four AGWs Hut! Hut! Hutting! one guy in a wheelchair. It’s not clear what the handicapped man’s offense was, but unless he had a gun and was threatening to use it, dragging him out of his chair and onto the floor seems a tad . . . excessive.

In a less insane America – it existed as recently as 20 or so years ago – cripples, kids, women and old people were generally treated with appropriate decency, because we had cops back then rather than armed government workers, trained to escalate to the nth degree, whose Prime Directive is submit and obey.

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  1. He was never clear about WHICH SUPERVISOR he wanted to speak to. Was in the cashier’s supervisor, i.e. a Wal-Mar employee? Or was it the AGWs supervisor?

    Having said that, there was no reason for the AGWs to be such A-HOLES! Why couldn’t they have escorted the man out of the store and to his car or to the bus stop?

  2. We don’t know what led to this confrontation but one disabled person in a wheelchair is no match for 4 goons. Maybe at one point the gentleman should have just left. In no way could he have won a confrontation in his condition. Words are useless in situations like this.
    Maybe that fat bitch fancied herself as an agw.


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