Today’s Clover – a Good Clover!


Today, we have that rare animal – the good Clover! Who actually isn’t a Clover at all. Because she (in this case) pulled off onto the shoulder to let the cars stacking up behind her get by.

This makes her not a Clover.

A Clover would have kept on creeping along at 15 MPH below the speed limit – oblivious to the cars stacking up behind her.

It’s not slow-driving that defines a Clover. What defines a Clover is forcing others to drive slow by using your vehicle to prevent them from driving faster. It’s inconsiderate driving, in other words, that separates the Clover from the non.

So, a tp of the hat to this unknown woman – who moved over once she realized she was blocking traffic. If only her kind were more common!

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  1. School buses are the worst for this! Also stopping every 50 yards on country roads! And the DO NOT CARE how many cars are behind them. I’ve even seen them at a stop along the route, which has ample room (to make the stop) but nooooooo, they stay in the middle of the damn road! And then, after the stop has been completed, the clovers *behind* the bus don’t punch it to pass. (in that case double-yellows be damned, I’m passing!) That’s why my next commuting car will be 400+ HP.

  2. I can sympathize with a slow driver although not one who won’t move over. I sometimes want to rubberneck to catch up with things going on in the fields and pastures. It mostly doesn’t happen since the highways are high speed and so is the traffic. When traffic is approaching nearing my turn and there is traffic behind me, I often signal to turn right and pull off at a driveway across from the road to my house. Once all traffic from both directions is past I turn. Slowing down to make a left hand turn can cause a lot of almost wrecks when everyone else is doing 75 or more.

    I’ve been that guy in the big rig too many times who has to lock em up because some 4 wheeler showers down on their brakes for something you either don’t see because of another truck in front of the 4 wheeler or for something the driver of said 4 wheeler can’t grope.

    Passing in areas where you can see a mile is too much for a lot of drivers these days. I won’t pull over onto the shoulder at high speed since that’s prime rock-slinging territory but I will slow rapidly after signalling and take the shoulder at a low speed. I know the BF Goodrich All Terrain TA A20’s can sling rocks even with the sidewall since their tread wraps halfway up, good for getting out of the muck, but good for slinging rocks too although they don’t sling rocks nearly as bad as many AT tires I’ve had. I had a set of tires once that were terrible about slinging rocks forward so I got to catch them with the windshield and since they stuck out past the side, the rears would commonly break my side mirrors.


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