Latest Radio: Freedom’s Phoenix 6/1/19


Here’s the audio of almost two hours of me chatting with Ernest Hancock and Bob Anderson of Freedom’s Phoenix, in Arizona. We had a pretty wild ride – and I’m looking forward to doing their show again, soon!



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  1. I have to say this guy Hancock is a little over the top, or outside the ballpark, or just not quite putting 2 and 2 together. But he IS very loud and repetitive, although that in itself isn’t all that unusual or extraordinary. He also does not listen very well, or his capacity to understand a given concept is just a tad shallow, and he just steamrollers over, through, or around what he doesn’t understand. It was difficult for me to hear all in one sitting.
    In contrast, David Knight seems to be so “ahead of the game” that he is getting real censorship and abuse from the media. I think the other 2 Eric interviews with, Hyde and Meyer, are possible keeping their own knowledge just out of “plain view” and letting their guest have the reins. But both will readily recognize Eric’s viewpoint and analysis of a situation, often giving some examples of their own that support or compliment his.

  2. He’s against centralization and likes the way electric cars are being implemented? Musk’s control freak company centralizes everything about the cars. Then even if he gets his magic battery P=VI and V=IR will still be in his way.


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