Reader Question: The $80k ’77 Westfalia?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

Spencer asks: Any thoughts on how to sell a 1977 VW Westfalia with $80,000 invested? I have moved to a very salty climate in southern Texas and it is a crime to keep the vehicle here.

My reply: I am hoping this is a typo. $80,000 invested in a ’77 Westfalia? I know these have become collectible – and so, valuable. But did you have its panels gold-plated? Install a Bugatti engine?

I’m assuming there’s an extra zero in there somewhere. If not, it’s time to bug out. The world is truly off its rocker!

Ok, rant off.

I agree about subjecting this vehicle – any antique vehicle you give a damn about – to road salt or even to road moisture. Wetness is the enemy of old cars, most of which were (and remain) far more vulnerable to rust than modern cars and cost more to fix, usually, because new panels are sometimes not available and have to be made – or are expensive as hell to buy in NOS/quality reproduction form.

Best to avoid the rust.

Here’s what I’d do, were I in your shoes: Keep the van – assuming you are attached to it – but keep it garaged and only drive it when it’s dry. This is how I preserve the Orange Barchetta – my older-than-yours ’76 Trans-Am.

It is better preserved than Joan Rivers – because it hasn’t been wet in at least 20 years (I clean it with spray detailer) and is always garaged and always has been garaged.

This is the only way to delay the evil effects of ferrous metal entropification.

. . .

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