Reader Question: Water as Fuel?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Mark asks: Take a look at MOVING BEYOND OIL on the website Water has become a more powerful fuel than gasoline. Fuel will be on the way out as engines can run without it. See the opening page and NO FUEL PISTON ENGINES & FUEL FREE TURBINES on the same site. I’ll be glad to address questions.

My reply: You are referring to hydrogen (which is a fuel) power. This is not new. Hydrogen-powered concept cars were around 30 years ago. They “work” in the same way that electric cars work – expensively. Even more so. Which makes them even more economically untenable than EVs, absent (sigh) a “breakthrough” – which is always presented as just around a corner that never seems to be turned.

It’s of a piece with “zero point” or vacuum energy. Maybe it exists. But let’s see it.

I’ve been a car journalist for almost 30 years now. I’ve yet to see any “alternative” to internal combustion that works better; that’s as affordable and as flexible. It just doesn’t exist. I mean in actuality as opposed to speculative what-might-be hypothesizing.

So, as the saying goes, show me otherwise.

Not talk. Show me a viable actually working car that could be produced and sold for about the same price as an average family or economy car that is also as flexible and convenient and reliable and long-lasting as a current IC family or economy car.

Until that day, all of this is just more Musking!

Also: I do not get the obsession with shitting all over oil. A fuel that works. That is versatile and inexpensive and gets the job done better than any other fuel. It’s as though the West has been infected with an auto-destruct/suicidal instinct.

. . .

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  1. With square-wave AC electricity tuned to a harmonic frequency with the water molecules, it’s relatively easy and cheap to create a hydrogen-oxygen fuel from water. It only requires running about 12 volts and, with a harmonic frequency, about 5 amps through a water solution (to keep current down it needs to be a solution that turns regular water into a semiconductor). What isn’t easy and cheap is coming up with a reasonably inexpensive but durable metal alloy (and plastics and other automotive compounds) that can withstand the constant barage of highly concentrated hydrogen gas without becoming brittle and weak. My brothers and I have been able to create hydrogen fuel this way quite easily, but we found the apparatuses that we built to do this would become brittle quite quickly. This was the problem that we had to solve. The only metals we found that withstand the ill effects of hydrogen over more than a few months were high-cost precious metals (especially platinum and palladium) and a few very specific stainless steel and titanium alloys. These don’t lend well to making fuel lines, injectors, carburetors, and valves. The plastics that can withstand hydrogen also tend to be more expensive than the standard petroleum and heat-resistant plastics that are currently used for automotive parts. So while it is expensive to make a car that can use hydrogen, it’s not a direct result of the fuel being hard to make from water, but rather the effects the fuel has on the components of the IC engine.

  2. Vehicles are already powered by hydrogen. It’s just easier to break the bonds of hydrogen and carbon than it is to break oxygen-hydrogen bonds.


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