Reader Question: Sssssssaaaaafety and Millennials?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

je asks:Two things in re your recent article about the Millennials and the ssssssssaaaaaafety cult:

1. I have been putting off buying a new vehicle due to the “safety” features. I am considering a used one  without these safety add ons.

2. I have been wondering why my grandson, who just turned 17, is in no hurry for a drivers license.

My reply: I encourage you – and everyone within earshot – to do just that; not buy a new car precisely to avoid the new car “features” we’re discussing. It’s the only way to get the message across that we don’t want these “features.” If enough did so – all it would take, probably, is about 20 percent – these “features”  would almost certainly become optional “features” – as they ought to be.

In re your grandson: It isn’t just happenstance that something like a fourth of all people in the 16-25 age bracket do not have a driver’s license. Driving has become a hassle. An expensive hassle.

And not many people want to buy into expensive hassles.

. . .

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  1. Well, last summer I let my granddaughters 7 & 6 drive the riding mower around (without the blades engaged) and took them for a little ride in my pickup up some steep timber trails. They were squealing “can we do it again ?!!!!” We shot some guns, too LOL


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