Reader Question: Last Year For . . . ?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Eric asks: What is the last year for a stick shift Toyota Corolla with direct port injection? All Lexus models since 2017 have both direct injection and direct port injection? Someone I occasionally drive around in my 2001 Mitsubishi Coupe offered to buy me a car if I continue to drive them. They suggested a two or three-year-old Lexus. I would prefer the stick but I definitely do not want direct injection.

My reply: You can still get a brand-new Corolla with a stick shift and DI! And PFI. Toyota (and Lexus) models with DI have a PFI circuit to prevent carbon fouling. Toyota/Lexus is a conservative company; they only recently began adding turbo’d small engines in lieu of larger engines without. Most models they sell have established a very impressive track record for long-term-durability and low maintenance costs. Particularly solid models are the Corolla and RAV4 and Camry and the ES300, RX350 and LS sedan.

I wouldn’t be afraid to buy any of these, assuming the specific specimen hasn’t been poorly treated by its prior owner!

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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  1. I looked at the RAV4 a couple of years ago and found it was not offered without more driver “assist” than I was willing to accept.


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