Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 4/21/20


Here’s the audio of my weekly chat with Bryan Hyde, who hosts the Loving Liberty Show in Utah! We talked about the pushback against the police state; have a listen:

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  1. Eric and Bryan,

    Very well said, gentlemen!

    To me, saying “you might infect someone” is like saying “you shouldn’t be driving because the very fact you’re on the road increases your chance of colliding with me — and BTW, *my* driving is essential, *yours* is not.” Of course, that sounds asinine — but it’s the same logic being used by the Coronaphobes.

    Driving involves at least *some* risk of an accident — but most reasonable people choose to assume that risk in order to get where they need or want go.

    So it is with a disease — yes, there *is* a risk, but why is it the responsibility of others to decide what level of risk I should be willing to assume? And if they’re following all the “precautions” — staying home, “social distancing”, wearing masks/gloves, etc. — why am I such an undue threat to them? 🤷‍♂️


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